/// <summary>
        /// Helper method that will scan the route for a specific node.
        /// Used to see if a generated route crosses the runway before returning back to the same point on the runway.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeToFind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal bool HasNode(TaxiNode nodeToFind)
            LinkedNode currentNode = RouteStart;

            if (currentNode == null || currentNode.Node == null || nodeToFind == null)

                if (currentNode.Node.Id == nodeToFind.Id)
                currentNode = currentNode.Next;
            }while (currentNode != null && currentNode.Node != null);

Exemple #2
        private IEnumerable <SteerPoint> BuildSteerPoints(Parking currentParking, ResultRoute route)
            LinkedNode link        = route.RouteStart;
            TaxiNode   nodeToWrite = route.StartNode;
            EntryPoint entryPoint  = route.RunwayEntryPoint;

            List <SteerPoint> steerPoints = new List <SteerPoint>
                new ParkingPoint(currentParking.Latitude, currentParking.Longitude, 3, $"{currentParking.Name}", currentParking.Bearing, false)

            // Write Pushback node, allowing room for turn
            double addLat = 0;
            double addLon = 0;

            // See if we need to skip the first route node
            if (currentParking.AlternateAfterPushBack != null && currentParking.AlternateAfterPushBack == route.RouteStart.Node)
                // Our pushback point is better than the first point of the route
                nodeToWrite = currentParking.AlternateAfterPushBack;

            // insert one more point here where the plane is pushed a little bit away from the next point
            if (currentParking.LocationType == StartUpLocationType.Gate)
                if (nodeToWrite != null)
                    double nextPushBearing;

                    if (VortexMath.DistanceKM(nodeToWrite.Latitude, nodeToWrite.Longitude, currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude) > 0.010)
                        // Push target is a virtual node
                        nextPushBearing = VortexMath.BearingRadians(nodeToWrite.Latitude, nodeToWrite.Longitude, currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude);
                        // Push target is very close to the actual first node of the route
                        nextPushBearing = (nodeToWrite.BearingToTarget + VortexMath.PI) % VortexMath.PI2;

                    double turn    = VortexMath.TurnAngle(currentParking.Bearing + VortexMath.PI, nextPushBearing);
                    double turnAbs = Math.Abs(turn);
                    double factor  = ((turnAbs) / VortexMath.PI);               // 0...0.5.....1
                    factor = (factor * factor) + factor / 4;                    // 0...0.375...1.25
                    double distance = 0.040 * factor;                           // 0m...15m ...50m

                    if (turnAbs < VortexMath.Deg135Rad)
                        // Try to trun the aircraft to the bearing it will need to go in after pushback

                        // First point is on the pushback heading, but away from the actual target to allow the AC to turn
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, currentParking.Bearing, distance, ref addLat, ref addLon);
                        steerPoints.Add(new PushbackPoint(addLat, addLon, 2, $"{currentParking.Name}"));

                        // Second point is on the (extended) line of the first link of the actual route
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, nextPushBearing, distance, ref addLat, ref addLon);
                        steerPoints.Add(new PushbackPoint(addLat, addLon, 2, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

                        // Third point is on the same line but a little bit extra backwards to get the nose in the intended heading
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, nextPushBearing, distance + 0.015, ref addLat, ref addLon);
                        steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(addLat, addLon, 8, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}", true));
                        // Let's just turn it to a 90 degree angle with the first edge

                        // First point is on the pushback heading, but away from the actual target to allow the AC to turn
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, currentParking.Bearing, distance, ref addLat, ref addLon);
                        steerPoints.Add(new PushbackPoint(addLat, addLon, 2, $"{currentParking.Name}"));

                        // Second point is on the (extended) line of the first link of the actual route, but much closer then for the full turn
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, nextPushBearing, distance / 2.0, ref addLat, ref addLon);
                        steerPoints.Add(new PushbackPoint(addLat, addLon, 2, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

                        // Third point is on +/-90 degree angle from the first link
                        VortexMath.PointFrom(addLat, addLon, (turn > 0) ? nextPushBearing + VortexMath.PI05 : nextPushBearing - VortexMath.PI05, 0.015, ref addLat, ref addLon);
                        steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(addLat, addLon, 5, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}", true));

                        // Add a fourth point back on the intended line
                        steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, 8, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));
                // Tie down, hangar, misc: just add the 'pushback' point as first target, smoothing should take care of the rest
                steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(currentParking.PushBackLatitude, currentParking.PushBackLongitude, 8, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

            if (nodeToWrite != link.Node)
                steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(nodeToWrite.Latitude, nodeToWrite.Longitude, 8, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

            while (link.Node != null)
                bool   activeZone = false;
                string activeFor  = "";

                if (link.Edge.ActiveZone)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = link.Edge.ActiveForRunway(Runway.Designator);
                else if (link.Next.Edge != null && link.Next.Edge.ActiveZone)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = link.Next.Edge.ActiveForRunway(Runway.Designator);
                else if (link.Next.Edge == null)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = Runway.Designator;

                if (activeZone)
                    steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(link.Node.Latitude, link.Node.Longitude, 15, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}", activeFor));
                    steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(link.Node.Latitude, link.Node.Longitude, 15, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

                link = link.Next;

            steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(entryPoint.OnRunwayNode, 8, Runway.Designator, Runway.Designator));

            VortexMath.PointFrom(entryPoint.OnRunwayNode, Runway.Bearing, 0.022, ref addLat, ref addLon);
            steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(addLat, addLon, 6, Runway.Designator, Runway.Designator));


            if (MaxOutPoints < steerPoints.Count)
                MaxOutPoints = steerPoints.Count;

        /// <summary>
        /// Extract the route that starts at TaxiNode 'startNode'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edges">A list of all available edges</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">The first node of the route</param>
        /// <param name="size">The maximum size for which this route is valid</param>
        /// <returns>The route as a linked list of nodes with additional informationthat will be needed when writing the route to a file</returns>
        public static ResultRoute ExtractRoute(IEnumerable <TaxiEdge> edges, TaxiNode startNode, XPlaneAircraftCategory size)
            ResultRoute extracted = new ResultRoute(size);

            extracted.Runway    = null;
            extracted.StartNode = startNode;
            ulong node1 = extracted.StartNode.Id;

            extracted.Distance = startNode.DistanceToTarget;

            TaxiNode pathNode;

            pathNode = startNode.NextNodeToTarget;

            TaxiEdge sneakEdge = null;

            if (pathNode != null)
                sneakEdge = edges.SingleOrDefault(e => e.StartNode.Id == node1 && e.EndNode.Id == pathNode.Id);

            // Set up the first link
            extracted.RouteStart = new LinkedNode()
                Node = startNode.NextNodeToTarget,
                Next = null,
                Edge = sneakEdge

            LinkedNode currentLink = extracted.RouteStart;

            // And follow the path...
            while (pathNode != null)
                double   currentBearing = currentLink.Node.BearingToTarget;
                ulong    node2          = pathNode.Id;
                TaxiEdge edge           = edges.Single(e => e.StartNode.Id == node1 && e.EndNode.Id == node2);

                if (pathNode.NextNodeToTarget != null && pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.DistanceToTarget > 0)
                    double nextBearing = pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.BearingToTarget;
                    double turn        = VortexMath.AbsTurnAngle(currentBearing, nextBearing);

                    // This filters out very sharp turns if an alternate exists in exchange for a longer route:
                    // todo: parameters. Now => if more than 120 degrees and alternate < 45 exists use alternate
                    if (turn > VortexMath.Deg120Rad)
                        IEnumerable <TaxiEdge> altEdges = edges.Where(e => e.StartNode.Id == pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.Id &&
                                                                      e.EndNode.Id != pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.NextNodeToTarget.Id &&
                                                                      e.EndNode.Id != pathNode.Id);

                        foreach (TaxiEdge te in altEdges)
                            if (te.EndNode.DistanceToTarget < double.MaxValue)
                                double newTurn = VortexMath.AbsTurnAngle(currentBearing, te.EndNode.BearingToTarget);
                                if (newTurn < VortexMath.Deg100Rad)
                                    // Fiddling with Dijkstra results like this may generate a loop in the route
                                    // So scan it before actually using the reroute
                                    if (!hasLoop(te.EndNode, pathNode))
                                        pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.OverrideToTarget = te.EndNode;
                    else if (turn > VortexMath.Deg005Rad)   // Any turn larger than 5 degrees: if going straight does not lead to more than 250m extra distance... go straight.
                        IEnumerable <TaxiEdge> altEdges = edges.Where(e => e.StartNode.Id == pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.Id &&
                                                                      e.EndNode.Id != pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.NextNodeToTarget.Id &&
                                                                      e.EndNode.Id != pathNode.Id);

                        foreach (TaxiEdge te in altEdges)
                            if (te.EndNode.DistanceToTarget < (pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.NextNodeToTarget.DistanceToTarget + 0.250))
                                double newTurn = VortexMath.AbsTurnAngle(currentBearing, te.EndNode.BearingToTarget);
                                if (newTurn < VortexMath.Deg005Rad)
                                    // Fiddling with Dijkstra results like this may generate a loop in the route
                                    // So scan it before actually using the reroute
                                    if (!hasLoop(te.EndNode, pathNode))
                                        pathNode.NextNodeToTarget.OverrideToTarget = te.EndNode;

                TaxiNode nextNode = (pathNode.OverrideToTarget != null) ? pathNode.OverrideToTarget : pathNode.NextNodeToTarget;

                currentLink.Next = new LinkedNode()
                    Node = nextNode,
                    Next = null,
                node1 = node2;

                currentLink.Edge = edge;

                currentLink          = currentLink.Next;
                extracted.TargetNode = pathNode;

                pathNode.OverrideToTarget = null;
                pathNode = nextNode;

Exemple #4
        private IEnumerable <SteerPoint> BuildSteerPoints(ResultRoute route, TaxiNode runwayExitNode)
            List <SteerPoint> steerPoints = new List <SteerPoint>();

            // Route should start at the (displaced) threshold
            RunwayPoint threshold = new RunwayPoint(route.Runway.DisplacedNode, 55, $"{route.Runway.Designator} Threshold", route.RouteStart.Edge.ActiveForRunway(route.Runway.Designator))
                OnRunway  = true,
                IsExiting = true


            foreach (TaxiNode node in route.Runway.RunwayNodes)
                int speed = (node == runwayExitNode) ? 35 : 55;
                steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(node.Latitude, node.Longitude, speed, $"{route.Runway.Designator}", route.RouteStart.Edge.ActiveForRunway(route.Runway.Designator)));

                if (node == runwayExitNode) // Key of the dictionary is the last node on the runway centerline for this route

            // This is the first node off the runway centerline
            steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(route.StartNode, 30, route.RouteStart.Edge.LinkName, route.RouteStart.Edge.ActiveForRunway(route.Runway.Designator)));

            LinkedNode link = route.RouteStart;

            while (link.Node != null)
                bool   activeZone = false;
                string activeFor  = "";

                if (link.Edge.ActiveZone)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = link.Edge.ActiveForRunway("");
                else if (link.Next.Edge != null && link.Next.Edge.ActiveZone)
                    activeZone = true;
                    activeFor  = link.Next.Edge.ActiveForRunway("");

                if (activeZone)
                    steerPoints.Add(new RunwayPoint(link.Node.Latitude, link.Node.Longitude, 15, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}", activeFor));
                    steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(link.Node.Latitude, link.Node.Longitude, 15, $"{link.Edge.LinkName}"));

                link = link.Next;

            // remove last point if it takes us past the 'pushback point'
            if (steerPoints.Count > 1)
                SteerPoint oneButLast    = steerPoints.ElementAt(steerPoints.Count - 2);
                SteerPoint last          = steerPoints.ElementAt(steerPoints.Count - 1);
                double     lastBearing   = VortexMath.BearingRadians(oneButLast, last);
                double     bearingToPush = VortexMath.BearingRadians(last.Latitude, last.Longitude, Parking.PushBackLatitude, Parking.PushBackLongitude);
                double     turnToPush    = VortexMath.AbsTurnAngle(lastBearing, bearingToPush);
                if (turnToPush > VortexMath.Deg100Rad)
                    steerPoints.RemoveAt(steerPoints.Count - 1);

            // todo: how does this all work with freaky pushback points?
            // todo: tie downs

            steerPoints.Add(new SteerPoint(Parking.PushBackLatitude, Parking.PushBackLongitude, 5, Parking.Name));
            steerPoints.Add(new ParkingPoint(Parking.Latitude, Parking.Longitude, 5, Parking.Name, Parking.Bearing, true));


            if (MaxInPoints < steerPoints.Count)
                MaxInPoints = steerPoints.Count;
