public void onNeighborUpdate(HaggleEvent he) { NeighborEvent e = he as NeighborEvent; //Vibration.SoundFileInfo sfi = new Vibration.SoundFileInfo(); //sfi.sstType = Vibration.SoundType.Vibrate; Debug.WriteLine("Neighbor update event!"); //uint ret = Vibration.SndSetSound(Vibration.SoundEvent.All, sfi, true); Debug.WriteLine("neighbors received"); if ((DateTime.Now - vibrationTime).TotalSeconds > 5) { vib.vibrate(100, 50, 3); vibrationTime = DateTime.Now; } neighborListWindow.BeginInvoke(new NeighborListUpdateDelegate(neighborListWindow.doNeighborListUpdate), e.neighbors); }
private void onInterestList(HaggleEvent he) { InterestsEvent e = he as InterestsEvent; addInterestWindow.BeginInvoke(new InterestListUpdateDelegate(addInterestWindow.interestListUpdate), e.interests); }
// This function will run in the thread called from libhaggle private void onNewDataObject(HaggleEvent he) { DataObjectEvent e = he as DataObjectEvent; Debug.WriteLine("New Data Object -- metadata:\n" + e.dObj.GetRaw()); try { // Verify that the attributes that PhotoShare expects exist e.dObj.GetAttribute("Picture"); if (e.dObj.GetFilePath().Length > 0) { dataObjects.Add(e.dObj); numDataObjects++; if ((DateTime.Now - vibrationTime).TotalSeconds > 5) { vib.vibrate(300, 100, 2); vibrationTime = DateTime.Now; } mainWindow.photoListView.BeginInvoke(new PhotoListUpdateDelegate(mainWindow.doPhotoListUpdate), e.dObj); } } catch (Haggle.DataObject.NoSuchAttributeException) { Debug.WriteLine("No Picture attribute in received data object"); } }
private void onHaggleShutdown(HaggleEvent e) { MessageBox.Show("Haggle daemon was shut down"); }