// Retrieve all the config values we need to start up public void SetConfiguration(ConfigManagerClient configManager) { GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("SetConfiguration start", LogLevel.Info); mIpAddress = configManager.GetString("state_server_location", ""); mStageName = configManager.GetString("instance_name", "DEV"); mWebEntryPointId = configManager.GetString("web_entry_point", FunnelGlobals.FASHION_MINIGAME); mAssetBaseUrl = configManager.GetString("asset_base_url", ProtocolUtility.GetAssetDataPath()); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("asssetBaseUrl " + mAssetBaseUrl, LogLevel.Info); mWebServicesBaseUrl = configManager.GetString("web_services_base_url", "http://services.hangoutdev.net"); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("web_services_base_url " + mWebServicesBaseUrl, LogLevel.Info); mCampaignId = configManager.GetString("campaign_id", "NO_VALUE_FROM_JS"); mReferrerId = configManager.GetString("inviter_id", "NO_VALUE_FROM_JS"); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("campaign_id " + mCampaignId, LogLevel.Info); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("inviter_id " + mReferrerId, LogLevel.Info); mSelectedAvatar = new AvatarId((uint)configManager.GetInt("selected_avatar", 1)); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("mSelectedAvatar " + mSelectedAvatar, LogLevel.Info); mFacebookAccountId = configManager.GetLong("fb_account_id", 0); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("mFacebookAccountId " + mFacebookAccountId, LogLevel.Info); mSessionKey = configManager.GetString("fb_session_key", ""); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("mSessionKey " + mSessionKey, LogLevel.Info); mNickName = configManager.GetString("fake_nickname", ""); mFirstName = configManager.GetString("fake_first_name", ""); mLastName = configManager.GetString("fake_last_name", ""); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("fake_nickname " + mNickName, LogLevel.Info); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("fake_first_name " + mFirstName, LogLevel.Info); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("fake_last_name " + mLastName, LogLevel.Info); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <LoggerMediator>().Logger.Log("SetConfiguration finished", LogLevel.Info); }
public static XmlDocument LoadXmlDocument(string documentPath) { Pair <string, string> split = ProtocolUtility.SplitProtocol(documentPath); string protocol = split.First; string path = split.Second; if (protocol == "assets") { throw new Exception("LoadXmlDocument does not support asynchronous protocols (" + protocol + "). Use Client Asset Repository."); } XmlDocument result = new XmlDocument(); switch (protocol) { case "resources": TextAsset styleTextAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load(path); if (styleTextAsset == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to load the TextFile from resource path: " + path); } result.LoadXml(styleTextAsset.text); break; case "file": FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); if (!file.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException(documentPath + " must point to an existing file on disk.", file.FullName); } result.Load(file.FullName); break; default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized protocol (" + protocol + ")"); } // Remove all the comment nodes (this feels like it shouldn't be necessary, but the comments end up getting parsed in weird places as Nodes) List <XmlNode> toRemove = new List <XmlNode>(); foreach (XmlNode node in result.SelectNodes("//comment()")) { toRemove.Add(node); } foreach (XmlNode node in toRemove) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } return(result); }
private string UniqueKey(AssetInfo assetInfo) { string path = assetInfo.Path; if (path == null) { Console.Log("NULL Path"); Console.Log("Null path assetinfo = " + assetInfo); //, assetId = " + assetInfo.AssetId.Value.ToString()); Console.Log("Null path asstId = " + assetInfo.AssetId); //, assetId = " + assetInfo.AssetId.Value.ToString()); } if (path == "" || ProtocolUtility.SplitProtocol(path).First == "resources") { return(AssetId.AssetIdNamespace + assetInfo.AssetId.Value.ToString()); } else { return(path); } }
public TweakablesHandler(string path, object objectWithTweakableFields) { if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } if (objectWithTweakableFields == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectWithTweakableFields"); } mTweakedObject = objectWithTweakableFields; if (Application.isEditor) { string pathInResources = ProtocolUtility.SplitProtocol(path).Second; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/" + pathInResources + ".xml"); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException(fileInfo.FullName); } mWatcher = new FileWatcher(fileInfo); mWatcher.Changed += delegate() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(fileInfo.FullName); LoadTweakables(doc); }; } XmlDocument resourcesDoc = XmlUtility.LoadXmlDocument(path); LoadTweakables(resourcesDoc); }
private void LoadUnityObjectFromPath <T>(string path, Action <UnityEngine.Object> loadedAssetCallback) where T : Asset { try { //This hack is here because we don't have an empty texture on the web yet. We need to figure out how to handle that. if (path == "") { UnityEngine.Object unityEngineObject = Resources.Load("EmptyTexture"); if (unityEngineObject == null) { throw new Exception("Could not instantiate Empty Texture."); } loadedAssetCallback(unityEngineObject); return; } Pair <string> protocolAndPath = ProtocolUtility.SplitAndResolve(path); string loadAssetProtocol = protocolAndPath.First; string resourcePath = protocolAndPath.Second; if (loadAssetProtocol == "http" || loadAssetProtocol == "file" || loadAssetProtocol == "assets") { //If the repo is already downloading from the path, the callback //is added to this dictionary which gets called when the object at //said path is finished downloading. if (mCallbacksForFinishedDownloadAtPath.ContainsKey(resourcePath)) { //If we've downloaded the path before we'll have the key but nothing in //the list so we have to download it again. mCallbacksForFinishedDownloadAtPath[resourcePath].Add(loadedAssetCallback); } else { List <Action <UnityEngine.Object> > downloadCompleteCallbacks = new List <Action <UnityEngine.Object> >(); downloadCompleteCallbacks.Add(loadedAssetCallback); mCallbacksForFinishedDownloadAtPath.Add(resourcePath, downloadCompleteCallbacks); if (typeof(T) == typeof(TextureAsset) || typeof(T) == typeof(ImageAsset) || typeof(T) == typeof(Asset)) { LoadTextureAssetFromWeb(resourcePath, loadedAssetCallback); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(SoundAsset)) { LoadSoundAssetFromWeb(resourcePath, loadedAssetCallback); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(UnityEngineAsset) || typeof(T) == typeof(RigAnimationAsset)) { LoadLateBoundUnityObject(resourcePath, loadedAssetCallback); } else { throw new Exception("ClientAssetRepository doesn't know how to handle type: " + typeof(T).Name); } } } else if (loadAssetProtocol == "resources") { if (resourcePath == "Avatar/Gabriella Templates") { loadedAssetCallback(mAvatarTemplate); return; } UnityEngine.Object unityEngineObject = Resources.Load(resourcePath); if (unityEngineObject == null) { throw new Exception("Could not instantiate object from path " + resourcePath + "."); } loadedAssetCallback(unityEngineObject); return; } else { throw new Exception("ClientAssetRepo does not know how to load an object with protocol: " + loadAssetProtocol); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.LogError("Exception in LoadUnityObjectFromPath: " + path + " " + ex.ToString()); } }
public void LoadAssetFromPath <T>(string path, Action <T> loadedAssetCallback) where T : Asset { string uniqueKey = path; if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } Asset loadedAsset; if (mAssetDictionary.TryGetValue(uniqueKey, out loadedAsset)) { if (!(loadedAsset is T)) { throw new Exception("Asset loaded from " + path + " expected to be type: " + typeof(T).Name + ", actually was: " + loadedAsset.GetType()); } loadedAssetCallback((T)loadedAsset); } // This might not ever be called. else if (typeof(T) == typeof(RigAnimationAsset)) { LoadUnityObjectFromPath <RigAnimationAsset>(path, delegate(UnityEngine.Object loadedUnityObject) { GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(loadedUnityObject); try { Animation animation = gameObject.GetComponent <Animation>(); Asset asset = new RigAnimationAsset(AssetSubType.NotSet, animation.clip, path, path, path, RigAnimationName.None); if (!mAssetDictionary.ContainsKey(uniqueKey)) { mAssetDictionary.Add(uniqueKey, asset); } loadedAssetCallback((T)asset); } finally { GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); } }); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(UnityEngineAsset)) { LoadUnityObjectFromPath <UnityEngineAsset>(path, delegate(UnityEngine.Object loadedUnityObject) { Asset asset = new UnityEngineAsset(loadedUnityObject, path); if (!mAssetDictionary.ContainsKey(uniqueKey)) { mAssetDictionary.Add(uniqueKey, asset); } loadedAssetCallback((T)asset); }); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(SoundAsset)) { LoadUnityObjectFromPath <SoundAsset>(path, delegate(UnityEngine.Object loadedUnityObject) { AudioClip audioClip = loadedUnityObject as AudioClip; if (audioClip == null) { throw new Exception("audioClip could not be cast from UnityEngine.Object"); } Asset asset = new SoundAsset(audioClip, path); if (!mAssetDictionary.ContainsKey(uniqueKey)) { mAssetDictionary.Add(uniqueKey, asset); } loadedAssetCallback((T)asset); }); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ImageAsset)) { LoadUnityObjectFromPath <ImageAsset>(path, delegate(UnityEngine.Object loadedUnityObject) { Texture2D texture = loadedUnityObject as Texture2D; if (texture == null) { throw new Exception("texture could not be cast from UnityEngine.Object"); } Asset asset = new ImageAsset(texture, path); if (!mAssetDictionary.ContainsKey(uniqueKey)) { mAssetDictionary.Add(uniqueKey, asset); } loadedAssetCallback((T)asset); }); } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(XmlAsset)) { string resolvedPath = ProtocolUtility.SplitAndResolve(path).Second; Console.WriteLine("resolved path for XmlAsset: " + resolvedPath + ", path = " + path); GameFacade.Instance.RetrieveMediator <SchedulerMediator>().Scheduler.StartCoroutine(DownloadText(resolvedPath, delegate(string wwwData) { Asset result = new XmlAsset(wwwData, uniqueKey); loadedAssetCallback((T)result); })); } else { throw new Exception("LoadAssetFromPath doesn't support " + typeof(T).Name); } }