CreateUIGrid() public méthode

public CreateUIGrid ( IClassDef classDef ) : IUIGrid
classDef IClassDef
Résultat IUIGrid
 *      public UIView CreateUIView(DMClass dmClass)
 *      {
 *          if (dmClass == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dmClass");
 *          if (dmClass.Solution == null)
 *          {
 *              throw new HabaneroArgumentException
 *                  ("dmClass.Solution", "You cannot create a UIView for a "
 + "DMClass that is not associated with a Solution - (DMClass '" + dmClass.ClassNameBO + "')");
 +          }
 +          UIView view = new UIView();
 +          view.Class = dmClass;
 +          UIBOEditorCreator boEditorCreator = new UIBOEditorCreator();
 +          UIFormInfo boEditor = boEditorCreator.CreateBOEditor(dmClass);
 +          view.UIFormInfo = boEditor;
 +          UIGridCreator gridCreator = new UIGridCreator();
 +          UIGridInfo gridInfo = gridCreator.CreateGrid(dmClass, dmClass.Properties);
 +          view.UIGridInfo = gridInfo;
 +          UIGridFilterCreator gridFilterCreator = new UIGridFilterCreator((DMSolution)dmClass.Solution);
 +          UIGridFilter gridFilterInfo = gridFilterCreator.CreateUIGridFilter(dmClass.Properties);
 +          gridInfo.UIGridFilter = gridFilterInfo;
 +          return view;
 +      }*/

        public IUIGrid CreateUIGrid(IClassDef classDef)
            var gridCreator = new UIGridCreator(_factory);

        public UIView CreateUIView(DMClass dmClass)
            if (dmClass == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dmClass");
            if (dmClass.Solution == null)
                throw new HabaneroArgumentException
                    ("dmClass.Solution", "You cannot create a UIView for a "
                    + "DMClass that is not associated with a Solution - (DMClass '" + dmClass.ClassNameBO + "')");
            UIView view = new UIView();
            view.Class = dmClass;
            UIBOEditorCreator boEditorCreator = new UIBOEditorCreator();

            UIFormInfo boEditor = boEditorCreator.CreateBOEditor(dmClass);
            view.UIFormInfo = boEditor;

            UIGridCreator gridCreator = new UIGridCreator();
            UIGridInfo gridInfo = gridCreator.CreateGrid(dmClass, dmClass.Properties);
            view.UIGridInfo = gridInfo;

            UIGridFilterCreator gridFilterCreator = new UIGridFilterCreator((DMSolution)dmClass.Solution);
            UIGridFilter gridFilterInfo = gridFilterCreator.CreateUIGridFilter(dmClass.Properties);
            gridInfo.UIGridFilter = gridFilterInfo;
            return view;

        public IUIGrid CreateUIGrid(IClassDef classDef)
            var gridCreator = new UIGridCreator(_factory);
            return gridCreator.CreateUIGrid(classDef);