private void TriangulateCorner(
            Vector3 bottom, HexCell bottomCell,
            Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell,
            Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell)
            var leftEdge  = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(leftCell);
            var rightEdge = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell);

            if (leftEdge == HexEdgeType.Slope)
                if (rightEdge == HexEdgeType.Slope) // SSF: slope-slope-flat
                    TriangulateCornerTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell);
                else if (rightEdge == HexEdgeType.Flat) // SFS: slope-flat-slope
                    TriangulateCornerTerraces(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell);
                    TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell);
            else if (rightEdge == HexEdgeType.Slope)
                if (leftEdge == HexEdgeType.Flat) // FSS: flat-slope-slope
                    TriangulateCornerTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell);
                else // must be a cliff, as left as slope has already been covered
                    TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell);
            else if (leftCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell) == HexEdgeType.Slope) // both sides are cliffs, top is slope
                if (leftCell.Elevation < rightCell.Elevation)
                    TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); // CCSR: cliff, cliff, slope to right
                    TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell); // CCSL: cliff, cliff, slope to left
            else // no terraces anywhere, so a simple triangle will do
                Terrain.AddTriangle(bottom, left, right);
                var indices = new Vector3(bottomCell.Index, leftCell.Index, rightCell.Index);
                Terrain.AddTriangleCellData(indices, weights1, weights2, weights3);

            Features.AddWall(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell);
        private void TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(
            Vector3 bottom, HexCell bottomCell,
            Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell,
            Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell)
            var b               = Mathf.Abs(1f / (leftCell.Elevation - bottomCell.Elevation));
            var boundary        = Vector3.Lerp(HexMetrics.Perturb(bottom), HexMetrics.Perturb(left), b);
            var boundaryWeights = Color.Lerp(weights1, weights2, b);
            var indices         = new Vector3(bottomCell.Index, leftCell.Index, rightCell.Index);

            TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(right, weights1, bottom, weights2, boundary, boundaryWeights, indices);

            if (rightCell.GetEdgeType(leftCell) == HexEdgeType.Slope)
                TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(left, weights2, right, weights3, boundary, boundaryWeights, indices);

            Terrain.AddTriangleUnperturbed(HexMetrics.Perturb(left), HexMetrics.Perturb(right), boundary);
            Terrain.AddTriangleCellData(indices, weights2, weights3, boundaryWeights);