public List<PmOrgInfoTree> SelectByDeptId(string _deptid)
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     List<PmOrgInfo> lists = new List<PmOrgInfo>();
     lists = biz.SelectByDeptId(_deptid);
     return Select(lists);
 public void DelData()
     string idlist = Parameters["pparm"];
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity();
     biz.Delete(idlist, out ErrInfo);
 public void GetGridData()
     string _searchcontent = "";
     string _sortname = "";
     string _sortdirection = "";
     string _pagenumber = "";
     string _pagesize = "";
     string _deptid = "";
     _searchcontent = Parameters["psearchcontent"];
     _sortname = Parameters["psortname"];
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortname))
         sSortName = _sortname;
     _sortdirection = Parameters["psortdirection"];
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortdirection))
         sSortDirection = _sortdirection;
     _pagenumber = Parameters["ppagenumber"];
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagenumber))
         sPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(_pagenumber);
     _pagesize = Parameters["ppagesize"];
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagesize))
         sPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(_pagesize);
     _deptid = Parameters["pdeptid"];
     string _parentid = Parameters["pparentid"];
     List<PmOrgInfo> lists = new List<PmOrgInfo>();
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     biz.GetParentOrgName(_parentid, ref parentorgname);
     string _searchtext = _searchcontent;
     string wheresql = "(FDepartmentID = " + _deptid + ") and (FParentOrgId = " + _parentid + ") ";
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchtext))
         //difine wheresql
         wheresql += " and (FOrgName like '%" + _searchtext + "%')";
     NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection();
     where.Add("condition", wheresql);
     NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection();
     orderby.Add(_sortname, _sortdirection);
     Int32 totalcount = 0;
     lists = biz.Select(where, orderby, Convert.ToInt32(sPageIndex), Convert.ToInt32(sPageSize), out totalcount);
     string datasource = Utils.GetRepeaterDatasource(lists, sPageIndex, sPageSize, totalcount);
     Response.Write(parentorgname + "|]" + datasource);
 public void GetItem()
     string _id = Parameters["pid"];
     PmOrgInfo item = new PmOrgInfo();
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     item = biz.Select(_id);
     if (item == null)
 public void SaveItem()
     string _FOrgId = Parameters["pFOrgId"];
     // other paramters fill here
     string _orgname = Parameters["pFOrgName"];
     string _deptid = Parameters["pDeptId"];
     string _orgtype = Parameters["pFOrgType"];
     string _order = Parameters["pOrder"];
     string _parentid = Parameters["pParentId"];
     string _newdate = Parameters["pNewDate"];
     PmOrgInfo item = new PmOrgInfo();
     item.FOrgId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_FOrgId) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(_FOrgId);
     item.FDepartmentID = Convert.ToInt64(_deptid);
     item.FOrgName = _orgname;
     item.FOrgType = _orgtype;
     item.FParentOrgId = Convert.ToInt32(_parentid);
     item.FOrgOrder = Convert.ToInt32(_order);
     item.FOrgNewDate = Convert.ToDateTime(_newdate);
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity();
     if (item.FOrgId == 0)
         biz.Insert(item, out ErrInfo);
         biz.Update(item, out ErrInfo);
 public void GetNowParent()
     string _id = Parameters["pid"];
     PmOrgInfo item = new PmOrgInfo();
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     item = biz.Select(_id);
     if (item == null)
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string _orgid = Parameters["orgid"];
     PmOrgInfoBiz biz = new PmOrgInfoBiz();
     biz.GetParentOrgName(_orgid, ref gsorgname);