Exemple #1
        public EncryptedFileDetails FindBestMatch(string fullPath)
            // get file details
            EncryptedFileDetails file = GetFileSystemDetails(fullPath);

            // find best match
                   .Where( // select any with matching properties
                       x => string.Compare(x.FileName, file.FileName, true) == 0 ||
                       string.Compare(x.FullPath, file.FullPath, true) == 0 ||
                       string.Compare(x.ParentFolderName, file.ParentFolderName, true) == 0 ||
                       string.Compare(x.SecondParentFolderName, file.SecondParentFolderName, true) == 0 ||
                       string.Compare(x.VisualStudioProjectFileName, file.VisualStudioProjectFileName, true) == 0)
                   .Select( // select a new object with a match score and the encrypted file details
                       x => new
                score = string.Compare(x.FullPath, file.FullPath, true) == 0 ? 100 : 0         // exact file ranks very high
                        + string.Compare(x.FileName, file.FileName, true) == 0 ? 40 : 0        // file name weighted higher than folder and project details
                        + string.Compare(x.ParentFolderName, file.ParentFolderName, true) == 0 ? 10 :0
                        + string.Compare(x.SecondParentFolderName, file.SecondParentFolderName, true) == 0 ? 5 : 0
                        + string.Compare(x.VisualStudioProjectFileName, file.VisualStudioProjectFileName, true) == 0 ? 20 : 0,         // this best defines the specific project if set
                file = x
                   .OrderByDescending(x => x.score) // order by the calculated score se we can grab the highest
                   .Select(x => x.file)             // grab the encrypted file details now that we no longer need the score to sore by
                   .FirstOrDefault());              // select the first result or default (null) if there are no results
Exemple #2
        private EncryptedFileDetails GetFileSystemDetails(string fullPath)
                EncryptedFileDetails fileDetails = new EncryptedFileDetails();
                fileDetails.FullPath = fullPath;
                fileDetails.FileName = new FileInfo(fullPath).Name;

                // check for visual studio project file in given folder
                fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName = FindVisualStudioProject(new FileInfo(fullPath).Directory.FullName);

                    // get parent
                    fileDetails.ParentFolderName = Directory.GetParent(fullPath).Name;

                    // check for visual studio project file in first parent foler if it wasn't found earlier
                    if (fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName == null)
                        fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName = FindVisualStudioProject(new FileInfo(fullPath).Directory.Parent.FullName);
                        if (fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName != null)
                            fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName = "..\\" + fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName;

                        // get second parent
                        fileDetails.SecondParentFolderName = Directory.GetParent(fullPath).Parent.Name;

                        // check for visual studio project file in second parent folder if it wasn't found earlier
                        if (fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName == null)
                            fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName = FindVisualStudioProject(new FileInfo(fullPath).Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName);
                            if (fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName != null)
                                fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName = "..\\..\\" + fileDetails.VisualStudioProjectFileName;
                    catch (Exception) { } // no worries if there's no second parent
                catch (Exception) { }     // no worries if there's no parent

                // return file details
            catch (Exception)
Exemple #3
        public void UpdateSettings(string fullPath, string storeLocation, string storeName, string thumbprint)
            EncryptedFileDetails file         = null;
            EncryptedFileDetails existingFile = KnownFiles.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Compare(x.FullPath, fullPath, true) == 0);

            // check if file is already known
            if (existingFile != null)
                // check for updates
                file = GetFileSystemDetails(fullPath);
                file.CertificateStoreLocation = storeLocation;
                file.CertificateStoreName     = storeName;
                file.CertificateThumbprint    = thumbprint;

                if (!file.Equals(existingFile))
                    existingFile.FileName                    = file.FileName;
                    existingFile.FullPath                    = file.FullPath;
                    existingFile.ParentFolderName            = file.ParentFolderName;
                    existingFile.SecondParentFolderName      = file.SecondParentFolderName;
                    existingFile.VisualStudioProjectFileName = file.VisualStudioProjectFileName;
                    existingFile.CertificateStoreLocation    = storeLocation;
                    existingFile.CertificateStoreName        = storeName;
                    existingFile.CertificateThumbprint       = thumbprint;

                    // save changes
                    Properties.Settings.Default.KnownFiles = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(KnownFiles);
                // add new file to list
                file = GetFileSystemDetails(fullPath);
                file.CertificateStoreLocation = storeLocation;
                file.CertificateStoreName     = storeName;
                file.CertificateThumbprint    = thumbprint;

                if (file != null)

                    // save changes
                    Properties.Settings.Default.KnownFiles = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(KnownFiles);
Exemple #4
        private void LoadSettings()
            // check if file exists
            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(FileNameTextBox.Text);

            if (file.Exists)
                // try to find best match
                EncryptedFileDetails details = settings.FindBestMatch(file.FullName);
                if (details != null) // match found
                    // initialize dropdowns
                    storeLocation.SelectedValue = storeLocation.Items.Cast <string>().Where(x => string.Compare(x, details.CertificateStoreLocation, true) == 0).DefaultIfEmpty("LocalMachine").FirstOrDefault();
                    storeName.SelectedValue     = storeName.Items.Cast <string>().Where(x => string.Compare(x, details.CertificateStoreName, true) == 0).DefaultIfEmpty("My").FirstOrDefault();

                    certificateName.SelectedValue = certificateName.Items.Cast <string>().Where(x => x.StartsWith(details.CertificateThumbprint + " (", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();