/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// MicrosoftDynamicsCRMdynamicpropertyinstance class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="versionnumber">Shows the version number of the
 /// property instance.</param>
 /// <param name="modifiedon">Shows the date and time when the record
 /// was last updated.</param>
 /// <param name="valuedouble">Shows the double value of the
 /// property.</param>
 /// <param name="valuedecimal">Shows the decimal value of the
 /// property.</param>
 /// <param name="_modifiedonbehalfbyValue">Shows who created the record
 /// on behalf of another user.</param>
 /// <param name="valuestring">Shows the string value of the
 /// property.</param>
 /// <param name="_createdonbehalfbyValue">Shows who created the record
 /// on behalf of another user.</param>
 /// <param name="dmtimportstate">Internal Use Only</param>
 /// <param name="_modifiedbyValue">Shows who last updated the
 /// record.</param>
 /// <param name="_createdbyValue">Shows who created the record.</param>
 /// <param name="validationstatus">Shows whether the property value is
 /// valid.</param>
 /// <param name="_dynamicpropertyidValue">Shows the property that this
 /// record is associated with.</param>
 /// <param name="_transactioncurrencyidValue">Shows the currency
 /// associated with the record.</param>
 /// <param name="createdon">Shows the date and time when the record was
 /// created.</param>
 /// <param name="_regardingobjectidValue">Shows the object that the
 /// property is associated with.</param>
 /// <param name="_owningbusinessunitValue">Shows the business unit that
 /// the record owner belongs to.</param>
 /// <param name="_owneridValue">Enter the user or team who is assigned
 /// to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record
 /// is assigned to a different user.</param>
 /// <param name="_owninguserValue">Shows the user who owns the property
 /// instance.</param>
 /// <param name="exchangerate">Shows the conversion rate of the
 /// record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money
 /// fields in the record from the local currency to the system's
 /// default currency.</param>
 /// <param name="valueinteger">Shows the integer value of the
 /// property.</param>
 /// <param name="dynamicpropertyinstanceid">Shows the unique identifier
 /// of the property instance.</param>
 /// <param name="_owningteamValue">Shows the team who owns the property
 /// instance.</param>
 public MicrosoftDynamicsCRMdynamicpropertyinstance(string versionnumber = default(string), System.DateTimeOffset?modifiedon = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), decimal?valuedouble = default(decimal?), decimal?valuedecimal = default(decimal?), string _modifiedonbehalfbyValue = default(string), string valuestring = default(string), string _createdonbehalfbyValue = default(string), int?dmtimportstate = default(int?), string _modifiedbyValue = default(string), string _createdbyValue = default(string), bool?validationstatus = default(bool?), string _dynamicpropertyidValue = default(string), string _transactioncurrencyidValue = default(string), System.DateTimeOffset?createdon = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string _regardingobjectidValue = default(string), string _owningbusinessunitValue = default(string), string _owneridValue = default(string), string _owninguserValue = default(string), decimal?exchangerate = default(decimal?), int?valueinteger = default(int?), string dynamicpropertyinstanceid = default(string), string _owningteamValue = default(string), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser createdby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMdynamicproperty dynamicpropertyid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMdynamicproperty), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMquotedetail regardingobjectidQuotedetail = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMquotedetail), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser modifiedby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMbusinessunit owningbusinessunit = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMbusinessunit), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail regardingobjectidInvoicedetail = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMprincipal ownerid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMprincipal), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMteam owningteam = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMteam), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMopportunityproduct regardingobjectidOpportunityproduct = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMopportunityproduct), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser createdonbehalfby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsalesorderdetail regardingobjectidSalesorderdetail = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsalesorderdetail), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser owninguser = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMtransactioncurrency transactioncurrencyid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMtransactioncurrency), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser modifiedonbehalfby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser))
     Versionnumber = versionnumber;
     Modifiedon    = modifiedon;
     Valuedouble   = valuedouble;
     Valuedecimal  = valuedecimal;
     this._modifiedonbehalfbyValue = _modifiedonbehalfbyValue;
     Valuestring = valuestring;
     this._createdonbehalfbyValue = _createdonbehalfbyValue;
     Dmtimportstate                   = dmtimportstate;
     this._modifiedbyValue            = _modifiedbyValue;
     this._createdbyValue             = _createdbyValue;
     Validationstatus                 = validationstatus;
     this._dynamicpropertyidValue     = _dynamicpropertyidValue;
     this._transactioncurrencyidValue = _transactioncurrencyidValue;
     Createdon = createdon;
     this._regardingobjectidValue  = _regardingobjectidValue;
     this._owningbusinessunitValue = _owningbusinessunitValue;
     this._owneridValue            = _owneridValue;
     this._owninguserValue         = _owninguserValue;
     Exchangerate = exchangerate;
     Valueinteger = valueinteger;
     Dynamicpropertyinstanceid = dynamicpropertyinstanceid;
     this._owningteamValue     = _owningteamValue;
     Createdby                      = createdby;
     Dynamicpropertyid              = dynamicpropertyid;
     RegardingobjectidQuotedetail   = regardingobjectidQuotedetail;
     Modifiedby                     = modifiedby;
     Owningbusinessunit             = owningbusinessunit;
     RegardingobjectidInvoicedetail = regardingobjectidInvoicedetail;
     Ownerid    = ownerid;
     Owningteam = owningteam;
     RegardingobjectidOpportunityproduct = regardingobjectidOpportunityproduct;
     Createdonbehalfby = createdonbehalfby;
     RegardingobjectidSalesorderdetail = regardingobjectidSalesorderdetail;
     Owninguser            = owninguser;
     Transactioncurrencyid = transactioncurrencyid;
     Modifiedonbehalfby    = modifiedonbehalfby;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail
 /// class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ispriceoverridden">Select whether the price per unit
 /// is fixed at the value in the specified price list or can be
 /// overridden by users who have edit rights to the invoice
 /// product.</param>
 /// <param name="priceperunit">Type the price per unit of the invoice
 /// product. The default is the value in the price list specified on
 /// the parent invoice for existing products.</param>
 /// <param name="_modifiedonbehalfbyValue">Shows who last updated the
 /// record on behalf of another user.</param>
 /// <param name="_salesrepidValue">Choose the user responsible for the
 /// sale of the invoice product.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoTelephone">Type the phone number for the
 /// customer's shipping address.</param>
 /// <param name="volumediscountamount">Shows the discount amount per
 /// unit if a specified volume is purchased. Configure volume discounts
 /// in the Product Catalog in the Settings area.</param>
 /// <param name="sequencenumber">Shows the ID of the data that
 /// maintains the sequence.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoCountry">Type the country or region for the
 /// customer's shipping address.</param>
 /// <param name="versionnumber">Version number of the invoice product
 /// line item.</param>
 /// <param name="isproductoverridden">Select whether the product exists
 /// in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 product catalog or is a write-in
 /// product specific to the parent invoice.</param>
 /// <param name="extendedamountBase">Shows the Extended Amount field
 /// converted to the system's default base currency. The calculation
 /// uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.</param>
 /// <param name="invoiceispricelocked">Information about whether
 /// invoice product pricing is locked.</param>
 /// <param name="_productidValue">Choose the product to include on the
 /// invoice.</param>
 /// <param name="taxBase">Shows the Tax field converted to the system's
 /// default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses
 /// the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.</param>
 /// <param name="_uomidValue">Choose the unit of measurement for the
 /// base unit quantity for this purchase, such as each or
 /// dozen.</param>
 /// <param name="extendedamount">Shows the total amount due for the
 /// invoice product, based on the sum of the unit price, quantity,
 /// discounts, and tax.</param>
 /// <param name="owningbusinessunit">Unique identifier of the business
 /// unit that owns the invoice product line item.</param>
 /// <param name="_createdbyValue">Shows who created the record.</param>
 /// <param name="volumediscountamountBase">Shows the Volume Discount
 /// field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting
 /// purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the
 /// Currencies area.</param>
 /// <param name="lineitemnumber">Type the line item number for the
 /// invoice product to easily identify the product in the invoice and
 /// make sure it's listed in the correct order.</param>
 /// <param name="parentbundleid">Choose the parent bundle associated
 /// with this product</param>
 /// <param name="manualdiscountamountBase">Shows the Manual Discount
 /// field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting
 /// purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the
 /// Currencies area.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoStateorprovince">Type the state or province for
 /// the shipping address.</param>
 /// <param name="baseamount">Shows the total price of the invoice
 /// product, based on the price per unit, volume discount, and
 /// quantity.</param>
 /// <param name="productassociationid">Unique identifier of the product
 /// line item association with bundle in the invoice</param>
 /// <param name="actualdeliveryon">Enter the date when the invoiced
 /// product was delivered to the customer.</param>
 /// <param name="priceperunitBase">Shows the Price Per Unit field
 /// converted to the system's default base currency for reporting
 /// purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the
 /// Currencies area.</param>
 /// <param name="iscopied">Select whether the invoice product is copied
 /// from another item or data source.</param>
 /// <param name="quantitybackordered">Type the amount or quantity of
 /// the product that is back ordered for the invoice.</param>
 /// <param name="manualdiscountamount">Type the manual discount amount
 /// for the invoice product to deduct any negotiated or other savings
 /// from the product total.</param>
 /// <param name="invoicedetailid">Unique identifier of the invoice
 /// product line item.</param>
 /// <param name="owninguser">Unique identifier of the user who owns the
 /// invoice product line item.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoCity">Type the city for the customer's shipping
 /// address.</param>
 /// <param name="invoicestatecode">Status of the invoice
 /// product.</param>
 /// <param name="_createdonbehalfbyValue">Shows who created the record
 /// on behalf of another user.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Type additional information to describe
 /// the product line item of the invoice.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyconfigurationstatus">Status of the property
 /// configuration.</param>
 /// <param name="modifiedon">Shows the date and time when the record
 /// was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone
 /// selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoName">Type a name for the customer's shipping
 /// address, such as "Headquarters" or "Field office", to identify the
 /// address.</param>
 /// <param name="createdon">Shows the date and time when the record was
 /// created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected
 /// in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.</param>
 /// <param name="_transactioncurrencyidValue">Choose the local currency
 /// for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct
 /// currency.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoFreighttermscode">Select the freight terms to
 /// make sure shipping orders are processed correctly.</param>
 /// <param name="importsequencenumber">Unique identifier of the data
 /// import or data migration that created this record.</param>
 /// <param name="producttypecode">Product Type</param>
 /// <param name="overriddencreatedon">Date and time that the record was
 /// migrated.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoLine2">Type the second line of the customer's
 /// shipping address.</param>
 /// <param name="pricingerrorcode">Pricing error for the invoice
 /// product line item.</param>
 /// <param name="shippingtrackingnumber">Type a tracking number for
 /// shipment of the invoiced product.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoPostalcode">Type the ZIP Code or postal code for
 /// the shipping address.</param>
 /// <param name="willcall">Select whether the invoice product should be
 /// shipped to the specified address or held until the customer calls
 /// with further pick up or delivery instructions.</param>
 /// <param name="utcconversiontimezonecode">Time zone code that was in
 /// use when the record was created.</param>
 /// <param name="productdescription">Type a name or description to
 /// identify the type of write-in product included in the
 /// invoice.</param>
 /// <param name="timezoneruleversionnumber">For internal use
 /// only.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoLine1">Type the first line of the customer's
 /// shipping address.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoLine3">Type the third line of the shipping
 /// address.</param>
 /// <param name="_invoiceidValue">Unique identifier of the invoice
 /// associated with the invoice product line item.</param>
 /// <param name="tax">Type the tax amount for the invoice
 /// product.</param>
 /// <param name="baseamountBase">Shows the Amount field converted to
 /// the system's default base currency. The calculation uses the
 /// exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.</param>
 /// <param name="_modifiedbyValue">Shows who last updated the
 /// record.</param>
 /// <param name="quantitycancelled">Type the amount or quantity of the
 /// product that was canceled for the invoice line item.</param>
 /// <param name="exchangerate">Shows the conversion rate of the
 /// record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money
 /// fields in the record from the local currency to the system's
 /// default currency.</param>
 /// <param name="quantityshipped">Type the amount or quantity of the
 /// product that was shipped.</param>
 /// <param name="_owneridValue">Unique identifier of the user or team
 /// who owns the invoice detail.</param>
 /// <param name="quantity">Type the amount or quantity of the product
 /// included in the invoice's total amount due.</param>
 /// <param name="shiptoFax">Type the fax number for the customer's
 /// shipping address.</param>
 public MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail(bool?ispriceoverridden = default(bool?), decimal?priceperunit = default(decimal?), string _modifiedonbehalfbyValue = default(string), string _salesrepidValue = default(string), string shiptoTelephone = default(string), decimal?volumediscountamount = default(decimal?), int?sequencenumber = default(int?), string shiptoCountry = default(string), string versionnumber = default(string), bool?isproductoverridden = default(bool?), decimal?extendedamountBase = default(decimal?), bool?invoiceispricelocked = default(bool?), string _productidValue = default(string), decimal?taxBase = default(decimal?), string _uomidValue = default(string), decimal?extendedamount = default(decimal?), string owningbusinessunit = default(string), string _createdbyValue = default(string), decimal?volumediscountamountBase = default(decimal?), int?lineitemnumber = default(int?), string parentbundleid = default(string), decimal?manualdiscountamountBase = default(decimal?), string shiptoStateorprovince = default(string), decimal?baseamount = default(decimal?), string productassociationid = default(string), System.DateTimeOffset?actualdeliveryon = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), decimal?priceperunitBase = default(decimal?), bool?iscopied = default(bool?), decimal?quantitybackordered = default(decimal?), decimal?manualdiscountamount = default(decimal?), string invoicedetailid = default(string), string owninguser = default(string), string shiptoCity = default(string), int?invoicestatecode = default(int?), string _createdonbehalfbyValue = default(string), string description = default(string), int?propertyconfigurationstatus = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset?modifiedon = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string shiptoName = default(string), System.DateTimeOffset?createdon = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string _transactioncurrencyidValue = default(string), int?shiptoFreighttermscode = default(int?), int?importsequencenumber = default(int?), int?producttypecode = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset?overriddencreatedon = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string shiptoLine2 = default(string), int?pricingerrorcode = default(int?), string shippingtrackingnumber = default(string), string shiptoPostalcode = default(string), bool?willcall = default(bool?), int?utcconversiontimezonecode = default(int?), string productdescription = default(string), int?timezoneruleversionnumber = default(int?), string shiptoLine1 = default(string), string shiptoLine3 = default(string), string _invoiceidValue = default(string), decimal?tax = default(decimal?), decimal?baseamountBase = default(decimal?), string _modifiedbyValue = default(string), decimal?quantitycancelled = default(decimal?), decimal?exchangerate = default(decimal?), decimal?quantityshipped = default(decimal?), string _owneridValue = default(string), decimal?quantity = default(decimal?), string shiptoFax = default(string), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMproductassociation productassociationidProductassociation = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMproductassociation), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser modifiedby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser createdonbehalfby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser modifiedonbehalfby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMbulkdeletefailure> invoiceDetailBulkDeleteFailures = default(IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMbulkdeletefailure>), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMuom uomid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMuom), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser salesrepid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMproduct productid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMproduct), IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMdynamicpropertyinstance> invoiceDetailDynamicpropertyinstance = default(IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMdynamicpropertyinstance>), IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsyncerror> invoiceDetailSyncErrors = default(IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsyncerror>), IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMasyncoperation> invoiceDetailAsyncOperations = default(IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMasyncoperation>), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoice invoiceid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoice), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail parentbundleidInvoicedetail = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail), IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail> invoicedetailParentInvoicedetail = default(IList <MicrosoftDynamicsCRMinvoicedetail>), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMtransactioncurrency transactioncurrencyid = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMtransactioncurrency), MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser createdby = default(MicrosoftDynamicsCRMsystemuser))
     Ispriceoverridden             = ispriceoverridden;
     Priceperunit                  = priceperunit;
     this._modifiedonbehalfbyValue = _modifiedonbehalfbyValue;
     this._salesrepidValue         = _salesrepidValue;
     ShiptoTelephone               = shiptoTelephone;
     Volumediscountamount          = volumediscountamount;
     Sequencenumber                = sequencenumber;
     ShiptoCountry                 = shiptoCountry;
     Versionnumber                 = versionnumber;
     Isproductoverridden           = isproductoverridden;
     ExtendedamountBase            = extendedamountBase;
     Invoiceispricelocked          = invoiceispricelocked;
     this._productidValue          = _productidValue;
     TaxBase                          = taxBase;
     this._uomidValue                 = _uomidValue;
     Extendedamount                   = extendedamount;
     Owningbusinessunit               = owningbusinessunit;
     this._createdbyValue             = _createdbyValue;
     VolumediscountamountBase         = volumediscountamountBase;
     Lineitemnumber                   = lineitemnumber;
     Parentbundleid                   = parentbundleid;
     ManualdiscountamountBase         = manualdiscountamountBase;
     ShiptoStateorprovince            = shiptoStateorprovince;
     Baseamount                       = baseamount;
     Productassociationid             = productassociationid;
     Actualdeliveryon                 = actualdeliveryon;
     PriceperunitBase                 = priceperunitBase;
     Iscopied                         = iscopied;
     Quantitybackordered              = quantitybackordered;
     Manualdiscountamount             = manualdiscountamount;
     Invoicedetailid                  = invoicedetailid;
     Owninguser                       = owninguser;
     ShiptoCity                       = shiptoCity;
     Invoicestatecode                 = invoicestatecode;
     this._createdonbehalfbyValue     = _createdonbehalfbyValue;
     Description                      = description;
     Propertyconfigurationstatus      = propertyconfigurationstatus;
     Modifiedon                       = modifiedon;
     ShiptoName                       = shiptoName;
     Createdon                        = createdon;
     this._transactioncurrencyidValue = _transactioncurrencyidValue;
     ShiptoFreighttermscode           = shiptoFreighttermscode;
     Importsequencenumber             = importsequencenumber;
     Producttypecode                  = producttypecode;
     Overriddencreatedon              = overriddencreatedon;
     ShiptoLine2                      = shiptoLine2;
     Pricingerrorcode                 = pricingerrorcode;
     Shippingtrackingnumber           = shippingtrackingnumber;
     ShiptoPostalcode                 = shiptoPostalcode;
     Willcall                         = willcall;
     Utcconversiontimezonecode        = utcconversiontimezonecode;
     Productdescription               = productdescription;
     Timezoneruleversionnumber        = timezoneruleversionnumber;
     ShiptoLine1                      = shiptoLine1;
     ShiptoLine3                      = shiptoLine3;
     this._invoiceidValue             = _invoiceidValue;
     Tax                   = tax;
     BaseamountBase        = baseamountBase;
     this._modifiedbyValue = _modifiedbyValue;
     Quantitycancelled     = quantitycancelled;
     Exchangerate          = exchangerate;
     Quantityshipped       = quantityshipped;
     this._owneridValue    = _owneridValue;
     Quantity              = quantity;
     ShiptoFax             = shiptoFax;
     ProductassociationidProductassociation = productassociationidProductassociation;
     Modifiedby         = modifiedby;
     Createdonbehalfby  = createdonbehalfby;
     Modifiedonbehalfby = modifiedonbehalfby;
     InvoiceDetailBulkDeleteFailures = invoiceDetailBulkDeleteFailures;
     Uomid      = uomid;
     Salesrepid = salesrepid;
     Productid  = productid;
     InvoiceDetailDynamicpropertyinstance = invoiceDetailDynamicpropertyinstance;
     InvoiceDetailSyncErrors      = invoiceDetailSyncErrors;
     InvoiceDetailAsyncOperations = invoiceDetailAsyncOperations;
     Invoiceid = invoiceid;
     ParentbundleidInvoicedetail      = parentbundleidInvoicedetail;
     InvoicedetailParentInvoicedetail = invoicedetailParentInvoicedetail;
     Transactioncurrencyid            = transactioncurrencyid;
     Createdby = createdby;