protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_Users User = null; Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = null; Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser RoleUser = null; Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser RoleUserService = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser(); SqlTransaction Tran = null; if (KeyID != 0) { #region 优化权限前的代码 //int userid = ViewState["Userid"].ToString().ToInt(0); //if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim(), userid.ToString())) //{ // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; //} //if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim(), userid.ToString())) //{ // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; //} //if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) //{ // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; //} //List<Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> ListCompUser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("", "id=" + KeyID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", ""); //if (ListCompUser.Count == 0) //{ // JScript.AlertMethod(this, "用户明细数据有误!", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function (){ history.go(-1) ; }"); // return; //} //if (rdEnabledNo.Checked) //{ // if (ListCompUser[0].UType == 5) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "用户为系统管理员,不可禁用!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } //} //else //{ // if (ListCompUser[0].UType != 5) // { // List<Hi.Model.SYS_Role> ListRole = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Role().GetList("RoleName,IsEnabled", " dr=0 and id=" + ListCompUser[0].RoleID + "", ""); // if (ListRole.Count > 0) // { // if (ListRole[0].IsEnabled == 0) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "请先启用该人员所在岗位(" + ListRole[0].RoleName + ")!", JScript.IconOption.错误, 2500); // return; // } // } // } //} //Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); //User = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(userid); //User.TrueName = txtTrueName.Value.Trim(); //User.Identitys = txtIdentitys.Value.Trim(); //User.Address = txtAddress.Value.Trim(); //User.Email = txtEmail.Value.Trim(); //ListCompUser[0].IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; //ListCompUser[0].ts = DateTime.Now; //ListCompUser[0].modifyuser = UserID; //if (txtUserPwd.Text.Trim() != Util.md5("123456")) //{ // User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); //} //if (ListCompUser[0].UType != 4) //{ // User.UserName = txtUserName.Value.Trim(); // User.Phone = txtPhone.Value.Trim(); //} //User.ts = DateTime.Now; //User.modifyuser = UserID; //new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(User, Tran); //new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Update(ListCompUser[0], Tran); //Tran.Commit(); //JScript.AlertMethod(this, "操作成功!", JScript.IconOption.正确, "function(){ cancel(); }"); #endregion Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); //修改 User = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(KeyID); CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); if (User.UserName != txtUserName.Value.Trim()) { if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } } if (User.Phone != txtPhone.Value.Trim()) { if (txtPhone.Value.Trim() == "") { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "手机号码不能为空!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } //禁用时判断 if (rdEnabledNo.Checked) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> ListCompUser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("", " CompID=" + CompID + " AND UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 AND IsEnabled=1 ", ""); if (ListCompUser[0].UType == 5) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "用户为管理员,不可禁用!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } else { User.IsEnabled = 0; CompUser.IsEnabled = 0; List <Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> roleusers = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 ", ""); if (roleusers.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleusers.Count; i++) { roleusers[i].IsEnabled = false; } } } } if (rdEnabledYes.Checked) { User.IsEnabled = 1; CompUser.IsEnabled = 1; } User.UserName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserName.Value.Trim()); User.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtTrueName.Value.Trim()); User.Identitys = Common.NoHTML(txtIdentitys.Value.Trim()); User.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtPhone.Value.Trim()); if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != User.UserPwd) { User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); } User.Address = Common.NoHTML(txtAddress.Value.Trim()); User.Email = Common.NoHTML(txtEmail.Value.Trim()); User.Type = 1; User.ts = DateTime.Now; User.modifyuser = UserID; CompUser.UType = 1; //岗位权限表 List <Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> roleuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 ", ""); for (int i = 0; i < roleuser.Count; i++) { roleuser[i].IsEnabled = false; roleuser[i].ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUserService.Update(roleuser[i]); } if (hidMyRole.Value != "") { string[] rolestr = hidMyRole.Value.Substring(0, hidMyRole.Value.Length - 1).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < rolestr.Length; i++) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> rolenew = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 AND RoleID=" + rolestr[i].ToInt(0) + " ", ""); if (rolenew.Count > 0) { rolenew[0].IsEnabled = true; rolenew[0].ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUserService.Update(rolenew[0]); } else { RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); RoleUser.FunType = 1; RoleUser.UserID = KeyID; RoleUser.RoleID = rolestr[i].ToInt(0); RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.dr = 0; RoleUserService.Add(RoleUser, Tran); } } } new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(User, Tran); new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Update(CompUser, Tran); Tran.Commit(); Response.Redirect("UserInfo.aspx?KeyId=" + Common.DesEncrypt(KeyID.ToString(), Common.EncryptKey)); } else { if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (txtPhone.Value.Trim() == "") { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "手机号码不能为空!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); User = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); User.UserName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserName.Value.Trim()); User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); //User.UserLoginName = txtUserLoginName.Value.Trim(); User.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtTrueName.Value.Trim()); //User.Sex = rdSexYes.Checked ? "男" : "女"; User.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtPhone.Value.Trim()); //User.Tel = txtTel.Value.Trim(); User.Identitys = Common.NoHTML(txtIdentitys.Value.Trim()); User.Address = Common.NoHTML(txtAddress.Value.Trim()); User.Email = Common.NoHTML(txtEmail.Value.Trim()); User.IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; User.IsFirst = 0; User.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; User.CreateUserID = UserID; User.AuditUser = UserID.ToString(); User.ts = DateTime.Now; User.modifyuser = UserID; int userid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(User, Tran); CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); CompUser.CompID = CompID; CompUser.DisID = DisID; CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; CompUser.CreateUserID = UserID; CompUser.modifyuser = UserID; CompUser.CType = 2; CompUser.UType = 1;//用户类型 CompUser.RoleID = 0; CompUser.IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; CompUser.IsAudit = 2; CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; CompUser.dr = 0; CompUser.UserID = userid; new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, Tran); //岗位权限表 if (hidMyRole.Value != "") { string[] rolestr = hidMyRole.Value.Split(','); foreach (string str in rolestr) { if (str != "" && Convert.ToInt32(str) > 0) { RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); RoleUser.FunType = 1; RoleUser.UserID = userid; RoleUser.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(str); RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.dr = 0; RoleUserService.Add(RoleUser, Tran); } } } Tran.Commit(); Response.Redirect("UserInfo.aspx?KeyId=" + Common.DesEncrypt(userid.ToString(), Common.EncryptKey)); //this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "msg", "<script>cancel()</script>"); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 没有优化岗位权限前的代码 //SqlTransaction Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); //Hi.Model.SYS_Users User = null; //if (KeyID != 0) //{ // //修改 // int userid = KeyID; // User = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(userid); // if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim(), userid.ToString())) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim(), userid.ToString())) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // List<Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> ListCompUser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("", " CompID="+CompID+" AND UserID="+KeyID+" AND dr=0 AND IsEnabled=1 ", ""); // if (ListCompUser.Count == 0) // { // JScript.AlertMethod(this, "员工帐号信息有误!", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function (){ history.go(-1) ; }"); // return; // } // if (ListCompUser[0].UType != 4) // { // User.UserName = txtUserName.Value.Trim(); // User.Phone = txtPhone.Value.Trim(); // } // if (rdEnabledNo.Checked) // { // if (ListCompUser[0].UType == 4) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "用户为系统管理员,不可禁用!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // } // User.TrueName = txtTrueName.Value.Trim(); // User.Identitys = txtIdentitys.Value.Trim(); // User.Address = txtAddress.Value.Trim(); // User.Email = txtEmail.Value.Trim(); // ListCompUser[0].IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; // ListCompUser[0].ts = DateTime.Now; // ListCompUser[0].modifyuser = UserID; // if (txtUserPwd.Text.Trim() != Util.md5("123456")) // { // User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); // } // User.ts = DateTime.Now; // User.modifyuser = UserID; // List<Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> list = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " dr=0 and IsEnabled=1 and UserID=" + KeyID + "", ""); // if (list.Count > 0) // { // for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) // { // Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser roleu = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); // roleu.ID = list[0].ID; // roleu.FunType = list[0].FunType; // roleu.UserID = list[0].UserID; // roleu.RoleID = list[0].RoleID; // roleu.IsEnabled = true;//禁用 // roleu.CreateUser = list[0].CreateUser; // roleu.CreateDate = list[0].CreateDate; // roleu.ts = DateTime.Now; // roleu.dr = list[0].dr; // bool sss = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().Update(roleu); // } // } // else // { // //岗位权限表 // if (hidMyRole.Value != "") // { // string[] rolestr = hidMyRole.Value.Split(','); // Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser RoleUserService = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser(); // Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser RoleUser = null; // foreach (string str in rolestr) // { // if (str != "" && Convert.ToInt32(str) > 0) // { // RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); // RoleUser.FunType = 1; // RoleUser.UserID = userid; // RoleUser.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(str); // RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; // RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); // RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; // RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; // RoleUser.dr = 0; // RoleUserService.Add(RoleUser, Tran); // } // } // } // } // new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(User, Tran); // new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Update(ListCompUser[0], Tran); // Tran.Commit(); // JScript.AlertMethod(this, "操作成功!", JScript.IconOption.正确, "UserInfo.aspx?KeyId="+KeyID); //} //else //{ // //新增 // if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim())) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim())) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) // { // JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); // return; // } // User = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); // User.CompID = CompID;//厂商ID // User.DisID = 0; // User.Type = 3; // User.AuditState = 2; // User.UserName = txtUserName.Value.Trim(); // User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); // User.TrueName = txtTrueName.Value.Trim(); // User.Phone = txtPhone.Value.Trim(); // User.Identitys = txtIdentitys.Value.Trim(); // User.Address = txtAddress.Value.Trim(); // User.Email = txtEmail.Value.Trim(); // User.IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; // User.IsFirst = 0; // User.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; // User.CreateUserID = UserID; // User.AuditUser = UserID.ToString(); // User.ts = DateTime.Now; // User.modifyuser = UserID; // int userid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(User, Tran); // //多角色表 // Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); // CompUser.CompID = CompID; // CompUser.DisID = 0; // CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; // CompUser.CreateUserID = UserID; // CompUser.modifyuser = UserID; // CompUser.CType = 1; // CompUser.UType = 3; // CompUser.RoleID = 0;//权限屏蔽掉 // CompUser.IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; // CompUser.IsAudit = 2; // CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; // CompUser.dr = 0; // CompUser.UserID = userid; // new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, Tran); // //岗位权限表 // if (hidMyRole.Value != "") // { // string[] rolestr = hidMyRole.Value.Split(','); // Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser RoleUserService = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser(); // Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser RoleUser = null; // foreach (string str in rolestr) // { // if (str != "" && Convert.ToInt32(str) > 0) // { // RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); // RoleUser.FunType = 1; // RoleUser.UserID = userid; // RoleUser.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(str); // RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; // RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); // RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; // RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; // RoleUser.dr = 0; // RoleUserService.Add(RoleUser, Tran); // } // } // } // Tran.Commit(); // //this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "msg", "<script>cancel()</script>"); // Response.Redirect("UserInfo.aspx?KeyId=" + userid); //} #endregion Hi.Model.SYS_Users User = null; Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = null; Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser RoleUser = null; Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser RoleUserService = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser(); if (KeyID != 0) { SqlTransaction Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); //修改 User = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(KeyID); CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); if (User.UserName != txtUserName.Value.Trim()) { if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } } if (User.Phone != txtPhone.Value.Trim()) { if (txtPhone.Value.Trim() == "") { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "手机号码不能为空!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } List <Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> ListCompUser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("*", " CompID=" + CompID + " AND UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 AND IsEnabled=1 ", ""); CompUser = ListCompUser[0]; //禁用时判断 if (rdEnabledNo.Checked) { if (ListCompUser[0].UType == 4) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "用户为管理员,不可禁用!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } else { User.IsEnabled = 0; CompUser.IsEnabled = 0; List <Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> roleusers = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 ", ""); if (roleusers.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roleusers.Count; i++) { roleusers[i].IsEnabled = false; } } } } if (rdEnabledYes.Checked) { User.IsEnabled = 1; CompUser.IsEnabled = 1; } User.UserName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserName.Value.Trim()); User.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtTrueName.Value.Trim()); User.Identitys = Common.NoHTML(txtIdentitys.Value.Trim()); if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != User.UserPwd) { User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); } User.Address = Common.NoHTML(txtAddress.Value.Trim()); User.Email = Common.NoHTML(txtEmail.Value.Trim()); User.Type = 3; User.ts = DateTime.Now; User.modifyuser = UserID; if (DisSalesManID.Value != "0") { if (CompUser.UType == 4) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "用户为管理员,不可修改类型!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } CompUser.UType = 6; CompUser.DisSalesManID = Convert.ToInt32(DisSalesManID.Value); } else { if (CompUser.UType == 4) { CompUser.UType = 4; } else { CompUser.UType = 3; } CompUser.DisSalesManID = 0; } //岗位权限表 List <Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> roleuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 ", ""); for (int i = 0; i < roleuser.Count; i++) { roleuser[i].IsEnabled = false; roleuser[i].ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUserService.Update(roleuser[i]); } if (hidMyRole.Value != "") { string[] rolestr = hidMyRole.Value.Substring(0, hidMyRole.Value.Length - 1).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < rolestr.Length; i++) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser> rolenew = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().GetList("", " UserID=" + KeyID + " AND dr=0 AND RoleID=" + rolestr[i].ToInt(0) + " ", ""); if (rolenew.Count > 0) { rolenew[0].IsEnabled = true; rolenew[0].ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUserService.Update(rolenew[0]); } else { RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); RoleUser.FunType = 1; RoleUser.UserID = KeyID; RoleUser.RoleID = rolestr[i].ToInt(0); RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.dr = 0; RoleUserService.Add(RoleUser, Tran); } } } new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Update(User, Tran); new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Update(CompUser, Tran); Tran.Commit(); Response.Redirect("UserInfo.aspx?KeyId=" + Common.DesEncrypt(KeyID.ToString(), Common.EncryptKey)); } else { SqlTransaction Tran = DBUtility.SqlHelper.CreateStoreTranSaction(); //新增 if (Common.GetUserExists("UserName", txtUserName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该登录帐号已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (txtPhone.Value.Trim() == "") { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "手机号码不能为空!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", txtPhone.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "该手机号码已存在!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()) { JScript.AlertMsgOne(this, "确认密码填写不一致!", JScript.IconOption.错误); return; } User = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); User.CompID = CompID;//厂商ID User.DisID = 0; User.AuditState = 2; User.UserName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserName.Value.Trim()); User.UserPwd = Util.md5(txtUserPwd.Text.Trim()); User.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtTrueName.Value.Trim()); User.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtPhone.Value.Trim()); User.Identitys = Common.NoHTML(txtIdentitys.Value.Trim()); User.Address = Common.NoHTML(txtAddress.Value.Trim()); User.Email = Common.NoHTML(txtEmail.Value.Trim()); User.IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; User.IsFirst = 0; User.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; User.CreateUserID = UserID; User.AuditUser = UserID.ToString(); User.ts = DateTime.Now; User.modifyuser = UserID; int userid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(User, Tran); //多角色表 CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); CompUser.CompID = CompID; CompUser.DisID = 0; CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; CompUser.CreateUserID = UserID; CompUser.modifyuser = UserID; CompUser.CType = 1; if (DisSalesManID.Value != "0") { CompUser.UType = 6; CompUser.DisSalesManID = Convert.ToInt32(DisSalesManID.Value); } else { CompUser.UType = 3; } CompUser.RoleID = 0;//权限屏蔽掉 CompUser.IsEnabled = rdEnabledYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; CompUser.IsAudit = 2; CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; CompUser.dr = 0; CompUser.UserID = userid; new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, Tran); //岗位权限表 if (hidMyRole.Value != "") { string[] rolestr = hidMyRole.Value.Split(','); foreach (string str in rolestr) { if (str != "" && Convert.ToInt32(str) > 0) { RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); RoleUser.FunType = 1; RoleUser.UserID = userid; RoleUser.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(str); RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; RoleUser.CreateUser = this.UserID.ToString(); RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.dr = 0; RoleUserService.Add(RoleUser, Tran); } } } Tran.Commit(); Response.Redirect("UserInfo.aspx?KeyId=" + Common.DesEncrypt(userid.ToString(), Common.EncryptKey)); } }