/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttrValue model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlTransaction Tran = null; try { Hi.Model.BD_Template model = null; Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); string str = Request["chekAttr"]; //属性id List string template = Common.NoHTML(this.txtTemplate.Value.Trim()); //模板名称 object obj = Request["tempId"]; if (obj != null) { string tempIds = obj.ToString(); List <Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttribute().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compid=" + this.CompID + " and templateId=" + tempIds, "", Tran); if (l.Count > 0) { foreach (Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute item in l) { new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttribute().Delete(item.ID, Tran); new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttrValue().Delete(item.ID, Tran); } } model = new Hi.BLL.BD_Template().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(tempIds), Tran); } model = new Hi.Model.BD_Template(); model.CompID = this.CompID; model.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; model.CreateUserID = this.UserID; model.modifyuser = this.UserID; model.TemplateName = template; model.TemplateCode = ""; model.ts = DateTime.Now; model.IsEnabled = 1; int tempId = 0; if (obj != null) { tempId = Convert.ToInt32(obj.ToString()); model.ID = tempId; new Hi.BLL.BD_Template().Update(model, Tran); } else { tempId = new Hi.BLL.BD_Template().Add(model, Tran); } for (int i = 0; i < str.Split(',').Length; i++) { Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute model2 = new Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttribute(); model2.AttributeID = Convert.ToInt32(str.Split(',')[i]); model2.CompID = this.CompID; model2.TemplateID = tempId; model2.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; model2.CreateUserID = this.UserID; model2.ts = DateTime.Now; model2.modifyuser = this.UserID; int TemplateAttrId = new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttribute().Add(model2, Tran); string str2 = Request["chekAttrValue" + str.Split(',')[i]]; for (int x = 0; x < str2.Split(',').Length; x++) { Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttrValue model3 = new Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttrValue(); model3.CompID = this.CompID; model3.AttributeValueID = Convert.ToInt32(str2.Split(',')[x]); model3.TemplateAttrID = TemplateAttrId; model3.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; model3.CreateUserID = this.UserID; model3.ts = DateTime.Now; model3.modifyuser = this.UserID; new Hi.BLL.BD_TemplateAttrValue().Add(model3, Tran); } } Tran.Commit(); // Response.Write("<script>window.parent.CloseDialog(\"2\");window.opener.location=window.opener.location;</script>"); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "msg", "<script>parent.location.reload();window.parent.CloseDialog(\"2\");</script>"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Tran != null) { if (Tran.Connection != null) { Tran.Rollback(); } } JScript.AlertMethod(this, "保存失败了", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } finally { DBUtility.SqlHelper.ConnectionClose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Hi.Model.BD_TemplateAttrValue model) { return(dal.Add(model)); }