Exemple #1
        // function iterates through the encoded string
        // if s[i]=='1' then move to node->right
        // if s[i]=='0' then move to node->left
        // if leaf node append the node->data to our output string
        public string Decode(HuffmanTreeNode root, string encodedStr)
            string          ans  = "";
            HuffmanTreeNode curr = root;

            // loop encoded str
            for (int i = 0; i < encodedStr.Length; i++)
                if (encodedStr[i] == '0')  // move to left
                    curr = curr.Left;
                    curr = curr.Right; // move to right
                // reached leaf node
                if (curr.Left == null && curr.Right == null)
                    ans += curr.Char;
                    curr = root;
Exemple #2
        public void CreateTree(Dictionary <char, int> charFreqs)
            // queue for nodes will be kept in asc order
            queue = new List <HuffmanTreeNode>();

            // Huffman code table will be populated with chars and corresponding binaries counted from Huffman tree
            CodeTable = new Dictionary <char, string>();

            Console.WriteLine("\nHuffman tree:");

            foreach (var item in charFreqs)
                // create nodes based on chars and frequencies
                HuffmanTreeNode node = new HuffmanTreeNode(item.Key, item.Value);
                node.Left  = null;
                node.Right = null;

            HuffmanTreeNode root = null;

            // queue handling
            while (queue.Count > 1)
                // 1st node with smallest frequency to extract
                HuffmanTreeNode x = queue.First();

                // 2nd node with smallest frequency y to extract
                HuffmanTreeNode y = queue.First();

                // new node, daddy for the two extracted nodes (sum of the 2 smallest)
                HuffmanTreeNode f = new HuffmanTreeNode('*', x.Frequency + y.Frequency);

                // 1st extracted node as left child
                f.Left = x;

                // 2nd extracted node as right child
                f.Right = y;

                // new node is now root node
                root = f;

                // new node to the queue

                // sort queue, has to be in asc order

                // for decoding
                RootNode = root;

            StoreCodes(root, ""); // to dict
Exemple #3
        // tree traversal
        public void StoreCodes(HuffmanTreeNode root, string s)
            // base case; if the left and right are null then its a leaf node and store the code s generated by traversing the tree.
            if (root.Left == null && root.Right == null && Char.IsLetter(root.Char))
                // codetable char
                if (!CodeTable.ContainsKey(root.Char))
                    CodeTable.Add(root.Char, s);
                CodeTable[root.Char] = s;
                Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + root.Char + ":" + s);

            // if we go to left then add "0" to the code., if we go to the right add "1" to the code.
            // recursive calls for left and right sub-tree of the generated tree.
            StoreCodes(root.Left, s + "0");
            StoreCodes(root.Right, s + "1");