Compare() public méthode

public Compare ( ) : void
Résultat void
	public void StartCompare (WaitCallback done)
		AdditionalInfoWindow.Visible = false;
		progressbar1.Visible = true;						
		progressbar1.Adjustment.Lower = 0;
		progressbar1.Adjustment.Upper = 100;

		// clear our existing content
		if (context != null)
			context.StopCompare ();

		// Go to the actual tree page.
		notebook1.Page = 0;
		// now generate new content asynchronously
		context = new CompareContext (reference_loader, target_loader);

		context.ProgressChanged += delegate (object sender, CompareProgressChangedEventArgs e) {
			Application.Invoke (delegate {
				Status = e.Message;
				Progress = e.Progress;
		context.Error += delegate (object sender, CompareErrorEventArgs e) {
			Application.Invoke (delegate {
				Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: {0}", e.Message);
				MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this, 0, MessageType.Error, ButtonsType.Ok, false,
				md.Response += delegate (object s, ResponseArgs ra) {
					md.Hide ();
				Status = String.Format ("Comparison failed at {0}", DateTime.Now);
				Progress = 0.0;
				progressbar1.Visible = false;

		context.Finished += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) {
			Application.Invoke (delegate {
				DateTime finish_time = DateTime.Now;

				if (context.Comparison != null) {
					Status = String.Format ("Comparison completed at {0}", finish_time);
					context.Comparison.PropagateCounts ();
					PopulateTreeFromComparison (context.Comparison);
					Progress = 0.0;

					CompareHistory[] history = Config.Recent[0].History;
					if (history == null || history.Length == 0 ||
					    (history[history.Length-1].Extras != context.Comparison.Extra ||
					     history[history.Length-1].Errors != context.Comparison.Warning ||
					     history[history.Length-1].Missing != context.Comparison.Missing ||
					     history[history.Length-1].Niexs != context.Comparison.Niex ||
					     history[history.Length-1].Todos != context.Comparison.Todo)) {
						CompareHistory history_entry = new CompareHistory();
						history_entry.CompareTime = finish_time;
						history_entry.Extras = context.Comparison.Extra;
						history_entry.Errors = context.Comparison.Warning;
						history_entry.Missing = context.Comparison.Missing;
						history_entry.Niexs = context.Comparison.Niex;
						history_entry.Todos = context.Comparison.Todo;
						Config.Recent[0].AddHistoryEntry (history_entry);
						Config.Save ();
				} else
					Status = "Comparison not completed - no data returned.";
				done (this);
				progressbar1.Visible = false;
		treeStore.Clear ();
		context.Compare ();
Exemple #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string myassembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            monoroot = new FileInfo(myassembly).Directory.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName;
            monolibmono =  monoroot+"/../Mono/builds/monodistribution/lib/mono/";

            string originalprofiledirectory = UnityProfilesUtils.DirectoryNameFromProfile (UnityProfiles.None);
            Dictionary<UnityProfiles,UnityProfilesDocumentation> docs = new Dictionary<UnityProfiles, UnityProfilesDocumentation> ();
            UnityProfilesDocumentation mergedDoc = new UnityProfilesDocumentation ();

            Dictionary<string,MasterAssembly> masterInfos = new Dictionary<string, MasterAssembly> ();
            foreach(var file in Directory.GetFiles(monolibmono+originalprofiledirectory,"*.dll"))
                if (!file.Contains("mscorlib") && !file.Contains("System.")) continue;
                // FIXME: for some reason, mono-api-info.exe fails on these assemblies (Cecil failure).
                if (file.Contains("System.Web.DynamicData.dll")) continue;
                if (file.Contains("System.Web.Extensions.dll")) continue;
                if (file.Contains("System.Web.Routing.dll")) continue;
                if (file.Contains("System.Web.dll")) continue;

                string assemblyname = Path.GetFileName(file);
                Console.WriteLine("Reading reference assembly {0}", assemblyname);

                string originalxml = GenerateAPIInfo(file);
                MasterAssembly reference = new MasterAssembly(originalxml);
                masterInfos [assemblyname] = reference;

            foreach (UnityProfiles profile in UnityProfilesUtils.ListProfiles ()) {
                var newprofiledirectory = profile.DirectoryNameFromProfile ();

                Console.WriteLine (" *** Working on profile {0} (directory {1})", profile, newprofiledirectory);

                foreach(var file in Directory.GetFiles(monolibmono+newprofiledirectory,"*.dll"))
                    if (!file.Contains("mscorlib") && !file.Contains("System.")) continue;
                    // FIXME: for some reason, mono-api-info.exe fails on these assemblies (Cecil failure).
                    if (file.Contains("System.Web.DynamicData.dll")) continue;
                    if (file.Contains("System.Web.Extensions.dll")) continue;
                    if (file.Contains("System.Web.Routing.dll")) continue;
                    if (file.Contains("System.Web.dll")) continue;

                    string assemblyname = Path.GetFileName(file);
                    Console.WriteLine("Working on assembly {0}", assemblyname);

                    if (! masterInfos.ContainsKey (assemblyname)) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Assembly {0} from profile {1} not found in main master infos, skipping", assemblyname, profile);

                    Console.WriteLine ("Reading assembly {0} in profile {1}", assemblyname, profile);
                    string newxml = GenerateAPIInfo(file);
                    GuiCompare.MasterAssembly target = new MasterAssembly(newxml);

                    GuiCompare.MasterAssembly reference = masterInfos [assemblyname];
                    UnityProfilesDocumentation currentProfileDocumentation = new UnityProfilesDocumentation ();
                    docs [profile] = currentProfileDocumentation;

                    CompareContext comparer = new CompareContext(() => reference,() => target, profile, currentProfileDocumentation);
                    //CompareContext comparer = new CompareContext(() => reference,() => target, profile, doc);

                    bool finished = false;
                    comparer.Finished += (a,b) => finished = true;
                    comparer.ProgressChanged += (a,b) => Console.WriteLine(b.ToString());
                    while (!finished)
                            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for comparison to finish...");

                    // Handle errors here...

            // Merge profiles
            foreach (UnityProfiles profile in UnityProfilesUtils.ListProfiles ()) {
                Console.WriteLine (" *** Merging profile {0}", profile);
                UnityProfilesDocumentation currentDoc = docs [profile];
                foreach (DocumentedNamespace ns in currentDoc.Namespaces) {
                    DocumentedNamespace referenceNs = mergedDoc.AddReferenceNamespace (ns.Name);
                    foreach (DocumentedClass c in ns.Classes) {
                        DocumentedClass referenceClass = referenceNs.AddReferenceClass (c.Name);
                        referenceClass.AddSupportedProfile (profile);
                        foreach (DocumentedMember member in c.Members) {
                            DocumentedMember referenceMember;
                            if (member is DocumentedField) {
                                referenceMember = referenceClass.AddReferenceField (member.Name);
                            } else if (member is DocumentedProperty) {
                                referenceMember = referenceClass.AddReferenceProperty (member.Name);
                            } else if (member is DocumentedMethod) {
                                referenceMember = referenceClass.AddReferenceMethod (member.Name);
                            } else {
                                referenceMember = null;
                            referenceMember.AddSupportedProfile (profile);

            // Generate report here...
            Console.WriteLine (" *** Dumping merged docs");
            //mergedDoc.DebugDump ();
Exemple #3
		static ComparisonNode MakeComparisonNode (string info_file, string dll_file)
			if (!File.Exists (info_file)) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("{0} does not exist", info_file);
				return null;
			if (!File.Exists (dll_file)) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("{0} does not exist", dll_file);
				return null;
			CompareContext cc = new CompareContext (
				() => new MasterAssembly (info_file),
				() => new CecilAssembly (dll_file));

			cc.ProgressChanged += delegate (object sender, CompareProgressChangedEventArgs a){
				//Console.Error.WriteLine (a.Message);
			bool have_error = false;
			cc.Error += delegate (object sender, CompareErrorEventArgs args) {
				have_error = true;
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error loading {0}: {1}", info_file, args.Message.Split (Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray ())[0]);
			ManualResetEvent r = new ManualResetEvent (false);
			cc.Finished += delegate { r.Set (); };
			cc.Compare ();
			r.WaitOne ();
			if (have_error)
				return null;
			cc.Comparison.PropagateCounts ();
			return cc.Comparison;