Exemple #1
        public static Pdb FromPdbid
            (string pdbid
            , string cachebase  // null or @"K:\PdbUnzippeds\$PDBID$.pdb"
            , bool?download     // null or false
            if (cachebase == null)
                cachebase = @"K:\PdbUnzippeds\$PDBID$.pdb";
            if (download == null)
                download = false;

            string pdbpath = cachebase.Replace("$PDBID$", pdbid);

            if (HFile.Exists(pdbpath))
                var pdb  = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);
                var last = pdb.elements.Last();
                if (last is Pdb.End)
                if (last.line.Length == 80)

                if (download.Value)
                {   // redownload
                    pdb = Pdb.FromPdbid(pdbid);
            else if (download.Value)
                Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromPdbid(pdbid);
                if (pdb != null)
Exemple #2
        public static bool GetHessGnmSelfTest()
            if (HDebug.Selftest() == false)

            Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromPdbid("1MJC");

            for (int i = 0; i < pdb.atoms.Length; i++)
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].altLoc == pdb.atoms[i].altLoc);
                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms[0].chainID == pdb.atoms[i].chainID);
            List <Vector> coords = pdb.atoms.ListCoord();
            double        cutoff = 13;

            Matlab.PutMatrix("x", MatrixByArr.FromRowVectorList(coords).ToArray());
            Matlab.PutValue("cutoffR", cutoff);
            Matlab.Execute(@"%  function cx = contactsNew(x, cutoffR)
                                % Contact matrix within cutoff distance.
                                % Author: Guang Song
                                % New: 10/25/2006

                                %n = size(x,1); 
                                % Method 1: slow
                                %for i=1:n
                                %  center = x(i,:);
                                %  distSqr(:,i) = sum((x-center(ones(n,1),:)).^2,2);
                                %cx = sparse(distSqr<=cutoffR^2);

                                % Method 2: fast! about 28 times faster when array size is 659x3
                                %tot = zeros(n,n);
                                %for i=1:3
                                %  xi = x(:,ones(n,1)*i);
                                %  %tmp = (xi - xi.').^2;
                                %  %tot = tot + tmp;
                                %  tot = tot +  (xi - xi.').^2;
                                %cx = sparse(tot<=cutoffR^2);

                                % Method 3: this implementation is the shortest! but sligtly slower than 
                                % method 2
                                %xn = x(:,:,ones(n,1)); % create n copy x
                                %xnp = permute(xn,[3,2,1]);
                                %tot = sum((xn-xnp).^2,2); % sum along x, y, z
                                %cx = sparse(permute(tot,[1,3,2])<=cutoffR^2);
                                % put it into one line like below actually slows it down. Don't do that.
                                %cx =  sparse(permute(sum((xn-permute(xn,[3,2,1])).^2,2),[1,3,2])<=cutoffR^2);

                                %Method 4: using function pdist, which I just know
                                % this one line implementation is even faster. 2 times than method 2.
                                cx = sparse(squareform(pdist(x)<=cutoffR));
            Matlab.Execute(@"%  function gnm = kirchhoff(cx)
                                % the returned gnm provide the kirchhoff matrix
                                % cx is the contact map.
                                % Guang Song
                                % 11/09/06
                                gnm = diag(sum(cx)) - cx;
            Matlab.Execute("gnm = full(gnm);");
            Matrix gnm_gsong = Matlab.GetMatrix("gnm");


            Matrix gnm = GetHessGnm(coords.ToArray(), cutoff);

            if (gnm_gsong.RowSize != gnm.RowSize)
                HDebug.Assert(false); return(false);
            if (gnm_gsong.ColSize != gnm.ColSize)
                HDebug.Assert(false); return(false);

            for (int c = 0; c < gnm.ColSize; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < gnm.RowSize; r++)
                    if (Math.Abs(gnm_gsong[c, r] - gnm[c, r]) >= 0.00000001)
                        HDebug.Assert(false); return(false);
