public static string TestMission(string missionName, object os_obj) { string str1 = ""; OS os = (OS)os_obj; if (TestSuite.TestedMissionNames.Contains(missionName)) { return(str1); } try { if (!File.Exists(missionName)) { str1 = str1 + "Invalid Mission Path! : " + missionName + "\r\n"; } ActiveMission activeMission = (ActiveMission)ComputerLoader.readMission(missionName); TestSuite.ActiveObjectID = missionName; string str2 = ""; for (int index = 0; index < activeMission.goals.Count; ++index) { string str3 = activeMission.goals[index].TestCompletable(); if (str3 != null && str3.Length > 0) { str2 = str2 + missionName + " Goal[" + (object)index + "] " + activeMission.goals[index].ToString() + " :: " + str3 + "\r\n"; } } try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeMission.startFunctionName)) { if (!Utils.CheckStringIsRenderable(activeMission.startFunctionName)) { str1 = str1 + "Mission " + missionName + " has unrenderable start function " + Utils.CleanStringToRenderable(activeMission.startFunctionName); } MissionFunctions.runCommand(activeMission.startFunctionValue, activeMission.startFunctionName); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeMission.endFunctionName)) { if (!Utils.CheckStringIsRenderable(activeMission.endFunctionName)) { str1 = str1 + "Mission " + missionName + " has unrenderable end function " + Utils.CleanStringToRenderable(activeMission.endFunctionName); } MissionFunctions.runCommand(activeMission.endFunctionValue, activeMission.endFunctionName); } string str3 = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/"; string fileLoadPrefix = Utils.GetFileLoadPrefix(); if (fileLoadPrefix == "Content/") { fileLoadPrefix += "Missions/"; } else if (!fileLoadPrefix.StartsWith("Extensions")) { str3 = ""; } string path = str3 + LocalizedFileLoader.GetLocalizedFilepath(fileLoadPrefix + activeMission.nextMission); if (!(activeMission.nextMission == "NONE") && !File.Exists(path)) { str1 = str1 + "\r\nNextMission Tag for mission \"" + missionName + "\" has nonexistent next mission path: " + activeMission.nextMission + "\r\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { str1 = str1 + "Error running start or end mission function of mission: " + missionName + "\r\nStart Func: " + activeMission.startFunctionName + "\r\nEnd Func: " + activeMission.endFunctionName; str1 = str1 + "\r\n" + Utils.GenerateReportFromException(ex) + "\r\n"; } if (str2.Length > 0) { str1 = str1 + str2 + "--------------\r\n"; } TestSuite.TestedMissionNames.Add(missionName); string str4 = "Content/Missions/"; if (Settings.IsInExtensionMode) { str4 = ExtensionLoader.ActiveExtensionInfo.FolderPath + "/"; } List <ActiveMission> activeMissionList = new List <ActiveMission>(); for (int index = 0; index < os.branchMissions.Count; ++index) { activeMissionList.Add(os.branchMissions[index]); } if (activeMission.nextMission != null && activeMission.nextMission.ToLower() != "none") { str1 += TestSuite.TestMission(str4 + activeMission.nextMission, (object)os); } for (int index = 0; index < activeMissionList.Count; ++index) { string localizedFilepath = LocalizedFileLoader.GetLocalizedFilepath(activeMissionList[index].reloadGoalsSourceFile); if (!TestSuite.TestedMissionNames.Contains(localizedFilepath)) { Console.WriteLine("testing Branch Mission " + localizedFilepath); str1 += TestSuite.TestMission(localizedFilepath, (object)os); } } } catch (Exception ex) { str1 = str1 + "Error Loading " + missionName + "\r\n" + ex.ToString(); } return(str1); }
public static string TestSaveLoadOnFile(ScreenManager screenMan, bool IsQuicktestMode = false) { string username = "******"; string pass = "******"; SaveFileManager.AddUser(username, pass); string fileNameForUsername = SaveFileManager.GetSaveFileNameForUsername(username); OS.TestingPassOnly = true; string str1 = ""; OS os1 = new OS(); os1.SaveGameUserName = fileNameForUsername; os1.SaveUserAccountName = username; screenMan.AddScreen((GameScreen)os1, new PlayerIndex?(screenMan.controllingPlayer)); os1.delayer.RunAllDelayedActions(); os1.threadedSaveExecute(false); List <Computer> nodes1 = os1.netMap.nodes; screenMan.RemoveScreen((GameScreen)os1); OS.WillLoadSave = true; OS os2 = new OS(); os2.SaveGameUserName = fileNameForUsername; os2.SaveUserAccountName = username; screenMan.AddScreen((GameScreen)os2, new PlayerIndex?(screenMan.controllingPlayer)); os2.delayer.RunAllDelayedActions(); Game1.getSingleton().IsMouseVisible = true; string str2 = "Serialization and Integrity Test Report:\r\n"; Console.WriteLine(str2); string str3 = str1 + str2; List <string> stringList1 = new List <string>(); List <string> stringList2 = new List <string>(); int errorCount = 0; string str4 = str3 + TestSuite.getTestingReportForLoadComparison((object)os2, nodes1, errorCount, out errorCount) + "\r\n" + TestSuite.TestMissions((object)os2); int errorsOut = 0; string str5 = str4 + TestSuite.TestGameProgression((object)os2, out errorsOut); int num = errorCount + errorsOut; for (int index = 0; index < os2.netMap.nodes.Count; ++index) { TestSuite.DeleteAllFilesRecursivley(os2.netMap.nodes[index].files.root); } os2.SaveGameUserName = fileNameForUsername; os2.SaveUserAccountName = username; os2.threadedSaveExecute(false); List <Computer> nodes2 = os2.netMap.nodes; screenMan.RemoveScreen((GameScreen)os2); OS.WillLoadSave = true; OS os3 = new OS(); os3.SaveGameUserName = fileNameForUsername; os3.SaveUserAccountName = username; screenMan.AddScreen((GameScreen)os3, new PlayerIndex?(screenMan.controllingPlayer)); screenMan.RemoveScreen((GameScreen)os3); OS.TestingPassOnly = false; SaveFileManager.DeleteUser(username); int errorsAdded = 0; if (!IsQuicktestMode) { str5 = str5 + "\r\nLocalization Tests: " + LocalizationTests.TestLocalizations(screenMan, out errorsAdded) + "\r\nDLC Localization Tests: " + DLCLocalizationTests.TestDLCLocalizations(screenMan, out errorsAdded); } string str6 = str5 + "\r\nDLC Tests: " + DLCTests.TestDLCFunctionality(screenMan, out errorsAdded) + "\r\nDLC Extended Tests: " + DLCExtendedTests.TesExtendedFunctionality(screenMan, out errorsAdded) + "\r\nEDU Edition Tests: " + EduEditionTests.TestEDUFunctionality(screenMan, out errorsAdded) + "\r\nMisc Tests: " + TestSuite.TestMiscAndCLRFeatures(screenMan, out errorsAdded); string str7 = "\r\nCore Tests: Complete - " + (object)num + " errors found.\r\nTested " + (object)nodes2.Count + " generated nodes vs " + (object)os3.netMap.nodes.Count + " loaded nodes"; string str8 = str6 + str7; Console.WriteLine(str7); MusicManager.stop(); try { string str9 = "testreport.txt"; File.Delete(str9); Utils.writeToFile(str8, str9); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(Utils.CleanStringToRenderable(str8)); }
internal static string getTestingReportForLoadComparison(object osobj, List <Computer> oldComps, int currentErrorCount, out int errorCount) { OS os = (OS)osobj; List <string> stringList1 = new List <string>(); List <string> stringList2 = new List <string>(); string str1 = ""; errorCount = currentErrorCount; bool flag = false; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < os.netMap.nodes.Count; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < oldComps.Count; ++index2) { if (index1 != index2 && os.netMap.nodes[index1].idName == oldComps[index2].idName) { ++errorCount; str1 = str1 + "\nDuplicate Node ID found! " + (object)index1 + ": " + os.netMap.nodes[index1].name + " and " + (object)index2 + ": " + oldComps[index2].name; flag = true; } } } if (flag) { return(str1 + "\nCritical Error encountered - exiting tests early"); } for (int index1 = 0; index1 < oldComps.Count; ++index1) { Computer oldComp = oldComps[index1]; Computer computer = Programs.getComputer(os, oldComp.ip); TestSuite.Assert(,; string str2 = computer.files.TestEquals((object)oldComp.files); if (stringList1.Contains(computer.idName)) { int index2 = stringList1.IndexOf(computer.idName); str2 = str2 + "Duplicate ID Found - \"" + computer.idName + "\" from " + stringList2[index2] + "@" + (object)index2 + " current: " + + "@" + (object)index1; } stringList1.Add(computer.idName); stringList2.Add(; if (!Utils.FloatEquals(oldComp.startingOverloadTicks, computer.startingOverloadTicks)) { str2 = str2 + "Proxy timer difference - \"" + + "\" from Base:" + (object)oldComp.startingOverloadTicks + " to Current: " + (object)computer.startingOverloadTicks; } if ((oldComp.firewall != null || computer.firewall != null) && !oldComp.firewall.Equals((object)computer.firewall)) { str2 = str2 + "Firewall difference - \"" + + "\" from Base:" + oldComp.firewall.ToString() + "\r\n to Current: " + computer.firewall.ToString() + "\r\n"; } if (oldComp.icon != computer.icon) { str2 = str2 + "Icon difference - \"" + + "\" from Base:" + oldComp.icon + " to Current: " + computer.icon; } if (oldComp.portsNeededForCrack != computer.portsNeededForCrack) { str2 = str2 + "Port for crack difference - \"" + + "\" from Base:" + (object)oldComp.portsNeededForCrack + " to Current: " + (object)computer.portsNeededForCrack; } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < oldComp.links.Count; ++index2) { if (oldComp.links[index2] != computer.links[index2]) { str2 = str2 + "Link difference - \"" + + "\" @" + (object)index2 + " " + (object)oldComp.links[index2] + " vs " + (object)computer.links[index2]; } } if (!Utils.FloatEquals(oldComp.location.X, computer.location.X) || !Utils.FloatEquals(oldComp.location.Y, computer.location.Y)) { str2 = str2 + "Location difference - \"" + + "\" from Base:" + (object)oldComp.location + " to Current: " + (object)computer.location; } if (!Utils.FloatEquals(oldComp.traceTime, computer.traceTime)) { str2 = str2 + "Trace timer difference - \"" + + "\" from Base:" + (object)oldComp.traceTime + " to Current: " + (object)computer.traceTime; } if (oldComp.adminPass != computer.adminPass) { str2 = str2 + "Password Difference: expected \"" + oldComp.adminPass + "\" but got \"" + computer.adminPass + "\"\r\n"; } if (oldComp.adminIP != computer.adminIP) { str2 = str2 + "Admin IP Difference: expected \"" + oldComp.adminIP + "\" but got \"" + computer.adminIP + "\"\r\n"; } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < oldComp.users.Count; ++index2) { if (!oldComp.users[index2].Equals((object)computer.users[index2])) { str2 = str2 + "User difference - \"" + + "\" @" + (object)index2 + " " + (object)oldComp.users[index2] + " vs " + (object)computer.users[index2]; } } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < oldComp.daemons.Count; ++index2) { if (oldComp.daemons[index2].getSaveString() != computer.daemons[index2].getSaveString()) { str2 = str2 + "Daemon Difference: expected \r\n-----\r\n" + oldComp.daemons[index2].getSaveString() + "\r\n----- but got -----\r\n" + computer.daemons[index2].getSaveString() + "\r\n-----\r\n"; } } if (oldComp.hasProxy != computer.hasProxy) { str2 = str2 + "Proxy Difference: OldProxy:" + (object)oldComp.hasProxy + " vs NewProxy:" + (object)computer.hasProxy; } if (oldComp.proxyActive != computer.proxyActive) { str2 = str2 + "Proxy Active Difference: OldProxy:" + (object)oldComp.proxyActive + " vs NewProxy:" + (object)computer.proxyActive; } if (oldComp.portsNeededForCrack != computer.portsNeededForCrack) { str2 = str2 + "Ports for crack Difference: Old:" + (object)oldComp.portsNeededForCrack + " vs New:" + (object)computer.portsNeededForCrack; } if (oldComp.admin != null && computer.admin != null && oldComp.admin.GetType() != computer.admin.GetType()) { str2 = str2 + "SecAdmin Difference: Old:" + (object)oldComp.admin + " vs New:" + (object)computer.admin; } if (oldComp.admin != null && oldComp.admin.IsSuper != computer.admin.IsSuper) { str2 = str2 + "SecAdmin Super Difference: Old:" + (object)oldComp.admin.IsSuper + " vs New:" + (object)computer.admin.IsSuper; } if (oldComp.admin != null && oldComp.admin.ResetsPassword != computer.admin.ResetsPassword) { str2 = str2 + "SecAdmin PassReset Difference: Old:" + (object)oldComp.admin.ResetsPassword + " vs New:" + (object)computer.admin.ResetsPassword; } if (str2 != null) { string str3 = "\r\nErrors in " + oldComp.idName + " - \"" + + "\"\r\n" + str2 + "\r\n"; str1 = str1 + str3 + "\r\n"; Console.WriteLine(str3); ++errorCount; } else { Console.Write("."); str1 += "."; } } return(str1); }