protected override void BuildContent (Container parent) { LogoImage = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("WelcomePage_Logo.png"); TopBorderImage = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("WelcomePage_TopBorderRepeat.png"); var mainAlignment = new Gtk.Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 1f); var mainCol = new WelcomePageColumn (); mainAlignment.Add (mainCol); var row1 = new WelcomePageRow (); row1.PackStart (new WelcomePageButtonBar ( new WelcomePageBarButton ("", "", "link-cloud.png"), new WelcomePageBarButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Documentation"), "", "link-info.png"), new WelcomePageBarButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Support"), "", "link-heart.png"), new WelcomePageBarButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Q&A"), "", "link-chat.png") ) ); mainCol.PackStart (row1, false, false, 0); var row2 = new WelcomePageRow ( new WelcomePageColumn ( new WelcomePageRecentProjectsList (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Solutions")) ), new WelcomePageColumn ( new WelcomePageNewsFeed (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Xamarin News"), "", "NewsLinks") ), new WelcomePageColumn ( new WelcomePageTipOfTheDaySection () ) ); mainCol.PackStart (row2, false, false, 0); parent.Add (mainAlignment); }
protected override void BuildContent (Container parent) { LogoImage = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("WelcomePage_Logo.png"); TopBorderImage = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromResource ("WelcomePage_TopBorderRepeat.png"); var mainAlignment = new Gtk.Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 1f); var mainCol = new WelcomePageColumn (); mainAlignment.Add (mainCol); var row1 = new WelcomePageRow (); row1.PackStart (new WelcomePageButtonBar ( new WelcomePageBarButton ("", "", "link-cloud.png"), new WelcomePageBarButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Documentation"), "http://www.", "link-info.png"), new WelcomePageBarButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Support"), "!forum/haxelang", "link-heart.png"), new WelcomePageBarButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Q&A"), "!forum/haxelang", "link-chat.png") ) ); mainCol.PackStart (row1, false, false, 0); var row2 = new WelcomePageRow ( new WelcomePageColumn ( new WelcomePageRecentProjectsList (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Solutions")) ), new WelcomePageColumn ( new WelcomePageNewsFeed (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Haxe News"), "", "NewsLinks") ), new WelcomePageColumn ( new WelcomePageTipOfTheDaySection () ) ); mainCol.PackStart (row2, false, false, 0); parent.Add (mainAlignment); }
public static void AddTo(Gtk.Container container, Gtk.Widget w, bool fill = true, uint padding = 0) { container.Add(w); Gtk.Box.BoxChild bc = container[w] as Gtk.Box.BoxChild; if (bc != null) { bc.Expand = fill; bc.Fill = fill; bc.Padding = padding; } }
void SetObject(ObjectDefinition obj) { if (activeObject == obj) { return; } activeObject = obj; foreach (Gtk.Widget widget in objectDataContainer.Children) { objectDataContainer.Remove(widget); widget.Dispose(); } if (ObjectDataEditor != null) { ObjectDataEditor.RemoveDataModifiedHandler(OnObjectDataModified); ObjectDataEditor = null; } if (RoomEditor != null) { RoomEditor.OnObjectSelected(); } if (obj == null) { frameLabel.Text = ""; return; } frameLabel.Text = ObjectNames[(int)activeObject.GetObjectType()]; ObjectDataEditor = new ValueReferenceEditor(Project, obj); ObjectDataEditor.AddDataModifiedHandler(OnObjectDataModified); objectDataContainer.Add(ObjectDataEditor); objectDataContainer.ShowAll(); UpdateDocumentation(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes an instance of this class. /// </summary> /// <param name="viewModel">The viewmodel represented by this view.</param> /// <param name="builder">The Gtk# builder used to build this view.</param> /// <param name="handle">The handle of the main widget.</param> protected DemoWindowView(DemoViewModel viewModel, Builder builder, IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { _viewModel = viewModel; builder.Autoconnect(this); // === Create sub-views. === var masterScopeScreenView = ScopeScreenView.Create(_viewModel.MasterScopeScreenVM); masterGraphicsContainer.Add(masterScopeScreenView); var slaveScopeScreenView = ScopeScreenView.Create(_viewModel.SlaveScopeScreenVM); slaveGraphicsContainer.Add(slaveScopeScreenView); // === Register event handlers. === DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; // === Do some additional stuff. === graphicsContainerPane.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; }
// just adds the treeview to the apropriate container/window public TreeView addTreeview(Gtk.Container window) { window.Add(myTreeview); return(myTreeview); }
public static void FetchForm(Container Parent, XmlNode Nodes) { int cIndex = 0; string[] UFont; XmlNodeList original = Nodes.ChildNodes; XmlNodeList reverse = new ReverseXmlList(original); foreach (XmlNode C in reverse) { if (C.Name == "Object") { cIndex++; if (C.Attributes[0].Name == "type") { if (C.Attributes["type"].Value.StartsWith("System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox") || C.Attributes["type"].Value.StartsWith("System.Windows.Forms.Button")) { var PB = new Gtk.Button(); global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild PBC1 = ((global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild)(Parent[PB])); Parent.Add(PB); foreach (XmlNode V in C.ChildNodes) { if (V.Name == "Property") { switch (V.Attributes["name"].Value) { case "BorderStyle": if (V.InnerText == "Solid") { //PB.ModifierStyle = } break; case "Name": PB.Name = V.InnerText; break; case "ForeColor": var FColor = V.InnerText.GetXColor().ToNative(); PB.Children[0].ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, FColor); PB.Children[0].ModifyFg(StateType.Active, FColor); PB.Children[0].ModifyFg(StateType.Prelight, FColor); PB.Children[0].ModifyFg(StateType.Selected, FColor); break; case "Caption": case "Text": PB.Label = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString(System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(V.InnerText).Replace("%DATE%", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")).Replace("%TIME%", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss"))); break; case "BackColor": var BColor = V.InnerText.GetXColor().ToNative(); PB.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, BColor); PB.ModifyBg(StateType.Active, BColor); PB.ModifyBg(StateType.Insensitive, BColor); PB.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, BColor); PB.ModifyBg(StateType.Selected, BColor); break; case "SizeMode": //PB.SizeMode = Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureBoxSizeMode), V.InnerText); break; case "Location": PBC1.X = (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(0, V.InnerText.IndexOf(","))) * App.ScaleFactorX); PBC1.Y = (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(V.InnerText.IndexOf(",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY); break; case "Size": PB.SetSizeRequest((int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(0, V.InnerText.IndexOf(","))) * App.ScaleFactorX), (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(V.InnerText.IndexOf(",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY)); break; case "Font": string VC = V.InnerText; UFont = VC.Replace("style=", "").Split(new[] {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string VCFName = UFont[0]; float VCSize = float.Parse(UFont[1].Replace("pt", "")); float Z = (float)(VCSize * App.ScaleFactorY); PB.Children[0].ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString(VCFName + " " + ((int)Z).ToString())); break; case "Image": if (V.HasChildNodes) { string IMGData = V.FirstChild.InnerText; byte[] B = System.Convert.FromBase64String(IMGData); Pixbuf P = new Pixbuf(B); P=P.ScaleSimple(PB.WidthRequest-10, PB.HeightRequest, InterpType.Bilinear); PB.Image = new Gtk.Image(P); } break; } } else if (V.Name == "Object") { //FetchForm(PB, V.ParentNode); } } } else if (C.Attributes["type"].Value.StartsWith("System.Windows.Forms.Label")) { var CE = new Gtk.EventBox(); CE.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.Parent; var CC = new Gtk.Label(); CE.Add(CC); Parent.Add(CE); CC.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.Word; CC.LineWrap = true; CC.Wrap = true; CC.Justify = Justification.Fill; global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild PBC1; if ((Parent[CE]).GetType().ToString() == "Gtk.Container+ContainerChild") { var XVC = Parent[CE].Parent.Parent; PBC1 = (global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild)(Parent[XVC]); } else { PBC1 = ((global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild)(Parent[CE])); } foreach (XmlNode V in C.ChildNodes) { if (V.Name == "Property") { switch (V.Attributes["name"].Value) { case "BorderStyle": if (V.InnerText == "Solid") { //PB.ModifierStyle = } break; case "Name": CC.Name = V.InnerText; break; case "Font": string VC = V.InnerText; UFont = VC.Replace("style=", "").Split(new[] {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string VCFName = UFont[0]; float VCSize = float.Parse(UFont[1].Replace("pt", "")); float Z = (float)(VCSize * App.ScaleFactorY); CC.ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString(VCFName + " " + (int)Z)); break; case "ForeColor": var FColor = V.InnerText.GetXColor().ToNative(); CC.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, FColor); CC.ModifyFg(StateType.Active, FColor); CC.ModifyFg(StateType.Insensitive, FColor); CC.ModifyFg(StateType.Prelight,FColor); CC.ModifyFg(StateType.Selected, FColor); CE.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, FColor); CE.ModifyFg(StateType.Active, FColor); CE.ModifyFg(StateType.Insensitive, FColor); CE.ModifyFg(StateType.Prelight, FColor); CE.ModifyFg(StateType.Selected, FColor); CC.Markup = "<span foreground=\"" + V.InnerText + "\">" + CC.Text + "</span>"; break; case "Caption": case "Text": CC.Text = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString(System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(V.InnerText).Replace("%DATE%", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")).Replace("%TIME%", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")).Replace("##", "\r\n")); break; case "BackColor": if (V.InnerText != "Transparent") { var BColor = V.InnerText.GetXColor().ToNative(); CE.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, BColor); CE.ModifyBg(StateType.Active, BColor); CE.ModifyBg(StateType.Insensitive, BColor); CE.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, BColor); CE.ModifyBg(StateType.Selected, BColor); } else { CE.Visible = false; CE.VisibleWindow = false; } break; case "SizeMode": //PB.SizeMode = Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureBoxSizeMode), V.InnerText); break; case "Location": PBC1.X = (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(0, V.InnerText.IndexOf(","))) * App.ScaleFactorX); PBC1.Y = (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(V.InnerText.IndexOf(",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY); break; case "TextAlign": CC.Justify = (V.InnerText == "MiddleCenter" || V.InnerText == "TopCenter" || V.InnerText == "BottomCenter" ? Justification.Center : (V.InnerText == "MiddleRight" || V.InnerText == "TopRight" || V.InnerText == "BottomRight" ? Justification.Right : Justification.Left)); break; case "Size": CE.SetSizeRequest((int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(0, V.InnerText.IndexOf(","))) * App.ScaleFactorX), (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(V.InnerText.IndexOf(",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY)); CC.SetSizeRequest((int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(0, V.InnerText.IndexOf(","))) * App.ScaleFactorX), (int)(Convert.ToInt32(V.InnerText.Substring(V.InnerText.IndexOf(",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY)); break; } } else if (V.Name == "Object") { var TZJE = new Fixed(); } } } else if (C.Attributes ["type"].Value.StartsWith("System.Windows.Forms.TextBox")) { if (C.InnerXml.IndexOf("\"Multiline\">True") > -1) { var CC = new Gtk.Entry (); global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild PBC1 = ((global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild)(Parent [CC])); Parent.Add (CC); foreach (XmlNode V in C.ChildNodes) { { if (V.Name == "Property") { switch (V.Attributes ["name"].Value) { case "Text": { if (V.InnerText.Contains ("%")) { CC.Text = System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables (V.InnerText); CC.Position = CC.Text.Length; } break; } case "Location": PBC1.X = (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (0, V.InnerText.IndexOf (","))) * App.ScaleFactorX); PBC1.Y = (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (V.InnerText.IndexOf (",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY); break; case "Size": CC.SetSizeRequest ((int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (0, V.InnerText.IndexOf (",")))* App.ScaleFactorX), (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (V.InnerText.IndexOf (",") + 1))* App.ScaleFactorY)); break; case "Name": CC.Name = V.InnerText; break; case "Font": string VC = V.InnerText; UFont = VC.Replace("style=", "").Split(new[] {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string VCFName = UFont[0]; float VCSize = float.Parse(UFont[1].Replace("pt", "")); float Z = (float)(VCSize * App.ScaleFactorY); CC.ModifyFont (Pango.FontDescription.FromString (VCFName+" "+((int)Z).ToString())); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(VCFName+" "+((int)Z).ToString()); break; } } } } } else { var CC= new Gtk.Entry(); global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild PBC1 = ((global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild)(Parent [CC])); Parent.Add (CC); foreach (XmlNode V in C.ChildNodes) { { if (V.Name == "Property") { switch (V.Attributes ["name"].Value) { case "Name": CC.Name = V.InnerText; break; case "Text": { if (V.InnerText.Contains ("%")) { CC.Text = System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables (V.InnerText); CC.Position = CC.Text.Length; } break; } case "Location": PBC1.X = (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (0, V.InnerText.IndexOf (","))) * App.ScaleFactorX); PBC1.Y = (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (V.InnerText.IndexOf (",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY); break; case "Size": CC.SetSizeRequest ((int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (0, V.InnerText.IndexOf (",")))* App.ScaleFactorX), (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (V.InnerText.IndexOf (",") + 1))* App.ScaleFactorY)); break; case "PasswordChar": CC.InvisibleChar = '*'; CC.Visibility = false; break; case "Font": string VC = V.InnerText; UFont = VC.Replace("style=", "").Split(new[] {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string VCFName = UFont[0]; float VCSize = float.Parse(UFont[1].Replace("pt", "")); float Z = (float)(VCSize * App.ScaleFactorY); CC.ModifyFont (Pango.FontDescription.FromString (VCFName+" "+((int)Z).ToString())); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(VCFName+" "+((int)Z).ToString()); break; } } } } } } else if (C.Attributes ["type"].Value.StartsWith ("System.Windows.Forms.Panel")) { var CP = new Gtk.Fixed (); //CP.Clicked += HandleClick; global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild PBC1 = ((global::Gtk.Fixed.FixedChild)(Parent [CP])); Parent.Add (CP); foreach (XmlNode V in C.ChildNodes) { if (V.Name == "Property") { switch (V.Attributes ["name"].Value) { case "Name": CP.Name = V.InnerText; break; case "BorderStyle": if (V.InnerText == "Solid") { //PB.ModifierStyle = } break; case "ForeColor": CP.Children [0].ModifyFg (StateType.Normal, V.InnerText.GetXColor ().ToNative ()); break; case "BackColor": CP.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, V.InnerText.GetXColor().ToNative ()); break; case "SizeMode": //PB.SizeMode = Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureBoxSizeMode), V.InnerText); break; case "Location": PBC1.X = (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (0, V.InnerText.IndexOf (","))) * App.ScaleFactorX); PBC1.Y = (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (V.InnerText.IndexOf (",") + 1)) * App.ScaleFactorY); break; case "Size": CP.SetSizeRequest ((int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (0, V.InnerText.IndexOf (",")))* App.ScaleFactorX), (int)(Convert.ToInt32 (V.InnerText.Substring (V.InnerText.IndexOf (",") + 1))* App.ScaleFactorY)); break; } } else if (V.Name == "Object") { //FetchForm(PB, V.ParentNode); } } } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (C.Attributes ["type"].Value); } } } } Parent.ShowAll(); }
public void Add(Widget item) { container.Add(item); }