public static List <string> PrintAllPoints(DekstraAlgorim da)
            List <string> retListOfPoints = new List <string>();

            foreach (Vertex p in da.vertexList)
                retListOfPoints.Add(string.Format("point name={0}, point value={1}, predok={2}", p.Name, p.PathLength, p.PrevVertex.Name ?? "нет предка"));
        public static List <string> PrintAllMinPaths(DekstraAlgorim da)
            List <string> retListOfPointsAndPaths = new List <string>();

            foreach (Vertex p in da.vertexList)
                if (p != da.beginVertex)
                    string s = string.Empty;
                    foreach (Vertex p1 in da.MinPath(p))
                        s += string.Format("{0} ", p1.Name);
                    retListOfPointsAndPaths.Add(string.Format("Point ={0}: \n Minimal Path to {1} = {2}", p.Name, da.beginVertex.Name, s));
Exemple #3
        private void OK_ModalAlgoritms_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Hider.Visibility          = Visibility.Hidden;
            ModalAlgoritms.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            if (radio_deikstra.IsChecked == true)
                ConsoleDeikstra.Text = "Result of Algorithm Deikstra";
                DrawingController.CurrentStorage.VertexList[0].PathLength = 0;
                DekstraAlgorim da = new DekstraAlgorim(DrawingController.CurrentStorage.VertexList, DrawingController.CurrentStorage.EdgeList);
                List <string> b = PrintGrath.PrintAllMinPaths(da);
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Count; i++)
                    ConsoleDeikstra.Text += b[i] + Environment.NewLine;
            if (radio_deep.IsChecked == true)
                // Выполняем алгоримт поиска в глубину
                ConsoleDeikstra.Text = string.Empty;
                DeepSearchAlgorithm da = new DeepSearchAlgorithm(DrawingController.CurrentStorage.VertexList, DrawingController.CurrentStorage.EdgeList);
                ConsoleDeikstra.Text = "Result of Algorithm Deep Search \n" + da.Begin_Search();
                // Окрашиваем пройденные вершины
                foreach (EdgeBag l in DrawingController.CurrentStorage.BindingBridgeWithAlgoEdge)
                    foreach (Edge ed in da.ResultListEdges)
                        if (IsOrientedGraph)
                            if ((l.DataEdge.FirstPoint == ed.FirstPoint && l.DataEdge.SecondPoint == ed.SecondPoint) || (l.DataEdge.FirstPoint == ed.SecondPoint && l.DataEdge.SecondPoint == ed.FirstPoint))
                                foreach (var x in DrawAreaCanvas.Children)
                                    if (l.GraphicEdge == x)
                                        ((Line)x).Stroke = Brushes.Blue;
                            if (l.DataEdge.FirstPoint == ed.FirstPoint && l.DataEdge.SecondPoint == ed.SecondPoint)
                                foreach (var x in DrawAreaCanvas.Children)
                                    if (l.GraphicEdge == x)
                                        ((Line)x).Stroke = Brushes.Blue;
            if (radio_prim.IsChecked == true)
                AlgorithmPrima ap = new AlgorithmPrima(DrawingController.CurrentStorage.VertexList, DrawingController.CurrentStorage.EdgeList, DrawingController.CurrentStorage.VertexList[0]);
                foreach (EdgeBag l in DrawingController.CurrentStorage.BindingBridgeWithAlgoEdge)
                    foreach (Edge edge in ap.MSTRezult)
                        if (l.DataEdge.FirstPoint == edge.FirstPoint && l.DataEdge.SecondPoint == edge.SecondPoint)
                            foreach (var x in DrawAreaCanvas.Children)
                                if (l.GraphicEdge == x)
                                    ((Line)x).Stroke = Brushes.DarkSeaGreen;
                ConsoleDeikstra.Text = "Result of Algorithm Prima" + Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (Edge x in ap.MSTRezult)
                    ConsoleDeikstra.Text += "From " + x.FirstPoint.Name + " To " + x.SecondPoint.Name + Environment.NewLine;