/* * Build the entire page */ public void Page() { Console.Clear(); // print the current menu and current page this.PrintMenu(); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); if (this.PrintMenuPage(this.CurrentMenu, this.CurrentPage)) { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); } ConIO command = null; // if a current command is given than skip the user input if (this.CurrentCommand == null) { command = ConIO.Input("Input"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); } else { command = new ConIO(this.CurrentCommand); this.CurrentCommand = null; } // execute the command this.Command(command); }
public static bool Confirm(string message) { ConIO confirm = null; do { ConIO.OutputLine(message); confirm = ConIO.Input("Confirm with (j/n)"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); } while (!confirm.TestBool()); return(confirm.BoolInput); }
/* * Test if the add-illness command was canceled by user * Return true if canceled */ public bool CancelAddIllness(string input) { if (input == "cancel") { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO.OutputLine("Abort new Illness!"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.GoTo("illnesses", "illnesslist"); this.CurrentPatient = null; return(true); } return(false); }
/* * Test if the add-patient command was canceled by user * Return true if canceled */ public bool CancelAddPatient(string input) { if (input == "cancel") { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO.OutputLine("Abort new Patient!"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.GoTo("patients", "patientlist"); this.CurrentPatient = null; return(true); } return(false); }
/* * Execute the normal console commands * Return true if the command was found */ public bool CommandCommand(ConIO command) { switch (command.StringInput) { case "exit": ConIO.OutputLine("Programm beendet!"); Environment.Exit(0); return(true); case "clear": Console.Clear(); return(true); } return(false); }
/* * Test if the edit-patient command was canceled by user * Return true if canceled */ public bool CancelEditPatient(string input) { if (input == "cancel") { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO.OutputLine("Abort edit Patient!"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.GoTo("patient", "patient"); // load a fresh patient to undo the edits by user this.CurrentPatient = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatient(this.CurrentPatient.PatientID); return(true); } return(false); }
/* * Test if the edit-illness command was canceled by user * Return true if canceled */ public bool CancelEditIllness(string input) { if (input == "cancel") { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO.OutputLine("Abort edit Illness!"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.GoTo("illness", "illness"); // load a fresh illness to undo the edits by user this.CurrentIllness = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllness(this.CurrentIllness.IllnessID); return(true); } return(false); }
/* * Execute a command through all command functions */ public void Command(ConIO command) { if (this.CommandCommand(command)) { return; } if (this.MenuCommand(command)) { return; } if (this.PageCommand(command)) { return; } // if no function returned true the command was not found ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Command '" + command.StringInput + "' was not found!"); }
public static ConIO Input(string description) { return(ConIO.Input(description, ": ")); }
/* * Execute commands that depends on menu * Return true if the command was found */ public bool MenuCommand(ConIO command) { switch (this.CurrentMenu) { case "root": switch (command.StringInput) { case "patients": this.GoTo("patients", "patientlist"); return(true); case "illnesses": this.GoTo("illnesses", "illnesslist"); return(true); case "back": if (ConIO.Confirm("Exit programm?")) { ConIO.OutputLine("Programm beendet!"); Environment.Exit(0); } return(true); } break; case "patients": if (command.TestInt()) { Patient loadPatient = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatient(command.IntInput); if (loadPatient == null) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Patient " + command.IntInput + " not found!"); } else { this.CurrentPatient = loadPatient; this.GoTo("patient", "patient"); } return(true); } switch (command.StringInput) { case "add": this.GoTo("patient-add", "patient-add"); return(true); case "back": this.GoTo("root"); return(true); } break; case "illnesses": if (command.TestInt()) { Illness loadIllness = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllness(command.IntInput); if (loadIllness == null) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Illness " + command.IntInput + " not found!"); } else { this.CurrentIllness = loadIllness; this.GoTo("illness", "illness"); } return(true); } switch (command.StringInput) { case "add": this.GoTo("illness-add", "illness-add"); return(true); case "back": this.GoTo("root"); return(true); } break; case "patient": switch (command.StringInput) { case "edit": this.GoTo("patient-edit", "patient-edit"); return(true); case "delete": if (ConIO.Confirm("Delete Patient (" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ")?")) { if (this.Fachkonzept.DeletePatient(this.CurrentPatient)) { this.GoTo("patients", "patientlist"); } else { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not delete Patient (" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ")!"); } } return(true); case "illnesses": this.GoTo("patient-illness", "patient-illnesslist"); return(true); case "back": this.GoTo("patients", "patientlist"); return(true); } break; case "illness": switch (command.StringInput) { case "edit": this.GoTo("illness-edit", "illness-edit"); return(true); case "delete": if (ConIO.Confirm("Delete Illness (" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ")?")) { if (this.Fachkonzept.DeleteIllness(this.CurrentIllness)) { this.GoTo("illnesses", "illnesslist"); } else { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not delete Illness (" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ")!"); } } return(true); case "patients": this.GoTo("illness-patient", "illness-patientlist"); return(true); case "back": this.GoTo("illnesses", "illnesslist"); return(true); } break; case "patient-illness": switch (command.StringInput) { case "add": this.GoTo("patient-illness-add", "illnesslist"); return(true); case "remove": this.GoTo("patient-illness-remove", "patient-illnesslist"); return(true); case "back": this.GoTo("patient", "patient"); return(true); } break; case "illness-patient": switch (command.StringInput) { case "add": this.GoTo("illness-patient-add", "patientlist"); return(true); case "remove": this.GoTo("illness-patient-remove", "illness-patientlist"); return(true); case "back": this.GoTo("illness", "illness"); return(true); } break; case "patient-add": switch (command.StringInput) { case "add": this.CurrentPatient = new Patient(); ConIO input = null; // set the FirstName field of the new patient do { input = ConIO.Input("Patient First Name", " : "); if (this.CancelAddPatient(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } } while (input.StringInput.Length == 0); this.CurrentPatient.FirstName = input.StringInput; // set the LastName field of the new patient do { input = ConIO.Input("Patient Last Name", " : "); if (this.CancelAddPatient(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } } while (input.StringInput.Length == 0); this.CurrentPatient.LastName = input.StringInput; // set the Birthday field of the new patient bool isDate = false; do { input = ConIO.Input("Patient Birthday (dd.mm.YYYY)"); if (this.CancelAddPatient(input.StringInput)) { isDate = false; break; } isDate = input.TestDate(); if (!isDate) { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Wrong date format!"); } } while (!isDate); if (isDate) { this.CurrentPatient.Birthday = input.DateInput; } else { return(true); } // confirm the new patient from the user before save the patient ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintMenuPage("patient-add", "patient"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); if (ConIO.Confirm("Add the Patient?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.CreatePatient(this.CurrentPatient)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not create patient!"); this.GoTo("patients", "patientlist"); return(true); } } else { this.GoTo("patients", "patientlist"); return(true); } this.GoTo("patient", "patient"); return(true); } break; case "illness-add": switch (command.StringInput) { case "add": this.CurrentIllness = new Illness(); ConIO input = null; // set the Name field of the new illness do { input = ConIO.Input("Illness Name", " : "); if (this.CancelAddIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } } while (input.StringInput.Length == 0); this.CurrentIllness.Name = input.StringInput; // set the Contagious field of the new illness do { input = ConIO.Input("Is Contagious?(j/n)"); } while (!input.TestBool() && input.StringInput != "cancel"); if (this.CancelAddIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } this.CurrentIllness.Contagious = input.BoolInput; // set the Lethal field of the new illness do { input = ConIO.Input("Is Lethal?(j/n)", " : "); } while (!input.TestBool() && input.StringInput != "cancel"); if (this.CancelAddIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } this.CurrentIllness.Lethal = input.BoolInput; // set the Curable field of the new illness do { input = ConIO.Input("Is Curable?(j/n)", " : "); } while (!input.TestBool() && input.StringInput != "cancel"); if (this.CancelAddIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } this.CurrentIllness.Curable = input.BoolInput; // confirm the new illness from the user before save the illness ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintMenuPage("illness-add", "illness"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); if (ConIO.Confirm("Add the Illness?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.CreateIllness(this.CurrentIllness)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not create illness!"); this.GoTo("illnesses", "illnesslist"); return(true); } } else { this.GoTo("illnesses", "illnesslist"); return(true); } this.GoTo("illness", "illness"); return(true); } break; case "patient-edit": switch (command.StringInput) { case "edit": ConIO.OutputLine("Enter an empty text to not change the value!"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO input = null; // edit the FirstName field of the current patient input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentPatient.FirstName, "First name"); if (this.CancelEditPatient(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length != 0) { this.CurrentPatient.FirstName = input.StringInput; } // edit the LastName field of the current patient input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentPatient.LastName, "Last name "); if (this.CancelEditPatient(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length != 0) { this.CurrentPatient.LastName = input.StringInput; } // edit the Birthday field of the current patient bool isDate = false; do { input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentPatient.Birthday.ToShortDateString(), "Birthday "); if (this.CancelEditPatient(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length == 0) { break; } isDate = input.TestDate(); if (!isDate) { ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Wrong date format"); } } while (!isDate); if (isDate) { this.CurrentPatient.Birthday = input.DateInput; } // confirm the edit patient from the user before update the patient ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintMenuPage("patient-edit", "patient"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); if (ConIO.Confirm("Edit the Patient?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.UpdatePatient(this.CurrentPatient)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not update patient!"); this.CurrentPatient = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatient(this.CurrentPatient.PatientID); } } else { this.CurrentPatient = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatient(this.CurrentPatient.PatientID); } this.GoTo("patient", "patient"); return(true); } break; case "illness-edit": switch (command.StringInput) { case "edit": ConIO.OutputLine("Enter an empty text to not change the value!"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); ConIO input = null; // edit the Name field of the current illness input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentIllness.Name, "Illness name "); if (this.CancelEditIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length != 0) { this.CurrentIllness.Name = input.StringInput; } // edit the Contagious field of the current illness do { input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentIllness.Contagious.ToString(), "Is Contagious?(j/n)"); } while (!input.TestBool() && input.StringInput != "cancel" && input.StringInput.Length != 0); if (this.CancelEditIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length != 0) { this.CurrentIllness.Contagious = input.BoolInput; } // edit the Lethal field of the current illness do { input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentIllness.Lethal.ToString(), "Is Lethal?(j/n) "); } while (!input.TestBool() && input.StringInput != "cancel" && input.StringInput.Length != 0); if (this.CancelEditIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length != 0) { this.CurrentIllness.Lethal = input.BoolInput; } // edit the Curable field of the current illness do { input = this.InputEditField(this.CurrentIllness.Curable.ToString(), "Is Curable?(j/n) "); } while (!input.TestBool() && input.StringInput != "cancel" && input.StringInput.Length != 0); if (this.CancelEditIllness(input.StringInput)) { return(true); } if (input.StringInput.Length != 0) { this.CurrentIllness.Curable = input.BoolInput; } // confirm the edit illness from the user before update the illness ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintMenuPage("illness-edit", "illness"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); if (ConIO.Confirm("Edit the Illness?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.UpdateIllness(this.CurrentIllness)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not update Illness!"); this.CurrentIllness = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllness(this.CurrentIllness.IllnessID); } } else { this.CurrentIllness = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllness(this.CurrentIllness.IllnessID); } this.GoTo("illness", "illness"); return(true); } break; case "patient-illness-add": switch (command.StringInput) { case "back": this.GoTo("patient-illness", "patient-illnesslist"); return(true); default: if (command.TestInt()) { Illness illness = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllness(command.IntInput); if (illness == null) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not load Illness!"); } else { // Confirm the link from illness to patient if (ConIO.Confirm("Add Illness to patient?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.LinkPatientIllness(this.CurrentPatient, illness)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not link Illness to Patient!"); } } this.GoTo("patient-illness", "patient-illnesslist"); } return(true); } break; } break; case "patient-illness-remove": switch (command.StringInput) { case "back": this.GoTo("patient-illness", "patient-illnesslist"); return(true); default: if (command.TestInt()) { Illness illness = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllness(command.IntInput); if (illness == null) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not load Illness!"); } else { // Confirm the delink of illness from patient if (ConIO.Confirm("Remove Illness from Patient?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.UnLinkPatientIllness(this.CurrentPatient, illness)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not delink Illness from Patient!"); } } this.GoTo("patient-illness", "patient-illnesslist"); } return(true); } break; } break; case "illness-patient-add": switch (command.StringInput) { case "back": this.GoTo("illness-patient", "illness-patientlist"); return(true); default: if (command.TestInt()) { Patient patient = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatient(command.IntInput); if (patient == null) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not load Patient!"); } else { // Confirm the link from patient to illness if (ConIO.Confirm("Add Patient to Illness?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.LinkPatientIllness(patient, this.CurrentIllness)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not link Patient to Illness!"); } } this.GoTo("illness-patient", "illness-patientlist"); } return(true); } break; } break; case "illness-patient-remove": switch (command.StringInput) { case "back": this.GoTo("illness-patient", "illness-patientlist"); return(true); default: if (command.TestInt()) { Patient patient = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatient(command.IntInput); if (patient == null) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not load Patient!"); } else { // Confirm the delink of Patient from Illness if (ConIO.Confirm("Remove Patient from Illness?")) { if (!this.Fachkonzept.UnLinkPatientIllness(patient, this.CurrentIllness)) { ConIO.OutputError("ERROR: Can not delink Patient from Illness!"); } } this.GoTo("illness-patient", "illness-patientlist"); } return(true); } break; } break; } return(false); }
/* * print a single menu item with command */ private void PrintItem(string item, string command) { //ConIO.OutputLine(item + " ( " + command + " )"); ConIO.OutputLine(item, "( " + command + " )"); }
/* * Print a menu item which has no defined command */ public void PrintItem(string item) { ConIO.OutputLine(item, "( ### )"); }
public static ConIO Input() { return(ConIO.Input("", "")); }
public static void OutputError(string text) { ConIO.OutputLine(text); ConIO.Input("Confirm with enter"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); }
public static ConIO Input(string description, string seperator) { ConIO.Output(description + seperator); return(new ConIO(Console.ReadLine())); }
/* * Print a page depends on menu and page * e.g. for a full patient to show or a list of illnesses * Return true if a page is given for the menu and page */ public bool PrintMenuPage(string menu, string page) { switch (page) { // print a list of patients case "patientlist": ConIO.OutputLine("Page " + (this.CurrentPager + 1) + " / " + (this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetPatientsCount()) + 1)); Patient[] patients = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatients(this.CurrentPager, this.PagerNumber); for (int i = 0; i < patients.Length; i++) { ConIO.OutputLine("(" + patients[i].PatientID + ") " + this.DescribePatientRow(patients[i])); } return(true); // print a loaded patient case "patient": ConIO.OutputLine("Patient:"); ConIO.OutputLine("ID: ", this.CurrentPatient.PatientID.ToString()); ConIO.OutputLine("Firstname: ", this.CurrentPatient.FirstName); ConIO.OutputLine("Lastname: ", this.CurrentPatient.LastName); ConIO.OutputLine("Birthdate: ", this.CurrentPatient.Birthday.ToShortDateString()); return(true); // print a list of illnesses case "illnesslist": ConIO.OutputLine("Page " + (this.CurrentPager + 1) + " / " + (this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetIllnessesCount()) + 1)); Illness[] illnesses = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllnesses(this.CurrentPager, this.PagerNumber); for (int i = 0; i < illnesses.Length; i++) { ConIO.OutputLine("(" + illnesses[i].IllnessID + ") " + this.DescribeIllnessRow(illnesses[i])); } return(true); // print a loaded illness case "illness": ConIO.OutputLine("Illness:"); ConIO.OutputLine("ID: ", this.CurrentIllness.IllnessID.ToString()); ConIO.OutputLine("Name: ", this.CurrentIllness.Name); ConIO.OutputLine("Contagious: ", this.CurrentIllness.Contagious.ToString()); ConIO.OutputLine("Lethal: ", this.CurrentIllness.Lethal.ToString()); ConIO.OutputLine("Curable: ", this.CurrentIllness.Curable.ToString()); return(true); // print a list of illnesses associated by a loaded patient case "patient-illnesslist": ConIO.OutputLine("Page " + (this.CurrentPager + 1) + " / " + (this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetPatientIllnessesCount(this.CurrentPatient)) + 1)); Illness[] patientillnesses = this.Fachkonzept.GetPatientIllnesses(this.CurrentPatient, this.CurrentPager, this.PagerNumber); for (int i = 0; i < patientillnesses.Length; i++) { ConIO.OutputLine("(" + patientillnesses[i].IllnessID + ") " + this.DescribeIllnessRow(patientillnesses[i])); } return(true); // print a list of patients associated by a loaded illness case "illness-patientlist": ConIO.OutputLine("Page " + (this.CurrentPager + 1) + " / " + (this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetIllnessPatientsCount(this.CurrentIllness)) + 1)); Patient[] illnesspatients = this.Fachkonzept.GetIllnessPatients(this.CurrentIllness, this.CurrentPager, this.PagerNumber); for (int i = 0; i < illnesspatients.Length; i++) { ConIO.OutputLine("(" + illnesspatients[i].PatientID + ") " + this.DescribePatientRow(illnesspatients[i])); } return(true); case "patient-add": case "illness-add": this.CurrentCommand = "add"; break; case "patient-edit": case "illness-edit": this.CurrentCommand = "edit"; break; case "illness-patient-add": case "patient-illness-add": this.CurrentCommand = "add"; break; case "illness-patient-remove": case "patient-illness-remove": this.CurrentCommand = "remove"; break; } return(false); }
/* * Print the commands for the normal menu, depends on current menu */ public void PrintActionMenu() { switch (this.CurrentMenu) { case "root": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Show Patients", "patients"); this.PrintItem("Show Illnesses", "illnesses"); break; case "patients": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Add a Patient", "add"); this.PrintItem("Show Patient"); this.PrintItem("Go Back", "back"); break; case "illnesses": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Add a Illness", "add"); this.PrintItem("Show Illness"); this.PrintItem("Go Back", "back"); break; case "patient": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients > Patient(" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ")"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Edit Patient", "edit"); this.PrintItem("Delete Patient", "delete"); this.PrintItem("Show Illnesses of Patient", "illnesses"); this.PrintItem("Go Back", "back"); break; case "illness": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses > Illness(" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ")"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Edit Illness", "edit"); this.PrintItem("Delete Illness", "delete"); this.PrintItem("Show Patients of Illness", "patients"); this.PrintItem("Go Back", "back"); break; case "patient-illness": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients > Patient(" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ") > Illnesses"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Remove a Illness", "remove"); this.PrintItem("Add a Illness to the Patient", "add"); this.PrintItem("Go Back", "back"); break; case "illness-patient": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses > Illness(" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ") > Patients"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Remove a Patient", "remove"); this.PrintItem("Add a Patient to the Illness", "add"); this.PrintItem("Go Back", "back"); break; case "patient-add": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients >> Add Patient"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Abort new Patient", "cancel"); break; case "illness-add": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses >> Add Illness"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Abort new Illness", "cancel"); break; case "patient-edit": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients > Patient(" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ") >> Edit Patient"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Abort edit Patient", "cancel"); break; case "illness-edit": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses > Illness(" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ") >> Edit Illness"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Abort edit Illness", "cancel"); break; case "patient-illness-add": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients > Patient(" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ") > Illnesses >> Add Illness"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Add illness to patient"); this.PrintItem("Abort add illness", "back"); break; case "patient-illness-remove": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Patients > Patient(" + this.DescribePatient(this.CurrentPatient) + ") > Illnesses >> Remove Illness"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Remove illness from patient"); this.PrintItem("Abort remove illness", "back"); break; case "illness-patient-add": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses > Illness(" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ") > Patients >> Add Patient"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Add patient to illness"); this.PrintItem("Abort add patient", "back"); break; case "illness-patient-remove": ConIO.OutputLine("Menu: Root > Illnesses > Illness(" + this.DescribeIllness(this.CurrentIllness) + ") > Patients >> Remove Patient"); ConIO.OutputNewLine(); this.PrintItem("Remove patient from illness"); this.PrintItem("Abort remove patient", "back"); break; } }
/* * Execute commands that depends on page * Return true if the command was found */ public bool PageCommand(ConIO command) { switch (this.CurrentPage) { case "patientlist": switch (command.StringInput) { case "next": if (this.CurrentPager < this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetPatientsCount())) { this.CurrentPager++; } return(true); case "prev": if (this.CurrentPager > 0) { this.CurrentPager--; } return(true); } break; case "illnesslist": switch (command.StringInput) { case "next": if (this.CurrentPager < this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetIllnessesCount())) { this.CurrentPager++; } return(true); case "prev": if (this.CurrentPager > 0) { this.CurrentPager--; } return(true); } break; case "illness-patientlist": switch (command.StringInput) { case "next": if (this.CurrentPager < this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetIllnessPatientsCount(this.CurrentIllness))) { this.CurrentPager++; } return(true); case "prev": if (this.CurrentPager > 0) { this.CurrentPager--; } return(true); } break; case "patient-illnesslist": switch (command.StringInput) { case "next": if (this.CurrentPager < this.GetMaxPager(this.Fachkonzept.GetPatientIllnessesCount(this.CurrentPatient))) { this.CurrentPager++; } return(true); case "prev": if (this.CurrentPager > 0) { this.CurrentPager--; } return(true); } break; } return(false); }
public ConIO InputEditField(string current, string description) { return(ConIO.Input(description + " : " + current, " > ")); }