public void DataBinds() { int pageCount = 0; int Counts = 0; if (this.txtPageSize.Value.ToString() != "" && int.TryParse(txtPageSize.Value.Trim(), out pageCount)) { if (this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().Length >= 5) { Pager.PageSize = 100; this.txtPageSize.Value = "100"; } else { Pager.PageSize = this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().ToInt(0); } } List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> Lorg = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList(Pager.PageSize, Pager.CurrentPageIndex, "id", false, SearchWhere(), out pageCount, out Counts); this.Rpt_OrgUser.DataSource = Lorg; this.Rpt_OrgUser.DataBind(); Pager.RecordCount = Counts; page = Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); //this.ddlOrg.SelectedValue = this.OrgID == 0 ? ddlOrg.SelectedValue : this.OrgID.ToString(); this.ddlOrg.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public void DataBinds() { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); if (user != null) { if (user.UserType != 3 && user.UserType != 4) { Response.Write("该用户不是机构用户"); } txtLoginName.Value = user.LoginName; txtTrueName.Value = user.TrueName; txtPhone.Value = user.Phone; if (user.IsEnabled == 0) { rdEbleYes.Checked = false; rdEbleNo.Checked = true; } txtUpwd.Attributes.Add("value", user.LoginPwd); } else { Response.Write("数据不存在"); Response.End(); } }
protected void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser User = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(UserID); string OldLoginPwd = this.txtOldPassWord.Value.Trim().ToString(); string NewLoginPwd = this.txtNewPassWord.Value.Trim().ToString(); string ConfrimNewPassWord = this.txtConfrimNewPassWord.Value.Trim(); //修改的密码,两次填写不一致 if (ConfrimNewPassWord == NewLoginPwd) { if (User.LoginPwd.ToString() == OldLoginPwd) { if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().UpdatePassWord(NewLoginPwd, UserID.ToString())) { JScript.AlertMsgMo(this, "修改成功", "function(){ window.location.href='changePwd.aspx'; }"); } } else { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "原始密码错误,请重新输入!"); return; } } else { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "密码填写不一致!"); return; } }
public void Databind() { if (KeyID != 0) { txtusername.Style["display"] = "none"; Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser adminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); try { lblusername.InnerText = adminuser.LoginName; txtusername.Value = adminuser.LoginName; txtpwd.Attributes.Add("value", adminuser.LoginPwd); txtpwd2.Attributes.Add("value", adminuser.LoginPwd); txtturename.Value = adminuser.TrueName; txttel.Value = adminuser.Phone; txtRemark.Value = adminuser.Remark; int status = adminuser.IsEnabled; this.rdoStatus1.Checked = (status != 1); this.rdoStatus0.Checked = (status == 1); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void UserDataBind() { int pageCount = 0; int Counts = 0; List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> LDis = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList(Pager.PageSize, Pager.CurrentPageIndex, "Createdate", false, " and isnull(dr,0)=0 and OrgID=" + KeyID + " ", out pageCount, out Counts); this.Rpt_User.DataSource = LDis; this.Rpt_User.DataBind(); Pager.RecordCount = Counts; page = Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 后台帐号 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> ListUsers = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList("", "", ""); for (int i = 0; i < ListUsers.Count; i++) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(ListUsers[i].ID); user.LoginPwd = SHA1Encrypt(SHA1Encrypt(ListUsers[i].LoginPwd)); bool result = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Update(user); } }
public void DataBinds() { if (KeyID > 0) { Hi.Model.BD_Org Org = new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().GetModel(KeyID); if (Org != null) { if (UserType == 3 || UserType == 4) { if (Org.ID != OrgID) { Response.Write("数据错误"); Response.End(); } } Atitle.InnerText = "机构编辑"; txtOrgName.Value = Org.OrgName; txtPrincipal.Value = Org.Principal; txtPhone.Value = Org.Phone; if (Org.IsEnabled == 0) { rdEbleYes.Checked = false; rdEbleNo.Checked = true; } txtSortIndex.Value = Org.SortIndex; txtRemark.Value = Org.Remark; List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList("", " isnull(dr,0)=0 and orgid='" + KeyID + "' and usertype in(3)", ""); if (user.Count > 0) { txtUsername.Disabled = true; txtUserPhone.Disabled = true; txtUsername.Value = user[0].LoginName; txtUserPhone.Value = user[0].Phone; txtUserTrueName.Value = user[0].TrueName; txtUpwd.Attributes.Add("value", user[0].LoginPwd); txtUpwds.Attributes.Add("value", user[0].LoginPwd); } } else { Response.Write("数据错误"); Response.End(); } } else { txtUpwd.Attributes.Add("value", "123456"); txtUpwds.Attributes.Add("value", "123456"); } }
protected void btn_Del(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser AdminUser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); if (AdminUser != null) { AdminUser.dr = 1; AdminUser.ts = DateTime.Now; AdminUser.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Delete(KeyID)) { //JScript.AlertMsgMo(this, "操作成功", "function(){ window.location.href='UserList.aspx'; }"); Response.Redirect("../Role/RoleInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + RoleID); } } }
public void Bind() { int pageSize = 5; int pageCount = 0; int Counts = 0; Pager.PageSize = pageSize; List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> LAdminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList (Pager.PageSize, Pager.CurrentPageIndex, "id", false, "and RoleID=" + KeyID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", out pageCount, out Counts); this.rpDtl.DataSource = LAdminuser; this.rpDtl.DataBind(); Pager.RecordCount = Counts; page = Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); }
public void DataBinds() { if (KeyID != 0) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser adminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); lblusername.InnerText = adminuser.LoginName; lbltruename.InnerText = adminuser.TrueName; lblphone.InnerText = adminuser.Phone; lblRemark.InnerText = adminuser.Remark; lblstate.InnerText = adminuser.IsEnabled == 1 ? "启用" : "禁用"; } else { Response.Redirect("../Role/RoleInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + RoleID); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); if (user != null) { if (txtUpwd.Text.Trim() != user.LoginPwd) { user.LoginPwd = Util.md5(txtUpwd.Text.Trim()); } user.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtTrueName.Value.Trim()); user.IsEnabled = rdEbleYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Update(user)) { Response.Redirect("OrgUserInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + KeyID); } } }
public bool DisExistsAttribute(string name, string value, string id = "") { bool exists = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> Adminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList("", " " + name + "='" + value + "' and id<>'" + id + "' and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); if (Adminuser.Count > 0) { exists = true; } } else { List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> Adminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList("", " " + name + "='" + value + "' and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); if (Adminuser.Count > 0) { exists = true; } } return(exists); }
protected void btn_NUse(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.BD_Org Org = new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().GetModel(KeyID); if (Org != null) { Org.IsEnabled = 0; Org.ts = DateTime.Now; Org.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().Update(Org)) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList("", " isnull(dr,0)=0 and orgid=" + KeyID + "", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser model1 in user) { model1.IsEnabled = 0; model1.ts = DateTime.Now; model1.modifyuser = UserID; new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Update(model1); } JScript.AlertMsgMo(this, "用户禁用成功", "function(){ window.location.href='OrgList.aspx'; }"); } } }
public void Databind() { if (Request["ntype"] == "1") { if (KeyID != 0) { txtusername.Style["display"] = "none"; Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser adminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); try { lblusername.InnerText = adminuser.LoginName; lblusername.Disabled = true; txtusername.Value = adminuser.LoginName; txtpwd.Attributes.Add("value", adminuser.LoginPwd); txtpwd2.Attributes.Add("value", adminuser.LoginPwd); txtturename.Value = adminuser.TrueName; txttel.Value = adminuser.Phone; int usertype = adminuser.UserType; //this.rdotype1.Checked = (usertype==1); this.rdotype2.Checked = (usertype != 1); //this.rdotype1.Disabled = true; txtRemark.Value = adminuser.Remark; int status = adminuser.IsEnabled; this.rdoStatus1.Checked = (status != 1); this.rdoStatus0.Checked = (status == 1); if (adminuser.SalesManID != 0) { SalesManNames.InnerText = "(机构业务员:" + Common.getsalemanName(adminuser.SalesManID.ToString()) + ")"; rdotype3.Checked = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } }
public void DataBinds() { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); if (user != null) { if (user.UserType != 3 && user.UserType != 4) { Response.Write("该用户不是机构用户"); } lblLoginName.InnerText = user.LoginName; lblTrueName.InnerText = user.TrueName; lblOrgName.InnerText = Common.GetOrgValue(user.OrgID, "OrgName").ToString(); lblUtype.InnerText = Common.GetUTypeName(user.UserType.ToString()); lblIsEnabled.InnerHtml = user.IsEnabled == 1 ? "启用" : "<i style='color:red'>禁用</i>"; lblPhone.InnerText = user.Phone; lblRemark.InnerText = user.Remark; } else { Response.Write("数据不存在"); Response.End(); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (KeyID > 0) { Hi.Model.BD_Org org = new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().GetModel(KeyID); if (org != null) { if (Common.OrgExistsAttribute("OrgName", txtOrgName.Value.Trim(), KeyID.ToString())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "该机构名称已存在。"); return; } org.OrgName = Common.NoHTML(txtOrgName.Value.Trim()); org.Principal = Common.NoHTML(txtPrincipal.Value.Trim()); org.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtPhone.Value.Trim()); org.IsEnabled = rdEbleYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; org.SortIndex = Common.NoHTML(txtSortIndex.Value.Trim()); org.Remark = Common.NoHTML(txtRemark.Value.Trim()); org.ts = DateTime.Now; org.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().Update(org)) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser> user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetList("", " isnull(dr,0)=0 and orgid='" + KeyID + "' and usertype in(3)", ""); if (user.Count > 0) { if (user[0].LoginPwd != txtUpwd.Text.Trim()) { user[0].LoginPwd = Util.md5(txtUpwd.Text.Trim()); } user[0].TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserTrueName.Value.Trim()); user[0].IsEnabled = rdEbleYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; user[0].ts = DateTime.Now; user[0].modifyuser = UserID; new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Update(user[0]); Response.Redirect("OrgInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + KeyID + "&type=2&page=1"); } else { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser userModel = new Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser(); userModel.OrgID = KeyID; userModel.UserType = 3; userModel.IsEnabled = rdEbleYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; userModel.LoginName = Common.NoHTML(txtUsername.Value.Trim()); userModel.LoginPwd = Util.md5(txtUpwd.Text.Trim()); userModel.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtUserPhone.Value.Trim()); userModel.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserTrueName.Value.Trim()); userModel.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; userModel.CreateUserID = UserID; userModel.ts = DateTime.Now; userModel.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Add(userModel) > 0) { Response.Redirect("OrgInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + KeyID + "&type=2&page=1"); } else { new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().Delete(KeyID); } } } } } else { if (Common.OrgExistsAttribute("OrgName", txtOrgName.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "该机构名称已存在。"); return; } if (Common.SysUserExistsAttribute("LoginName", txtUsername.Value.Trim())) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "该登录帐号已存在。"); return; } Hi.Model.BD_Org org = new Hi.Model.BD_Org(); org.OrgName = Common.NoHTML(txtOrgName.Value.Trim()); org.Principal = Common.NoHTML(txtPrincipal.Value.Trim()); org.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtPhone.Value.Trim()); org.IsEnabled = rdEbleYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; org.SortIndex = Common.NoHTML(txtSortIndex.Value.Trim()); org.Remark = Common.NoHTML(txtRemark.Value.Trim()); org.ts = DateTime.Now; org.modifyuser = UserID; int Orgid = 0; if ((Orgid = new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().Add(org)) > 0) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser user = new Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser(); user.OrgID = Orgid; user.UserType = 3; user.IsEnabled = rdEbleYes.Checked ? 1 : 0; user.LoginName = Common.NoHTML(txtUsername.Value.Trim()); user.LoginPwd = Util.md5(txtUpwd.Text.Trim()); user.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txtUserPhone.Value.Trim()); user.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtUserTrueName.Value.Trim()); user.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; user.CreateUserID = UserID; user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Add(user) > 0) { Response.Redirect("OrgInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + Orgid + "&type=2&page=1"); } else { new Hi.BLL.BD_Org().Delete(Orgid); } } } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser Adminuser = null; if (txtpwd.Text.Trim() != txtpwd2.Text.Trim()) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "两次密码不一致,请确认!"); return; } if (KeyID != 0) { Adminuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(KeyID); if (Adminuser.LoginPwd != Common.NoHTML(txtpwd.Text.Trim())) { Adminuser.LoginPwd = Util.md5(Common.NoHTML(txtpwd.Text.Trim())); } Adminuser.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtturename.Value.Trim()); Adminuser.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txttel.Value.Trim()); Adminuser.Remark = Common.NoHTML(txtRemark.Value.Trim()); if (this.rdoStatus1.Checked) { Adminuser.IsEnabled = 0; } else { Adminuser.IsEnabled = 1; } if (this.rdotype2.Checked) { Adminuser.UserType = 2;//系统用户 } if (salemanid.Value != "0") { Adminuser.UserType = 4;//系统用户 } Adminuser.ts = DateTime.Now; Adminuser.modifyuser = UserID; Adminuser.SalesManID = Convert.ToInt32(salemanid.Value); Adminuser.OrgID = Convert.ToInt32(orgids.Value); if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Update(Adminuser)) { //JScript.AlertMsgMo(this, "操作成功", "function(){ window.location.href='UserInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + KeyID + "'; }"); Response.Redirect("UserInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + KeyID); } } else { Adminuser = new Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser(); Adminuser.LoginName = Common.NoHTML(txtusername.Value.Trim()); if (DisExistsAttribute("LoginName", Adminuser.LoginName)) { JScript.AlertMsg(this, "该登录帐号已存在。"); return; } Adminuser.LoginPwd = Util.md5(txtpwd.Text.Trim()); Adminuser.TrueName = Common.NoHTML(txtturename.Value.Trim()); Adminuser.Phone = Common.NoHTML(txttel.Value.Trim()); if (this.rdotype2.Checked) { Adminuser.UserType = 2;//系统用户 } if (salemanid.Value != "0") { Adminuser.UserType = 4;//系统用户 } Adminuser.Remark = Common.NoHTML(txtRemark.Value.Trim()); Adminuser.RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["RoleID"]); if (this.rdoStatus1.Checked) { Adminuser.IsEnabled = 0; } else { Adminuser.IsEnabled = 1; } //标准参数 Adminuser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; Adminuser.CreateUserID = UserID; Adminuser.ts = DateTime.Now; Adminuser.modifyuser = UserID; Adminuser.SalesManID = Convert.ToInt32(salemanid.Value); Adminuser.OrgID = Convert.ToInt32(orgids.Value); int newuserid = 0; newuserid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().Add(Adminuser); if (newuserid > 0) { Response.Redirect("../Role/RoleInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + Request["RoleID"]); } } }
protected void Bind() { string str = string.Empty; if (KeyID > 0) { //修改时控制账户类型是否可用 ddltype.Disabled = false; Hi.Model.SYS_PaymentBank bankModel = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PaymentBank().GetModel(KeyID); this.txtDisUser.Value = bankModel.AccountName;//账户名称 this.txtbankcode.Value = bankModel.bankcode; this.txtbankAddress.Value = bankModel.bankAddress; //this.txtphone.InnerText = bankModel.vdef4; this.hid_tel.Value = bankModel.vdef4; this.hidProvince.Value = bankModel.bankPrivate; this.hidCity.Value = bankModel.bankCity; this.hidArea.Value = bankModel.vdef1; this.chkIsno.Checked = bankModel.Isno == 1 ? true : false; this.txtRemark.Value = bankModel.Remark; //现有银行列表 string bankID_str = "102,103,104,105,301,100,303,305,306,302,310,309,401,403,307,308"; string BankID = Convert.ToString(bankModel.BankID); bool index = bankID_str.Contains(BankID); if (index) { this.ddlbank.Value = Convert.ToString(bankModel.BankID); } else { this.ddlbank.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(new Hi.BLL.PAY_PrePayment().GetBankNameBYbankID(BankID), BankID)); this.ddlbank.SelectedIndex = 0; } this.ddltype.Value = Convert.ToString(bankModel.type); if (bankModel.type == 11) { this.tbdis.Visible = true; this.SltPesontype.Value = bankModel.vdef2; this.txtpesoncode.Value = bankModel.vdef3; } else { this.tbdis.Visible = false; } } else { //获取管理员手机号码 string phone = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModel(UserID).Phone.ToString(); // this.txtphone.InnerText = phone; this.hid_tel.Value = phone; //设置默认值 ddltype.Value = "11"; SltPesontype.Value = "0"; //判断是否显示默认账户 List <Hi.Model.SYS_PaymentBank> Sysl = new Hi.BLL.SYS_PaymentBank().GetList("", " Isno=1", ""); int num = Sysl.Count; if (num >= 1) { this.chkIsno.Checked = false; } } }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string dt = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string adminName = Common.NoHTML(this.txtLoginId.Value.Trim()); string adminPwd = this.txtPwd.Value.Trim(); string admintcode = Common.NoHTML(this.txtcode.Value.Trim()); string Chckcode = Session["CheckCode"] != null ? Session["CheckCode"].ToString() : ""; if (Util.IsEmpty(adminName)) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('请输入用户名!');</script>"); this.txtLoginId.Focus(); return; } if (Util.IsEmpty(adminPwd)) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('请输入密码!');</script>"); this.txtPwd.Focus(); return; } if (admintcode == "") { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('请输入验证码!');</script>"); return; } if (admintcode != Chckcode) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('验证码输入错误!');</script>"); this.txtcode.Value = ""; return; } if (DBHelper.IsOpen() == false) { JScript.ShowAlert(this, "系统无法连接数据库服务器,请联系管理员!"); return; } Hi.Model.SYS_AdminUser model = new Hi.BLL.SYS_AdminUser().GetModelByName(adminName); if (model == null) { //登录录日志 //Utils.EditLog("安全日志",adminName, "用户" + adminName + "登录管理系统失败,该用户不存在。", "系统安全模块", "Admin/login.aspx", 0, 0); ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('用户不存在!');</script>"); this.txtLoginId.Focus(); return; } else { if (Util.SHA1Encrypt(Util.SHA1Encrypt(model.LoginPwd)) == adminPwd) { if (model.IsEnabled == 0) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('您的账户目前处在禁用状态,不能登录!');</script>"); return; } else { //保存登录信息 //保存Session信息 Session["AdminUser"] = model; Session["AdminUserDate"] = dt; Session["UserType"] = model.UserType; //登录成功记录日志 Utils.EditLog("安全日志", adminName, "用户" + adminName + "登录管理系统成功。", "系统安全模块", "Admin/login.aspx", 0, 1, 0); //Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); //Cookie记录登录名 HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("LoginId", model.LoginName); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); cookie.HttpOnly = true; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); //添加token验证 string MyTokenKey = "__MYToken"; string MyUserNameKey = "__MYUserName"; var myTokenValue = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var responseCookie = new HttpCookie(MyTokenKey) { HttpOnly = true, Value = myTokenValue, Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7) }; Response.Cookies.Set(responseCookie); Session[MyUserNameKey] = Util.md5(adminName + Util._salt); Session[MyTokenKey] = myTokenValue; Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } else { //登录录日志 Utils.EditLog("安全日志", adminName, "用户" + adminName + "登录管理系统失败,输入的密码错误。", "系统安全模块", "Admin/login.aspx", 0, 0, 1); ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "", "<script>alert('用户名或密码错误!');</script>"); this.txtPwd.Focus(); return; } } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { //捕捉线程终止异常 不处理 } catch (Exception ex) { Tiannuo.LogHelper.LogHelper.Error("Error", ex); return; } }