private void FlashlightForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Set the bounds.
     this.Bounds = MainForm.GetScreenBounds();
        void PictureBoxPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            if (mouseDown || capturingWindows)
                Rectangle screenbounds = GetScreenBounds();
                captureRect.Intersect(screenbounds); // crop what is outside the screen
                Rectangle fixedRect = new Rectangle(captureRect.X, captureRect.Y, captureRect.Width, captureRect.Height);
                fixedRect.X += Math.Abs(screenbounds.X);
                fixedRect.Y += Math.Abs(screenbounds.Y);

                g.FillRectangle(OverlayBrush, fixedRect);
                g.DrawRectangle(OverlayPen, fixedRect);

                // rulers
                int   dist     = 8;
                Pen   rulerPen = new Pen(Color.SeaGreen);
                Brush bgBrush  = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 217, 240, 227));
                Font  f        = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8);
                int   hSpace   = TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Width.ToString(), f).Width + 3;
                int   vSpace   = TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Height.ToString(), f).Height + 3;

                // horizontal ruler
                if (fixedRect.Width > hSpace + 3)
                    GraphicsPath p = Drawing.RoundedRectangle.Create2(
                        fixedRect.X + (fixedRect.Width / 2 - hSpace / 2) + 3,
                        fixedRect.Y - dist - 7,
                        TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Width.ToString(), f).Width - 3,
                        TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Width.ToString(), f).Height,
                    g.FillPath(bgBrush, p);
                    g.DrawPath(rulerPen, p);
                    g.DrawString(captureRect.Width.ToString(), f, rulerPen.Brush, fixedRect.X + (fixedRect.Width / 2 - hSpace / 2) + 3, fixedRect.Y - dist - 7);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X, fixedRect.Y - dist, fixedRect.X + (fixedRect.Width / 2 - hSpace / 2), fixedRect.Y - dist);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X + (fixedRect.Width / 2 + hSpace / 2), fixedRect.Y - dist, fixedRect.X + fixedRect.Width, fixedRect.Y - dist);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X, fixedRect.Y - dist - 3, fixedRect.X, fixedRect.Y - dist + 3);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X + fixedRect.Width, fixedRect.Y - dist - 3, fixedRect.X + fixedRect.Width, fixedRect.Y - dist + 3);

                // vertical ruler
                if (fixedRect.Height > vSpace + 3)
                    GraphicsPath p = Drawing.RoundedRectangle.Create2(
                        fixedRect.X - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Height.ToString(), f).Width) + 1,
                        fixedRect.Y + (fixedRect.Height / 2 - vSpace / 2) + 2,
                        TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Height.ToString(), f).Width - 3,
                        TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Height.ToString(), f).Height - 1,
                    g.FillPath(bgBrush, p);
                    g.DrawPath(rulerPen, p);
                    g.DrawString(captureRect.Height.ToString(), f, rulerPen.Brush, fixedRect.X - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(captureRect.Height.ToString(), f).Width) + 1, fixedRect.Y + (fixedRect.Height / 2 - vSpace / 2) + 2);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X - dist, fixedRect.Y, fixedRect.X - dist, fixedRect.Y + (fixedRect.Height / 2 - vSpace / 2));
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X - dist, fixedRect.Y + (fixedRect.Height / 2 + vSpace / 2), fixedRect.X - dist, fixedRect.Y + fixedRect.Height);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X - dist - 3, fixedRect.Y, fixedRect.X - dist + 3, fixedRect.Y);
                    g.DrawLine(rulerPen, fixedRect.X - dist - 3, fixedRect.Y + fixedRect.Height, fixedRect.X - dist + 3, fixedRect.Y + fixedRect.Height);

                // Display size of selected rectangle
                // Prepare the font and text.
                f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12);
                string t = captureRect.Width + " x " + captureRect.Height;

                // Calculate the scaled font size.
                SizeF extent  = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                float hRatio  = captureRect.Height / (extent.Height * 2);
                float wRatio  = captureRect.Width / (extent.Width * 2);
                float ratio   = (hRatio < wRatio ? hRatio : wRatio);
                float newSize = f.Size * ratio;

                if (newSize >= 4) // Only show if 4pt or larger.
                    if (newSize > 20)
                        newSize = 20;
                    // Draw the size.
                    f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, newSize, FontStyle.Bold);
                    g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.LightSeaGreen, new PointF(fixedRect.X + (
                                                                             captureRect.Width / 2) - (TextRenderer.MeasureText(t, f).Width / 2),
                                                                         fixedRect.Y + (captureRect.Height / 2) - (f.GetHeight() / 2)));
                if (cursorPos.X > 0 || cursorPos.Y > 0)
                    Pen p = new Pen(Color.LightSeaGreen);
                    p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
                    Rectangle b = MainForm.GetScreenBounds();
                    g.DrawLine(p, cursorPos.X, b.Y, cursorPos.X, b.Height);
                    g.DrawLine(p, b.X, cursorPos.Y, b.Width, cursorPos.Y);

                    Font         f       = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8);
                    string       xy      = cursorPos.X.ToString() + " x " + cursorPos.Y.ToString();
                    Brush        bgBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 217, 240, 227));
                    GraphicsPath gp      = Drawing.RoundedRectangle.Create2(
                        cursorPos.X + 5,
                        cursorPos.Y + 5,
                        TextRenderer.MeasureText(xy, f).Width - 3,
                        TextRenderer.MeasureText(xy, f).Height,
                    g.FillPath(bgBrush, gp);
                    g.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.SeaGreen), gp);
                    g.DrawString(xy, f, new Pen(Color.SeaGreen).Brush, cursorPos.X + 5, cursorPos.Y + 5);