Exemple #1
 public static extern bool GetCursorInfo(out CursorInfo cursorInfo);
        private void CaptureFrame()
            int MSBETWEENCAPTURES = 1000/framesPerSecond;
            int msToNextCapture = MSBETWEENCAPTURES;
            while (!stop)  {
                Point captureLocation;
                if (recordingWindow != null) {
                    captureLocation = recordingWindow.Location;
                } else {
                    captureLocation = new Point(recordingRectangle.X,  recordingRectangle.Y);
                // "Capture"
                GDI32.BitBlt(hDCDest, 0, 0, recordingSize.Width, recordingSize.Height, hDCDesktop, captureLocation.X,  captureLocation.Y, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy | CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);

                // Mouse
                if (RecordMouse) {
                    CursorInfo cursorInfo = new CursorInfo();
                    cursorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(cursorInfo);
                    Point mouseLocation = Cursor.Position;
                    mouseLocation.Offset(-captureLocation.X, -captureLocation.Y);
                    if (User32.GetCursorInfo(out cursorInfo)) {
                        User32.DrawIcon(hDCDest, mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y, cursorInfo.hCursor);
                // add to avi
                try {
                } catch (Exception) {
                    LOG.Error("Error adding frame to avi, stopping capturing.");

                int restTime = (int)(msToNextCapture - stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                // Set time to next capture, we correct it if needed later.
                msToNextCapture = MSBETWEENCAPTURES;
                if (restTime > 0) {
                    // We were fast enough, we wait for next capture
                } else if (restTime < 0) {
                    // Compensating, as we took to long
                    int framesToSkip = ((-restTime) / MSBETWEENCAPTURES);
                    int leftoverMillis = (-restTime) % MSBETWEENCAPTURES;
                    //LOG.InfoFormat("Adding {0} empty frames to avi, leftover millis is {1}, sleeping {2} (of {3} total)", framesToSkip, leftover, sleepMillis, MSBETWEENCAPTURES);

                    // check how bad it is, if we only missed our target by a few millis we hope the next capture corrects this
                    if (leftoverMillis > 0 && leftoverMillis <= 2) {
                        // subtract the leftover from the millis to next capture, do nothing else
                        msToNextCapture -= leftoverMillis;
                    } else if (leftoverMillis > 0) {
                        // it's more, we add an empty frame
                        // we sleep to the next time and
                        int sleepMillis = MSBETWEENCAPTURES - leftoverMillis;
                        // Sleep to next capture
        private void CaptureFrame()
            int MSBETWEENCAPTURES = 1000/framesPerSecond;
            int msToNextCapture = MSBETWEENCAPTURES;
            while (!stop)  {
                DateTime nextCapture = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(msToNextCapture);
                Point captureLocation;
                if (recordingWindow != null) {
                    captureLocation = recordingWindow.Location;
                } else {
                    captureLocation = new Point(recordingRectangle.X,  recordingRectangle.Y);
                // "Capture"
                GDI32.BitBlt(hDCDest, 0, 0, recordingSize.Width, recordingSize.Height, hDCDesktop, captureLocation.X,  captureLocation.Y, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy | CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);

                // Mouse
                if (RecordMouse) {
                    CursorInfo cursorInfo = new CursorInfo();
                    cursorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(cursorInfo);
                    Point mouseLocation = Cursor.Position;
                    mouseLocation.Offset(-captureLocation.X, -captureLocation.Y);
                    if (User32.GetCursorInfo(out cursorInfo)) {
                        User32.DrawIcon(hDCDest, mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y, cursorInfo.hCursor);
                // add to avi
                try {
                } catch (Exception) {
                    LOG.Error("Error adding frame to avi, stopping capturing.");
                int sleeptime = (int)(nextCapture.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
                if (sleeptime > 0) {
                    msToNextCapture = MSBETWEENCAPTURES;
                } else {
                    // Compensating
                    msToNextCapture = Math.Max(0, MSBETWEENCAPTURES - sleeptime);
Exemple #4
 public static extern bool GetCursorInfo(out CursorInfo cursorInfo);
Exemple #5
		/// <summary>
		/// This method will capture the current Cursor by using User32 Code
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>A Capture Object with the Mouse Cursor information in it.</returns>
		public static ICapture CaptureCursor(ICapture capture) {
			LOG.Debug("Capturing the mouse cursor.");
			if (capture == null) {
				capture = new Capture();
			int x,y;
			CursorInfo cursorInfo = new CursorInfo(); 
			IconInfo iconInfo;
			cursorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(cursorInfo);
			if (User32.GetCursorInfo(out cursorInfo)) {
				if (cursorInfo.flags == User32.CURSOR_SHOWING) { 
					using (SafeIconHandle safeIcon = User32.CopyIcon(cursorInfo.hCursor)) {
						if (User32.GetIconInfo(safeIcon, out iconInfo)) {
							Point cursorLocation = User32.GetCursorLocation();
							// Allign cursor location to Bitmap coordinates (instead of Screen coordinates)
							x = cursorLocation.X - iconInfo.xHotspot - capture.ScreenBounds.X;
							y = cursorLocation.Y - iconInfo.yHotspot - capture.ScreenBounds.Y;
							// Set the location
							capture.CursorLocation = new Point(x, y);
							using (Icon icon = Icon.FromHandle(safeIcon.DangerousGetHandle())) {
								capture.Cursor = icon;
							if (iconInfo.hbmMask != IntPtr.Zero) {
							if (iconInfo.hbmColor != IntPtr.Zero) {
			return capture;