//async method for connecting to clients
        public static void connect(IAsyncResult ar)
                //connection finished, allow others to connect

                Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer connected overworld");

                OverworldState state = new OverworldState();

                state.Update = new byte[UPDATE_SIZE];

                //get socket for client
                Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
                Socket handler  = listener.EndAccept(ar);

                byte[] id = new byte[16];
                handler.Receive(id, 16, 0);

                state.ClientID = new Guid(id);
                state.ClientSocket = handler;

                ClientState addSocket;
                lock (ConnectedPlayers.DICTIONARY_LOCK)
                    if (ConnectedPlayers.playerDetails.TryGetValue(state.ClientID, out addSocket))
                        addSocket.OverworldSocket = handler;
                        addSocket = new ClientState(null, handler, null, null);
                        ConnectedPlayers.playerDetails.Add(state.ClientID, addSocket);

                state.Lat = addSocket.Latitude;
                state.Lon = addSocket.Longtitude;

                //start receiving client updates
                handler.BeginReceive(state.Update, 0, UPDATE_SIZE, 0, new AsyncCallback(readUpdate), state);
            //catch connection errors
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer disconnected overworld connect");
        //Process and send nearby data to player
        //later on add mechanism to avoid redundant object sending (at least for fixed position objects)
        private static void send(OverworldState state)
            //possibly figure out GPS range and use limited numerical value size to incorporate type of object into the same data size
            List <float> nearbyC             = new List <float>();
            List <Guid>  nearbyID            = new List <Guid>();
            List <byte>  nearbyPlayerDetails = new List <byte>();

            //place gps coords and object's id in lists to be sent (indexes of latitude must be 2i and longtitude 2i+1 where i is the index of the respective objects guid)
            var dbCon = new DatabaseConnect();

            dbCon.findNearbyObjects(state.Lat[0], state.Lon[0], nearbyC, nearbyID, nearbyPlayerDetails);

            //use latitude to include the type of object it is. Determine if object is a (player, colloseum, landmark) and add (0, 1, 2) * 181 to latitude respectively
            //latitudes range is -90 - 90, so by doing this the type of object can be determined without sending additional data (value < 91: player, 90 < value < 272: colloseum, 271 < value: colloseum)

            //creates byte aray with proper number of bytes
            state.Nearby = new byte[nearbyC.Count * 4 + nearbyID.Count * 16 + nearbyPlayerDetails.Count];
            //put nearby coords in byte array to be sent
            Buffer.BlockCopy(nearbyC.ToArray(), 0, state.Nearby, 0, nearbyC.Count * 4);

            //put respective guids
            int i = 0;

            foreach (Guid id in nearbyID.ToArray())
                Buffer.BlockCopy(id.ToByteArray(), 0, state.Nearby, nearbyC.Count * 4 + 16 * i, 16);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(nearbyPlayerDetails.ToArray(), 0, state.Nearby, nearbyC.Count * 4 + nearbyID.Count * 16, nearbyPlayerDetails.Count);

            //tell client size of update
            //tell client number of objects
            //send nearby objects to client
            state.ClientSocket.Send(state.Nearby, 0, state.Nearby.Length, 0);
        //read updates from clients
        public static void readUpdate(IAsyncResult ar)
            Socket handler = null;

                //retreive the state object and socket
                OverworldState state = (OverworldState)ar.AsyncState;
                handler = state.ClientSocket;
                if (handler.EndReceive(ar) == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer disconnected overworld readUpdate");

                //Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToSingle(state.Update, 0));

                //process update (GPS coords stored in state.Update) into DB
                //var dbCon = new DatabaseConnect();
                //dbCon.UpdatePlayerCoor(state.Update, state.ClientID);

                state.Lat[0] = BitConverter.ToSingle(state.Update, 0);
                state.Lon[0] = BitConverter.ToSingle(state.Update, 4);

                //next gps update not expected for long enough that it should probably be more efficient to handle parseing and sending synchronously
                //pretty sure asynch calls require a certain amount of memory overhead, can change if need though
                handler.BeginReceive(state.Update, 0, UPDATE_SIZE, 0, new AsyncCallback(readUpdate), state);
            //end communications gracefully if player disconnects
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer disconnected overworld readUpdate");