static void CreateEvent(string userTimeZone) { // Prompt user for info // Require a subject var subject = GetUserInput("subject", true, (input) => { return(GetUserYesNo($"Subject: {input} - is that right?")); }); // Attendees are optional var attendeeList = new List <string>(); if (GetUserYesNo("Do you want to invite attendees?")) { string attendee = null; do { attendee = GetUserInput("attendee", false, (input) => { return(GetUserYesNo($"{input} - add attendee?")); }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attendee)) { attendeeList.Add(attendee); } }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attendee)); } var startString = GetUserInput("event start", true, (input) => { // Validate that input is a date return(DateTime.TryParse(input, out var result)); }); var start = DateTime.Parse(startString); var endString = GetUserInput("event end", true, (input) => { // Validate that input is a date // and is later than start return(DateTime.TryParse(input, out var result) && result.CompareTo(start) > 0); }); var end = DateTime.Parse(endString); var body = GetUserInput("body", false, (input => { return(true); })); Console.WriteLine($"Subject: {subject}"); Console.WriteLine($"Attendees: {string.Join(";", attendeeList)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Start: {start.ToString()}"); Console.WriteLine($"End: {end.ToString()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Body: {body}"); if (GetUserYesNo("Create event?")) { GraphHelper.CreateEvent( userTimeZone, subject, start, end, attendeeList, body).Wait(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Canceled."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(".NET Core Graph Tutorial\n"); var appConfig = LoadAppSettings(); if (appConfig == null) { Console.WriteLine("Missing or invalid appsettings.json...exiting"); return; } var appId = appConfig["appId"]; var scopesString = appConfig["scopes"]; var scopes = scopesString.Split(';'); // Initialize the auth provider with values from appsettings.json var authProvider = new DeviceCodeAuthProvider(appId, scopes); // Request a token to sign in the user var accessToken = authProvider.GetAccessToken().Result; // Initialize Graph client GraphHelper.Initialize(authProvider); // Get signed in user var user = GraphHelper.GetMeAsync().Result; Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {user.DisplayName}!\n"); int choice = -1; while (choice != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the following options:"); Console.WriteLine("0. Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1. Display access token"); Console.WriteLine("2. List calendar events"); try { choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { // Set to invalid value choice = -1; } switch (choice) { case 0: // Exit the program Console.WriteLine("Goodbye..."); break; case 1: // Display access token Console.WriteLine($"Access token: {accessToken}\n"); break; case 2: // List the calendar break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! Please try again."); break; } } }
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(".NET Core Graph Tutorial\n"); var appConfig = LoadAppSettings(); if (appConfig == null) { Console.WriteLine("Missing or invalid appsettings.json...exiting"); return; } var appId = appConfig["appId"]; var tenantId = appConfig["tenantId"]; var clientSecret = appConfig["clientSecret"]; // Initialize the auth provider with values from appsettings.json IConfidentialClientApplication confidentialClientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder .Create(appId) .WithTenantId(tenantId) .WithClientSecret(clientSecret) .Build(); //Install-Package Microsoft.Graph.Auth -PreRelease ClientCredentialProvider authProvider = new ClientCredentialProvider(confidentialClientApplication); // Initialize Graph client GraphHelper.Initialize(authProvider); int choice = -1; while (choice != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose one of the following options:"); Console.WriteLine("0. Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1. Get meeting's members"); Console.WriteLine("2. Get call's attendance"); try { choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (System.FormatException) { // Set to invalid value choice = -1; } switch (choice) { case 0: // Exit the program Console.WriteLine("Goodbye..."); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("Please input the meetingId"); string meetingId = Console.ReadLine(); var members = await GraphHelper.GetTeamMembers(meetingId); foreach (User member in members.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine("Found member: " + member.DisplayName); } //var meeting = await GraphHelper.GetMeeting(""); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Please input the callId"); string callId = Console.ReadLine(); //var callRecord = await GraphHelper.GetCallRecord(callId != "" ? callId : "f4ea5721-a7b5-44ee-8ceb-9dfa7a6dd41e"); var callRecord = await GraphHelper.GetCallRecordSessions(callId != ""?callId : "f4ea5721-a7b5-44ee-8ceb-9dfa7a6dd41e"); var joinWebUrl = callRecord.JoinWebUrl; if (joinWebUrl == null) { break; } foreach (Session session in callRecord.Sessions) { ParticipantEndpoint caller = (ParticipantEndpoint)session.Caller; var user = await GraphHelper.GetUserAsync(caller.Identity.User.Id); //TODO - Find the mapping between this userId and the university's student ID. StudentEvent studentEvent = new StudentEvent { //TODO - Find course ID based on joinWebUrl. CourseID = "COMP0088", // Course ID Upper case. Timestamp = ((DateTimeOffset)session.StartDateTime).UtcDateTime, EventType = EventType.Attendance, ActivityType = "Meeting", ActivityName = "Weekly Lecture", Student = new Student { Email = user.Mail, FirstName = user.GivenName, LastName = user.Surname, ID = user.Id } }; Console.WriteLine(studentEvent.ToString()); //_eventAggregator.ProcessEvent(studentEvent); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice! Please try again."); break; } } }