Exemple #1
        private bool LoadT2f(string filename, bool showSummary, bool append)
            bool loaded_ok = false;
            IFileSupport fs = null;
            int Plot2ndCount_old;
            int WaypointsCountOld;
            if (append)
                Plot2ndCount_old = Plot2ndCount;
                WaypointsCountOld = WayPointsT2F.Count;
                Plot2ndCount_old = 0;
                WaypointsCountOld = 0;
            switch (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower())
                case ".gcc":
                    fs = new GccSupport(); break;
                case ".gpx":
                    fs = new GpxSupport(); break;
                case ".kml":
                    fs = new KmlSupport(); break;
                    MessageBox.Show("wrong extension");
                    return false;
            if (fs != null)
                loaded_ok = fs.Load(filename, ref WayPointsT2F, PlotDataSize, ref Plot2ndLat, ref Plot2ndLong, ref Plot2ndZ, ref Plot2ndT, ref Plot2ndD, ref T2fSummary, ref Plot2ndCount, append);
                graph.scaleCmd = Graph.ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo;
            if (loaded_ok)  // loaded OK
                // If a new track-to-follow loaded (and main track not exist) - need to reset map zoom/shift vars
                if ((Plot2ndCount + WayPointsT2F.Count != 0) && (PlotCount == 0)) { ResetMapPosition(); }

                labelFileNameT2F.SetText("Track to Follow: " + Path.GetFileName(filename));

                if (Plot2ndCount - Plot2ndCount_old == 0 && WayPointsT2F.Count - WaypointsCountOld > 0)        //if no track -> copy WP-data to T2F
                    if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Use waypoints as track to navigate?", "File only has Waypoints", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1))
                        double OldLong, OldLat;
                        if (Plot2ndCount > 0)
                            OldLong = Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount - 1];
                            OldLat = Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount - 1];
                            OldLong = WayPointsT2F.lon[WaypointsCountOld];
                            OldLat = WayPointsT2F.lat[WaypointsCountOld];
                        double deltax, deltay;
                        UtmUtil utmUtil2 = new UtmUtil();       //use extra utmUtil
                        utmUtil2.setReferencePoint(OldLat, OldLong);
                        for (int i = WaypointsCountOld; i < WayPointsT2F.Count; i++)
                            if (Plot2ndCount >= PlotDataSize)     // check if we need to decimate arrays
                                for (int j = 0; j < PlotDataSize / 2; j++)
                                    Plot2ndLat[j] = Plot2ndLat[j * 2];
                                    Plot2ndLong[j] = Plot2ndLong[j * 2];
                                    Plot2ndZ[j] = Plot2ndZ[j * 2];
                                    Plot2ndT[j] = Plot2ndT[j * 2];
                                    Plot2ndD[j] = Plot2ndD[j * 2];
                                Plot2ndCount = PlotDataSize / 2;
                                //Decimation *= 2;  //use all new data
                            Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount] = WayPointsT2F.lon[i];
                            Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount] = WayPointsT2F.lat[i];
                            deltax = (Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount] - OldLong) * utmUtil2.longit2meter;
                            deltay = (Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount] - OldLat) * utmUtil2.lat2meter;
                            T2fSummary.Distance += Math.Sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay);
                            OldLong = Plot2ndLong[Plot2ndCount]; OldLat = Plot2ndLat[Plot2ndCount];
                            Plot2ndD[Plot2ndCount] = (int)T2fSummary.Distance;
                            Plot2ndT[Plot2ndCount] = Plot2ndCount == 0 ? 0 : Plot2ndT[Plot2ndCount - 1] + 1;
                            Plot2ndZ[Plot2ndCount] = 0;
                Plot2ndCountUndo = Plot2ndCount;
                if (showSummary) loaded_ok = DialogResult.OK == ShowTrackSummary(T2fSummary);
                labelFileNameT2F.SetText("Track to Follow: " + Path.GetFileName(filename) + " load ERROR");
                T2fSummary.desc = "Error loading file";
                MessageBox.Show("Error reading file or it does not have track data", "Error loading file",
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
            return loaded_ok;
Exemple #2
        public bool Load(string filename, ref Form1.WayPointInfo WayPoints,
                    int vector_size, ref float[] dataLat, ref float[] dataLong, ref Int16[] dataZ, ref Int32[] dataT, ref Int32[] dataD, ref Form1.TrackSummary ts, ref int data_size, bool append)
            bool Status = false;
            int DecimateCount = 0, Decimation = 1;
            double OldLat = 0.0, OldLong = 0.0;
            UtmUtil utmUtil = new UtmUtil();
            Int16 ReferenceAlt;

            if (!append)
                data_size = 0;
                WayPoints.Count = 0;
            if (data_size == 0)
                ReferenceAlt = Int16.MaxValue;
                ReferenceAlt = dataZ[data_size - 1];

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);        //use StreamReader to overwrite encoding ISO-8859-1, which is not supported by .NETCF (no speed drawback)
                XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr, settings);

                ts.filename = filename;
                while (reader.ReadToFollowing("Placemark"))
                    while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        if (reader.Name == "Placemark")
                            bool addLevel = false;
                            string tmpname = "";
                            string tmpdescription = "";
                            bool waypoint = false;
                            double lon = 0;
                            double lat = 0;

                            while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                if (reader.Name == "name")
                                    tmpname = reader.ReadElementString();
                                else if (reader.Name == "description")
                                    tmpdescription = reader.ReadElementString();
                                else if (reader.Name == "MultiGeometry")
                                    addLevel = true;
                                else if (reader.Name == "LineString")
                                    ts.name = tmpname;
                                    ts.desc = tmpdescription;
                                    while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        if (reader.Name == "coordinates")
                                            while (true)
                                                string line = "";
                                                char[] buf = new char[1];
                                                int count = 1;
                                                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)       //read one line
                                                    count = reader.ReadValueChunk(buf, 0, 1);
                                                    if (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\t' || count == 0)
                                                    line += buf[0];
                                                if (data_size >= vector_size)     // check if we need to decimate arrays
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < vector_size / 2; i++)
                                                        dataLat[i] = dataLat[i * 2];
                                                        dataLong[i] = dataLong[i * 2];
                                                        dataZ[i] = dataZ[i * 2];
                                                        dataT[i] = dataT[i * 2];
                                                        dataD[i] = dataD[i * 2];
                                                    data_size = vector_size / 2;
                                                    Decimation *= 2;

                                                string[] numbers = line.Split(',');
                                                if (numbers.Length >= 2)            //read data
                                                    lon = Convert.ToDouble(numbers[0], IC);
                                                    lat = Convert.ToDouble(numbers[1], IC);
                                                    if (!utmUtil.referenceSet)
                                                        utmUtil.setReferencePoint(lat, lon);
                                                        OldLat = lat;
                                                        OldLong = lon;
                                                    double deltax = (lon - OldLong) * utmUtil.longit2meter;
                                                    double deltay = (lat - OldLat) * utmUtil.lat2meter;
                                                    ts.Distance += Math.Sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay);
                                                    OldLong = lon; OldLat = lat;
                                                    Int16 z_int = Int16.MinValue;      //preset invalid Alt in case there is no <ele> field
                                                    if (numbers.Length >= 3)
                                                        z_int = (Int16)Convert.ToDouble(numbers[2], IC);        //altitude
                                                        // compute elevation gain
                                                        //if (ts.AltitudeStart == Int16.MinValue)
                                                        //    ts.AltitudeStart = z_int;
                                                        if (z_int > ReferenceAlt)
                                                            ts.AltitudeGain += z_int - ReferenceAlt;
                                                            ReferenceAlt = z_int;
                                                        else if (z_int < ReferenceAlt - (short)Form1.AltThreshold)
                                                            ReferenceAlt = z_int;
                                                        if (z_int > (short)ts.AltitudeMax) ts.AltitudeMax = z_int;
                                                        if (z_int < (short)ts.AltitudeMin) ts.AltitudeMin = z_int;

                                                    if (DecimateCount == 0)    //when decimating, add only first sample, ignore rest of decimation
                                                        dataLat[data_size] = (float)lat;
                                                        dataLong[data_size] = (float)lon;
                                                        dataZ[data_size] = z_int;
                                                        if (data_size == 0)
                                                            dataT[data_size] = 0;
                                                            dataT[data_size] = dataT[data_size - 1] + Decimation;    //every point 1 sec apart
                                                        dataD[data_size] = (int)ts.Distance;
                                                    if (DecimateCount >= Decimation)
                                                        DecimateCount = 0;
                                                if (count == 0)
                                            reader.Skip();      //advances reader to the next (End) Element
                                            reader.ReadEndElement();    //coordinates
                                    reader.ReadEndElement();    //LineString
                                else if (reader.Name == "Point")
                                    while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        if (reader.Name == "coordinates")
                                            string line = reader.ReadElementString();
                                            string[] numbers = line.Split(',');
                                            if (numbers.Length >= 2)
                                                lon = Convert.ToDouble(numbers[0], IC);
                                                lat = Convert.ToDouble(numbers[1], IC);
                                                waypoint = true;
                                    reader.ReadEndElement();    //Point
                            if (addLevel)
                            if (waypoint && WayPoints.Count < WayPoints.DataSize)
                                WayPoints.name[WayPoints.Count] = tmpname;
                                WayPoints.lon[WayPoints.Count] = (float)lon;
                                WayPoints.lat[WayPoints.Count] = (float)lat;
                            reader.ReadEndElement();    //  Placemark
                Status = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Utils.log.Error(" LoadKml ", e);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
            return Status;
Exemple #3
        public void LoadMaps(string mapsFilesDirectory)
            NumMaps = 0;
            NumBitmaps = 0;
            string jpg_name = "";
            MapsFilesDirectory = mapsFilesDirectory;

            // dispose of all old maps and reset vars
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumMaps; i++)
                Maps[i].zoom_level = 0.0;
                Maps[i].overlap = 0.0;
                Maps[i].qfactor = 0.0;

            string crFile = mapsFilesDirectory + "\\copyright.txt";
            if (File.Exists(crFile))
                StreamReader sr = null;
                    sr = new StreamReader(crFile, Encoding.UTF7);
                    mapCopyright = sr.ReadLine();
                    mapCopyright = null;
                if (sr != null) sr.Close();
                mapCopyright = null;

            OsmTilesMode = DetectOsmTiles();
            if (!OsmTilesMode && parent.checkDownloadOsm.Checked)
            {                            // if want to download - force OsmTilesMode and enable all zoom levels
                for (int allowed_i = 0; allowed_i < OsmNumZoomLevels; allowed_i++)
                    OsmZoomAvailable[allowed_i] = true;
                OsmFileExtension = ".png";
                OsmTilesMode = true;
            if (OsmTilesMode)
                // all OSM tiles are 256x256
                for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumMaps; i++)
                    Maps[i].sizeX = 256;
                    Maps[i].sizeY = 256;

            // loop over possible map names and load existing map info
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            OsmZoom = 1;            //otherwise zoom out may be prevented
            // load jpeg and jpg files
            string[] jfiles1 = Directory.GetFiles(mapsFilesDirectory, "*.jpg");
            string[] jfiles2 = Directory.GetFiles(mapsFilesDirectory, "*.jpeg");

            string[] jpg_files = new string[jfiles1.Length + jfiles2.Length];
            int tmpi = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < jfiles1.Length; i++)
            { jpg_files[tmpi] = jfiles1[i]; tmpi++; }
            for (int i = 0; i < jfiles2.Length; i++)
            { jpg_files[tmpi] = jfiles2[i]; tmpi++; }


            // set "." as decimal separator for reading the map info
            NumberFormatInfo number_info = new NumberFormatInfo();
            number_info.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";

            for (int i = 0; i < jpg_files.Length; i++)
                jpg_name = Path.GetFileName(jpg_files[i]);

                // kml file name
                string kml_file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jpg_files[i]) + ".kml";
                if (mapsFilesDirectory == "\\") { kml_file = "\\" + kml_file; }
                else { kml_file = mapsFilesDirectory + "\\" + kml_file; }

                // text file name
                string txt_file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jpg_files[i]) + ".txt";
                if (mapsFilesDirectory == "\\") { txt_file = "\\" + txt_file; }
                else { txt_file = mapsFilesDirectory + "\\" + txt_file; }

                // gmi file name
                string gmi_file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jpg_files[i]) + ".gmi";
                if (mapsFilesDirectory == "\\") { gmi_file = "\\" + gmi_file; }
                else { gmi_file = mapsFilesDirectory + "\\" + gmi_file; }

                // check that at least one file exists
                if ((File.Exists(kml_file) == false)
                    && (File.Exists(txt_file) == false)
                    && (File.Exists(gmi_file) == false)) { continue; }

                // load maps dimensions
                if (Utils.GetJpegSize(jpg_files[i], out Maps[NumMaps].sizeX, out Maps[NumMaps].sizeY) != 0) { continue; }

                // make sure we do not load empty images
                if ((Maps[NumMaps].sizeX == 0) || (Maps[NumMaps].sizeY == 0)) { continue; }

                Maps[NumMaps].fname = jpg_files[i];

                bool kml_has_problems = false;
                bool gmi_has_problems = false;

                    // load kml file
                    if (File.Exists(kml_file))
                        double center_lat = 0.0, center_long = 0.0, center_range = 0.0;

                        FileStream fs = new FileStream(kml_file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
                        string line = "";
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            line = line.Trim();
                            if (line == "</kml>") { break; }

                            // replace all "," with "." to read correctly
                            line = line.Replace(",", ".");

                            if (line.StartsWith("<longitude>"))
                                line = line.Replace("<longitude>", "");
                                line = line.Replace("</longitude>", "");
                                center_long = Convert.ToDouble(line.Trim(), number_info);
                            else if (line.StartsWith("<latitude>"))
                                line = line.Replace("<latitude>", "");
                                line = line.Replace("</latitude>", "");
                                center_lat = Convert.ToDouble(line.Trim(), number_info);
                            else if (line.StartsWith("<range>"))
                                line = line.Replace("<range>", "");
                                line = line.Replace("</range>", "");
                                center_range = Convert.ToDouble(line.Trim(), number_info);

                        // compute map lat/long
                        if ((center_lat != 0.0) && (center_long != 0.0) && (center_range != 0.0))
                            double sizex = center_range * Math.Tan(30.11 * (Math.PI / 180.0));
                            double sizey = sizex * Maps[NumMaps].sizeY /Maps[NumMaps].sizeX;
                            double tmp;
                            UtmUtil utmUtil1 = new UtmUtil();

                            utmUtil1.setReferencePoint(center_lat, center_long);
                            utmUtil1.getLatLong(-sizex, 0.0, out tmp, out Maps[NumMaps].lon1);
                            utmUtil1.getLatLong( sizex, 0.0, out tmp, out Maps[NumMaps].lon2);
                            utmUtil1.getLatLong(0.0,-sizey, out Maps[NumMaps].lat1, out tmp);
                            utmUtil1.getLatLong(0.0, sizey, out Maps[NumMaps].lat2, out tmp);
                            { kml_has_problems = true; }
                    else if (File.Exists(txt_file)) // load text file (if KML does not exist)
                        FileStream fs = new FileStream(txt_file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
                        Maps[NumMaps].lat1 = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine().Trim().Replace(",", "."), number_info);
                        Maps[NumMaps].lon1 = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine().Trim().Replace(",", "."), number_info);
                        Maps[NumMaps].lat2 = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine().Trim().Replace(",", "."), number_info);
                        Maps[NumMaps].lon2 = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine().Trim().Replace(",", "."), number_info);

                    else // load GMI file (if KML and TXT do not exist)
                        FileStream fs = new FileStream(gmi_file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);

                        // check header
                        string header = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
                        if (header.IndexOf("Map Calibration data file v") != 0) { gmi_has_problems = true; }

                        // read image size and check if the size match
                            sr.ReadLine().Trim(); // skip image name

                            int image_x = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine().Trim());
                            int image_y = Convert.ToInt32(sr.ReadLine().Trim());

                            if ((image_x != Maps[NumMaps].sizeX) || (image_y != Maps[NumMaps].sizeY)) { gmi_has_problems = true; }

                        // now read the reference points
                        if (!gmi_has_problems)
                            // need to extract points with min and max X/Y coordinates (if we have more than 2 ref points)
                            int num_ref_points = 0;
                            RefPointInfo minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
                            minX.i = int.MaxValue; maxX.i = int.MinValue; minX.f = 0; maxX.f = 0;
                            minY.i = int.MaxValue; maxY.i = int.MinValue; minY.f = 0; maxY.f = 0;

                            string line = "";
                                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    line = line.Trim();
                                    string[] words = line.Split(';');
                                    if (words.Length != 4) { continue; }

                                    // read X and long (0th and 2nd words)
                                    int tmp_i = Convert.ToInt32(words[0].Trim());
                                    double tmp_f = Convert.ToDouble(words[2].Trim().Replace(",", "."), number_info);
                                    if (tmp_i <= minX.i) { minX.i = tmp_i; minX.f = tmp_f; }
                                    if (tmp_i >= maxX.i) { maxX.i = tmp_i; maxX.f = tmp_f; }

                                    // read Y and lat (1st and 3rd words). Move the Y origin to the bottom of the picture (from the top)
                                    tmp_i = Maps[NumMaps].sizeY - Convert.ToInt32(words[1].Trim());
                                    tmp_f = Convert.ToDouble(words[3].Trim().Replace(",", "."), number_info);
                                    if (tmp_i <= minY.i) { minY.i = tmp_i; minY.f = tmp_f; }
                                    if (tmp_i >= maxY.i) { maxY.i = tmp_i; maxY.f = tmp_f; }

                            catch (FormatException /*e*/)
                                // It's OK. 
                                // We ignore the extra info after the ref points.

                            if ((num_ref_points > 1) && (minX.i != maxX.i) && (minY.i != maxY.i))
                                Maps[NumMaps].lat1 = minY.f - minY.i*(maxY.f-minY.f)/(maxY.i-minY.i);
                                Maps[NumMaps].lon1 = minX.f - minX.i*(maxX.f-minX.f)/(maxX.i-minX.i);
                                Maps[NumMaps].lat2 = maxY.f + (Maps[NumMaps].sizeY-maxY.i)*(maxY.f-minY.f)/(maxY.i-minY.i);
                                Maps[NumMaps].lon2 = maxX.f + (Maps[NumMaps].sizeX-maxX.i)*(maxX.f-minX.f)/(maxX.i-minX.i);
                            else { gmi_has_problems = true; } 

                catch (Exception e)
                    Utils.log.Error (" LoadMaps - Cannot load data for map " + jpg_name + ", map loading cancelled", e);
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot load data for map " + jpg_name + ", map loading cancelled", "Error reading map info",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                if (NumMaps >= MaxNumMaps)
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot load more than " + MaxNumMaps.ToString() + " maps", "Error reading maps",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                if (kml_has_problems) 
                    MessageBox.Show("Error reading corresponding KML file: " + kml_file, "Error reading maps",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                if (gmi_has_problems) 
                    MessageBox.Show("Error reading corresponding GMI file: " + gmi_file, "Error reading maps",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

                // make sure 1 is smaller that 2
                if (Maps[NumMaps].lat1 > Maps[NumMaps].lat2)
                    { double tmp = Maps[NumMaps].lat1; Maps[NumMaps].lat1 = Maps[NumMaps].lat2; Maps[NumMaps].lat2 = tmp; }
                if (Maps[NumMaps].lon1 > Maps[NumMaps].lon2)
                    { double tmp = Maps[NumMaps].lon1; Maps[NumMaps].lon1 = Maps[NumMaps].lon2; Maps[NumMaps].lon2 = tmp; }


            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Exemple #4
 private void SetAutoScale(UtmUtil utmUtil, float[] PlotLong, float[] PlotLat, int PlotSize, bool lifeview)
     if (PlotSize > 0)
         if (!utmUtil.referenceSet)
             utmUtil.setReferencePoint(PlotLat[PlotSize - 1], PlotLong[PlotSize - 1]);
             utmUtil.referenceSet = false;       //better not fix to an old point
         if (lifeview || (PlotSize == 1))   // during liveview (logging), set a fixed scale with current point in the middle
             double last_x = PlotLong[PlotSize - 1];
             double last_y = PlotLat[PlotSize - 1];
             double extend_x = 1.0;
             double extend_y = 1.0;
             if (!OsmTilesMode)
                 if (ScreenY > ScreenX)
                     extend_y = (double)ScreenY / (double)ScreenX;
                     extend_x = (double)ScreenX / (double)ScreenY;
             DataLongMin = last_x - utmUtil.meter2longit * DefaultZoomRadius * extend_x;
             DataLongMax = last_x + utmUtil.meter2longit * DefaultZoomRadius * extend_x;
             DataLatMin = last_y - utmUtil.meter2lat * DefaultZoomRadius * extend_y;
             DataLatMax = last_y + utmUtil.meter2lat * DefaultZoomRadius * extend_y;
             // compute data limits
             DataLongMin = 1.0E9; DataLongMax = -1.0E9; DataLatMin = 1.0E9; DataLatMax = -1.0E9;
             for (int i = 0; i < PlotSize; i++)
                 if (PlotLong[i] < DataLongMin) { DataLongMin = PlotLong[i]; }
                 if (PlotLong[i] > DataLongMax) { DataLongMax = PlotLong[i]; }
                 if (PlotLat[i] < DataLatMin) { DataLatMin = PlotLat[i]; }
                 if (PlotLat[i] > DataLatMax) { DataLatMax = PlotLat[i]; }
             double dx = (DataLongMax - DataLongMin) / 20;       //make ca. 10% larger
             double dy = (DataLatMax - DataLatMin) / 20;
             if (dx < 0.0001) dx = 0.0001;
             if (dy < 0.0001) dy = 0.0001;
             DataLongMin -= dx;
             DataLongMax += dx;
             DataLatMin -= dy;
             DataLatMax += dy;
     double xscale = (double)ScreenX / (DataLongMax - DataLongMin);
     double yscale = (double)ScreenY / ((OsmLat2YTile(1, DataLatMin) - OsmLat2YTile(1, DataLatMax)) * 360);
     DataLongMiddle = (DataLongMin + DataLongMax) / 2;
     DataLatMiddle = (DataLatMin + DataLatMax) / 2;
     if (OsmTilesMode)
         UInt32 xTiles = (UInt32)((yscale > xscale ? xscale : yscale) * 360 / 256);
         for (OsmN = 1 << 30; OsmN > 1; OsmN >>= 1)
             if ((xTiles & OsmN) > 0)
                 break;                      //OsmN is next smaller power of 2
         OsmN = (int)(OsmN * ZoomValue);
         Long2Pixel = OsmN * 32 / 45.0;      //  OsmN * 256 / 360.0
         double yMiddleTile = OsmLat2YTile(OsmN, DataLatMiddle + LatShift);     //linearize at middle of display
         Lat2Pixel = 1 / (OsmYTile2Lat(OsmN, yMiddleTile - 1.0 / 512) - OsmYTile2Lat(OsmN, yMiddleTile + 1.0 / 512));    //linearize with +/- 0.5 pixel
         Long2Pixel = (yscale > xscale ? xscale : yscale) * ZoomValue;
         Lat2Pixel = Long2Pixel * utmUtil.meter2longit / utmUtil.meter2lat;
Exemple #5
        public bool Load(string filename, ref Form1.WayPointInfo WayPoints,
            int vector_size, ref float[] dataLat, ref float[] dataLong, ref Int16[] dataZ, ref Int32[] dataT, ref Int32[] dataD, ref Form1.TrackSummary ts, ref int data_size, bool append)
            bool Status = false;
            TimeSpan tspan;
            UtmUtil utmUtil = new UtmUtil();
            double OldLat = 0.0, OldLong = 0.0;
            int DecimateCount = 0, Decimation = 1;
            Int16 ReferenceAlt;

            if (!append)
                data_size = 0;
                WayPoints.Count = 0;
            if (data_size == 0)
                ReferenceAlt = Int16.MaxValue;
                ReferenceAlt = dataZ[data_size - 1];
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                //XmlParserContext xmlpc = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.Default, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);    does not work
                XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);        //use StreamReader to overwrite encoding ISO-8859-1, which is not supported by .NETCF (no speed drawback)
                XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr, settings);
                ts.filename = filename;
                while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    bool isTrack;
                    if ((isTrack = reader.Name == "trk") || reader.Name == "rte")
                        if (isTrack) reader.Read();
                        while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                            if (reader.Name == "trkseg" || reader.Name == "rte")
                                while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    if (reader.Name == "trkpt" || reader.Name == "rtept")
                                        bool jumptrkpt = false;
                                        if (data_size >= vector_size)     // check if we need to decimate arrays
                                            for (int i = 0; i < vector_size / 2; i++)
                                                dataLat[i] = dataLat[i * 2];
                                                dataLong[i] = dataLong[i * 2];
                                                dataZ[i] = dataZ[i * 2];
                                                dataT[i] = dataT[i * 2];
                                                dataD[i] = dataD[i * 2];
                                            data_size = vector_size / 2;
                                            Decimation *= 2;
                                        double lat = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lat"), IC);
                                        double lon = Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lon"), IC);
                                        if (!utmUtil.referenceSet)
                                            utmUtil.setReferencePoint(lat, lon);
                                            OldLat = lat;
                                            OldLong = lon;
                                        double deltax = (lon - OldLong) * utmUtil.longit2meter;
                                        double deltay = (lat - OldLat) * utmUtil.lat2meter;
                                        ts.Distance += Math.Sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay);
                                        OldLong = lon; OldLat = lat;
                                        tspan = TimeSpan.Zero;             //clear data in case there is no <time> field
                                        Int16 z_int = Int16.MinValue;      //preset invalid Alt in case there is no <ele> field
                                        while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)       //read subtree
                                            switch (reader.Name)
                                                case "ele":
                                                    z_int = (Int16)reader.ReadElementContentAsDouble();
                                                    // compute elevation gain
                                                    //if (ts.AltitudeStart == Int16.MinValue)
                                                    //    ts.AltitudeStart = z_int;
                                                    if (z_int > ReferenceAlt)
                                                        ts.AltitudeGain += z_int - ReferenceAlt;
                                                        ReferenceAlt = z_int;
                                                    else if (z_int < ReferenceAlt - (short)Form1.AltThreshold)
                                                        ReferenceAlt = z_int;
                                                    if (z_int > (short)ts.AltitudeMax) ts.AltitudeMax = z_int;
                                                    if (z_int < (short)ts.AltitudeMin) ts.AltitudeMin = z_int;
                                                case "time":
                                                    if (ts.StartTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                                                        ts.StartTime = reader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime();
                                                        tspan = reader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime() - ts.StartTime;
                                                case "speed":
                                                case "trkpt":           //trkpt without EndElement <trkpt lat="47.2615199999997" lon="10.2016400000003"/>
                                                case "rtept":
                                                    jumptrkpt = true;
                                                    goto savepoint;
                                        reader.ReadEndElement();    //trkpt
                                        if (DecimateCount == 0)    //when decimating, add only first sample, ignore rest of decimation
                                            dataLat[data_size] = (float)lat;
                                            dataLong[data_size] = (float)lon;
                                            dataZ[data_size] = z_int;
                                            dataT[data_size] = (int)tspan.TotalSeconds;
                                            dataD[data_size] = (int)ts.Distance;
                                        if (DecimateCount >= Decimation)
                                            DecimateCount = 0;
                                        if (jumptrkpt) goto trkpt;
                                if (isTrack) reader.ReadEndElement();    //trkseg
                            else if (reader.Name == "name")
                                ts.name = reader.ReadElementString();
                            else if (reader.Name == "desc")
                                ts.desc = reader.ReadElementString();
                        reader.ReadEndElement();    //trk
                    else if (reader.Name == "wpt")
                        float lat = (float)Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lat"), IC);
                        float lon = (float)Convert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("lon"), IC);
                        string name = "";
                        string desc = "";
                        while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                            if (reader.Name == "name")
                                name = reader.ReadElementString();
                            else if (reader.Name == "desc")
                                desc = reader.ReadElementString();        //prepared for later use
                        if (WayPoints.Count < WayPoints.DataSize)
                            WayPoints.lat[WayPoints.Count] = lat;
                            WayPoints.lon[WayPoints.Count] = lon;
                            WayPoints.name[WayPoints.Count] = name;
                Status = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Utils.log.Error(" LoadGpx ", e);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
            return Status;
Exemple #6
    {                                                                   //load as T2F (WayPoints)
        public bool Load(string filename, ref Form1.WayPointInfo WayPoints,
            int vector_size, ref float[] dataLat, ref float[] dataLong, ref Int16[] dataZ, ref Int32[] dataT, ref Int32[] dataD, ref Form1.TrackSummary ts, ref int data_size, bool append)
            int DecimateCount = 0, Decimation = 1;
            double OriginShiftX = 0.0;
            double OriginShiftY = 0.0;
            bool Status = false;
            UtmUtil utmUtil = new UtmUtil();
            Int16 ReferenceAlt;

            if (!append)
                data_size = 0;
                WayPoints.Count = 0;
            if (data_size == 0)
                ReferenceAlt = Int16.MaxValue;
                ReferenceAlt = dataZ[data_size - 1];

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    ts.filename = filename;
                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    BinaryReader rd = new BinaryReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode);

                    // load header "GCC1" (1 is version in binary)
                    if (rd.ReadByte() != 'G') break; if (rd.ReadByte() != 'C') break;
                    if (rd.ReadByte() != 'C') break; if (rd.ReadByte() != 1) break;

                    // read time as 6 bytes: year, month...
                    int tyear = (int)rd.ReadByte(); tyear += 2000;
                    int tmonth = (int)rd.ReadByte(); int tday = (int)rd.ReadByte();
                    int thour = (int)rd.ReadByte(); int tmin = (int)rd.ReadByte();
                    int tsec = (int)rd.ReadByte();
                    ts.StartTime = new DateTime(tyear, tmonth, tday, thour, tmin, tsec);

                    // read lat/long for the starting point
                    double data_lat = rd.ReadDouble();
                    double data_long = rd.ReadDouble();
                    utmUtil.setReferencePoint(data_lat, data_long);

                    Int16 x_int = 0; Int16 y_int = 0; Int16 z_int = 0; Int16 s_int = 0;
                    UInt16 t_16 = 0; UInt16 t_16last = 0; Int32 t_high = 0;
                    double out_lat = 0.0, out_long = 0.0;
                    double OldX = 0.0; double OldY = 0.0;
                    UInt64 recordError = 0UL;

                    bool loop = true;
                    while (loop)    //break with EndOfStreamException
                        // get 5 short ints
                            x_int = rd.ReadInt16();
                            y_int = rd.ReadInt16();
                            z_int = rd.ReadInt16();
                            s_int = rd.ReadInt16();
                            t_16 = rd.ReadUInt16();
                        catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; }
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Utils.log.Error(" LoadGcc - get 5 short ints ", e);

                        // check if this is a special record
                        if ((s_int == -1) && (t_16 == 0xFFFF))
                            switch (z_int)
                                case 0: // origin shift: z_int = 0
                                    OriginShiftX += x_int;
                                    OriginShiftY += y_int;
                                case 1: // battery: z_int = 1
                                case 2: // which GPS options were selected: z_int = 2
                                case 3: // waypoint
                                    // read waypoint name, if not blank
                                    string name = "";
                                    for (int i = 0; i < x_int; i++)
                                        name += (char)(rd.ReadUInt16());
                                    // store new waypoint
                                    if (WayPoints.Count < WayPoints.DataSize)
                                        WayPoints.name[WayPoints.Count] = name;
                                        WayPoints.lat[WayPoints.Count] = (float)out_lat;
                                        WayPoints.lon[WayPoints.Count] = (float)out_long;
                                case 4: // heart rate not supported in T2F

                                case 32: // name
                                    ts.name = rd.ReadString();
                                case 33: // desc
                                    ts.desc = rd.ReadString();
                                    if ((1UL << z_int & recordError) == 0)
                                        if (MessageBox.Show("unknown special record " + z_int + " at " + data_size + "\ntry to continue load anyway?", "Load Error",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
                                            == DialogResult.Cancel)
                                            loop = false; ;
                                        recordError |= 1UL << z_int;
                                    if (loop && z_int >= 32)
                                        rd.ReadString();   //read unknown string in order to have correct record bounds
                        else    // "normal" record
                            // check if we need to decimate arrays
                            if (data_size >= vector_size)
                                for (int i = 0; i < vector_size / 2; i++)
                                    dataLat[i] = dataLat[i * 2];
                                    dataLong[i] = dataLong[i * 2];
                                    dataZ[i] = dataZ[i * 2];
                                    dataT[i] = dataT[i * 2];
                                    dataD[i] = dataD[i * 2];
                                data_size /= 2;
                                Decimation *= 2;

                            // take into account the origin shift
                            double real_x = OriginShiftX + x_int;
                            double real_y = OriginShiftY + y_int;

                            double deltax = real_x - OldX;
                            double deltay = real_y - OldY;
                            ts.Distance += Math.Sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay);
                            OldX = real_x; OldY = real_y;

                            // compute elevation gain
                            if (z_int != Int16.MinValue)        //MinValue = invalid
                                //if (ts.AltitudeStart == Int16.MinValue)
                                //    ts.AltitudeStart = z_int;
                                if (z_int > ReferenceAlt)
                                    ts.AltitudeGain += z_int - ReferenceAlt;
                                    ReferenceAlt = z_int;
                                else if (z_int < ReferenceAlt - (short)Form1.AltThreshold)
                                    ReferenceAlt = z_int;
                                if (z_int > (short)ts.AltitudeMax) ts.AltitudeMax = z_int;
                                if (z_int < (short)ts.AltitudeMin) ts.AltitudeMin = z_int;

                            if (DecimateCount == 0)    //when decimating, add only first sample, ignore rest of decimation
                            {                          //but calculate distance and elevation from all points
                                utmUtil.getLatLong(real_x, real_y, out out_lat, out out_long);
                                dataLat[data_size] = (float)out_lat;
                                dataLong[data_size] = (float)out_long;
                                dataZ[data_size] = z_int;
                                if (t_16 < t_16last)        // handle overflow
                                    t_high += 65536;
                                t_16last = t_16;
                                dataT[data_size] = t_high + t_16;
                                dataD[data_size] = (int)ts.Distance;
                            if (DecimateCount >= Decimation)
                                DecimateCount = 0;

                    Status = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Utils.log.Error(" LoadGcc ", e);
            } while (false);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            return Status;