Exemple #1
        }         // resolveUrl

        private void RenderViewStatus(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            PageRedirectDb db          = new PageRedirectDb();
            string         url         = db.getPageRedirectUrl(page, identifier, langToRenderFor.shortCode, true);
            string         resolvedUrl = resolveRedirectUrl(url);

            string width  = "100%";
            string height = "1.5em";

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width  = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);
                height = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", height, paramList);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Error: invalid TemplateEngine version");

            System.Text.StringBuilder html = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            html.Append("<div style=\"background: #CCC; padding: 0.2em;\">");
            html.Append("Normal site viewers (people who are not site authors) will be automatically redirected to :");
            html.Append("<a href=\"" + resolvedUrl + "\" style=\"font-size: " + height + ";\">");

            if (resolvedUrl != "")
                StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder();

                js.Append("var start=new Date();" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("start=Date.parse(start)/1000;" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("var counts=10;" + Environment.NewLine);

                js.Append("function CountDownToRedirect(){" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	var now=new Date();" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	now=Date.parse(now)/1000;" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	var x=parseInt(counts-(now-start),10);" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	document.getElementById('redirectCountDown').value = x;" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	if(x>0){" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("		timerID=setTimeout(\"CountDownToRedirect()\", 100)"+ Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	}else{" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("		location.href=\""+ resolvedUrl + "\"" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("	}" + Environment.NewLine);
                js.Append("} // CountDownToRedirect" + Environment.NewLine);



                int numSecondsToWait = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("RedirectPlaceholder_autoRedirectAfterSeconds", 10);;

                html.Append("<p>You are being redirected in <input type=\"text\" name=\"clock\" id=\"redirectCountDown\" size=\"2\" value=\"" + numSecondsToWait.ToString() + "\"> seconds.</p>" + Environment.NewLine);


        } // RenderViewStatus
            public void InitFromPlaceholderParamList(string[] paramList)
                if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                    string sLinkMode = "";
                        sLinkMode    = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("filelinks", Enum.GetName(typeof(FileLinkMode), fileLinkMode), paramList);
                        fileLinkMode = (FileLinkMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileLinkMode), sLinkMode, true);
                        // set the default link target based on the link mode. This can be overridden by the linktarget parameter.
                        switch (fileLinkMode)
                        case FileLinkMode.LinkToFile: LinkTarget = "_blank"; break;

                        case FileLinkMode.LinkToPage: LinkTarget = "_self"; break;
                        throw new Exception("Error: invalid FileLibraryAggregator2 filelinks parameter. Valid values: " + String.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(FileLinkMode))));

                    PageIdToGatherFilesFrom = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("gatherfrompageid", Int32.MinValue, paramList);
                    RecursiveGatherFiles    = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("gatherrecusive", RecursiveGatherFiles, paramList);
                    ListingTitle            = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("listingtitle", ListingTitle, paramList);
                    LinkTarget       = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("linktarget", LinkTarget, paramList);
                    ShowByCategory   = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("showbycategory", ShowByCategory, paramList);
                    IncludePageFiles = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("includepagefiles", IncludePageFiles, paramList);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");
Exemple #3
        public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            PageRedirectDb db = new PageRedirectDb();

            string formName = "PageRedirect_" + page.ID.ToString() + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode;
            string width    = "100%";
            string height   = "1.5em";

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width  = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);
                height = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", height, paramList);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Error: invalid TemplateEngine version");

            string pageRedirectUrl = db.getPageRedirectUrl(page, identifier, langToRenderFor.shortCode, true);
            // string Message = "";

            // ------- CHECK THE FORM FOR ACTIONS
            string action = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_Action", "");

            if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "saveUrl".ToLower())
                pageRedirectUrl = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_value", "");
                if (!db.saveUpdatedPageRedirect(page, identifier, langToRenderFor.shortCode, pageRedirectUrl))
                    throw new Exception("Problem with database: could not set redirect url");

            // ------- START RENDERING
            // -- get the Javascript
            string html = "";
            // -- render the Control
            // note: no need to put in the <form></form> tags.

            string id = formName + "_id";

            html = html + "<div style=\"background: #CCC; padding: 0.2em;\">";
            html = html + "URL to redirect to: <input style=\"font-size: " + height + "; font-weight: bold; width: " + width + "; height:" + height + " \" type=\"text\" id=\"" + id + "\" name=\"" + formName + "_value\" value=\"" + pageRedirectUrl + "\">";
            //html = html + "<br><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var url = document.getElementById('"+id+"').value; window.open(url,'"+id+"_window');\">test link</a>";
            html = html + "<br>hint: use a '~' for a local link (eg: '~/' links to the home page, '~" + page.ParentPage.Path + "' links to the " + page.ParentPage.Title + " page )";
            html = html + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + formName + "_Action\" value=\"saveUrl\">";
            html = html + "</div>";

        }         // RenderEdit
        public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            PlainTextContentDb db = new PlainTextContentDb();
            string             plainTextContent = "";

            string width  = "100%";
            string height = "200px";

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width  = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);
                height = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", height, paramList);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Error: invalid TemplateEngine version");

            string editorId = "plaintextcontent_" + page.Id.ToString() + "_" + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode;

            // ------- CHECK THE FORM FOR ACTIONS
            string action = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm(editorId + "_Action", "");

            if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "update")
                plainTextContent = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm("name_" + editorId, "");
                db.saveUpdatedPlainTextContent(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, plainTextContent);
                plainTextContent = db.getPlainTextContent(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true);

            // ------- START RENDERING
            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();

            // -- render the Control
            // note: no need to put in the <form></form> tags.

            html.Append("<textarea name=\"name_" + editorId + "\" id=\"" + editorId + "\" style=\"WIDTH: " + width + "; HEIGHT: " + height + ";\">");

            html.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + editorId + "_Action\" value=\"update\">");

Exemple #5
 public RenderParameters(string[] paramList)
     if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
         renderWidth            = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", renderWidth, paramList);
         renderHeight           = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", renderHeight, paramList);
         renderTemplate         = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("OutputTemplate", renderTemplate, paramList);
         outputOnlyIfHasContent = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("OutputOnlyIfHasContent", outputOnlyIfHasContent, paramList);
         outputOnlyInEditMode   = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("OutputOnlyInEditMode", outputOnlyInEditMode, paramList);
         throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");
 public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
     // -- output the text in the parameters
     if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
         string text = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("text", "", paramList);
         if (text.Trim() != "")
             writer.Write("<div class=\"EditModeComment\">" + text + "</div>");
         throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");
 }         // RenderEdit
Exemple #7
        private int getThumbDisplayHeight(CmsPage page, string[] paramList)
            int forceDefaultThumbHeight = Int32.MinValue;

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                forceDefaultThumbHeight = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", forceDefaultThumbHeight, paramList);
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");

            if (forceDefaultThumbHeight < -1)
                throw new TemplateExecutionException(page.TemplateName, "SingleImage placeholder must have a \"height\" parameter.");
Exemple #8
        } // RenderView

        private int getThumbDisplayWidth(CmsPage page, string[] paramList)
            int width = Int32.MinValue;

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);

                // -- do checks of template parameters that are no longer used (and should be removed from templates).
                string notFound   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                string popupWidth = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("popupWidth", notFound, paramList);
                if (popupWidth != notFound)
                    throw new TemplateExecutionException(page.TemplateName, "SingleImage placeholders should no longer have a \"popupWidth\" parameter.");
                string popupHeight = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("popupHeight", notFound, paramList);
                if (popupHeight != notFound)
                    throw new TemplateExecutionException(page.TemplateName, "SingleImage placeholders should no longer have a \"popupHeight\" parameter.");
                string tags = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("tags", notFound, paramList);
                if (tags != notFound)
                    throw new TemplateExecutionException(page.TemplateName, "SingleImage placeholders should no longer have a \"tags\" parameter.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");

            if (width < -1)
                throw new TemplateExecutionException(page.TemplateName, "SingleImage placeholder must have a \"width\" parameter.");

        } // RenderEdit

        public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            string width  = "400px";
            string height = "200px";

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width  = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);
                height = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", height, paramList);
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");

            GoogleMapInfo mapInfo = (new GoogleMapDb()).getGoogleMap(page, identifier, true);

            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();

            html.Append(getMapHtml(mapInfo, page, identifier, width, height));

        } // RenderView
Exemple #10
        public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            string formName = "editTitle_" + page.Id.ToString() + identifier.ToString() + langToRenderFor.shortCode.ToLower();

            // -- get the placeholder width and height parameters
            string width  = "100%";
            string height = "1.5em";
            bool   renamePageBasedOnTitle = false;
            bool   hideNavigationMenuText = false;
            string pageTitlePrompt        = "Page Title:";

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width  = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);
                height = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", height, paramList);
                renamePageBasedOnTitle = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("RenamePageBasedOnTitle", renamePageBasedOnTitle, paramList);
                hideNavigationMenuText = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("HideNavigationMenuText", hideNavigationMenuText, paramList);
                pageTitlePrompt        = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("PageTitlePrompt", pageTitlePrompt, paramList);
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");

            string pageTitle = "";
            string menuTitle = "";
            string searchEngineDescription = "";
            string Message = "";

            // ------- CHECK THE FORM FOR ACTIONS
            string action = Hatfield.Web.Portal.PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_PageTitleAction", "");

            if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "savetitle")
                // -- save the page title
                pageTitle = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_value", "");
                if ((pageTitle.CompareTo(page.Title) != 0 || renamePageBasedOnTitle) && page.setTitle(pageTitle, langToRenderFor))
                    Message = "Page Title Updated";
                    // -- save the name based on the page title
                    if (renamePageBasedOnTitle && page.Id != CmsContext.HomePage.Id)
                        string newPageName = getPageNameFromTitle(pageTitle, page);
                        // -- rename the page to its new name
                        bool renameSuccess = page.setName(newPageName, langToRenderFor);
                        if (!renameSuccess)
                            Message = "Page did NOT rename successfully.";
                    Message   = "Problem with database: could not set page title";
                    pageTitle = page.Title;

                // -- save the menu title

                menuTitle = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_menutitlevalue", "");
                if (page.setMenuTitle(menuTitle, langToRenderFor))
                    Message = "Navigation Menu Text Updated";
                    Message   = "Problem with database: could not set page's Menu title";
                    menuTitle = page.getMenuTitle(langToRenderFor);

                searchEngineDescription = PageUtils.getFromForm(formName + "_searchEngineDescriptionvalue", "");
                searchEngineDescription = StringUtils.StripHTMLTags(searchEngineDescription);
                if (page.setSearchEngineDescription(searchEngineDescription, langToRenderFor))
                    Message = "Page Search Engine Description Updated";
                    Message = "Problem with database: could not set page's search engine description";
                    searchEngineDescription = page.SearchEngineDescription;
                pageTitle = page.getTitle(langToRenderFor);
                menuTitle = page.getMenuTitle(langToRenderFor);
                searchEngineDescription = page.getSearchEngineDescription(langToRenderFor);

            // ------- START RENDERING
            // -- get the Javascript
            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
            string        EOL  = Environment.NewLine;

            // -- render the Control
            // note: no need to put in the <form></form> tags.
            html.Append("<div class=\"PageTitlePlaceholder\">");
            html.Append("<div class=\"PageTitleEdit\" style=\"background: #CCC; padding: 0.2em;\">");
            html.Append(pageTitlePrompt + " <input style=\"font-size: " + height + "; font-weight: bold; width: " + width + "; height:" + height + " \" type=\"text\" name=\"" + formName + "_value\" value=\"" + pageTitle + "\"><br>");
            html.Append("</div>" + Environment.NewLine);

            html.Append("<div class=\"PageMenuTextEdit\" style=\"background: #CCC; padding: 0.2em;\">");
            html.Append("Navigation Menu Text: ");
            string onclickMenuText = "if ( $('#{0}').css('display') == 'none' ) { this.innerHTML = '(hide)'; $('#{0}').css('display','block'); } else { this.innerHTML = '(edit)'; $('#{0}').css('display','none'); } return false;";

            onclickMenuText = onclickMenuText.Replace("{0}", formName + "_menutitlevalue");
            string htmlLink = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"{0}\">({1})</a>";

            htmlLink = String.Format(htmlLink, new string[] { onclickMenuText, (hideNavigationMenuText) ? "edit" : "hide" });
            html.Append("<input style=\"display: " + (hideNavigationMenuText ? "none" : "block") + "; font-size: " + height + "; font-weight: bold; width: " + width + "; height:" + height + " \" type=\"text\" id=\"" + formName + "_menutitlevalue\" name=\"" + formName + "_menutitlevalue\" value=\"" + menuTitle + "\"><br>");
            html.Append("</div>" + Environment.NewLine);

            html.Append("<div style=\"background: #CCC; padding: 0.2em;\">");
            html.Append("Search Engine Description: ");
            string onclickSearchEngine = "if ( $('#{0}').css('display') == 'none' ) { this.innerHTML = '(hide)'; $('#{0}').css('display','block'); } else { this.innerHTML = '(edit)'; $('#{0}').css('display','none'); } return false;";

            onclickSearchEngine = onclickSearchEngine.Replace("{0}", formName + "_searchEngineDescriptionvalue");
            string htmlLink2 = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"{0}\">({1})</a>";

            htmlLink2 = String.Format(htmlLink2, new string[] { onclickSearchEngine, (searchEngineDescription == "") ? "edit" : "hide" });
            html.Append("<textarea name=\"" + formName + "_searchEngineDescriptionvalue\" id=\"" + formName + "_searchEngineDescriptionvalue\" style=\"display: " + ((searchEngineDescription == "") ? "none" : "block") + "; width: " + width + ";\" rows=\"3\">");
            html.Append("</div>" + Environment.NewLine);

            html.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + formName + "_PageTitleAction\" value=\"saveTitle\">");
            html.Append("</div>" + Environment.NewLine);

        public override void RenderInEditMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList)
            string width  = "400px";
            string height = "200px";

            if (CmsConfig.TemplateEngineVersion == CmsTemplateEngineVersion.v2)
                width  = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("width", width, paramList);
                height = PlaceholderUtils.getParameterValue("height", height, paramList);
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CmsTemplateEngineVersion");

            GoogleMapInfo mapInfo = (new GoogleMapDb()).getGoogleMap(page, identifier, true);
            string        mapId   = "GoogleMap_" + page.ID.ToString() + "_" + identifier.ToString();

            string action = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "Action", "");

            if (action.Trim().ToLower() == "update")
                mapInfo.APIKey = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "API", mapInfo.APIKey);
                string PopupHtml = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "PopupHtml", mapInfo.PopupHtml);
                PopupHtml                 = PopupHtml.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ");
                PopupHtml                 = PopupHtml.Replace("\r", " ");
                PopupHtml                 = PopupHtml.Replace("\n", " ");
                mapInfo.PopupHtml         = PopupHtml;
                mapInfo.Latitude          = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "Latitude", mapInfo.Latitude);
                mapInfo.Longitude         = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "Longitude", mapInfo.Longitude);
                mapInfo.intitialZoomLevel = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "intitialZoomLevel", mapInfo.intitialZoomLevel);
                mapInfo.displayType       = (GoogleMapInfo.MapDisplay)PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "type", typeof(GoogleMapInfo.MapDisplay), GoogleMapInfo.MapDisplay.G_NORMAL_MAP);
                mapInfo.KMLOverlayUrl     = PageUtils.getFromForm(mapId + "KMLOverlayUrl", mapInfo.KMLOverlayUrl);

                (new GoogleMapDb()).saveUpdatedGoogleMap(page, identifier, mapInfo);

            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();

            html.Append("Google Maps API Key: ");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(mapId + "API", mapInfo + "API", mapInfo.APIKey, 30, 255));
            html.Append("KML Overlay Url (specifying a KML will override Popup information below): ");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(mapId + "KMLOverlayUrl", mapInfo + "KMLOverlayUrl", mapInfo.KMLOverlayUrl.ToString(), 50, 255));
            html.Append("Popup Html (max 255 chars):");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getTextAreaHtml(mapId + "PopupHtml", mapInfo + "PopupHtml", mapInfo.PopupHtml, 50, 2));
            html.Append("Popup Latitude (decimal degrees): ");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(mapId + "Latitude", mapInfo + "Latitude", mapInfo.Latitude.ToString(), 5, 255));
            html.Append("Popup Longitude (decimal degrees): ");
            html.Append(PageUtils.getInputTextHtml(mapId + "Longitude", mapInfo + "Longitude", mapInfo.Longitude.ToString(), 5, 255));
            html.Append("Display Type: " + PageUtils.getDropDownHtml(mapId + "type", mapInfo + "type", Enum.GetNames(typeof(GoogleMapInfo.MapDisplay)), Enum.GetName(typeof(GoogleMapInfo.MapDisplay), mapInfo.displayType)));
            string[] zoomLevels = new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17" };
            html.Append("Initial Zoom Level: " + PageUtils.getDropDownHtml(mapId + "intitialZoomLevel", mapInfo + "intitialZoomLevel", zoomLevels, mapInfo.intitialZoomLevel.ToString()));
            html.Append(PageUtils.getHiddenInputHtml(mapId + "Action", "update"));

            // -- Render the map
            html.Append(getMapHtml(mapInfo, page, identifier, width, height));

        } // RenderEdit