// returns a default set for testing public static HyperParameters GetDefaults() { var hp = new HyperParameters(); foreach (var kvp in BoundDictionary) { hp.ParametersDictionary[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.Seed; } return(hp); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Get initial game state GameInfo.ProcessTurn(new Game()); GameInfo.IsDebug = GameInfo.IsLocal && args.Count() > 0 && args[0] == "debug"; if (GameInfo.IsDebug) { Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); while (!Debugger.IsAttached && s.ElapsedMilliseconds < 60000) { ; // max 30 seconds to attach, prevents memory leaks; } s.Stop(); } // Do Genetic Algorithm Specimen implementation Specimen specimen; if (GameInfo.IsDebug || (GameInfo.IsLocal && args.Count() > 0 && args[0] == "test")) { specimen = new FakeSpecimen(); HParams = specimen.GetHyperParameters(); Log.LogMessage("testing..."); } else { specimen = GeneticSpecimen.RandomSpecimen(); HParams = specimen.GetHyperParameters(); } // Handle Logic Logic.Logic CombatLogic = new CombatLogic(); Logic.Logic EarlyCollectLogic = new EarlyCollectLogic(); Logic.Logic DropoffLogic = new DropoffLogic(); Logic.Logic EndOfGameLogic = new EndOfGameLogic(); Logic.Logic LateCollectLogic = new LateCollectLogic(); SiteSelection.Initialize(); string BotName = GameInfo.BOT_NAME + specimen.Name(); GameInfo.Game.Ready(BotName); Log.LogMessage("Successfully created bot! My Player ID is " + GameInfo.Game.myId); Stopwatch combatWatch = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch dropoffWatch = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch proximityWatch = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch collectWatch = new Stopwatch(); for (; ;) { // Basic processing for the turn start GameInfo.Game.UpdateFrame(); GameInfo.ProcessTurn(GameInfo.Game); Fleet.UpdateFleet(GameInfo.MyShips); EnemyFleet.UpdateFleet(); Log.LogMessage("value mapping..."); ValueMapping.ProcessTurn(); SiteSelection.ProcessTurn(); // logic turn processing EarlyCollectLogic.ProcessTurn(); DropoffLogic.ProcessTurn(); EndOfGameLogic.ProcessTurn(); CombatLogic.ProcessTurn(); // Score the ships first Safety.InitializeNewTurn(); // Specimen spawn logic for GeneticTuner if (GameInfo.TurnsRemaining == 0) { var players = GameInfo.Opponents; players.Add(GameInfo.Me); players = players.OrderByDescending(x => x.halite).ToList(); int numChildren = players.Count - ((players.Count / 2) + players.IndexOf(GameInfo.Me)); if (numChildren > 0) { specimen.SpawnChildren(numChildren); } else { specimen.Kill(); } if (GameInfo.MyId == 1 && GameInfo.IsLocal) { string content = $"\n{BotName},{GameInfo.Me.halite}"; foreach (var o in GameInfo.Opponents) { content += $",{o.id.id},{o.halite}"; } using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText("ResultsHistory.txt")) { sw.Write(content); } } Log.LogMessage("total time in combat logic = " + (combatWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); Log.LogMessage("total time in dropoff logic = " + (dropoffWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); Log.LogMessage("total time in proximity logic = " + (proximityWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); } bool doFirst = GameInfo.MyShipyardCell.Neighbors.Where(n => n.IsOccupiedByMe).Any(n => n.ship.CellHalite > 10); if (doFirst && ShouldSpawnShip()) { Fleet.SpawnShip(); } // Combat Logic!!! Log.LogMessage($"*** Combat Logic ***"); combatWatch.Start(); CombatLogic.CommandShips(); combatWatch.Stop(); // End game, return all ships to nearest dropoff Log.LogMessage($"*** EndGame Logic ***"); EndOfGameLogic.CommandShips(); // Move ships to dropoffs Log.LogMessage($"*** Dropoff Logic ***"); dropoffWatch.Start(); DropoffLogic.CommandShips(); dropoffWatch.Stop(); // collect halite (move or stay) using Logic interface Log.LogMessage($"*** Collect Logic ***"); collectWatch.Reset(); collectWatch.Start(); if (GameInfo.Map.AverageHalitePerCell > HParams[Parameters.HALITE_TO_SWITCH_COLLECT] || GameInfo.Map.PercentHaliteCollected < .5) { EarlyCollectLogic.CommandShips(); } LateCollectLogic.CommandShips(); collectWatch.Stop(); Log.LogMessage("collect time was " + collectWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (!doFirst && ShouldSpawnShip()) { Fleet.SpawnShip(); } // spawn ships GameInfo.Game.EndTurn(Fleet.GenerateCommandQueue()); } }