// ************************* // private Token match(Token.TokenType expectedTokenType) { Token matchedToken = lookAhead(1); if(lookAheadType(1) == expectedTokenType) { ConsumeCurrentToken(); } else { throw new GrimmException( "The code word \"" + lookAhead(1).getTokenString() + "\"" + " doesn't match the expected (" + expectedTokenType + ")." + " at line " + lookAhead(1).LineNr + " and position " + lookAhead(1).LinePosition + " in conversation '" + _conversationName + "'" ); } return matchedToken; }
private WaitDialogueNode VisitWaitDialogueNode(DialogueNode pPrevious) { #if DEBUG_WRITE Console.WriteLine("WaitDialogueNode()"); #endif match(Token.TokenType.WAIT); WaitDialogueNode n = _dialogueRunner.Create <WaitDialogueNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++) + " (start commando)"); List <ExpressionDialogueNode> expressionNodes = new List <ExpressionDialogueNode>(); bool hasEventListener = false; while (true) { if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.NAME) { string expressionName = ""; string[] args = VisitFunctionCall(out expressionName); ExpressionDialogueNode expressionNode = _dialogueRunner.Create <ExpressionDialogueNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++) + " (expression)"); expressionNode.expression = expressionName; expressionNode.args = args; expressionNodes.Add(expressionNode); } else if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.AND) { ConsumeCurrentToken(); } else if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.LISTEN) { if (hasEventListener) { throw new GrimmException(_conversationName + " already has a event listener attached to the wait statement on line " + lookAhead(1).LineNr); } ConsumeCurrentToken(); n.eventName = match(Token.TokenType.NAME).getTokenString(); hasEventListener = true; #if DEBUG_WRITE Console.WriteLine("This WaitDialogueNode has an event called " + n.eventName); #endif } else { break; } } n.expressions = expressionNodes.ToArray(); string handleName = ""; if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.BRACKET_LEFT) { match(Token.TokenType.BRACKET_LEFT); Token handleToken = match(Token.TokenType.NAME); handleName = handleToken.getTokenString(); match(Token.TokenType.BRACKET_RIGHT); } n.handle = handleName; if (_loopStack.Count > 0) { // Add this listening dialogue node to the scope of the loop so that it is automatically removed when the loop ends n.scopeNode = _loopStack.Peek().name; } #if DEBUG_WRITE Console.WriteLine("Added WaitDialogueNode() with name '" + n.name + "'"); #endif //if(!_dialogueRunner.HasExpression(expressionName)) { //throw new GrimmException("There is no '" + expressionName + "' expression registered in the dialogue runner"); //} SilentDialogueNode silentEndNode = _dialogueRunner.Create <SilentDialogueNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++).ToString() + "(silent stop node)"); AllowLineBreak(); if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.BLOCK_BEGIN) { _loopStack.Push(n); ImmediateNode eventBranchStartNode = _dialogueRunner.Create <ImmediateNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++).ToString() + "(waitBranchStartNode)"); n.branchNode = eventBranchStartNode.name; n.hasBranch = true; match(Token.TokenType.BLOCK_BEGIN); Nodes(eventBranchStartNode, silentEndNode); match(Token.TokenType.BLOCK_END); _loopStack.Pop(); } else { #if DEBUG_WRITE Console.WriteLine("this wait dialogue node had no body"); #endif } AddLinkFromPreviousNode(pPrevious, n); return(n); }
private void ConsumeCurrentToken() { Token nextToken; if (_nextTokenIndex < _tokens.Count) { nextToken = _tokens[_nextTokenIndex]; _nextTokenIndex++; } else { nextToken = new Token(Token.TokenType.EOF, "<EOF>"); } _lookahead[_lookaheadIndex] = nextToken; _lookaheadIndex = (_lookaheadIndex + 1) % k; }
DialogueNode VisitListeningDialogueNode(DialogueNode pPrevious) { #if DEBUG_WRITE Console.WriteLine("VisitListeningDialogueNode()"); #endif match(Token.TokenType.LISTEN); string eventName = GetAStringFromNextToken(false, false); string handleName = ""; if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.BRACKET_LEFT) { match(Token.TokenType.BRACKET_LEFT); Token handleToken = match(Token.TokenType.NAME); handleName = handleToken.getTokenString(); match(Token.TokenType.BRACKET_RIGHT); } else if ( (lookAheadType(1) != Token.TokenType.EOF) && (lookAheadType(1) != Token.TokenType.NEW_LINE) && (lookAheadType(1) != Token.TokenType.BLOCK_BEGIN)) { throw new GrimmException("Can't follow LISTEN statement with token of type " + lookAheadType(1) + " at line " + lookAhead(1).LineNr + " and position " + lookAhead(1).LinePosition + " in " + _conversationName); } ListeningDialogueNode n = _dialogueRunner.Create <ListeningDialogueNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++).ToString() + "(event listener)"); n.eventName = eventName; n.handle = handleName; if (_loopStack.Count > 0) { // Add this listening dialogue node to the scope of the loop so that it is automatically removed as a listener when the loop ends n.scopeNode = _loopStack.Peek().name; } SilentDialogueNode silentNode = _dialogueRunner.Create <SilentDialogueNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++).ToString() + "(silent stop node)"); AllowLineBreak(); if (lookAheadType(1) == Token.TokenType.BLOCK_BEGIN) { _loopStack.Push(n); ImmediateNode eventBranchStartNode = _dialogueRunner.Create <ImmediateNode>(_conversationName, _language, (_nodeCounter++).ToString() + "(eventBranchStartNode)"); n.branchNode = eventBranchStartNode.name; n.hasBranch = true; match(Token.TokenType.BLOCK_BEGIN); Nodes(eventBranchStartNode, silentNode); match(Token.TokenType.BLOCK_END); _loopStack.Pop(); } else { #if DEBUG_WRITE Console.WriteLine("this listening dialogue node had no body"); #endif } AddLinkFromPreviousNode(pPrevious, n); return(n); }