Exemple #1
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion operator -(SparseMatrixQuaternion left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            SparseMatrixQuaternion result = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(right.rowCount, right.columnCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in left.mapData)
                Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                result.mapData.Add(pair, value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in right.mapData)
                Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                if (result.mapData.ContainsKey(pair))
                    Quaternion temp = result.mapData[pair] -= item.Value;
                    if (temp.Equals(Quaternion.Zero))
                    result.mapData.Add(pair, value);

Exemple #2
        public void FactorizationLU(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion A)
            CholmodInfo cholmodA = CholmodConverter.qConverter(ref A,

            m = A.RowCount;
            n = A.ColumnCount;

            fixed(int *Index = cholmodA.rowIndex, Pt = cholmodA.colIndex)
            fixed(double *val = cholmodA.values)
                solver = CreateSolverLUUMFPACK_CCS(cholmodA.RowCount,

            if (solver == null)
                throw new Exception("Create Solver Fail");
Exemple #3
        SparseMatrixQuaternion BuildCotLaplace()
            SparseMatrixQuaternion Laplace = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(mesh.Vertices.Count, mesh.Vertices.Count);

            foreach (TriMesh.Face face in mesh.Faces)
                foreach (TriMesh.HalfEdge hf in face.Halfedges)
                    Vector3D a = hf.FromVertex.Traits.Position;
                    Vector3D b = hf.Next.FromVertex.Traits.Position;
                    Vector3D c = hf.Next.Next.FromVertex.Traits.Position;

                    int aIndex = hf.FromVertex.Index;
                    int bIndex = hf.Next.FromVertex.Index;
                    int cIndex = hf.Next.Next.FromVertex.Index;

                    Vector3D u1       = b - a;
                    Vector3D u2       = c - a;
                    double   cotAlpha = u1.Dot(u2) / u1.Cross(u2).Length();

                    Laplace[bIndex, cIndex] -= cotAlpha / 2;
                    Laplace[cIndex, bIndex] -= cotAlpha / 2;

                    Laplace[cIndex, cIndex] += cotAlpha / 2;
                    Laplace[bIndex, bIndex] += cotAlpha / 2;

Exemple #4
        public static CholmodInfo qConverter(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion A, CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage storage)
            CholmodInfo info = new CholmodInfo();

            info.MatrixType          = CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixType.Sparse;
            info.MatrixStorageType   = storage;
            info.MatrixStorageMethod = CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStoageMethod.Normal;
            info.MatrixItemType      = CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixItemType.Quaternion;
            info.RowCount            = 4 * A.RowCount;
            info.ColumnCount         = 4 * A.ColumnCount;

            switch (storage)
            case CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage.CRS:
                A.ToCRS(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);

            case CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage.CCS:
                A.ToCCS(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);

            case CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage.Triplet:
                A.ToTriplet(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);

                A.ToTriplet(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);
Exemple #5
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion Copy(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion B)
            Dictionary <Pair, Quaternion> newData = new Dictionary <Pair, Quaternion>(B.mapData);

            SparseMatrixQuaternion newMatrix = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(B.rowCount, B.columnCount);

            newMatrix.mapData = newData;

Exemple #6
        public SparseMatrixQuaternion SubMatrix(int rowStart, int rowEnd, int columnStart, int columnEnd)
            if (rowEnd < rowStart || columnEnd < columnStart)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            int rows    = rowEnd - rowStart + 1;
            int columns = columnEnd - columnStart + 1;

            SparseMatrixQuaternion subMatrix = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(rows, columns);

            int subMatrixEntiries = rows * columns;

            if (subMatrixEntiries < mapData.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    int rowInx = i + rowStart;
                    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                        int  columnInx = j + columnStart;
                        Pair pair      = new Pair(rowInx, columnInx);
                        if (!mapData.ContainsKey(pair))

                        Pair subPair = new Pair(i, j);
                        subMatrix.mapData[subPair] = mapData[pair];
            else if (subMatrixEntiries >= mapData.Count)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in mapData)
                    Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                    Quaternion value = item.Value;

                    int m = pair.Key;
                    int n = pair.Value;

                    if ((m >= rowStart && m <= rowEnd) && (n >= columnStart && m <= columnEnd))
                        int i = m - rowStart;
                        int j = n - columnStart;

                        subMatrix.mapData[new Pair(i, j)] = value;

Exemple #7
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion Identity(int N)
            SparseMatrixQuaternion identity = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(N, N);

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                identity.mapData.Add(new Pair(i, i), Quaternion.Identity);

Exemple #8
        public SparseMatrixQuaternion Transpose()
            SparseMatrixQuaternion trMatrix = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(this.columnCount, this.rowCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in mapData)
                Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                trMatrix.mapData[new Pair(pair.Value, pair.Key)] = value;

Exemple #9
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion operator *(double left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            SparseMatrixQuaternion result = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(right.rowCount, right.columnCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in right.mapData)
                Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = left * item.Value;

                result.mapData.Add(pair, value);

        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion operator *(double left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            SparseMatrixQuaternion result = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(right.rowCount, right.columnCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in right.mapData)
                Pair pair = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = left * item.Value;

                result.mapData.Add(pair, value);

            return result;
Exemple #11
        public void UpdateDeformation(String imagePath, double scale)
            TGAImage image = new TGAImage(imagePath);

            //double[] rho = IOHuiZhao.Instance.ReadVectorFromMatlab("A.vector");
            double[] rho = SetCurvatureChange(image, 10);

            SparseMatrixQuaternion E     = BuildEigenValueProblem(rho);
            DenseMatrixQuaternion  lamda = LinearSystemDEC.Instance.SolveEigen(ref E);

            SparseMatrixQuaternion Laplace = BuildCotLaplace();
            DenseMatrixQuaternion  omega   = BuildOmega(lamda);

            LinearSystemGenericByLib.Instance.FactorizationLU(ref Laplace);
            DenseMatrixQuaternion newV = LinearSystemGenericByLib.Instance.SolveByFactorizedLU(ref omega);

            NormalizeSolution(ref newV);

            UpdatePosition(ref newV);
Exemple #12
        public DenseMatrixQuaternion SolveEigen(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion A)
            LinearSystemGenericByLib.Instance.FactorizationLU(ref A);

            DenseMatrixQuaternion b = new DenseMatrixQuaternion(A.ColumnCount, 1);


            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                DenseMatrixQuaternion x = LinearSystemGenericByLib.Instance.SolveByFactorizedLU(ref b);
                b = null;
                b = x;

Exemple #13
        SparseMatrixQuaternion BuildEigenValueProblem(double[] rho)
            int nV = mesh.Vertices.Count;
            SparseMatrixQuaternion E = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(nV, nV);

            int[] Indices = new int[3];

            foreach (TriMesh.Face face in mesh.Faces)
                double A = TriMeshUtil.ComputeAreaFace(face);
                double a = -1 / (4 * A);
                double b = rho[face.Index] / 6;
                double c = A * rho[face.Index] * rho[face.Index] / 9;

                Indices[0] = face.GetVertex(0).Index;
                Indices[1] = face.GetVertex(1).Index;
                Indices[2] = face.GetVertex(2).Index;

                Quaternion[] e = new Quaternion[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Vector3D eV = mesh.Vertices[Indices[(i + 2) % 3]].Traits.Position -
                                  mesh.Vertices[Indices[(i + 1) % 3]].Traits.Position;
                    e[i] = new Quaternion(eV, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Quaternion q = a * e[i] * e[j] + b * (e[j] - e[i]) + c;
                        E[Indices[i], Indices[j]] += q;


            return E;
Exemple #14
        SparseMatrixQuaternion BuildEigenValueProblem(double[] rho)
            int nV = mesh.Vertices.Count;
            SparseMatrixQuaternion E = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(nV, nV);

            int[] Indices = new int[3];

            foreach (TriMesh.Face face in mesh.Faces)
                double A = TriMeshUtil.ComputeAreaFace(face);
                double a = -1 / (4 * A);
                double b = rho[face.Index] / 6;
                double c = A * rho[face.Index] * rho[face.Index] / 9;

                Indices[0] = face.GetVertex(0).Index;
                Indices[1] = face.GetVertex(1).Index;
                Indices[2] = face.GetVertex(2).Index;

                Quaternion[] e = new Quaternion[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Vector3D eV = mesh.Vertices[Indices[(i + 2) % 3]].Traits.Position -
                                  mesh.Vertices[Indices[(i + 1) % 3]].Traits.Position;
                    e[i] = new Quaternion(eV, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Quaternion q = a * e[i] * e[j] + b * (e[j] - e[i]) + c;
                        E[Indices[i], Indices[j]] += q;

        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion Copy(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion B)
            Dictionary<Pair, Quaternion> newData = new Dictionary<Pair, Quaternion>(B.mapData);

            SparseMatrixQuaternion newMatrix = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(B.rowCount, B.columnCount);
            newMatrix.mapData = newData;

            return newMatrix;
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion Identity(int N)
            SparseMatrixQuaternion identity = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(N, N);

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                identity.mapData.Add(new Pair(i, i), Quaternion.Identity);

            return identity;
 public SparseMatrixQuaternion(SparseMatrixQuaternion matrix)
     mapData = new Dictionary<Pair, Quaternion>(matrix.mapData);
     this.rowCount = matrix.rowCount;
     this.columnCount = matrix.columnCount;
        public SparseMatrixQuaternion SubMatrix(int rowStart, int rowEnd, int columnStart, int columnEnd)
            if (rowEnd < rowStart || columnEnd < columnStart)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            int rows = rowEnd - rowStart + 1;
            int columns = columnEnd - columnStart + 1;

            SparseMatrixQuaternion subMatrix = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(rows, columns);

            int subMatrixEntiries = rows * columns;

            if (subMatrixEntiries < mapData.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    int rowInx = i + rowStart;
                    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                        int columnInx = j + columnStart;
                        Pair pair = new Pair(rowInx, columnInx);
                        if (!mapData.ContainsKey(pair))

                        Pair subPair = new Pair(i, j);
                        subMatrix.mapData[subPair] = mapData[pair];

            else if (subMatrixEntiries >= mapData.Count)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in mapData)
                    Pair pair = item.Key;
                    Quaternion value = item.Value;

                    int m = pair.Key;
                    int n = pair.Value;

                    if ((m >= rowStart && m <= rowEnd) && (n >= columnStart && m <= columnEnd))
                        int i = m - rowStart;
                        int j = n - columnStart;

                        subMatrix.mapData[new Pair(i, j)] = value;


            return subMatrix;
        public SparseMatrixQuaternion Transpose()

            SparseMatrixQuaternion trMatrix = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(this.columnCount, this.rowCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in mapData)
                Pair pair = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                trMatrix.mapData[new Pair(pair.Value, pair.Key)] = value;

            return trMatrix;
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion operator -(SparseMatrixQuaternion left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            SparseMatrixQuaternion result = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(right.rowCount, right.columnCount);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in left.mapData)
                Pair pair = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                result.mapData.Add(pair, value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in right.mapData)
                Pair pair = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                if (result.mapData.ContainsKey(pair))
                    Quaternion temp = result.mapData[pair] -= item.Value;
                    if (temp.Equals(Quaternion.Zero))
                    result.mapData.Add(pair, value);

            return result;
Exemple #21
 public SparseMatrixQuaternion(SparseMatrixQuaternion matrix)
     mapData          = new Dictionary <Pair, Quaternion>(matrix.mapData);
     this.rowCount    = matrix.rowCount;
     this.columnCount = matrix.columnCount;
Exemple #22
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion operator *(SparseMatrixQuaternion left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            //Make sure matrix dimensions are equal
            if (left.columnCount != right.rowCount)
                throw new Exception("The dimension of two matrix must be equal");

            SparseMatrixQuaternion result = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(left.rowCount, right.columnCount);

            int leftNNZ  = left.mapData.Count;
            int rightNNZ = right.mapData.Count;

            #region Left < Right
            //We use right as stardand sight
            //if (leftNNZ < rightNNZ)
            //Connection nonezero for each row of matrix a
            List <KeyValuePair <int, Quaternion> >[] bRows = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Quaternion> > [right.rowCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < bRows.Length; i++)
                bRows[i] = new List <KeyValuePair <int, Quaternion> >();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in right.mapData)
                Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                bRows[pair.Key].Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Quaternion>(pair.Value, value));

            //Compute C = A*B
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in left.mapData)
                Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                int        mA    = pair.Key;
                int        nA    = pair.Value;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                List <KeyValuePair <int, Quaternion> > bRow = bRows[nA];

                for (int i = 0; i < bRow.Count; i++)
                    int k = bRow[i].Key;

                    Pair pair2 = new Pair(mA, k);

                    if (result.mapData.ContainsKey(pair2))
                        result.mapData[pair2] += value * bRow[i].Value;
                        result.mapData.Add(pair2, value * bRow[i].Value);

            #region Right < Left

            //else if (leftNNZ > rightNNZ)
            //    //Connection nonezero for each row of matrix a
            //    List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>[] aCols = new List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>[left.columnCount];
            //    for (int i = 0; i < aCols.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        aCols[i] = new List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>();
            //    }

            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, double> item in left.mapData)
            //    {
            //        Pair pair = item.Key;
            //        double value = item.Value;

            //        aCols[pair.Value].Add(new KeyValuePair<int, double>(pair.Key, value));
            //    }

            //    //Compute C = A*B
            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, double> item in right.mapData)
            //    {
            //        Pair pair = item.Key;
            //        int mA = pair.Key;
            //        int nA = pair.Value;
            //        double value = item.Value;

            //        List<KeyValuePair<int, double>> aCol = aCols[mA];

            //        for (int i = 0; i < aCol.Count; i++)
            //        {
            //            int k = aCol[i].Key;

            //            Pair pair2 = new Pair(k, nA);

            //            if (result.mapData.ContainsKey(pair2))
            //            {
            //                result.mapData[pair2] += value * aCol[i].Value;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                result.mapData.Add(pair2, value * aCol[i].Value);
            //            }

            //        }
            //    }



Exemple #23
        public static CholmodInfo qConverter(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion A, CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage storage)
            CholmodInfo info = new CholmodInfo();
            info.MatrixType = CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixType.Sparse;
            info.MatrixStorageType = storage;
            info.MatrixStorageMethod = CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStoageMethod.Normal;
            info.MatrixItemType = CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixItemType.Quaternion;
            info.RowCount = 4 * A.RowCount;
            info.ColumnCount = 4 * A.ColumnCount;

            switch (storage)
                case CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage.CRS:
                    A.ToCRS(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);
                case CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage.CCS:
                    A.ToCCS(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);
                case CholmodInfo.CholmodMatrixStorage.Triplet:
                    A.ToTriplet(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);
                    A.ToTriplet(out info.colIndex, out info.rowIndex, out info.values, out info.nnz);
            return info;
Exemple #24
        SparseMatrixQuaternion BuildCotLaplace()
            SparseMatrixQuaternion Laplace = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(mesh.Vertices.Count, mesh.Vertices.Count);

            foreach (TriMesh.Face face in mesh.Faces)
                foreach (TriMesh.HalfEdge hf in face.Halfedges)
                    Vector3D a = hf.FromVertex.Traits.Position;
                    Vector3D b = hf.Next.FromVertex.Traits.Position;
                    Vector3D c = hf.Next.Next.FromVertex.Traits.Position;

                    int aIndex = hf.FromVertex.Index;
                    int bIndex = hf.Next.FromVertex.Index;
                    int cIndex = hf.Next.Next.FromVertex.Index;

                    Vector3D u1 = b - a;
                    Vector3D u2 = c - a;
                    double cotAlpha = u1.Dot(u2) / u1.Cross(u2).Length();

                    Laplace[bIndex, cIndex] -= cotAlpha / 2;
                    Laplace[cIndex, bIndex] -= cotAlpha / 2;

                    Laplace[cIndex, cIndex] += cotAlpha / 2;
                    Laplace[bIndex, bIndex] += cotAlpha / 2;


            return Laplace;
        public static SparseMatrixQuaternion operator *(SparseMatrixQuaternion left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            //Make sure matrix dimensions are equal
            if (left.columnCount != right.rowCount)
                throw new Exception("The dimension of two matrix must be equal");

            SparseMatrixQuaternion result = new SparseMatrixQuaternion(left.rowCount, right.columnCount);

            int leftNNZ = left.mapData.Count;
            int rightNNZ = right.mapData.Count;

            #region Left < Right
            //We use right as stardand sight
            //if (leftNNZ < rightNNZ)
            //Connection nonezero for each row of matrix a 
            List<KeyValuePair<int, Quaternion>>[] bRows = new List<KeyValuePair<int, Quaternion>>[right.rowCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < bRows.Length; i++)
                bRows[i] = new List<KeyValuePair<int, Quaternion>>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in right.mapData)
                Pair pair = item.Key;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                bRows[pair.Key].Add(new KeyValuePair<int, Quaternion>(pair.Value, value));

            //Compute C = A*B
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, Quaternion> item in left.mapData)
                Pair pair = item.Key;
                int mA = pair.Key;
                int nA = pair.Value;
                Quaternion value = item.Value;

                List<KeyValuePair<int, Quaternion>> bRow = bRows[nA];

                for (int i = 0; i < bRow.Count; i++)
                    int k = bRow[i].Key;

                    Pair pair2 = new Pair(mA, k);

                    if (result.mapData.ContainsKey(pair2))
                        result.mapData[pair2] += value * bRow[i].Value;
                        result.mapData.Add(pair2, value * bRow[i].Value);


            #region Right < Left

            //else if (leftNNZ > rightNNZ)
            //    //Connection nonezero for each row of matrix a 
            //    List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>[] aCols = new List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>[left.columnCount];
            //    for (int i = 0; i < aCols.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        aCols[i] = new List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>();
            //    }

            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, double> item in left.mapData)
            //    {
            //        Pair pair = item.Key;
            //        double value = item.Value;

            //        aCols[pair.Value].Add(new KeyValuePair<int, double>(pair.Key, value));
            //    }

            //    //Compute C = A*B
            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<Pair, double> item in right.mapData)
            //    {
            //        Pair pair = item.Key;
            //        int mA = pair.Key;
            //        int nA = pair.Value;
            //        double value = item.Value;

            //        List<KeyValuePair<int, double>> aCol = aCols[mA];

            //        for (int i = 0; i < aCol.Count; i++)
            //        {
            //            int k = aCol[i].Key;

            //            Pair pair2 = new Pair(k, nA);

            //            if (result.mapData.ContainsKey(pair2))
            //            {
            //                result.mapData[pair2] += value * aCol[i].Value;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                result.mapData.Add(pair2, value * aCol[i].Value);
            //            }

            //        }
            //    }



            return result;
        public void FactorizationLU(ref SparseMatrixQuaternion A)
            CholmodInfo cholmodA = CholmodConverter.qConverter(ref A,

            m = A.RowCount;
            n = A.ColumnCount;

            fixed (int* Index = cholmodA.rowIndex, Pt = cholmodA.colIndex)
            fixed (double* val = cholmodA.values)
                solver = CreateSolverLUUMFPACK_CCS(cholmodA.RowCount,

            if (solver == null) throw new Exception("Create Solver Fail");
