public void DataBinds() { int pageCount = 0; int Counts = 0; //每页显示的数据设置 if (this.txtPageSize.Value.ToString() != "") { if (this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().Length >= 5) { Pager.PageSize = 100; this.txtPageSize.Value = "100"; } else { Pager.PageSize = this.txtPageSize.Value.Trim().ToInt(0); } } List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> LType = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList(Pager.PageSize, Pager.CurrentPageIndex, " Id", false, " and CompID=" + CompID + " and isnull(ParentId,0)=0 and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", out pageCount, out Counts); LType = LType.OrderBy(L => L.SortIndex).ToList(); this.rptDisTypeList.DataSource = LType; this.rptDisTypeList.DataBind(); Pager.RecordCount = Counts; page = Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString(); }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetList("", " Compid=" + CompID + "", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_Distributor model in dis) { new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().Delete(model.ID); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr> Daddr = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAddr().GetList("", " disid='" + model.ID + "'", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr mo in Daddr) { new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAddr().Delete(mo.ID); } List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users> user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetList("", " disid='" + model.ID + "' and type=5", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_Users mo in user) { new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Delete(mo.ID); } } List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> Dtype = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("", " Compid=" + CompID + "", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_DisType model in Dtype) { new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().Delete(model.ID); } }
public string DelType(string id) { string json = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> List = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList(null, " CompID=" + CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 and ParentId=" + id, null); if (List.Count > 0) { return("{\"result\":false,\"code\":\"此类别下还有子级类别,请先删除子级类别!\"}"); } List <Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> Dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetList(null, " CompID=" + CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 and DisTypeID=" + id, null); if (Dis.Count > 0) { return("{\"result\":false,\"code\":\"此分类已被使用,不允许删除!\"}"); } List <Hi.Model.BD_DisPrice> disp = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisPrice().GetList(null, " CompID=" + CompID + " and type=" + 1 + " and( One=" + id + " or two=" + id + " or three=" + id + ") and dr=0", null); if (disp.Count > 0) { return("{\"result\":false,\"code\":\"此区域下有代理商价格,不允许删除!\"}"); } Hi.Model.BD_DisType type = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(id.ToInt(0)); type.dr = 1; type.ts = DateTime.Now; type.modifyuser = UserID; if (new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().Update(type)) { return("{\"result\":true,\"code\":\"操作成功\"}"); } } return(json); }
public string grtdistype(int CompID) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> tl = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("", " CompID=" + CompID + " and isnull(IsEnabled,0)=0 and isnull(dr,0)=0", ""); if (tl != null && tl.Count > 0) { //代理商分类一级 List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> tl1 = tl.FindAll(p => p.ParentId == 0); if (tl1 != null && tl1.Count > 0) { sb.Append("<div class=\"sorts\">"); sb.AppendFormat("<div class=\"sorts1\"><i class=\"arrow2\"></i><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"a1\" tip=\"\">{0}</a></div>", "全部"); sb.Append("</div>"); foreach (var item in tl1) { sb.Append("<div class=\"sorts\">"); sb.AppendFormat("<div class=\"sorts1\"><i class=\"arrow2\"></i><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"a1\" tip=\"{1}\">{0}</a></div>", item.TypeName, item.ID); //代理商分类二级 List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> tl2 = tl.FindAll(p => p.ParentId == item.ID); if (tl2 != null && tl2.Count > 0) { sb.Append("<ul class=\"sorts2\" tipdis=\"no\" style=\"display:none;\">"); foreach (var item2 in tl2) { sb.Append("<li>"); sb.AppendFormat("<i class=\"arrow3\"></i><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"a1\" tip=\"{1}\">{0}</a>", item2.TypeName, item2.ID); //代理商分类三级 List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> tl3 = tl.FindAll(p => p.ParentId == item2.ID); if (tl3 != null && tl3.Count > 0) { sb.Append("<ul class=\"sorts3\" tipdis=\"no\" style=\"display:none;\">"); foreach (var item3 in tl3) { sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"javascript:;\" tip=\"{1}\">{0}</a></li>", item3.TypeName, item3.ID); } sb.Append("</ul>"); } sb.Append("</li>"); } sb.Append("</ul>"); } sb.Append("</div>"); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public void TreeData(int ParentId, string str = "") { chidString = str; List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> list = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList(null, " CompID=" + Compid.ToInt(0) + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 and ParentId=" + ParentId.ToString(), "sortindex"); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_DisType item in list) { chidString += "{ id :" + item.ID + ",pId:" + ParentId + ",name:\"" + item.TypeName + "\",isParent:\"" + (ParentId == 0 ? "true" : "false") + "\"},"; TreeData(item.ID, chidString); } }
/// <summary> /// 判断属性值是否存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsExistsType(string name, string value, string id) { bool bfg = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> List = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("", name + "='" + value + "' and id<>'" + id + "' and CompID=" + CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", ""); if (List.Count > 0) { bfg = true; } } return(bfg); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { Hi.Model.BD_DisType type = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(id.ToInt(0)); if (type != null) { txt_txtTypename.Value = type.TypeName; hid_TypeId.Value = id; } } } }
public bool CheckDisCategory(string value, int index, out int typeID) { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> disList = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("", " CompId=" + CompID + " and TypeName='" + value + "' and IsEnabled = 0 and dr =0", ""); if (disList != null && disList.Count == 1) { typeID = disList[0].ID; return(true); } else { Eroor = true; TitleError += "Excel行号为: <i error>" + (index + TitleIndex + 1) + "</i> 的数据有误。代理商分类:“" + value + "”错误!请修改后重新导入。<br/>"; typeID = 0; return(false); } }
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Typename = Common.NoHTML(txtTypeNames.Value.Trim()); string id = Common.NoHTML(hideTypeIds.Value.Trim()); //string sortid = txtSortIndexs.Value.Trim(); //string typecode = txtTypecodes.Value.Trim(); int Result = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Typename)) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "分类名称不能为空", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function (){ location.replace('" + ("DisTypeList.aspx?page=" + Pager.CurrentPageIndex + "") + "'); }"); return; } if (IsExistsType("TypeName", Typename, id)) { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "此分类名已存在", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function (){ location.replace('" + ("DisTypeList.aspx?page=" + Pager.CurrentPageIndex + "") + "'); }"); return; } if (int.TryParse(id, out Result)) { Hi.Model.BD_DisType DisType = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(Result); if (DisType != null) { DisType.TypeName = Typename; //DisType.SortIndex = sortid; //DisType.TypeCode = typecode; DisType.ts = DateTime.Now; DisType.modifyuser = 0; if (new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().Update(DisType)) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Result2", "<script>location.href='DisTypeList.aspx?page=" + Pager.CurrentPageIndex + "&lefttype=" + Request["lefttype"] + "&type=" + Request["type"] + "';</script>"); } } else { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "此分类不存在", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function (){ location.replace('" + ("DisTypeList.aspx?page=" + Pager.CurrentPageIndex + "") + "'); }"); return; } } else { JScript.AlertMethod(this, "分类ID错误", JScript.IconOption.错误, "function (){ location.replace('" + ("DisTypeList.aspx?page=" + Pager.CurrentPageIndex + "") + "'); }"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 最新 的排序号 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static int NewCateId() { List <int> intList = new List <int>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> goodsCategoryList = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetAllList(); if (goodsCategoryList != null && goodsCategoryList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in goodsCategoryList) { intList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SortIndex) ? "0" : item.SortIndex)); } return(intList.Max() != 0 ? intList.Max() + 1 : 1000); } else { return(1000); } }
protected string Simage(object obj) { string image = "../images/menu_plus.gif"; if (obj != null) { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> l = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList(null, " CompID='" + CompID + "' and isnull(dr,0)=0 and ParentId=" + obj.ToString(), null); if (l.Count > 0) { image = "../images/menu_plus.gif"; } else { image = "../images/menu_minus.gif"; } return(image); } return(image); }
/// <summary> /// 查询父类下所有子集 /// </summary> /// <param name="ParentId">父Id</param> /// <returns></returns> public string FindChild(string ParentId, string Str = "") { ChildString = Str; List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> LType = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("", " CompID=" + CompID + " and ParentId='" + ParentId + "' and isnull(dr,0)=0", " sortindex asc"); foreach (Hi.Model.BD_DisType model in LType) { ChildString += "<tr id='" + model.ID + "' parentid='" + model.ParentId + "' bgcolor='#fcfeff' style='height: 26px;width: 100%;display: none;'>"; ChildString += "<td> <div class=\"tcle\"><img id='Openimg' height='9' src='" + Simage(model.ID) + "' width='9' border='0' /> <span class='span'>" + model.TypeName + "</span></div></td>"; ChildString += Str == "" ? "<td><div class=\"tcle\"> <a href='javascript:;' tip='" + model.ID + "' Pname='" + model.TypeName + @"' class='TypeChildAdd'>添加下级</a> | " : "<td><div class=\"tcle\"> "; ChildString += "<a class='TypeEdit' href='javascript:;' tip='" + model.ID + "' sortid ='" + model.SortIndex + "' Pname='" + model.TypeName + @"' >编辑</a> | <a href='javascript:;' tip='" + model.ID + @"' class='TypeDel'>移除</a> </div></td>"; ChildString += "</tr>"; FindChild(model.ID.ToString(), ChildString); } return(ChildString); }
public string page = "1";//默认初始页 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> list = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetAllList(); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { foreach (var type in list) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.SortIndex) || Convert.ToInt32(type.SortIndex) < 1000) { type.SortIndex = NewCateId().ToString(); type.ts = DateTime.Now; type.modifyuser = UserID; new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().Update(type); } } } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.Form["Action"] != null) { if (Request.Form["Action"] == "Del") { Response.Write(DelType(Request.Form["Id"])); Response.End(); } } if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { page = Request.QueryString["page"].ToString(); Pager.CurrentPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page); } DataBinds(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((HttpContext.Current.Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel) != null) { CompID = (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel).CompID; } object obj2 = Request["action"]; if (obj2 != null) { if (obj2.ToString() == "yanz")//验证是否还存在下级分类 { int id = 0; if (Request["id"] != null) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]); } Response.Write(GetMinCategory(id)); Response.End(); } } if (!IsPostBack) { object obj = Request.QueryString["type"]; if (obj != null) { type = obj.ToString(); if (!Util.IsEmpty(type)) { if (Request.QueryString["disId"] != null) { disID = Request.QueryString["disId"]; } else { disID = "0"; } if (type == "1")//商品分类 { IsExepand = Common.RsertFolding(type, CompID); string strwhere = string.Empty; List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> FindList = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType>(); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("id,TypeName,ParentId", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 ", " id"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["val"])) { FindList = l.Where(T => T.ParentId == 0).ToList(); } else { string SearchValue = Request["val"].Replace("'", "''"); List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType> ParentList = new List <Hi.Model.SYS_GType>(); strwhere += " isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and TypeName like '%" + SearchValue + "%'"; FindList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_GType().GetList("id,TypeName,ParentId", strwhere, " id"); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_GType model in FindList) { //string NewName = model.CategoryName.Replace(SearchValue, "<i style='color:red'>" + SearchValue + "</i>"); string NewName = model.TypeName; var ParentModel = l.Where(T => T.ID == model.ParentId).ToList(); if (ParentModel.Count > 0) { NewName = ParentModel[0].TypeName + " > " + NewName; } model.TypeName = NewName; ParentList.Add(model); } FindList = ParentList; } if (l.Count > 0 && FindList.Count > 0) { BindHTML(l, FindList, type); } } else if (type == "2")//代理商区域 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisArea> FindList = new List <Hi.Model.BD_DisArea>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisArea> ll = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetList("id,AreaName,ParentId", "CompanyID=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); FindList = ll.Where(T => T.ParentID == 0).ToList(); if (ll.Count > 0 && FindList.Count > 0) { BindHTML(ll, FindList, type); } } else if (type == "3")//代理商分类 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> FindList = new List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType>(); List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> lll = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("id,ParentId,TypeName", "compid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", ""); FindList = lll.Where(T => T.ParentId == 0).ToList(); if (lll.Count > 0 && FindList.Count > 0) { BindHTML(lll, FindList, type); } } else if (type == "4")//代理商地址 { List <Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr> llll = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAddr().GetList("id,Address", "disid=" + disID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", ""); if (llll.Count > 0) { BindHTML(llll, llll, type); } } else if (type == "5") {//代理商管理员 List <Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> lllll = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetList("id,DisName", "compid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", "Id desc"); if (lllll.Count > 0) { BindHTML(lllll, lllll, type); } } else if (type == "6") {//代理商管理员 List <Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> lllll = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetList("id,DisName", "compid=" + this.CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 and AuditState=2 and IsEnabled=1", "Id asc"); if (lllll.Count > 0) { BindHTML(lllll, lllll, type); } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// 通过OpenID获取经销商个人信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultDisInfo GetUserInfo(string JSon) { try { JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count == 0 && JInfo["OpenID"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return(new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Common().GetUserByOpenID(JInfo["OpenID"].ToString()); if (user == null || user.IsEnabled == 0 || user.dr == 1) { return new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "T", Description = "用户异常" } } ; Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(JInfo["DisID"].ToString())); if (dis == null || dis.IsEnabled == 0 || dis.dr == 1) { return new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "T", Description = "经销商异常" } } ; Hi.Model.BD_DisType disType = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(dis.DisTypeID); string DisTypeName = string.Empty; if (disType != null) { DisTypeName = disType.TypeName; } Hi.Model.BD_DisArea area = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetModel(dis.AreaID); string AreaName = string.Empty; if (area != null) { AreaName = area.AreaName; } return(new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", DisName = dis.DisName, DisTypeName = DisTypeName, AreaName = AreaName, DisPrincipal = dis.Principal, DisPhone = dis.Phone, IsCheck = dis.IsCheck.ToString(), CreditType = dis.CreditType.ToString(), UserName = user.UserName, UserSex = user.Sex, UserPhone = user.Phone, PrePaymentMoney = new Hi.BLL.PAY_PrePayment().sums(dis.ID, dis.CompID).ToString() }); } catch { Common.CatchInfo(JSon, "GetResellerInfo"); return(new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取经销商详情 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultResellerDetail GetResellerDetail(string JSon) { string UserID = string.Empty; string CompID = string.Empty; string DisID = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["CompID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" } } ; UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); CompID = JInfo["CompID"].ToString(); DisID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); //判断登录信息是否异常 Hi.Model.SYS_Users one = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out one, Int32.Parse(CompID))) { return(new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" }); } //判断核心企业信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(Int32.Parse(CompID)); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.IsEnabled == 0 || comp.AuditState == 0) { return new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业信息异常" } } ; //判断经销商信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(Int32.Parse(DisID)); if (dis == null) { return new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商信息异常" } } ; if (dis.dr == 1) { return new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商已被删除" } } ; if (dis.AuditState == 0) { return new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商未审核" } } ; #endregion //获取经销商的返回信息 class_ver3.Reseller res = new class_ver3.Reseller(); res.ResellerID = dis.ID.ToString(); res.ResellerName = dis.DisName; //拼接经销商地址 string area = string.Empty; area += dis.Province; if (dis.City != "市辖区") { area += dis.City; } area += dis.Area; area += dis.Address; res.ResellerAddr = area; res.ResellerProvince = dis.Province; res.ResellerCity = dis.City; res.ResellerArea = dis.Area; res.Address = dis.Address; res.ResellerCode = dis.DisCode; res.ResellerClassifyID = dis.DisTypeID.ToString(); //根据经销商分类ID获取分类名称 Hi.Model.BD_DisType dis_type = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(dis.DisTypeID); if (dis_type != null) { res.ResellerClassify = dis_type.TypeName; } else { res.ResellerClassify = ""; } res.Zip = dis.Zip; res.Tel = dis.Tel; res.Fax = dis.Fax; res.Principal = dis.Principal; res.Phone = dis.Phone; res.AreaID = dis.AreaID.ToString(); //根据经销商区域ID获取区域名称 Hi.Model.BD_DisArea dis_area = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetModel(dis.AreaID); if (dis_area != null) { res.AreaName = dis_area.AreaName; } else { res.AreaName = ""; } res.IsEnabled = dis.IsEnabled.ToString(); res.ts = dis.ts.ToString(); #region //获取此经销商的开票信息 List <Hi.Model.BD_DisAccount> list_disinvoce = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAccount().GetList("", "DisID=" + dis.ID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0", "CreateDate desc"); List <class_ver3.Invoce> list_invoce = new List <class_ver3.Invoce>(); if (list_disinvoce != null && list_disinvoce.Count > 0) { //循环赋值开票信息的返回信息 foreach (Hi.Model.BD_DisAccount dis_invoce in list_disinvoce) { class_ver3.Invoce invoce = new class_ver3.Invoce(); invoce.InvoceID = dis_invoce.ID.ToString(); invoce.TRNumber = ClsSystem.gnvl(dis_invoce.TRNumber, ""); invoce.InvoceType = invoce.TRNumber == "" ? "普通发票" : "增值税发票"; invoce.Rise = dis_invoce.Rise; invoce.Content = dis_invoce.Content; invoce.OBank = dis_invoce.OBank; invoce.OAccount = dis_invoce.OAccount; list_invoce.Add(invoce); } } #endregion #region//获取经销商的管理员登录账号 //先从SYS_CompUser表中取出对应sys_user表的ID List <Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> list_compuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("UserID", "DisID=" + dis.ID + " and UType = 5 and isnull(dr,0)=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0)=1 and isnull(IsAudit,0)=2", ""); //根据userid取出sys_user表数据,赋值给返回信息 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(list_compuser[0].UserID); class_ver3.Account account = new class_ver3.Account(); if (user != null && user.AuditState == 2 && user.IsEnabled == 1 && user.dr == 0) { account.AccountID = user.ID.ToString(); account.UserName = user.UserName; account.TrueName = user.TrueName; account.Phone = user.Phone; account.ts = user.ts.ToString(); } #endregion res.InvoceList = list_invoce; res.Account = account; string sqlstr = string.Format(@"select b.DisID, a.type, a.validDate, a.fileName from YZT_Annex a, YZT_FCmaterials b where b.dr=0 and a.dr=0 and b.DisID={0} and b.ID=a.fcID and a.fileAlias=4", DisID); DataSet ds = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, sqlstr); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { List <class_ver3.FCMaterial> materials = new List <class_ver3.FCMaterial>(); foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { class_ver3.FCMaterial fcMaterial = new class_ver3.FCMaterial(); fcMaterial.category = Common.GetAnnexDescription(SqlHelper.GetInt(r["type"])); fcMaterial.validDate = SqlHelper.GetString(r["validDate"]); DateTime expireDate = SqlHelper.GetDateTime(r["validDate"]); if (expireDate != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fcMaterial.validDate)) { fcMaterial.dateDiff = (expireDate - DateTime.Now).Days; } fcMaterial.fileUrl = SqlHelper.GetString(r["fileName"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fcMaterial.fileUrl)) { fcMaterial.fileUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OssImgPath"] + "/UploadFile/" + fcMaterial.fileUrl; } fcMaterial.DisID = SqlHelper.GetInt(r["DisID"]); materials.Add(fcMaterial); } res.FCMaterialList = materials; } return(new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", Reseller = res }); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetResellerDetail:" + JSon); return(new ResultResellerDetail() { Result = "F", Description = "获取失败" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取经销商分类列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultResellerClassify GetResellerClassifyList(string JSon) { string UserID = string.Empty; string CompID = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["CompID"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ResultResellerClassify() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" } } ; UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); CompID = JInfo["CompID"].ToString(); //判断登录信息是否正确 Hi.Model.SYS_Users one = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out one, Int32.Parse(CompID))) { return(new ResultResellerClassify() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" }); } //判断核心企业信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(Int32.Parse(CompID)); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.IsEnabled == 0 || comp.AuditState == 0) { return new ResultResellerClassify() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业信息异常" } } ; #endregion //获取对应核心企业的经销商分类列表 List <Hi.Model.BD_DisType> list_distype = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetList("", "CompID = " + CompID + " and isnull(dr,0)=0 ", "SortIndex"); if (list_distype != null && list_distype.Count > 0) { //循环经销商分类列表,将值赋给返回参数 List <class_ver3.ResellerClassify> list_resellerclassify = new List <class_ver3.ResellerClassify>(); class_ver3.ResellerClassify resellerclassify = null; foreach (Hi.Model.BD_DisType distype in list_distype) { resellerclassify = new class_ver3.ResellerClassify(); resellerclassify.ClassifyID = distype.ID.ToString(); resellerclassify.ClassifyName = distype.TypeName; resellerclassify.ClassifyCode = ClsSystem.gnvl(distype.TypeCode, ""); resellerclassify.ParentID = distype.ParentId.ToString(); resellerclassify.SortIndex = distype.SortIndex.ToString(); resellerclassify.Remark = ClsSystem.gnvl(distype.Remark, ""); list_resellerclassify.Add(resellerclassify); } return(new ResultResellerClassify() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", ResellerClassifyList = list_resellerclassify }); } return(new ResultResellerClassify() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功" }); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "GetResellerClassifyList:" + JSon); return(new ResultResellerClassify() { Result = "F", Description = "获取失败" }); } }
/// <summary> ///核心企业新增经销商 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ReseltResellerEdit AddReseller(string JSon) { string UserID = string.Empty; string CompID = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["CompID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["Reseller"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" } } ; UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); CompID = JInfo["CompID"].ToString(); JsonData Reseller = JInfo["Reseller"]; //判断登录信息是否异常 Hi.Model.SYS_Users one = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out one, Int32.Parse(CompID))) { return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" }); } //判断核心企业信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(Int32.Parse(CompID)); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.IsEnabled == 0 || comp.AuditState == 0) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业信息异常" } } ; #endregion #region//判断传入的经销商信息是否正确 string resellername = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["ResellerName"].ToString().Trim()); string resellercode = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["ResellerCode"].ToString().Trim()); string address = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Address"].ToString().Trim()); if (resellername == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请输入经销商名称" } } ; //判断经销商名字是否已存在 if (Common.DisExistsAttribute("DisName", resellername, CompID.ToString())) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商名称已经存在" } } ; if (Reseller["ResellerProvince"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请选择经销商地址中的省" } } ; if (Reseller["ResellerCity"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请选择经销商地址中的市" } } ; if (Reseller["ResellerArea"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请选择经销商地址中的区" } } ; if (address == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请输入经销商地址中的详细地址" } } ; #endregion #region//判断登录信息的正确信 JsonData account = Reseller["Account"]; string username = Common.NoHTML(account["UserName"].ToString().Trim()); string truename = Common.NoHTML(account["TrueName"].ToString().Trim()); if (account["UserName"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请输入登录账号" } } ; //判断登录账号是否已经存在 if (Common.GetUserExists(username)) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "该登录账号已存在" } } ; if (truename == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请输入姓名" } } ; if (account["Phone"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请登录信息中的手机号码" } } ; //判断手机号有没被注册过 Regex Phonereg = new Regex("^0?(13[0-9]|15[012356789]|18[0-9]|14[57]|17[7])[0-9]{8}$"); if (!Phonereg.IsMatch(account["Phone"].ToString())) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息中的手机号格式错误" } } ; if (Common.GetUserExists("Phone", account["Phone"].ToString())) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息中的手机号已被注册" } } ; #endregion //创建需要导入的经销商实体 Hi.Model.BD_Distributor disModel = new Hi.Model.BD_Distributor(); disModel.CompID = comp.ID; disModel.DisCode = resellercode; disModel.DisName = resellername; //传入分类ID的话,判断分类ID是否正确 if (Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString() != "0") { Hi.Model.BD_DisType distpye = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(Int32.Parse(Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString().Trim())); if (distpye == null || distpye.CompID != comp.ID) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商分类异常" } } ; if (distpye.dr == 1) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "此经销商分类已被删除" } } ; //if (distpye.IsEnabled != 0) // return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "此经销商分类已被禁用" }; disModel.DisTypeID = distpye.ID; } else { disModel.DisTypeID = 0; } //传入区域ID的话,判断区域ID是否正确 if (Reseller["AreaID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && Reseller["AreaID"].ToString() != "0") { Hi.Model.BD_DisArea disarea = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetModel(Int32.Parse(Reseller["AreaID"].ToString().Trim())); if (disarea == null || disarea.CompanyID != comp.ID) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商区域异常" } } ; if (disarea.dr == 1) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "此经销商区域已被删除" } } ; disModel.AreaID = disarea.ID; } else { disModel.AreaID = 0; } disModel.DisLevel = ""; disModel.Province = Reseller["ResellerProvince"].ToString(); disModel.City = Reseller["ResellerCity"].ToString(); disModel.Area = Reseller["ResellerArea"].ToString(); disModel.Address = address; //没输入经销商中的联系人,需要将登录信息的姓名赋值给联系人 string principal = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Principal"].ToString().Trim()); string phone = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Phone"].ToString().Trim()); if (principal == "") { disModel.Principal = truename; } else { disModel.Principal = principal; } //没输入联系人手机号,需要将登录信息中的手机号赋值给联系人手机号 if (phone == "") { disModel.Phone = account["Phone"].ToString(); } else { disModel.Phone = phone; } disModel.Leading = ""; disModel.LeadingPhone = ""; disModel.Licence = ""; disModel.Tel = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Tel"].ToString()); disModel.Zip = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Zip"].ToString()); disModel.Fax = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Fax"].ToString()); disModel.Remark = ""; disModel.DisAccount = 0; disModel.IsCheck = 1; disModel.CreditType = 0; disModel.CreditAmount = 0; disModel.Paypwd = Common.md5("123456"); disModel.AuditState = 2; disModel.IsEnabled = 1; disModel.CreateUserID = one.ID; disModel.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; disModel.ts = DateTime.Now; disModel.dr = 0; disModel.modifyuser = one.ID; //开启事务,并将dismodel插入经销商表中 SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer); //开启数据库连接 if (conn.State.ToString().ToLower() != "open") { conn.Open(); } //开启事务 SqlTransaction mytran = conn.BeginTransaction(); int DisID = 0; try { //在经销商表中插入一条数据 if ((DisID = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().Add(disModel, mytran)) > 0) { //经销商表插入成功的话继续新增角色 List <Hi.Model.SYS_Role> list_role = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Role().GetList("", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and isenabled=1 and DisID=" + DisID + " and RoleName='企业管理员'", ""); if (list_role == null || list_role.Count == 0) { //新增角色(企业管理员) Hi.Model.SYS_Role role = new Hi.Model.SYS_Role(); role.CompID = comp.ID; role.DisID = DisID; role.RoleName = "企业管理员"; role.IsEnabled = 1; role.SortIndex = "1"; role.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; role.CreateUserID = one.ID; role.ts = DateTime.Now; role.modifyuser = one.ID; role.dr = 0; int Roid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Role().Add(role, mytran); //新增管理员用户和角色 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); user.UserName = username; // user.CompID = CompID; // user.Type = 5; // user.RoleID = Roid; user.TrueName = truename; user.UserPwd = Common.md5("123456"); user.Phone = account["Phone"].ToString(); user.AuditState = 2; user.IsEnabled = 1; user.CreateUserID = one.ID; user.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; user.ts = DateTime.Now; user.modifyuser = one.ID; int AddUserid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().Add(user, mytran); ///用户明细表 Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser CompUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser(); CompUser.CompID = comp.ID; CompUser.DisID = DisID; CompUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; CompUser.CreateUserID = one.ID; CompUser.modifyuser = one.ID; CompUser.CType = 2; CompUser.UType = 5; CompUser.IsEnabled = 1; CompUser.IsAudit = 2; CompUser.RoleID = 0; CompUser.ts = DateTime.Now; CompUser.dr = 0; CompUser.UserID = AddUserid; int compuserid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().Add(CompUser, mytran); //新增角色用户 Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser RoleUser = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleUser(); RoleUser.FunType = 1; RoleUser.UserID = AddUserid; RoleUser.RoleID = Roid; RoleUser.IsEnabled = true; RoleUser.CreateUser = UserID; RoleUser.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.ts = DateTime.Now; RoleUser.dr = 0; int roleuserid = new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleUser().Add(RoleUser, mytran); //新增角色权限表 Hi.Model.SYS_RoleSysFun rolesys = null; List <Hi.Model.SYS_SysFun> funList = new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysFun().GetList("", " Type=2", ""); foreach (Hi.Model.SYS_SysFun sys in funList) { rolesys = new Hi.Model.SYS_RoleSysFun(); rolesys.CompID = comp.ID; rolesys.DisID = DisID; rolesys.RoleID = Roid; rolesys.FunCode = sys.FunCode; rolesys.FunName = sys.FunName; rolesys.IsEnabled = 1; rolesys.CreateUserID = one.ID; rolesys.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; rolesys.ts = DateTime.Now; rolesys.modifyuser = one.ID; if (new Hi.BLL.SYS_RoleSysFun().Add(rolesys, mytran) <= 0) { mytran.Rollback(); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "新增失败" }); } } //新增收货地址 Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr addr = new Hi.Model.BD_DisAddr(); addr.Province = disModel.Province; addr.City = disModel.City; addr.Area = disModel.Area; addr.DisID = DisID; addr.Principal = disModel.Principal; addr.Phone = disModel.Phone; addr.Address = disModel.Province + disModel.City + disModel.Area + disModel.Address; addr.IsDefault = 1; addr.ts = DateTime.Now; addr.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; addr.CreateUserID = one.ID; addr.modifyuser = one.ID; int addrid = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisAddr().Add(addr, mytran); //判断所有表是否都插入成功了吗 if (Roid <= 0 || AddUserid <= 0 || compuserid <= 0 || roleuserid <= 0 || addrid <= 0) { mytran.Rollback(); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "新增失败" }); } } else { mytran.Rollback(); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "新增失败" }); } } else { mytran.Rollback(); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "新增失败" }); } mytran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { mytran.Rollback(); Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "AddReseller:" + JSon); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "新增失败" }); } finally { conn.Close(); mytran.Dispose(); } return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "T", Description = "新增成功" }); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "AddReseller:" + JSon); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "新增失败" }); } }
/// <summary> ///核心企业修改经销商信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ReseltResellerEdit EditReseller(string JSon) { string UserID = string.Empty; string CompID = string.Empty; string DisID = string.Empty; try { #region//JSon取值 JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo["UserID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["CompID"].ToString().Trim() == "" || JInfo["Reseller"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" } } ; UserID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); CompID = JInfo["CompID"].ToString(); JsonData Reseller = JInfo["Reseller"]; //判断登录信息是否异常 Hi.Model.SYS_Users one = new Hi.Model.SYS_Users(); if (!new Common().IsLegitUser(int.Parse(UserID), out one, Int32.Parse(CompID))) { return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "登录信息异常" }); } //判断核心企业信息是否异常 Hi.Model.BD_Company comp = new Hi.BLL.BD_Company().GetModel(Int32.Parse(CompID)); if (comp == null || comp.dr == 1 || comp.IsEnabled == 0 || comp.AuditState == 0) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "核心企业信息异常" } } ; #endregion //判断经销商信息是否正常 DisID = Reseller["ResellerID"].ToString(); Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor bll_dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor(); Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = bll_dis.GetModel(Int32.Parse(DisID)); if (dis == null) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商信息异常" } } ; if (dis.dr == 1) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商已被删除" } } ; if (Reseller["ts"].ToString() != dis.ts.ToString()) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商信息已被他人修改,请稍后再试" } } ; string resellername = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["ResellerName"].ToString().Trim()); string resellercode = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["ResellerCode"].ToString().Trim()); string address = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Address"].ToString().Trim()); //判断经销商修改的必填项 if (resellername == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请输入经销商名称" } } ; //判断经销商名字是否已存在 //if (Common.DisExistsAttribute("DisName", Reseller["ResellerName"].ToString(), CompID.ToString())) //List<Hi.Model.BD_Distributor> list_dis = bll_dis.GetList("", "DisName = '" + resellername + "' and ID <> " + dis.ID + "", ""); //if(list_dis!=null&&list_dis.Count>0) if (Common.DisExistsAttribute("DisName", resellername, CompID.ToString(), dis.ID.ToString())) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商名称已经存在" } } ; if (Reseller["ResellerProvince"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请选择经销商地址中的省" } } ; if (Reseller["ResellerCity"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请选择经销商地址中的市" } } ; if (Reseller["ResellerArea"].ToString().Trim() == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请选择经销商地址中的区" } } ; if (address == "") { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "请输入经销商地址中的详细地址" } } ; //修改经销商信息 dis.ts = DateTime.Now; dis.modifyuser = one.ID; dis.DisCode = resellercode; dis.DisName = resellername; //Int32 classifyid= Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString().Trim() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString().Trim()); //传入分类ID的话,判断分类ID是否正确 if (Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString() != "0") { Hi.Model.BD_DisType distpye = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(Int32.Parse(Reseller["ResellerClassifyID"].ToString().Trim())); if (distpye == null || distpye.CompID != comp.ID) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商分类异常" } } ; if (distpye.dr == 1) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "此经销商分类已被删除" } } ; //if (distpye.IsEnabled !=0) // return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "此经销商分类已被禁用" }; dis.DisTypeID = distpye.ID; } else { dis.DisTypeID = 0; } //dis.AreaID = Reseller["AreaID"].ToString().Trim() == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Reseller["AreaID"].ToString().Trim()); //传入区域ID的话,判断区域ID是否正确 if (Reseller["AreaID"].ToString().Trim() != "" && Reseller["AreaID"].ToString() != "0") { Hi.Model.BD_DisArea disarea = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetModel(Int32.Parse(Reseller["AreaID"].ToString().Trim())); if (disarea == null || disarea.CompanyID != comp.ID) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商区域异常" } } ; if (disarea.dr == 1) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "此经销商区域已被删除" } } ; dis.AreaID = disarea.ID; } else { dis.AreaID = 0; } dis.Province = Reseller["ResellerProvince"].ToString(); dis.City = Reseller["ResellerCity"].ToString(); dis.Area = Reseller["ResellerArea"].ToString(); dis.Address = address; dis.Zip = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Zip"].ToString()); dis.Tel = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Tel"].ToString()); dis.Fax = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Fax"].ToString()); string principal = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Principal"].ToString().Trim()); string phone = Common.NoHTML(Reseller["Phone"].ToString().Trim()); //如果联系人或联系人手机没输入,需要将登陆信息的联系人或手机号,赋值给联系人或手机 if (principal == "" || phone == "") { //先获取sys_compuser表中disid对应的数据,一对一关系 List <Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> compuser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("UserID", "DisID=" + dis.ID + " and UType = 5 and isnull(dr,0)=0 and isnull(IsEnabled,0)=1 and isnull(IsAudit,0)=2", ""); //通过Userid获取sys_users表数据 Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(compuser[0].ID); if (user != null && user.AuditState == 2 && user.IsEnabled == 1 && user.dr == 0) { //需要判断到底是传入的联系人为空,还是手机为空 if (principal == "") { dis.Principal = user.TrueName; } else { dis.Principal = principal; } if (phone == "") { dis.Phone = user.Phone; } else { dis.Phone = phone; } } } else { dis.Principal = principal; dis.Phone = phone; } //更新数据库 if (bll_dis.Update(dis)) { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "T", Description = "修改成功" } } ; else { return new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "修改失败" } }; } catch (Exception ex) { Common.CatchInfo(ex.Message + ":" + ex.StackTrace, "EditReseller:" + JSon); return(new ReseltResellerEdit() { Result = "F", Description = "修改失败" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 经销商获取个人信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="JSon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultDisInfo GetResellerInfo(string JSon) { try { #region JSon取值 string userID = string.Empty; string disID = string.Empty; JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(JSon); if (JInfo.Count > 0 && JInfo["UserID"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString() != "") { userID = JInfo["UserID"].ToString(); disID = JInfo["ResellerID"].ToString(); //"{"LoginName":"def","PassWord":"******","OpenID":"def"}" } else { return(new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } #endregion Hi.Model.SYS_Users user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(int.Parse(userID)); if (user == null || user.IsEnabled == 0 || user.dr == 1) { return new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "用户异常" } } ; Hi.Model.BD_Distributor dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(int.Parse(disID)); if (dis == null) { return new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "经销商异常" } } ; Hi.Model.BD_DisType disType = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(dis.DisTypeID); string DisTypeName = string.Empty; if (disType != null) { DisTypeName = disType.TypeName; } Hi.Model.BD_DisArea area = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetModel(dis.AreaID); string AreaName = string.Empty; if (area != null) { AreaName = area.AreaName; } return(new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "T", Description = "获取成功", DisName = dis.DisName, DisTypeName = DisTypeName, AreaName = AreaName, DisPrincipal = dis.Principal, DisPhone = dis.Phone, IsCheck = dis.IsCheck.ToString(), CreditType = dis.CreditType.ToString(), UserName = user.UserName, UserSex = user.Sex, UserPhone = user.Phone, PrePaymentMoney = new Hi.BLL.PAY_PrePayment().sums(dis.ID, dis.CompID).ToString() }); } catch { Common.CatchInfo(JSon, "GetResellerInfo"); return(new ResultDisInfo() { Result = "F", Description = "参数异常" }); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(Session["UserModel"] as LoginModel).IsExistRole) { Response.Redirect("~/Distributor/UserEdit.aspx", true); } //获取当前时间 DateTime date = DateTime.Now; //当天0点0分 DateTime day0 = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0); //获取当前时间加一天 DateTime Sday = day0.AddDays(1); //当月第一天 DateTime day1 = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1); //本月 最后一天 多加一天 DateTime mothday = day1.AddMonths(1); user = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetModel(this.UserID); orderl = new Hi.BLL.DIS_Order().GetList("", " isnull(dr,0)=0 and Otype<>9 and OState<>6 and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and DisID=" + this.DisID, " CreateDate desc"); if (orderl != null) { #region //当天订单数 dayOrderCount = orderl.FindAll( p => (p.OState == 2 || p.OState == 3 || p.OState == 4 || p.OState == 5 || p.OState == 7) && p.CreateDate >= day0 && p.CreateDate < Sday).Count; //本月订单数 orderCount = orderl.FindAll( p => (p.OState == 2 || p.OState == 3 || p.OState == 4 || p.OState == 5 || p.OState == 7) && p.CreateDate >= day1 && p.CreateDate < mothday).Count; #endregion orderll = orderl.FindAll(p => (p.PayState == 0 || p.PayState == 1)); } List <Hi.Model.DIS_Suggest> suggest = new Hi.BLL.DIS_Suggest().GetList("", " isnull(dr,0)=0 and Stype=0 and isanswer=1 and DisUserID=" + this.UserID, ""); message = suggest.Count; if (message == 0) { //imessage.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none"); } price = Convert.ToDecimal(new Hi.BLL.PAY_PrePayment().sums(this.DisID, this.CompID)).ToString("0.00"); dis = new Hi.BLL.BD_Distributor().GetModel(this.DisID); if (dis != null)//add by hgh 出现为null值 { //if ( dis.CreditType == 0) //{ //lisalesorder.Attributes.Add("style", "background-color:#fbfbfb"); //} Hi.Model.BD_DisType distypemodel = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisType().GetModel(dis.DisTypeID); if (distypemodel != null) { disType = distypemodel.TypeName; } Hi.Model.BD_DisArea disaddrmodel = new Hi.BLL.BD_DisArea().GetModel(dis.AreaID); if (disaddrmodel != null) { disAreaID = disaddrmodel.AreaName; } } #region 促销商品 string Cx_sql = string.Format(@"SELECT count(1) num from BD_Goods where ID in (SELECT GoodsID from BD_PromotionDetail where ProID in (SELECT ID from BD_Promotion where compID={0} and ProStartTime<=getdate() and ProStartTime<=GETDATE() and DATEADD(D,1,ProEndTime)>= getDate() and IsEnabled=1 ))and ID not in ( select GoodsID from BD_GoodsAreas where compID={0} and DisID={1} and isnull(dr,0)=0) and compid= {0} and ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and IsEnabled = 1 and IsOffLine=1 ", this.CompID, this.DisID); DataTable Cx_Dt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, Cx_sql).Tables[0]; if (Cx_Dt != null) { if (Cx_Dt.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal sum_CX = Convert.ToDecimal(Cx_Dt.Rows[0]["num"]); Cx_Sum = sum_CX.ToString(); } } #endregion #region 快过期商品 goods_Sum //当前时间 DateTime now = DateTime.Now; //快到期时间 DateTime today = now.AddDays(30); string goods_sql = string.Format(@"select * from YZT_GoodsStock s where s.validDate<='" + today + "'" + " and DisID=" + DisID + " and dr=0 "); DataTable goods_Dt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, goods_sql).Tables[0]; if (goods_Dt != null && goods_Dt.Rows.Count > 0) { goods_Sum = goods_Dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); } #endregion #region 当天订购额 //add by hgh //包含已退订单金额、退单处理 string daysql = "SELECT SUM(AuditAmount) as AuditAmount FROM [dbo].[DIS_Order] where ostate in (2,3,4,5,7) and DisID=" + this.DisID + " and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and CreateDate>='" + day0 + "' and CreateDate<'" + Sday + "'"; DataTable dayDt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, daysql).Tables[0]; if (dayDt != null) { if (dayDt.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal sumAmount = dayDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString() == "" ? sum.ToString().ToDecimal() : Convert.ToDecimal(dayDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"]); DaySum = (sumAmount).ToString("N"); } } #endregion #region 本月订购额 string monthsql = "SELECT SUM(AuditAmount) as AuditAmount FROM DIS_Order where OState in (2,3,4,5,7) and isnull(dr,0)=0 and Otype<>9 and DisID=" + this.DisID + " and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and CreateDate>='" + day1 + "' and CreateDate<'" + mothday + "'"; DataTable monthDt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, monthsql).Tables[0]; if (monthDt != null) { if (monthDt.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal sumAmount = monthDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString() == "" ? sum.ToString().ToDecimal() : Convert.ToDecimal(monthDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"]); MonthSum = (sumAmount).ToString("N"); } } #endregion #region 当天付款额 //付款额 add by hgh CompCollection_view 状态 and status!=3 string daypaggersql = "SELECT SUM(Price) as Price FROM [dbo].[CompCollection_view] where DisID=" + this.DisID + "and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and status!=3 and Date>='" + day0 + "' and Date<'" + Sday + "' AND vedf9=1 "; DataTable daypaggerdt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, daypaggersql).Tables[0]; if (daypaggerdt != null) { if (daypaggerdt.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal Price = daypaggerdt.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString() == "" ? sum.ToString().ToDecimal() : Convert.ToDecimal(daypaggerdt.Rows[0]["Price"]); DayPaymentSum = (Price).ToString("N"); } } #endregion #region 本月付款额 //本月付款额 add by hgh CompCollection_view 状态 and status!=3 string paggersql = "SELECT SUM(Price) as Price FROM [dbo].[CompCollection_view] where OrderID not in (select ID from Dis_Order where ISNULL(dr,0)=0 and Otype=9) and DisID=" + this.DisID + " and status!=3 and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and Date>='" + day1 + "' and Date<'" + mothday + "' AND vedf9=1 "; DataTable paggerdt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, paggersql).Tables[0]; if (paggerdt != null) { if (paggerdt.Rows.Count > 0) { decimal Price = paggerdt.Rows[0]["Price"].ToString() == "" ? sum.ToString().ToDecimal() : Convert.ToDecimal(paggerdt.Rows[0]["Price"]); PaymentSum = (Price).ToString("N"); } } #endregion #region 本月应付额 //本月应付额 decimal AuditAmount = 0; decimal payAmount = 0; decimal payyzf = 0; //赊销订单 未支付的 //string ArrearageSql = "SELECT SUM(AuditAmount) as AuditAmount FROM [dbo].[ArrearageRpt_view] where DisID=" + user.DisID + "and CompID=" + user.CompID + " and CreateDate>='" + day1 + "' and CreateDate<='" + Sday + "'"; //DataTable ArrearageDt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, ArrearageSql).Tables[0]; //if (ArrearageDt != null) //{ // if (ArrearageDt.Rows.Count > 0) // { // AuditAmount = ArrearageDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString() == "" ? sum.ToString().ToDecimal() : Convert.ToDecimal(ArrearageDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"]); // } //} //未支付订单金额 //string paysql = " select SUM(AuditAmount) as AuditAmount from DIS_Order where (( Otype=1 and OState not in (-1,0,1) and PayState in (0,1) ) or( Otype<>1 and OState=2 and PayState in (0,1) )) and OState<>6 and ReturnState=0 and isnull(dr,0)=0 and Otype!=9 and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and DisID=" + this.DisID + " and CreateDate>='" + day1 + "' and CreateDate<='" + Sday + "'"; //DataTable payDt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, paysql).Tables[0]; //if (payDt != null && payDt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // payAmount = payDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : payDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString().ToDecimal(0); //} //paysql = " select SUM(PayedAmount) as PayedAmount from DIS_Order where (( Otype=1 and OState not in (-1,0,1) and PayState in (0,1) ) or( Otype<>1 and OState=2 and PayState in (0,1) )) and OState<>6 and ReturnState=0 and isnull(dr,0)=0 and Otype!=9 and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and DisID=" + this.DisID + " and CreateDate>='" + day1 + "' and CreateDate<='" + Sday + "'"; //payDt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, paysql).Tables[0]; //if (payDt != null && payDt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // payyzf = payDt.Rows[0]["PayedAmount"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : payDt.Rows[0]["PayedAmount"].ToString().ToDecimal(0); //} //PayableSum = (payAmount - payyzf + AuditAmount).ToString("N"); //edit by hgh 正常合同 总额-已付 string paysql = " select SUM(AuditAmount)-SUM(PayedAmount) as AuditAmount from DIS_Order where OState in(2,3,5) and isnull(dr,0)=0 and Otype!=9 and CompID=" + this.CompID + " and DisID=" + this.DisID + " and CreateDate>='" + day1 + "' and CreateDate<'" + Sday + "'"; DataTable payDt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, paysql).Tables[0]; if (payDt != null && payDt.Rows.Count > 0) { payAmount = payDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString() == "" ? 0 : payDt.Rows[0]["AuditAmount"].ToString().ToDecimal(0); } PayableSum = payAmount.ToString("N"); #endregion #region 商家公告 List <Hi.Model.BD_CompNews> LNew = new Hi.BLL.BD_CompNews().GetList("top 3 *", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and IsEnabled=1 and Compid=" + this.CompID + " ", " istop desc,createdate desc"); string Html = ""; if (LNew.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < LNew.Count; i++) { if (LNew[i].ShowType == null) { LNew[i].ShowType = ""; } if (i <= 4) { string type = LNew[i].ShowType == "1" ? "top" : LNew[i].ShowType == "2" ? "red" : LNew[i].ShowType == "1,2" ? "top red" : ""; Html += "<li class='" + type + "'><a title='" + LNew[i].NewsTitle + "' href=\"CompNewInfo.aspx?KeyID=" + Common.DesEncrypt(LNew[i].ID.ToString(), Common.EncryptKey) + "&Type=3\">【" + Common.GetCPNewStateName(LNew[i].NewsType) + "】" + (LNew[i].NewsTitle.Length > 16 ? LNew[i].NewsTitle.Substring(0, 16) + "..." : LNew[i].NewsTitle) + "</a>" + IsEnd(LNew[i].PmID) + (LNew[i].ShowType.IndexOf("1") >= 0 ? "<i class='newIcon'></i>" : "") + "<i class='date1'>" + LNew[i].CreateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "</i></li>"; } } ULNewList.InnerHtml = Html; } else { //ULNewList.InnerHtml = "<li style='text-align:center'><span>暂无公告</span></li>"; ULNewList.InnerHtml = "<div class='nomh-box'><i class='nomh-i'></i>暂无公告</div>"; } #endregion if (!IsPostBack) { if (IsDisAdmin(this.UserID)) { if (user.UserPwd == Util.md5("123456")) { DisImport.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block"); zzc.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block"); return; } } } }