Exemple #1
        private void tsbOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                DataRow row = dt.Rows.Add("table_credprogr", "table_clients", tbWhereClause.Text);
                dt.Rows[0]["Clause"] = tbWhereClause.Text;

            TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();

            ts.TableName = "where_clauses";
            string[] p_keys = { "TableDBName_Left", "TableDBName_Right" };
            ts.p_keys = p_keys;
            string[] columns = { "Clause" };
            ts.columns = columns;

            DBFunctions.WriteToDB(dt, ts);

            catch (Exception ex)

Exemple #2
        private void dgQuestions_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataRow row = GreenLight.Tools.FindCurrentRow(dgQuestions);

            if (splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed == false)
                //Значит есть ветвление, значит надо сохранить
                TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();
                ts.TableName = "questionary_answers";
                string[] p_keys = { "question_id", "answer" };
                ts.p_keys = p_keys;
                string[] columns = { "answer_next_question_id" };
                ts.columns = columns;

                DBFunctions.WriteToDB(dt_answers, ts);

            if ((bool)row["question_variation"] == false)
                splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = true;
                splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = false;
Exemple #3
        public static DataTable GetTable(string table_name, ref DataGridView dgTableData, ref TableStruct ts, int record_id = 0)
            DataTable dt_table_data;

            DataTable dt_table_structure = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SELECT ColumnName,ColumnDBName,ColumnType,ColumnReference,ReferenceMultiSelect,ShowInEditor FROM tableconfig WHERE TableDBName = '" + table_name + "'");
            string    query_text         = "SELECT table_" + table_name + ".ID";
            int       rows_count         = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in dt_table_structure.Rows)
                query_text += ",";

                query_text += row["ColumnDBName"];
            query_text += " FROM table_" + table_name;
            if (record_id != 0)
                query_text += " WHERE table_" + table_name + ".ID=" + Convert.ToString(record_id);
            dt_table_data = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB(query_text);

            if (dgTableData != null)
                dgTableData.DataSource = dt_table_data;

            ts           = new TableStruct();
            ts.TableName = "table_" + table_name;
            string[] p_keys = { "ID" };
            ts.p_keys  = p_keys;
            ts.columns = new string[rows_count];

            int curr_ts_row = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dt_table_structure.Rows.Count; i++)
                if ((bool)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ShowInEditor"] == false)
                    dgTableData.Columns[i + 1].Visible = false;
                    dgTableData.Columns[i + 1].HeaderText = (string)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ColumnName"];

                /*if ( (string)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ColumnType"] == "Справочник")
                 * {
                 *  dgTableData.Columns[curr_dg_column - 1].Visible = false;
                 *  dgTableData.Columns[curr_dg_column++].HeaderText = (string)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ColumnName"];
                 * }*/
                //if ((bool)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ReferenceMultiSelect"] == false)
                ts.columns[curr_ts_row++] = (string)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ColumnDBName"];

Exemple #4
        private void FillClients()
            ts         = new TableStruct();
            dt_clients = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SELECT id,CONCAT(familia_zaem,' ',IFNULL(Imya_zaem,''),' ',IFNULL(Otchestvo_zaem,'')) AS fio_zaem FROM table_clients");

            dgClients.DataSource = dt_clients;

            dgClients.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;

            dgClients.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID";
            dgClients.Columns[1].HeaderText = "ФИО";
Exemple #5
        private void SaveData()
            TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();

            ts.TableName = "tableconfig";
            string[] p_keys = { "TableConfigID" };
            ts.p_keys = p_keys;
            string[] columns = { "TableName", "TableDBName", "ColumnName", "ColumnDBName", "ColumnType", "ColumnReference", "ReferenceMultiSelect", "ShowInOffer", "ShowInOfferShort", "ShowInEditor", "WebOrder", "UseInWhereClause", "ShowFullName" };
            ts.columns = columns;

            DBFunctions.WriteToDB(dt_tableconfig, ts);

        private void SaveData()
            if (!Auth.AuthModule.rights.reference_struct.write)
            TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();

            ts.TableName = "referencesconfig";
            string[] p_keys = { "ReferenceConfigID" };
            ts.p_keys = p_keys;
            string[] columns = { "ReferenceName", "ReferenceDBName", "Hierarchycal", "ColumnName", "ColumnDBName", "ColumnType" };
            ts.columns = columns;

            DBFunctions.WriteToDB(dt_ref_config, ts);

Exemple #7
        private void SaveData()
            if (!Auth.AuthModule.rights.questionary_editor.write)

            TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();

            ts.TableName = "questionary_questions";
            string[] p_keys = { "question_id" };
            ts.p_keys = p_keys;
            string[] columns = { "questionary_id", "question_text", "question_variation",           "question_reference",
                                 "question_type",  "question_next", "question_dest_column_db_name", "question_hint",     "question_input_type", "question_web_position" };
            ts.columns = columns;

            DBFunctions.WriteToDB(dt_questions, ts);

Exemple #8
        public static DataTable GetTableWODataGrid(string table_name, ref TableStruct ts, int record_id = 0)
            DataTable dt_table_data;

            DataTable dt_table_structure = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SELECT ColumnName,ColumnDBName,ColumnType,ColumnReference,ReferenceMultiSelect FROM tableconfig WHERE TableDBName = '" + table_name + "'");
            string    query_text         = "SELECT table_" + table_name + ".ID";
            int       rows_count         = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in dt_table_structure.Rows)
                query_text += ",";

                query_text += row["ColumnDBName"];
            query_text += " FROM table_" + table_name;
            //query_text += join_text;
            if (record_id != 0)
                query_text += " WHERE table_" + table_name + ".ID=" + Convert.ToString(record_id);
            dt_table_data = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB(query_text);

            ts           = new TableStruct();
            ts.TableName = "table_" + table_name;
            string[] p_keys = { "ID" };
            ts.p_keys  = p_keys;
            ts.columns = new string[rows_count];

            int curr_ts_row = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dt_table_structure.Rows.Count; i++)
                ts.columns[curr_ts_row++] = (string)dt_table_structure.Rows[i]["ColumnDBName"];

Exemple #9
        public Questionary(int t_r_id = -1, string q_name = "Анкета клиента", int [] filt_ids = null)

            questionary_name = q_name;

            questionary_id            = (int)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT id FROM questionary WHERE Name = '" + questionary_name + "'");
            questionary_table_db_name = (string)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT TableDBName FROM questionary WHERE Name = '" + questionary_name + "'");
            current_question_id       = (int)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT first_question_id FROM questionary WHERE Name = '" + questionary_name + "'");

            questionary_use_filter = (bool)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT use_filter FROM questionary WHERE Name = '" + questionary_name + "'");

            if (questionary_use_filter)
                filter_ids = (int[])filt_ids.Clone();
                string query_text = "SELECT DISTINCT question_id FROM questionary_filter WHERE questionary_id=@q_id AND filter_id IN (";
                foreach (int filter_id in filter_ids)
                    query_text += filter_id.ToString() + ",";

                query_text = query_text.TrimEnd(',') + ")";

                Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                parameters.Add("q_id", questionary_id);

                dt_filter_allowed_questions = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB(query_text, parameters);

                //Дойдем до первого разрешенного вопроса
                while (current_question_id != -1)
                    if (dt_filter_allowed_questions.Select("question_id = " + Convert.ToString(current_question_id)).Length > 0)

                    parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    parameters.Add("questionary_id", questionary_id);
                    parameters.Add("q_id", current_question_id);
                    object new_question_id = DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT question_next FROM questionary_questions WHERE questionary_id=@questionary_id AND question_id = @q_id", parameters);
                    if (new_question_id == DBNull.Value)
                        current_question_id = -1;
                        current_question_id = (int)new_question_id;

            question_history = new List <QuestionInfo>();

            table_record_id = t_r_id;
            //Подгрузим инфо о записи таблицы или пустую строку
            ts            = new TableStruct();
            dt_table_data = Tables.GetTableWODataGrid(questionary_table_db_name, ref ts, table_record_id);
            if (dt_table_data.Rows.Count > 0)
                row_table_record = dt_table_data.Rows[0];
                row_table_record = dt_table_data.NewRow();
        static void UpdateMainTableStructure(string TableDBName)
            //Получим требуемую структуру
            DataTable neededStructure = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SELECT TableConfigID,ColumnDBName,ColumnDBName_Old,ColumnType,ReferenceMultiSelect FROM tableconfig WHERE TableDBName = '" + TableDBName + "'");

            //Получим текущую структуру
            DataTable CurrentStrurture = new DataTable();
            bool      new_table        = false;

                CurrentStrurture = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SHOW COLUMNS FROM table_" + TableDBName);
            catch (Exception)
                //Таблицы не существует, будем создавать
                new_table = true;

            if (new_table)
                string CommandText = "CREATE TABLE `table_" + TableDBName + "` (";

                CommandText += "`ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT";

                foreach (DataRow row in neededStructure.Rows)
                    if ((string)row["ColumnType"] == "Справочник" && (bool)row["ReferenceMultiSelect"] == true)
                        CommandText += ",`" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` MEDIUMTEXT DEFAULT NULL";
                        //CreateMultiRefTable(TableDBName, (string)row["ColumnDBName"]);
                        string field_type = ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]);
                        if (field_type != null)
                            CommandText += ",`" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + field_type + " DEFAULT NULL";

                CommandText += ", PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";

                //Создаем и меняем строки
                foreach (DataRow row in neededStructure.Rows)
                    string col_type;
                    if ((string)row["ColumnType"] == "Справочник" && (bool)row["ReferenceMultiSelect"] == true)
                        //CreateMultiRefTable(TableDBName, (string)row["ColumnDBName"]);
                        col_type = "MEDIUMTEXT";
                        col_type = ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]);
                        //Ищем колонку
                        DataRow[] foundRows = CurrentStrurture.Select("Field = '" + row["ColumnDBName_Old"] + "'");
                        if (foundRows.Length == 0)
                            //Добавляем колонку
                            DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE table_" + TableDBName + " ADD `" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + col_type);
                            //Проверяем соответствие имени
                            if ((string)foundRows[0]["Field"] != (string)row["ColumnDBName"])
                                //Переименовываем колонку
                                    DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE `table_" + TableDBName + "` CHANGE `" + row["ColumnDBName_Old"] + "` `" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + col_type);
                                    row["ColumnDBName_Old"] = row["ColumnDBName"];
                                catch (Exception)
                                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Невозможно изменить тип столбца.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            else if ((string)foundRows[0]["Type"] != col_type)
                                //Меняем тип
                                    DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE `table_" + TableDBName + "` MODIFY `" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + col_type);
                                catch (Exception)
                                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Невозможно изменить тип столбца.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //Внесем изменения конфигурационную таблицу
                if (neededStructure.GetChanges() != null)
                    TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();
                    ts.TableName = "tableconfig";
                    string[] p_keys = { "TableConfigID" };
                    ts.p_keys = p_keys;
                    string[] columns = { "ColumnDBName_Old" };
                    ts.columns = columns;

                    DBFunctions.WriteToDB(neededStructure, ts);

                //Удалим лишние колонки
                foreach (DataRow row in CurrentStrurture.Rows)
                    if ((string)row["Field"] == "ID")
                    DataRow[] foundRows = neededStructure.Select("ColumnDBName = '" + row["Field"] + "'");
                    if (foundRows.Length == 0)
                        //Удаляем колонку
                        DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE table_" + TableDBName + " DROP `" + row["Field"] + "`");

                //Удалим лишние таблицы с множественным выбором
                //DataTable multi_ref_tables = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SHOW TABLES WHERE tables_in_"  + DBFunctions.db_name + " LIKE 'MultiRef_" + TableDBName + "_%'");
                //foreach(DataRow row in multi_ref_tables.Rows)
                //   DataRow[] foundRows = neededStructure.Select("'MultiRef_" + TableDBName + "_' + ColumnDBName = '" + row["tables_in_" + DBFunctions.db_name] + "' AND ReferenceMultiSelect = 1");

                /*    if (foundRows.Length == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      //Удаляем таблицу
                 *      DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("DROP TABLE `" + row["tables_in_" + DBFunctions.db_name] + "`");
                 *  }
                 * }*/
        static void UpdateReferenceStructure(string ref_db_name)
            //Получим требуемую структуру
            DataTable neededStructure = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SELECT * FROM referencesconfig WHERE ReferenceDBName = '" + ref_db_name + "'");

            if (neededStructure.Rows.Count == 0)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Неверное наименование справочника.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            bool hierarchical = Convert.ToBoolean(neededStructure.Rows[0]["Hierarchycal"]);

            //Проверим есть ли такая таблица в БД
            bool ref_data_exists      = Convert.ToBoolean(DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("Show tables like 'ref_data_" + ref_db_name + "'").Rows.Count);
            bool ref_hierarchy_exists = Convert.ToBoolean(DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("Show tables like 'ref_hierarchy_" + ref_db_name + "'").Rows.Count);

            if ((hierarchical && ref_data_exists && ref_hierarchy_exists) || //Иерархический, есть обе таблицы
                (!hierarchical && ref_data_exists && !ref_hierarchy_exists)  //Не иерархический, есть одна таблица
                //Всё ок, проверим соответствие состава колонок
                DataTable CurrentStrurture = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ref_data_" + ref_db_name);

                //Создаем и меняем строки
                foreach (DataRow row in neededStructure.Rows)
                    //Ищем колонку
                    DataRow[] foundRows = CurrentStrurture.Select("Field = '" + row["ColumnDBName_Old"] + "'");
                    if (foundRows.Length == 0)
                        //Добавляем колонку
                        DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE ref_data_" + ref_db_name + " ADD `" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]));
                        //Проверяем соответствие имени
                        if ((string)foundRows[0]["Field"] != (string)row["ColumnDBName"])
                            //Переименовываем колонку
                                DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE `ref_data_" + ref_db_name + "` CHANGE `" + row["ColumnDBName_Old"] + "` `" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]));
                                row["ColumnDBName_Old"] = row["ColumnDBName"];
                            catch (Exception)
                                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Невозможно изменить тип столбца.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        else if ((string)foundRows[0]["Type"] != ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]))
                            //Меняем тип
                                DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE `ref_data_" + ref_db_name + "` MODIFY `" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]));
                            catch (Exception)
                                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Невозможно изменить тип столбца.", "Ошибка", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //Внесем изменения конфигурационную таблицу
                if (neededStructure.GetChanges() != null)
                    TableStruct ts = new TableStruct();
                    ts.TableName = "referencesconfig";
                    string[] p_keys = { "ReferenceConfigID" };
                    ts.p_keys = p_keys;
                    string[] columns = { "ColumnDBName_Old" };
                    ts.columns = columns;

                    DBFunctions.WriteToDB(neededStructure, ts);

                //Удалим лишние колонки
                foreach (DataRow row in CurrentStrurture.Rows)
                    if ((string)row["Field"] == "id" || (string)row["Field"] == "ID")
                    if ((string)row["Field"] == "parentid" || (string)row["Field"] == "ParentID")
                    DataRow[] foundRows = neededStructure.Select("ColumnDBName = '" + row["Field"] + "'");
                    if (foundRows.Length == 0)
                        //Удаляем колонку
                        DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("ALTER TABLE ref_data_" + ref_db_name + " DROP `" + row["Field"] + "`");

                //Создадим хранимые процедуры и триггеры
                string ref_create_script = (string)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT script FROM scripts WHERE script_name = 'Reference_Create'");

                ref_create_script = ref_create_script.Replace("[RefDBName]", ref_db_name);



            if (ref_data_exists || ref_hierarchy_exists)
                if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Сменился тип справочника " + ref_db_name + " данные справочника будут удалены. Продолжить?", "Вопрос", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)

            //Удалим таблицы
            if (ref_data_exists)
                DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("DROP TABLE `ref_data_" + ref_db_name + "`");

            if (ref_hierarchy_exists)
                DBFunctions.ExecuteCommand("DROP TABLE `ref_hierarchy_" + ref_db_name + "`");

            //Создадим новые таблицы
            //Таблица с данными
            string CommandText = "CREATE TABLE `ref_data_" + ref_db_name + "` (";

            CommandText += "`ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT";
            CommandText += ",`ParentID` int(11) DEFAULT 0";

            foreach (DataRow row in neededStructure.Rows)
                if (row["ColumnType"] == System.DBNull.Value)
                string field_type = ConvertTypeToSQL((string)row["ColumnType"]);
                if (field_type != null)
                    CommandText += ",`" + row["ColumnDBName"] + "` " + field_type + " DEFAULT NULL";

            CommandText += ", PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";

            //Таблица с иерархией
            if (hierarchical)
                CommandText  = "CREATE TABLE `ref_hierarchy_" + ref_db_name + "` (";
                CommandText += "`ElemID` int(11) NOT NULL";
                CommandText += ",`ParentID` int(11) NOT NULL";
                CommandText += ",`Level` int(11) NOT NULL";
                CommandText += ", PRIMARY KEY (`ElemID`,`ParentID`,`Level`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";

            //Создадим хранимые процедуры и триггеры
            string ref_create_script_inner = (string)DBFunctions.ReadScalarFromDB("SELECT script FROM scripts WHERE script_name = 'Reference_Create'");

            ref_create_script_inner = ref_create_script_inner.Replace("[RefDBName]", ref_db_name);

        private void CreateEditControls()
            edit_controls    = new Dictionary <string, Control>();
            ref_table_struct = new TableStruct();

            DataTable dt_ref_columns = DBFunctions.ReadFromDB("SELECT ColumnName,ColumnDBName,ColumnType FROM referencesconfig WHERE ReferenceDBName = '" + reference_db_name + "'");

            DataRow id_row = dt_ref_columns.NewRow();

            id_row["ColumnName"]   = "Код";
            id_row["ColumnDBName"] = "ID";
            id_row["ColumnType"]   = "Строка50";

            dt_ref_columns.Rows.InsertAt(id_row, 0);

            ref_table_struct.TableName = "ref_data_" + reference_db_name;
            string[] p_keys = { "ID" };
            ref_table_struct.p_keys  = p_keys;
            ref_table_struct.columns = new string[dt_ref_columns.Rows.Count];
            ref_table_struct.columns[dt_ref_columns.Rows.Count - 1] = "ParentID";

            foreach (DataRow column_row in dt_ref_columns.Rows)
                if (column_row["ColumnName"] == DBNull.Value)
                    column_row["ColumnName"]   = "Наименование";
                    column_row["ColumnDBName"] = "RefName";

                Label new_label = new Label();
                new_label.Text   = (string)column_row["ColumnName"];
                new_label.Left   = 10;
                new_label.Height = 20;
                new_label.Top    = 12 + Convert.ToInt32(edit_controls.Count / 2) * (new_label.Height + 5);

                edit_controls.Add("label_" + column_row["ColumnDBName"], new_label);
                splitContainer.Panel2.Controls.Add(edit_controls["label_" + column_row["ColumnDBName"]]);

                TextBox new_tb = new TextBox();

                new_tb.Tag   = (string)column_row["ColumnDBName"];
                new_tb.Left  = 150;
                new_tb.Top   = 10 + Convert.ToInt32(edit_controls.Count / 2) * (new_tb.Height + 5);
                new_tb.Width = splitContainer.Panel2.Width - 160;
                if (select_mode)
                    new_tb.ReadOnly = true;
                if ((string)new_tb.Tag == "ID")
                    new_tb.ReadOnly = true;
                    ref_table_struct.columns[dt_ref_columns.Rows.IndexOf(column_row) - 1] = (string)column_row["ColumnDBName"];
                    //Проверим право на запись
                    new_tb.ReadOnly = !Auth.AuthModule.rights.references.write;

                edit_controls.Add((string)column_row["ColumnDBName"], new_tb);
        public static void WriteToDB(DataTable dt, TableStruct table_struct)
            MySqlConnection  connection   = Connect();
            MySqlDataAdapter data_adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("", connection);

            data_adapter.DeleteCommand = new MySqlCommand("", connection);
            string DeleteCommandText = "DELETE FROM " + table_struct.TableName /*.ToLower()*/ + " WHERE";

            foreach (string pk in table_struct.p_keys)
                DeleteCommandText += " " + pk + " = @" + pk;
                data_adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add("@" + pk, ColumnType(dt.Columns[pk]), 50, pk);
                if (table_struct.p_keys[table_struct.p_keys.Length - 1] != pk)
                    DeleteCommandText += " AND";

            data_adapter.DeleteCommand.CommandText = DeleteCommandText;

            data_adapter.UpdateCommand = new MySqlCommand("", connection);
            string UpdateCommandText = "UPDATE " + table_struct.TableName /*.ToLower()*/ + " SET";

            foreach (string column in table_struct.columns)
                UpdateCommandText += " " + column + " = @" + column;
                data_adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@" + column, ColumnType(dt.Columns[column]), 50, column);
                if (table_struct.columns[table_struct.columns.Length - 1] != column)
                    UpdateCommandText += ", ";

            UpdateCommandText += " WHERE";

            foreach (string pk in table_struct.p_keys)
                UpdateCommandText += " " + pk + " = @" + pk;
                data_adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@" + pk, ColumnType(dt.Columns[pk]), 50, pk);
                if (table_struct.p_keys[table_struct.p_keys.Length - 1] != pk)
                    UpdateCommandText += " AND";

            data_adapter.UpdateCommand.CommandText = UpdateCommandText;

            data_adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand("", connection);
            string InsertCommandText = "INSERT INTO " + table_struct.TableName /*.ToLower()*/ + " SET";

            foreach (string column in table_struct.columns)
                InsertCommandText += " " + column + " = @" + column;
                data_adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@" + column, ColumnType(dt.Columns[column]), 50, column);
                InsertCommandText += ", ";

            foreach (string pk in table_struct.p_keys)
                InsertCommandText += " " + pk + " = @" + pk;
                data_adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@" + pk, ColumnType(dt.Columns[pk]), 50, pk);
                if (table_struct.p_keys[table_struct.p_keys.Length - 1] != pk)
                    InsertCommandText += ", ";

            data_adapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = InsertCommandText;

