private void HandleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { using (Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(this.GdkWindow)) { DrawGradient(g); DrawTriangles(g); } }
private void TransparentExposeEvent(object obj, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj; Gdk.Rectangle area = args.Event.Area; widget.GdkWindow.ClearArea(area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height); }
void OnGripExpose(object ob, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { EventBox w = (EventBox)ob; Gdk.Rectangle handleRect = w.Allocation; // w.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (w.Style.DarkGC (StateType.Normal), true, handleRect); handleRect.X = handleRect.Y = 0; /* switch (position) { * case PositionType.Top: * handleRect.Height -= 4; handleRect.Y += 1; * Gtk.Style.PaintHline (w.Style, w.GdkWindow, StateType.Normal, args.Event.Area, w, "", 0, w.Allocation.Width, gripSize - 2); * break; * case PositionType.Bottom: * handleRect.Height -= 4; handleRect.Y += 3; * Gtk.Style.PaintHline (w.Style, w.GdkWindow, StateType.Normal, args.Event.Area, w, "", 0, w.Allocation.Width, 0); * break; * case PositionType.Left: * handleRect.Width -= 4; handleRect.X += 1; * Gtk.Style.PaintVline (w.Style, w.GdkWindow, StateType.Normal, args.Event.Area, w, "", 0, w.Allocation.Height, gripSize - 2); * break; * case PositionType.Right: * handleRect.Width -= 4; handleRect.X += 3; * Gtk.Style.PaintVline (w.Style, w.GdkWindow, StateType.Normal, args.Event.Area, w, "", 0, w.Allocation.Height, 0); * break; * }*/ Orientation or = horiz ? Orientation.Vertical : Orientation.Horizontal; StateType s = insideGrip ? StateType.Prelight : StateType.Normal; Gtk.Style.PaintHandle(w.Style, w.GdkWindow, s, ShadowType.None, args.Event.Area, w, "paned", handleRect.Left, handleRect.Top, handleRect.Width, handleRect.Height, or); }
/** * Configure the drawing area when the application launches */ protected void OnMainDrawingAreaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { int x, y, w, h; Gdk.Rectangle[] rects = args.Event.Region.GetRectangles(); foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in rects) { x = rect.X; y = rect.Y; w = rect.Width; h = rect.Height; if (x + w > width) { w = width - x; } if (y + h > height) { h = height - y; } //Console.WriteLine("DrawPixbuf x:{0} y:{1} w:{2} h:{3}", x, y, w, h); drawable.DrawPixbuf(gc, surface, x, y, x, y, w, h, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); } }
private void HeaderExpose(object ob, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs a) { Gdk.Rectangle rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, header.Allocation.Width - 1, header.Allocation.Height); HslColor gcol = frame.Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal); if (pointerHover) { gcol.L *= 1.05; } gcol.L = Math.Min(1, gcol.L); using (Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(a.Event.Window)) { cr.NewPath(); cr.MoveTo(0, 0); cr.RelLineTo(rect.Width, 0); cr.RelLineTo(0, rect.Height); cr.RelLineTo(-rect.Width, 0); cr.RelLineTo(0, -rect.Height); cr.ClosePath(); Cairo.SolidPattern solidPattern = new Cairo.SolidPattern(gcol); cr.Pattern = solidPattern; cr.FillPreserve(); solidPattern.Destroy(); } header.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(frame.Style.DarkGC(Gtk.StateType.Normal), false, rect); foreach (Widget child in header.Children) { header.PropagateExpose(child, a.Event); } }
void HandleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gdk.GC button = new Gdk.GC(this.eventbox1.GdkWindow); Gdk.Pixmap pixmap_mask; Pixmap pixmap; Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf; if (!this.IsActive) { pixbuf = this.RoundLeft ? Images.iButtonLeft : Images.iButtonRight; } else { pixbuf = this.RoundLeft ? Images.iButtonLeftPushed : Images.iButtonRightPushed; } pixbuf.RenderPixmapAndMask(out pixmap, out pixmap_mask, 255); button.Fill = Gdk.Fill.Tiled; button.Tile = pixmap; this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(button, true, 0, 0, this.WidthRequest, this.HeightRequest); Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(this.PangoContext); layout.SetMarkup("<span color=\"{1}\" font=\"10.5\">{0}</span>".FormatStr(this.Text.HtmlEncode(), this.IsActive ? "white" : "black")); this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawLayout(this.IsActive ? Style.WhiteGC : Style.BlackGC, this.RoundLeft ? 10 : 5, yOffset, layout); }
private void HandleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { using (Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(this.GdkWindow)) { int rad = 4; Rectangle rect = Allocation.ToCairoRectangle(); g.FillRoundedRectangle(rect, rad, CairoColor); } }
private void OnExposed(object sender, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs e) { using (Context context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(e.Event.Window)) { Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixmap(context, _pixmap, e.Event.Area.X, e.Event.Area.Y); context.Rectangle(e.Event.Area.X, e.Event.Area.Y, e.Event.Area.Width, e.Event.Area.Height); context.Fill(); } }
protected virtual void OnDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { EventExpose evnt = args.Event; drawingarea.GdkWindow.DrawDrawable(drawingarea.Style.ForegroundGCs[(int)drawingarea.State], pixmap, evnt.Area.X, evnt.Area.Y, evnt.Area.X, evnt.Area.Y, evnt.Area.Width, evnt.Area.Height); }
private void HandleDrawingExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { using (Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(drawing.GdkWindow)) { DrawBorder(g); DrawPointerCross(g); DrawSpline(g); DrawGrid(g); DrawControlPoints(g); } }
/// <summary>Función que se llama cuando el objeto es "expuesto" (se /// muestra después de estar oculto) para que se redibuje.</summary> /// <param name="o"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> public void OnExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { lock (this) { this.window = args.Event.Window; Refresh(); SignalArgs sa = (SignalArgs)args; sa.RetVal = false; } }
void OnGripExpose(object sender, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { var w = (EventBox)sender; StateType s = insideGrip ? StateType.Prelight : StateType.Normal; using (var ctx = CairoHelper.Create(args.Event.Window)) { ctx.Color = (HslColor)(w.Style.Background(s)); ctx.Paint(); } }
protected void OnStageVboxExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { int l, t, w, h; w = stage_vbox.Allocation.Width; h = stage_vbox.Allocation.Height; l = stage_vbox.Allocation.Left; t = stage_vbox.Allocation.Top; Gtk.Style.PaintBox(stage_vbox.Style, stage_vbox.GdkWindow, Gtk.StateType.Normal, Gtk.ShadowType.In, new Gdk.Rectangle(l, t, w, h), this, null, l + 1, t + 1, w - 2, h - 2); }
void HPaneExpose(object sender, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { int size = this.Allocation.Width; if (size == oldSize2) { return; } oldSize2 = size; this.hpaned1.Position = Math.Min(350, this.Allocation.Width * 2 / 3); }
// Draw the robot's default icon protected void OnIconboxExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { args.Event.Window.Clear(); if (robot_ != null) { int w, h; args.Event.Window.GetSize(out w, out h); Graphics g = Gtk.DotNet.Graphics.FromDrawable(args.Event.Window); robot_.file.draw(g, w / 2, h / 2, robot_.number, 0, null); } args.RetVal = true; }
protected virtual void OnDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { if (designService != null) { DrawingArea area = (DrawingArea)o; Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(area.GdkWindow); cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None; designService.RedrawReport(cr); area.SetSizeRequest((int)designService.Width, (int)designService.Height); (cr as IDisposable).Dispose(); } }
void HandleEventbox1handleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(this.eventbox1.GdkWindow); Gdk.Pixmap pixmap_mask; Pixmap pixmap; Gdk.Pixbuf pbBackground = Images.StatusWidget_Background; Gdk.Pixbuf pbLeft = Images.StatusWidget_Left; Gdk.Pixbuf pbRight = Images.StatusWidget_Right; int w, h; this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.GetSize(out w, out h); pbBackground.RenderPixmapAndMask(out pixmap, out pixmap_mask, 255); gc.Fill = Gdk.Fill.Tiled; gc.Tile = pixmap; this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(gc, true, pbLeft.Width, 0, this.WidthRequest - (pbLeft.Width + pbRight.Width), this.HeightRequest); this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, pbLeft, 0, 0, 0, 0, pbLeft.Width, h, RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0); this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawPixbuf(gc, pbRight, 0, 0, w - pbRight.Width, 0, pbRight.Width, h, RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0); Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(this.PangoContext); //layout.Width = w - 40; layout.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(w - 40); layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center; layout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Middle; // draw pulsar if (IsPulsing) { layout.SetMarkup("<span color=\"white\" font=\"{1}\">{0}</span>".FormatStr(this.Text.HtmlEncode(), fontsmallsize)); this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawLayout(Style.WhiteGC, 20, 27, layout); int xoffset = 50; int yoffset = 10; int pheight = 10; int pulsarwidth = w - xoffset * 2; this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(Style.WhiteGC, false, xoffset, yoffset, pulsarwidth, pheight); this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(Style.WhiteGC, false, xoffset, yoffset, pulsarwidth, pheight); int barwidth = (w - xoffset * 2) / 10 + 2; this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(Style.WhiteGC, true, (int)(PulsarLevel * (pulsarwidth - barwidth)) + xoffset, yoffset, barwidth, pheight); } else { // draw text in center layout.SetMarkup("<span color=\"white\" font=\"{1}\">{0}</span>".FormatStr(this.Text.HtmlEncode(), fontlargesize)); this.eventbox1.GdkWindow.DrawLayout(Style.WhiteGC, 20, 14, layout); } }
protected virtual void OnDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { double dar; int w, h, destH, destW; if (source == null) { return; } drawingarea.GdkWindow.Clear(); using (Context c = CairoHelper.Create(drawingarea.GdkWindow)) { w = drawingarea.Allocation.Width; h = drawingarea.Allocation.Height; dar = (double)w / h; if (sourceDAR > dar) { destW = w; destH = (int)(w / sourceDAR); xOffset = 0; yOffset = (h - destH) / 2; } else { destH = h; destW = (int)(h * sourceDAR); xOffset = (w - destW) / 2; yOffset = 0; } c.Translate(xOffset, yOffset); xScale = (double)destW / sourceWidth; yScale = (double)destH / sourceHeight; c.Save(); c.Scale(xScale, yScale); c.SetSourceSurface(source, 0, 0); c.Paint(); c.Restore(); RedrawAllCoordinates(c); if (selectedCoords != null) { DrawCoordinates(c, selectedCoords); } } }
protected virtual void OnLogodrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gdk.Window win; Gdk.Pixbuf logo, frame; int width, height, allocWidth, allocHeight, logoX, logoY; float ratio; if (logopix == null) { return; } logo = logopix.Value; win = logodrawingarea.GdkWindow; width = logo.Width; height = logo.Height; allocWidth = logodrawingarea.Allocation.Width; allocHeight = logodrawingarea.Allocation.Height; /* Checking if allocated space is smaller than our logo */ if ((float)allocWidth / width > (float)allocHeight / height) { ratio = (float)allocHeight / height; } else { ratio = (float)allocWidth / width; } width = (int)(width * ratio); height = (int)(height * ratio); logoX = (allocWidth / 2) - (width / 2); logoY = (allocHeight / 2) - (height / 2); /* Drawing our frame */ frame = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, false, 8, allocWidth, allocHeight); logo.Composite(frame, 0, 0, allocWidth, allocHeight, logoX, logoY, ratio, ratio, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 255); win.DrawPixbuf(this.Style.BlackGC, frame, 0, 0, 0, 0, allocWidth, allocHeight, Gdk.RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0); frame.Dispose(); return; }
protected virtual void OnViewExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gdk.Window win = args.Event.Window; // Draw the window border win.DrawRectangle(darkgc, false, 0, 0, dimensions + 1, dimensions + 1); if (arena != null) { const int d = Constants.ARENA_SIZE; // Clear the pixmap view_pixmap.DrawRectangle(whitegc, true, 0, 0, d, d); arena.draw(view_graphics); if (scaling_ == ScalingMode.None) { win.DrawDrawable(whitegc, view_pixmap, 0, 0, 1, 1, d, d); } else { Gdk.Pixbuf pb = Gdk.Pixbuf.FromDrawable(view_pixmap, win.Screen.DefaultColormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, d, d); Gdk.Pixbuf spb = null; switch (scaling_) { case ScalingMode.Nearest2x: case ScalingMode.Nearest3x: spb = pb.ScaleSimple(dimensions, dimensions, Gdk.InterpType.Nearest); break; case ScalingMode.Bilinear2x: case ScalingMode.Bilinear3x: spb = pb.ScaleSimple(dimensions, dimensions, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear); break; } win.DrawPixbuf(whitegc, spb, 0, 0, 1, 1, dimensions, dimensions, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); } } args.RetVal = true; }
protected virtual void OnPreviewDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { DrawingArea area = (DrawingArea)o; if (designService.Report.Pages.Count > 0) { Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(area.GdkWindow); cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None; reportRenderer.Context = cr; Cairo.Rectangle r = new Cairo.Rectangle(0, 0, designService.Report.WidthWithMargins, designService.Report.HeightWithMargins); cr.FillRectangle(r, backgroundPageColor); cr.Translate(designService.Report.Margin.Left, designService.Report.Margin.Top); reportRenderer.RenderPage(designService.Report.Pages [pageNumber]); area.SetSizeRequest((int)designService.Report.HeightWithMargins, (int)designService.Report.HeightWithMargins + 5); (cr as IDisposable).Dispose(); } }
void GmapWidget_ExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { if (tracksDistance.Count == 0) { return; } var g = args.Event.Window; var aria = args.Event.Area; int layoutWidth, layoutHeight, voffset = 0; var gc = gmapWidget.Style.TextGC(Gtk.StateType.Normal); foreach (var distance in tracksDistance) { distance.PangoLayout.GetPixelSize(out layoutWidth, out layoutHeight); g.DrawLayout(gc, aria.Right - 6 - layoutWidth, aria.Top + 6 + voffset, distance.PangoLayout); voffset += 3 + layoutHeight; } }
/// <summary> Draw the image to the image menu item. Taken from: </summary> /// The event source. <see cref="System.Object"/> /// The event args. <see cref="Gtk.ExposeEventArgs"/> private void DrawImageMenuItemImage(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { if (o as Gtk.ImageMenuItem == null) { return; } Gtk.Image image = (o as Gtk.ImageMenuItem).Image as Gtk.Image; if (image == null || image.Pixbuf == null) { return; } Gdk.GC mainGC = ((Gtk.Widget)o).Style.ForegroundGCs[(int)Gtk.StateType.Normal]; Gdk.Rectangle r = args.Event.Area; args.Event.Window.DrawPixbuf(mainGC, image.Pixbuf, 0, 0, r.Left + 2, r.Top + (r.Height - image.Pixbuf.Height) / 2, -1, -1, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); }
private void TransparentExposeEvent(object obj, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gtk.Widget widget = (Gtk.Widget)obj; Gdk.Rectangle area = args.Event.Area; if (visual_is_rgba) { Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(widget.GdkWindow); cr.SetSourceRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0); cr.Operator = Cairo.Operator.Source; Gdk.CairoHelper.Region(cr, args.Event.Region); cr.Fill(); ((IDisposable)cr.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)cr).Dispose(); } else { widget.GdkWindow.ClearArea(area.X, area.Y, area.Width, area.Height); } }
void HandleEventbox2ExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gdk.GC button = new Gdk.GC(this.eventbox2.GdkWindow); Gdk.Pixmap pixmap_mask; Pixmap pixmap; Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null; if (this.IsActive) { pixbuf = ActivePixbuf; } else { pixbuf = NormalPixbuf; } pixbuf.RenderPixmapAndMask(out pixmap, out pixmap_mask, 255); button.Fill = Gdk.Fill.Tiled; button.Tile = pixmap; this.eventbox2.GdkWindow.DrawRectangle(button, true, 0, 0, eventbox2.WidthRequest, eventbox2.HeightRequest); }
void tableAccsessMatrix_ExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { int x, y, w, h, x0, y0; h = tableAccsessMatrix.Allocation.Height; w = tableAccsessMatrix.Allocation.Width; x0 = tableAccsessMatrix.Allocation.X; y0 = tableAccsessMatrix.Allocation.Y; for (int col = 0; col < checkButtons.GetLength(1); col++) { if (checkButtons[1, col] == null) { continue; } var gc = this.Style.ForegroundGC(this.State); gc.SetLineAttributes(col != 0 ? 1 : 2, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.NotLast, Gdk.JoinStyle.Miter); x = cells[1, col].Allocation.X - 3; //checkButtons[1, col].TranslateCoordinates(tableAccsessMatrix, -1, 0, out x, out y); tableAccsessMatrix.GdkWindow.DrawLine(gc, x, y0, x, y0 + h); } for (int row = 0; row < checkButtons.GetLength(0); row++) { if (checkButtons[row, 1] == null) { continue; } checkButtons[row, 1].TranslateCoordinates(tableAccsessMatrix, 0, -3, out x, out y); var gc = this.Style.ForegroundGC(this.State); gc.SetLineAttributes(row != 0 ? 1 : 2, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.NotLast, Gdk.JoinStyle.Miter); tableAccsessMatrix.GdkWindow.DrawLine(gc, x0, y0 + y, x0 + w, y0 + y); } }
protected virtual void OnDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { if (!loaded) { return; } drawingarea.GdkWindow.Clear(); using (Context c = CairoHelper.Create(drawingarea.GdkWindow)) { c.SetSourceSurface(source, xOffset, yOffset); c.Paint(); if (visible) { c.SetSourceSurface(drawings, xOffset, yOffset); c.PaintWithAlpha(transparency); } //Preview if (preview) { Paint(c, initialPoint.X + xOffset, initialPoint.Y + yOffset, finalPoint.X + xOffset, finalPoint.Y + yOffset); } } }
void HandleExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { if (display == null) { return; } DrawingArea area = (DrawingArea)o; Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(area.GdkWindow); int border = Math.Min((int)(Allocation.Width * 0.1), (int)(Allocation.Height * 0.1)); scale = Math.Max(1.0 * display.Width / (Allocation.Width - border * 2), 1.0 * display.Height / (Allocation.Height - border * 2)); Gdk.Pixbuf image = display.ScaleSimple((int)(display.Width / scale), (int)(display.Height / scale), InterpType.Bilinear); imageX = (Allocation.Width - image.Width) / 2; imageY = (Allocation.Height - image.Height) / 2; Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr, image, imageX, imageY); cr.Paint(); for (int i = 0; i < CurrentDefinition.Leds.Count; i++) { DrawLed(i, cr); } if (FocussedLed != -1) { cr.LineWidth = 5 / scale; cr.Save(); cr.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 1); cr.Arc( imageX + CurrentDefinition.Leds[FocussedLed].X / scale, imageY + CurrentDefinition.Leds[FocussedLed].Y / scale, (LedSize + 5) / scale / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Stroke(); cr.Restore(); } if (SelectedLed != -1) { cr.LineWidth = 5 / scale; cr.Save(); cr.SetSourceRGB(1, 0, 0); cr.Arc( imageX + CurrentDefinition.Leds[SelectedLed].X / scale, imageY + CurrentDefinition.Leds[SelectedLed].Y / scale, LedSize / scale / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Stroke(); cr.Restore(); } image.Dispose(); ((IDisposable)cr).Dispose(); }
protected void OnDrawingareaExposeEvent(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs args) { Gdk.EventExpose expose = args.Args[0] as Gdk.EventExpose; Gdk.Window win = expose.Window; int width, height; win.GetSize(out width, out height); Gdk.Rectangle exposeRect = expose.Area; bool fulldraw = width == exposeRect.Width && height == exposeRect.Height; win.DrawRectangle(Style.LightGC(StateType.Normal), true, exposeRect); if (GetContentDelegate == null) { return; // todo: an error message could be displayed } int offset = (int)vscrollbar1.Value; if (fulldraw) { TopVisibleRow = offset; BottomVisibleRow = offset; } int hscrollRange = 0; int dy = exposeRect.Top; offset += dy / ConstantHeight; dy -= dy % ConstantHeight; Gdk.GC backgound = new Gdk.GC((Gdk.Drawable)base.GdkWindow); Gdk.GC text = new Gdk.GC((Gdk.Drawable)base.GdkWindow); ColumnControl.Column[] columns = mColumnControl.GetVisibleColumnsInDrawOrder(); for (int row = offset; row < RowCount; row++) { int dx = -(int)hscrollbar1.Value; Gdk.Rectangle rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(dx, dy, 0, ConstantHeight); System.Drawing.Color backColor = System.Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke; System.Drawing.Color textColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; if (isRowSelected(row)) { if (HasFocus) { backColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; } else { backColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; } } else { if (GetColorDelegate != null) { GetColorDelegate(row, ref backColor, ref textColor); } } backgound.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(backColor.R, backColor.G, backColor.B); text.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(textColor.R, textColor.G, textColor.B); for (int c = 0; c < columns.Length; c++) { ColumnControl.Column column = columns[c]; int columnIndex = column.SortOrder; int xwidth = column.Width; if (dx > exposeRect.Right) { break; } rect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth, ConstantHeight); if (c == columns.Length - 1) { rect.Width = Math.Max(rect.Width, exposeRect.Right - rect.Left + 1); } object content = GetContentDelegate(row, columnIndex); if (content is Gdk.Pixbuf) { Gdk.Pixbuf image = (Gdk.Pixbuf)content; win.DrawRectangle(backgound, true, rect); dx += 2; image.RenderToDrawable(win, text, 0, 0, dx, dy, image.Width, image.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0); dx += xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth - 2; rect.Offset(xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth, 0); } else { LineLayout.SetText(content.ToString()); win.DrawRectangle(backgound, true, rect); dx += 2; win.DrawLayout(text, dx, dy, LineLayout); dx += xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth - 2; rect.Offset(xwidth + mColumnControl.GripperWidth, 0); } } hscrollRange = Math.Max(hscrollRange, dx + rect.Width); dy += ConstantHeight; if (dy > exposeRect.Bottom) { break; } if (fulldraw && exposeRect.Height - dy >= ConstantHeight) { BottomVisibleRow++; } } if (fulldraw) { int pageSize = BottomVisibleRow - TopVisibleRow; if (vscrollbar1.Adjustment.PageSize != pageSize) { vscrollbar1.Adjustment.PageSize = pageSize; vscrollbar1.Adjustment.PageIncrement = pageSize; } hscrollRange += (int)hscrollbar1.Value; if (hscrollRange > 0) { hscrollbar1.SetRange(0, hscrollRange); } // position current row inside visible area // TODO: please think about, because of double redraw a more sophisticated solution could be possible if (CurrentRow >= 0 && CurrentRow < RowCount) { if (CurrentRow < TopVisibleRow) { OffsetCursor(TopVisibleRow - CurrentRow); } else if (CurrentRow > BottomVisibleRow) { OffsetCursor(BottomVisibleRow - CurrentRow); } } } #if DEBUG2 if (ComponentManager != null) { String t1 = String.Format("Expose.Area={0}, size={1}.{2}", expose.Area.ToString(), width, height); String t2 = String.Format("{0} T={1} B={2}", fulldraw ? "FULL" : "PART", TopVisibleRow, BottomVisibleRow); ComponentManager.MessageWriteLineInvoke(String.Format("{0} {1}", t1, t2)); } #endif }
public static void Draw(object o, Gtk.ExposeEventArgs a) { DrawStar(numberCorner, numberSkip, new Rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400)); }