public ArrayList findShortWay(NodeClass fromThis, NodeClass toThis, GraphClass graph)
            // Dijkstra's algorithm
            // d - minimum weights of ways to other nodes
            // u - marks of visited nodes
            // p - parent of each node, its necessary for back way finding
            d[graph.findNodeIndexByNodeNumber(fromThis.NodeNumber)] = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNodes; ++i)
                // weights to every node is infinite from the start
                int v = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < sizeOfNodes; ++j)
                    if (!u[j] && (v == -1 || d[j] < d[v]))
                        v = j;
                if (d[v] == 999999999)
                u[v] = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < graph.GraphNodes[v].nodeEdges.Count(); ++j)
                    // if current way have lower weight sum to the next node - set new weight and parent
                    int to = graph.findNodeIndexByNodeNumber(graph.GraphNodes[v].nodeEdges[j].NextNode.NodeNumber);
                    int len = graph.GraphNodes[v].nodeEdges[j].Weight;
                    if (d[v] + len < d[to])
                        d[to] = d[v] + len;
                        p[to] = v;
            // find a way back from end to start and reverse it
            ArrayList path = new ArrayList();
            // i have no idea, how index v could be less than 0, but it has happened a few times
            // programming is... magic!
            for (int v = graph.findNodeIndexByNodeNumber(toThis.NodeNumber);
                     (v != graph.findNodeIndexByNodeNumber( fromThis.NodeNumber )) && (v >= 0) && (p[v] >= 0);
                     v = p[v])
            path.Add(graph.findNodeIndexByNodeNumber( fromThis.NodeNumber ));

            return path;
 public EdgeClass(NodeClass cNextNode)
     this.nextNode = cNextNode;
     this.weight = 10000000;
 public EdgeClass(NodeClass cNextNode, int cWeight)
     this.nextNode = cNextNode;
     this.weight = cWeight;
        private void chooseTwoNodes(MouseEventArgs e)
            //find which nodes was clicked
            if (nodeClickedFirst == null)
                nodeClickedFirst = graph.whichNodeWasClicked(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                if (nodeClickedFirst != null)
                    nodeClickedFirst.drawNode(paintBox, Color.Black, graph.NodeSelectedColor);
                if (nodeClickedSecond == null)
                    nodeClickedSecond = graph.whichNodeWasClicked(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                    if (nodeClickedSecond != null)
                        nodeClickedSecond.drawNode(paintBox, Color.Black, graph.NodeSelectedColor);

            // if two nodes was clicked - do something
            if (nodeClickedFirst != null && nodeClickedSecond != null)
                switch (stateOfForm)
                    case stateEnum.stateEdgeAdding:
                        graph.addEdge(nodeClickedFirst, nodeClickedSecond);

                    case stateEnum.stageShortWayFinding:

                            if (!graph.shortPathCalculation(nodeClickedFirst, nodeClickedSecond))


                nodeClickedFirst = null;
                nodeClickedSecond = null;
 public void addEdge(NodeClass nextNode)
     int weight = calculateWeight(nextNode);
     EdgeClass newEdge = new EdgeClass(nextNode, weight);
        private int calculateWeight(NodeClass nextNode)
            // weight is a distance between nodes in px
            int result = 0;
            double x = Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(this.nodePosition.X - nextNode.nodePosition.X), 2);
            double y = Math.Pow(Convert.ToDouble(this.nodePosition.Y - nextNode.nodePosition.Y), 2);
            result =  (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(x + y));

            return result;