Exemple #1
        // Quaternion operations

        //Rotate a quaternion some degrees around some axis
        public static MyQuaternion RotateQuaternion(MyQuaternion oldQuaternion, float angleInDegrees, Vector3 rotationAxis)
            Quaternion rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleInDegrees, rotationAxis.ToVector3());

            //To rotate a quaternion you just multiply it with the rotation quaternion
            //Important that rotationQuaternion is first!
            Quaternion newQuaternion = rotationQuaternion * oldQuaternion.unityQuaternion;

            MyQuaternion myNewQuaternion = new MyQuaternion(newQuaternion);

Exemple #2
        // Get transforms (position and orientation) at point t

        //The position and the tangent are easy to find
        //what's difficult to find is the normal because a line doesn't have a single normal

        //To get the normal in 2d, we can just flip two coordinates in the forward vector and set one to negative
        //MyVector3 normal = new MyVector3(-forwardDir.z, 0f, forwardDir.x);

        //In 3d there are multiple alternatives:
        //You can read about these methods here:
        //Game Programming Gems 2: The Parallel Transport Frame (p. 215)
        //Unite 2015 - A coder's guide to spline-based procedural geometry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9RK6O2kOKo

        // Alternative 1. Fixed up

        //Use ref vector to know which direction is up
        //Is not going to work if we have loops, but should work if you make "2d" roads like in cities skylines so no roller coasters
        public static MyQuaternion GetOrientation_UpRef(Vector3 tangent, Vector3 upRef)
            tangent = Vector3.Normalize(tangent);

            Vector3 biNormal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(upRef, tangent));

            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(tangent, biNormal));

            MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(tangent, normal);

Exemple #3
        // Alternative 3. Rotation Minimising Frame (also known as "Parallel Transport Frame" or "Bishop Frame")

        //Gets its stability by incrementally rotating a coordinate system (= frame) as it is translate along the curve
        //Has to be computed for the entire curve because we need the previous frame (previousTransform) belonging to a point before this point
        //Is initalized by using "Fixed Up" or "Frenet Normal"
        public static MyQuaternion GetOrientation_RotationFrame(Vector3 position, Vector3 tangent, InterpolationTransform previousTransform)
             * //This version is from https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#pointvectors3d
             * //Reflect the known frame onto the next point, by treating the plane through the curve at the point exactly between the next and previous points as a "mirror"
             * MyVector3 v1 = position - previousTransform.position;
             * float c1 = MyVector3.Dot(v1, v1);
             * MyVector3 riL = previousTransform.Right - v1 * (2f / c1) * MyVector3.Dot(v1, previousTransform.Right);
             * MyVector3 tiL = previousTransform.Forward - v1 * (2f / c1) * MyVector3.Dot(v1, previousTransform.Forward);
             * //This gives the next point a tangent vector that's essentially pointing in the opposite direction of what it should be, and a normal that's slightly off-kilter
             * //reflect the vectors of our "mirrored frame" a second time, but this time using the plane through the "next point" itself as "mirror".
             * MyVector3 v2 = tangent - tiL;
             * float c2 = MyVector3.Dot(v2, v2);
             * //Now we can calculate the normal and right vector belonging to this orientation
             * MyVector3 right = riL - v2 * (2f / c2) * MyVector3.Dot(v2, riL);
             * //The source has right x tangent, but then every second normal is flipped
             * MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Cross(tangent, right);
             * MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(tangent, normal);

            //This version is from Game Programming Gems 2: The Parallel Transport Frame
            //They generate the same result and this one is easier to understand

            //The two tangents
            Vector3 T1 = previousTransform.Forward;
            Vector3 T2 = tangent;

            //You move T1 to the new position, so A is a vector going from the new position
            Vector3 A = Vector3.Cross(T1, T2);

            //This is the angle between T1 and T2
            float alpha = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(T1, T2) / (Vector3.Magnitude(T1) * Vector3.Magnitude(T2)));

            //Now rotate the previous frame around axis A with angle alpha
            MyQuaternion F1 = previousTransform.orientation;

            MyQuaternion F2 = MyQuaternion.RotateQuaternion(F1, alpha * Mathf.Rad2Deg, A);

            MyQuaternion orientation = F2;

Exemple #4
        public static InterpolationTransform GetTransform_FrenetNormal(_Curve curve, float t)
            //Position on the curve at point t
            Vector3 pos = curve.GetPosition(t);

            //Forward direction (tangent) on the curve at point t
            Vector3 forwardDir = curve.GetTangent(t);

            Vector3 secondDerivativeVec = curve.GetSecondDerivativeVec(t);

            MyQuaternion orientation = InterpolationTransform.GetOrientation_FrenetNormal(forwardDir, secondDerivativeVec);

            InterpolationTransform trans = new InterpolationTransform(pos, orientation);

Exemple #5
        // Alternative 2. Frenet normal (also known as Frenet Frame)

        //Use the tagent we have and a tangent next to it
        //Works in many cases (but sometimes the frame may flip because of changes in the second derivative)
        public static MyQuaternion GetOrientation_FrenetNormal(Vector3 tangent, Vector3 secondDerivativeVec)
            Vector3 a = Vector3.Normalize(tangent);

            //What a next point's tangent would be if the curve stopped changing at our point and just had the same derivative and second derivative from that point on
            Vector3 b = Vector3.Normalize(a + secondDerivativeVec);

            //A vector that we use as the "axis of rotation" for turning the tangent a quarter circle to get the normal
            Vector3 r = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(a, b));

            //The normal vector should be perpendicular to the plane that the tangent and the axis of rotation lie in
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(r, a));

            MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(tangent, normal);

Exemple #6
        // Alternative 1.5. Similar to Alternative 1, but we know the up vector at both the start and end position

        public static InterpolationTransform GetTransform_InterpolateBetweenUpVectors(
            _Curve curve, float t, Vector3 upRefStart, Vector3 upRefEnd)
            //Position on the curve at point t
            Vector3 pos = curve.GetPosition(t);

            //Forward direction (tangent) on the curve at point t
            Vector3 forwardDir = curve.GetTangent(t);

            //Interpolate between the start and end up vector to get an up vector at a t position
            Vector3 interpolatedUpDir = Vector3.Normalize(BezierLinear.GetPosition(upRefStart, upRefEnd, t));

            MyQuaternion orientation = InterpolationTransform.GetOrientation_UpRef(forwardDir, interpolatedUpDir);

            InterpolationTransform trans = new InterpolationTransform(pos, orientation);

Exemple #7
        public static InterpolationTransform GetTransform_UpRef(_Curve curve, float t, Vector3 upRef)
            //Position on the curve at point t
            Vector3 pos = curve.GetPosition(t);

            //Forward direction (tangent) on the curve at point t
            Vector3 forwardDir = curve.GetTangent(t);

            //A simple way to get the other directions is to use LookRotation with just forward dir as parameter
            //Then the up direction will always be the world up direction, and it calculates the right direction
            //This idea is not working for all possible curve orientations
            //MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(forwardDir);

            //Your own reference up vector
            MyQuaternion orientation = InterpolationTransform.GetOrientation_UpRef(forwardDir, upRef);

            InterpolationTransform trans = new InterpolationTransform(pos, orientation);

Exemple #8
        //Not defined for a single point, you always need a previous transform
        //public static InterpolationTransform InterpolationTransform GetTransform_RotationMinimisingFrame()


        public static List <InterpolationTransform> GetTransforms_RotationMinimisingFrame(_Curve curve, List <float> tValues, Vector3 upRef)
            List <InterpolationTransform> transforms = new List <InterpolationTransform>();

            for (int i = 0; i < tValues.Count; i++)
                float t = tValues[i];

                //Position on the curve at point t
                Vector3 position = curve.GetPosition(t);

                //Forward direction (tangent) on the curve at point t
                Vector3 tangent = curve.GetTangent(t);

                //At first pos we dont have a previous transform
                if (i == 0)
                    //Just use one of the other algorithms available to generate a transform at a single position
                    MyQuaternion orientation = InterpolationTransform.GetOrientation_UpRef(tangent, upRef);

                    InterpolationTransform transform = new InterpolationTransform(position, orientation);

                    //To calculate the orientation for this point, we need data from the previous point on the curve
                    InterpolationTransform previousTransform = transforms[i - 1];

                    MyQuaternion orientation = InterpolationTransform.GetOrientation_RotationFrame(position, tangent, previousTransform);

                    InterpolationTransform transform = new InterpolationTransform(position, orientation);


Exemple #9
        //Rotate a vector by using a quaternion
        public static Vector3 RotateVector(MyQuaternion quat, Vector3 vec)
            UnityEngine.Vector3 rotatedVec = quat.unityQuaternion * vec.ToVector3();

Exemple #10
        //Transform a direction from local to world
        public Vector3 LocalToWorld_Dir(Vector3 localDir)
            Vector3 worldDir = MyQuaternion.RotateVector(orientation, localDir);

Exemple #11
        // Transform between coordinate systems

        //Transform a position from local to world
        //If input is MyVector3.Right * 2f then we should get a point in world space on the curve
        //at this position moved along the local x-axis 2m
        public Vector3 LocalToWorld_Pos(Vector3 localPos)
            Vector3 worldPos = position + MyQuaternion.RotateVector(orientation, localPos);

Exemple #12
 public InterpolationTransform(Vector3 position, MyQuaternion orientation)
     this.position    = position;
     this.orientation = orientation;
        //Rotate a vector by using a quaternion
        public static MyVector3 RotateVector(MyQuaternion quat, MyVector3 vec)
            Vector3 rotatedVec = quat.unityQuaternion * vec.ToVector3();
