//This method produces a comboboxitem for a set given a path
        public static ComboBoxItem Generate_Set_Item(string set)
            //So first we need to make the new combo box item
            ComboBoxItem item = new ComboBoxItem();
            //the tag will store the whole path of the folder for easier access later
            //plus a full list of the card objects, to reduce file I/O
            Set_Info new_set = new Set_Info();

            new_set.dir   = set;
            new_set.cards = new List <Card>();
            //This does however mean that all the work for making these card items happens here
            //instead of when the card list gets populated
            if (Directory.Exists(set))
                FileInfo[] files = (new DirectoryInfo(set)).GetFiles(@"*.txt");
                //now for each file that matches this search criteria we need to make a new card and add it to the list
                //remembering to zero index them
                int index = 0;
                foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                    new_set.cards.Add(Card.Generate_Card_From_File(file, index));
            item.Tag     = new_set;
            item.Content = new DirectoryInfo(set).Name;
 //This produces a cropped image of the currently selected card and makes it the source for the preview image item
 //on the screen
 private void BTN_Preview_Card_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     //This should only work if there is a valid card selected
     if ((ComboBoxItem)CMB_Card_Selector.SelectedItem != null && (Card)((ComboBoxItem)CMB_Card_Selector.SelectedItem).Tag != null)
         //Make sure the cards are all as up to date as possible
         //and that changes wont be lost
         Set_Info info = (Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag);
         //First step is to dispose of the existing bitmap source if any in the preview window
         IMG_Card_Preview.Source = null;
         //then from the selected card generate a cropped image from the card selected
         Card        c = (Card)((ComboBoxItem)CMB_Card_Selector.SelectedItem).Tag;
         BitmapImage i;
         //now make a new image source with standard boxes
         using (Bitmap b = Card.Generate_Cropped_Image(c, "PREVIEW", @".\Overlays\Overlay.png"))
             using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
                 //save the bitmap to the stream for use of the image
                 b.Save(mem, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                 mem.Position = 0;
                 BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
                 image.StreamSource = mem;
                 image.CacheOption  = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                 i = image;
         IMG_Card_Preview.Source = i;
 //This will take the currently selected set, update the current card and generate a set of full bleed sized cards
 //To a path specified by the user
 private void BTN_Export_Bleed_Set_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     //TODO double check this method
     //first of all we need to only do this is there is a set selected and its tag is not null
     if ((ComboBoxItem)CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem != null && (Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag) != null)
         //Make sure the cards are all as up to date as possible
         //and that changes wont be lost
         Set_Info info = (Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag);
         string set_code = "";
         //First of all we need the code used to identify the set in the corner
         InputDialog input = new InputDialog("Please Enter Set Identifier.\nIn form xxxx where 'x' is a letter or number!");
         if (input.ShowDialog() == true)
             //We obviously only continue if they dont cancel the dialog
             set_code = input.Answer();
             //we also need to pick the overlay boxes we are using
             //we need the list of cards out of selected item
             List <Card> set = ((Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag)).cards;
             //we also need to make a bleed folder for the images if they dont exist
             string Bleed_Directory = ((Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag)).dir + @"\Bleed";
             //we also need an overlay to use, user can pick but just in case have a default selected
             string overlay = Card.DEFAULT_OVERLAY;
             //but give the user a choice
             OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
             //set a file filter
             dialog.Filter = "Image Files (*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp)|*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
             //and make sure it opens wherever the program is for access to the overlays folder
             dialog.InitialDirectory = $@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Overlays";
             if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                 //if they selected one set it as the new overlay
                 overlay = dialog.FileName;
             //now for sake of efficiency we will generate and save the cards in a parrallel fashion
             //The limit of 12 concurrent tasks is mostly to avoid out of memory issues since in a stress
             //situation each iteration can use up to a gig of memory each so not bounding how many
             //could cause some problems, this still will on lower end systems but shouldn't be an issue
             //if you arent throwing massive images at it constantly
             Parallel.ForEach(set, new ParallelOptions {
                 MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 12
             }, c =>
                 using (Bitmap b = Card.Generate_Bleed_Image(c, set_code, overlay))
                     //The encoder needs some set up to function properly
                     string s        = string.Format("{0:00000}", c.Index);
                     string filepath = $@"{Bleed_Directory}\{set_code}-{s}-Bleed.png";
                     b.Save(filepath, ImageFormat.Png);
 private void BTN_Save_Set_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     //This saves the entire set of cards currently selected into their respective text files
     //First we need to make sure the current card is as up do date as can be
     //Now it's simply a matter of extracting the list of currently selected cards from the set_info of the selected set
     //Obviously assuming its selected and it has an existant set_info
     if ((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem) != null && (Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag) != null)
         //Now we know it's safe to do so extract this set info and pass it as a directory to save all the cards
         Set_Info info = (Set_Info)(((ComboBoxItem)(CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem)).Tag);
        private void BTN_Delete_Set_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //This will target and delete the directory of the selected item assuming a prompt is passed
            InputDialog input = new InputDialog("Are You Sure You Want To Delete The Selected Set?\nThis Action Cannot Be Undone!\n(y/n)");

            if (input.ShowDialog() == true)
                if (input.Answer().ToLower() == "y" && CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem != null)
                    //Can't delete what doesnt exist obviously
                    CMB_Card_Selector.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    //We need to get the directory from the currently selected set
                    Set_Info info = (Set_Info)((ComboBoxItem)CMB_Set_Selector.SelectedItem).Tag;
                    //And use the directory to delete the whole directory
                    //the true at the end indicates recursive delete so as to delete contents as well
                    Directory.Delete(info.dir, true);
                    //Lastly we Remove the currently selected item from the list since it holds nothing anymore