Exemple #1
 private void ToolStripBotComboSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     catch (Exception ex)
 public ProfessionbuddyBot()
     Instance = this;
     // Initialize is called when bot is started.. we need to hook these events before that.
     if (!_ctorRunOnce)
         BotEvents.Profile.OnNewOuterProfileLoaded += Profile_OnNewOuterProfileLoaded;
         Profile.OnUnknownProfileElement           += Profile_OnUnknownProfileElement;
         _ctorRunOnce   = true;
         CurrentProfile = PbProfile.EmptyProfile;
Exemple #3
 internal static void OnBankFrameClosed(object obj, LuaEventArgs args)
     IsBankFrameOpen = false;
     ProfessionbuddyBot.Debug("Personal bank closed");
Exemple #4
 internal static void OnGBankFrameOpened(object obj, LuaEventArgs args)
     IsGBankFrameOpen = true;
     ProfessionbuddyBot.Debug("Guildbank opened");
Exemple #5
        public void ImportDataStore()
            int tableIndex = 1;

            if (_settings.DataStoreTable == null)
                _settings.DataStoreTable = Util.RandomString;
            string storeInTableLua =
                "if DataStoreDB and DataStore_ContainersDB  and DataStore_AuctionsDB and DataStore_MailsDB then " +
                "local realm = GetRealmName() " +
                "local faction = UnitFactionGroup('player') " +
                "local profiles = {} " +
                "local items = {} " +
                "local guilds = {} " +
                "local storeItem = function (id,cnt) id=tonumber(id) cnt=tonumber(cnt) if items[id]  then items[id] = items[id] + cnt else items[id] = cnt end end " +
                "for k,v in pairs(DataStoreDB.global.Characters) do " +
                @"local r = string.match(k,'[^%.]+%.([^%.]+)%.[^%.]+') " +
                "if r and r == realm and v and v.faction == faction then " +
                "table.insert (profiles,k) " +
                "if v.guildName then " +
                "guilds[string.format('%s.%s',realm,v.guildName)] = 1 " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "for k,v in ipairs(profiles) do " +
                "local char=DataStore_ContainersDB.global.Characters[v] " +
                "if char then " +
                "for i=-2,100 do " +
                "local x = char.Containers['Bag'..i] " +
                "if x then " +
                "for i=1, x.size do " +
                "if x.ids[i] then " +
                "storeItem (x.ids[i],x.counts[i] or 1) " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "char=DataStore_AuctionsDB.global.Characters[v] " +
                "if char and char.Auctions then " +
                "for k,v in ipairs(char.Auctions) do " +
                "storeItem(string.match(v,'%d+|(%d+)'),string.match(v,'%d+|%d+|(%d+)')) " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "char=DataStore_MailsDB.global.Characters[v] " +
                "if char then " +
                "for k,v in pairs(char.Mails) do " +
                "if v.link and v.count then " +
                "storeItem(string.match(v.link,'|Hitem:(%d+)'),v.count) " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "for k,v in pairs(DataStore_ContainersDB.global.Guilds) do " +
                "for g,_ in pairs(guilds) do " +
                "if string.find(k,g) and v.Tabs then " +
                "for k2,v2 in ipairs(v.Tabs) do " +
                "if v2 and v2.ids then " +
                "for k3,v3 in pairs(v2.ids) do " +
                "storeItem (v3,v2.counts[k3] or 1) " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                "end " +
                _settings.DataStoreTable + " = {} " +
                "for k,v in pairs(items) do " +
                "table.insert(" + _settings.DataStoreTable + ",k) " +
                "table.insert(" + _settings.DataStoreTable + ",v) " +
                "end " +
                "return #" + _settings.DataStoreTable + " " +
                "end " +
                "return 0 ";

            using (StyxWoW.Memory.AcquireFrame())
                List <string> retVals = Lua.GetReturnValues(storeInTableLua);
                if (retVals != null && retVals[0] != "0")
                    HasDataStoreAddon = true;
                    int tableSize;
                    int.TryParse(retVals[0], out tableSize);
                    while (true)
                        string getTableDataLua =
                            "local retVals = {" + tableIndex + "} " +
                            "for i=retVals[1], #" + _settings.DataStoreTable + " do " +
                            "table.insert(retVals," + _settings.DataStoreTable + "[i]) " +
                            "if #retVals >= 501 then " +
                            "retVals[1] = i +1 " +
                            "return unpack(retVals) " +
                            "end " +
                            "end " +
                            "retVals[1] = #" + _settings.DataStoreTable + " " +
                            "return unpack(retVals) ";
                        retVals = Lua.GetReturnValues(getTableDataLua);
                        int.TryParse(retVals[0], out tableIndex);
                        for (int i = 2; i < retVals.Count; i += 2)
                            uint id, num;
                            uint.TryParse(retVals[i - 1], out id);
                            uint.TryParse(retVals[i], out num);
                            this[id] = (int)num;
                        if (tableIndex >= tableSize)
                    Lua.DoString(_settings.DataStoreTable + "={}");
                    ProfessionbuddyBot.Debug("DataStore Imported");
                    ProfessionbuddyBot.Debug("No DataStore Addon found");
        internal void InitIngredients()
            // instantizing ingredients in here and doing a null check to prevent recursion from Trade.Ingredients()
            if (_ingredients != null)

            var spell = Spell;

            if (spell == null)
                ProfessionbuddyBot.Debug("{0} is not a valid spell. ", SpellId);
            var reagents = Spell.InternalInfo.SpellReagents;

            if (reagents.Reagent == null)
            _ingredients = new List <Ingredient>();

            for (int i = 0; i < reagents.Reagent.Length; i++)
                if (reagents.Reagent[i] == 0)
                _ingredients.Add(new Ingredient((uint)reagents.Reagent[i], reagents.ReagentCount[i], _parent.Ingredients));

            //WoWDb.DbTable spelldbTable = StyxWoW.Db[ClientDb.Spell];
            //if (spelldbTable != null && recipeID <= spelldbTable.MaxIndex && recipeID >= spelldbTable.MinIndex)
            //    WoWDb.Row spelldbRow = spelldbTable.GetRow(recipeID);
            //    if (spelldbRow != null)
            //    {
            //        var reagentIndex = spelldbRow.GetField<uint>((uint)SpellDB.SpellReagentsIndex);
            //        var reagents = GetSpellReagents(reagentIndex);
            //        for (int i = 0; i < reagents.Reagent.Length; i++)
            //        {
            //            if (reagents.Reagent[i] == 0)
            //                continue;
            //            _ingredients.Add(new Ingredient((uint)reagents.Reagent[i], reagents.ReagentCount[i], _parent.Ingredients));
            //        }

            //        WoWDb.DbTable reagentDbTable = StyxWoW.Db[ClientDb.SpellReagents];
            //        if (reagentDbTable != null && reagentIndex <= reagentDbTable.MaxIndex &&
            //            reagentIndex >= reagentDbTable.MinIndex)
            //        {
            //            WoWDb.Row reagentDbRow = reagentDbTable.GetRow(reagentIndex);
            //            for (uint index = 1; index <= MaxSpellReagents; index++)
            //            {
            //                var id = reagentDbRow.GetField<uint>(index);
            //                if (id != 0)
            //                {
            //                    _ingredients.Add(new Ingredient(id, reagentDbRow.GetField<uint>(index + MaxSpellReagents),
            //                                                    _parent.Ingredients));
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }

            //    }