Exemple #1
        public bool Replace(Magazine mold, Magazine mnew)
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, Magazine> > oldMags = magazineDictionary.Where(x => x.Value == mold);

            if (!oldMags.Any())
            foreach (KeyValuePair <TKey, Magazine> pair in oldMags)
                MagazinesChanged(this, new MagazinesChangedEventArgs <TKey>(CollectionName, Update.replace, "Replace", pair.Key));
            oldMags.Select(x => x = new KeyValuePair <TKey, Magazine> (x.Key, mnew));
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /*Magazine myMag = new Magazine();
             * Person pers1 = new Person();
             * Person pers2 = new Person("Igor", "Murashev", new DateTime(2019, 10, 8, 17, 42, 0));
             * Person pers3 = new Person("Sergey", "Pogranichnyi", new DateTime(2019, 10, 8, 20, 42, 0));
             * Article art1 = new Article();
             * Article art2 = new Article(pers3, "My little gosling", 9.99);
             * myMag.addArticles(art1, art2);
             * myMag.addEditors(pers1, pers2);
             * myMag.Name = "myGoose";
             * myMag.Date = new System.DateTime(2019, 10, 19, 14, 3, 00);
             * myMag.Amount = 88888888;
             * myMag.sortArtName();
             * Console.WriteLine(myMag.ToString());
             * myMag.sortArtAuthorSecondName();
             * Console.WriteLine(myMag.ToString());
             * myMag.sortRating();
             * Console.WriteLine(myMag.ToString());
             * string KeySelector(Magazine mg)
             * {
             *  return mg.Name + " " + mg.Date.ToString();
             * }
             * MagazineCollection <string> someMagCollection = new MagazineCollection<string>();
             * Magazine myMag2 = new Magazine();
             * someMagCollection.AddMagazines(KeySelector, myMag, myMag2);
             * Console.WriteLine(someMagCollection.ToString());
             * Console.WriteLine(someMagCollection.MaxIntremedRating.ToString() + "\n");
             * int j = 0;
             * string str = "All magazines from collection where Frequency is weekly:\n";
             * foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Magazine> somePair in someMagCollection.frequencyGroupWhere(Frequency.weekly))
             * {
             *  str += "\t\t\t\t" + j + ")\n\n" + "Key: " + somePair.Key + "\tValue: " + somePair.Value.ToString();
             *  str += "\n\n\n\n";
             *  //That's bad
             *  j++;
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine(str);
             * j = 0;
             * str = "Grouped magazines by frequency:\n";
             * List<IGrouping<Frequency, KeyValuePair<string, Magazine>>> groups = someMagCollection.FrequencyGroupBy.ToList();
             * foreach (IGrouping < Frequency, KeyValuePair<string, Magazine> > group in groups)
             * {
             *  str = "This is a group of frequency: ";
             *  str += "List of magazines comming " + group.Key.ToString() + ":\n\n";
             *  int k = 0;
             *  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Magazine> pair in group)
             *  {
             *      str += "\t\t\t\t" + k + ")\n";
             *      str += "Magazine's real key is:\n" + pair.Key + "\n\n";
             *      str += "Magazine itself:\n" + pair.Value.ToString() + "\n";
             *      k++;
             *  }
             *  j++;
             *  str += j.ToString();
             *  str += "\n\n\n";
             * }
             * KeyValuePair<Edition, Magazine> generateElements(int value)
             * {
             *  var a = new System.DateTime(value % 9000 + 1, value % 11 + 1, value % 27 + 1, value % 24, value % 60, value * 7 % 60);
             *  string str2 = "Goose";
             *  str2 += value;
             *  Edition someEd = new Edition(str2, new System.DateTime(value % 9000 + 1, value % 11 + 1, value % 27 + 1, value % 24, value % 60, value * 7 % 60), value * 10000);
             *  Magazine someMag = (new Magazine(str2, (Frequency)(value % 3), new System.DateTime(value % 9000 + 1, value % 11 + 1, value % 27 + 1, value % 24, value % 60, value * 7 % 60), value * 10000));
             *  return new KeyValuePair<Edition, Magazine>(someEd, someMag);
             * }
             * TestCollections<Edition, Magazine> someMagCollection2 = new TestCollections<Edition, Magazine>(300000, 300000, 300000, 300000, generateElements);
             * Console.WriteLine("The first element:\n");
             * someMagCollection2.countTime(0);
             * Console.WriteLine("Element in the middle:\n");
             * someMagCollection2.countTime(150000);
             * Console.WriteLine("The last element:\n");
             * someMagCollection2.countTime(300000);
             * Console.WriteLine("Element that does not exist:\n");
             * someMagCollection2.countTime(300001);
             * Console.WriteLine("str");*/

            /*Edition someEd2 = new Edition();
             * someEd2.PropertyChanged += editionChanged;
             * someEd2.Date = (new System.DateTime(1, 1, 1 , 1, 1, 1));*/

            /*MagazineCollection<string> gooseCollection1 = new MagazineCollection<string>("Goose1");
             * MagazineCollection<string> gooseCollection2 = new MagazineCollection<string>("Goose2");
             * Listener goose1Listener = new Listener();
             * //MagazinesChangedHandler<string> goose1Listener2 = goose1Listener.MagazinesChanged;
             * gooseCollection1.MagazinesChanged += goose1Listener.MagazinesChanged;
             * string KeySelector(Magazine mg)
             * {
             *  return mg.Name + " " + mg.Date.ToString();
             * }
             * gooseCollection1.AddDefaultMagazines(2, KeySelector);
             * DateTime date = new DateTime(2019, 11, 6, 18, 40, 00);
             * gooseCollection1.AddMagazines(KeySelector, new Magazine("In geese world", Frequency.yearly, date, 5555555));
             * gooseCollection1["In geese world " + date.ToString()].Amount = 100000;
             * gooseCollection1["In geese world " + date.ToString()].Name = "Handsome goose";
             * gooseCollection1["In geese world " + date.ToString()].Date = new DateTime(2019, 11, 6, 20, 28, 00);
             * int i = 0;
             * gooseCollection1.Replace(new Magazine(i.ToString(), ((Frequency)(i % 3)), new System.DateTime(i % 9000 + 1, i % 11 + 1, i % 27 + 1, i % 24, i % 60, i * 7 % 60), i * 1000 + i * 100 + i * 10 + i % 1000000), new Magazine());
             * gooseCollection1.Replace(new Magazine("In geese world", Frequency.yearly, date, 5555555), new Magazine());
             * Console.WriteLine(goose1Listener.ToString());*/
            Magazine someMag = new Magazine();
            //someMag.Save("C:/Users/Лаврентий Гусев/Олег/Goose.bin");
            Magazine magCpy = Magazine.DeepCopy(someMag);

            magCpy.Name = "GEESE=)";
            Console.WriteLine("Path to a file: ");
            //string filepath = Console.ReadLine();
            string filepath = "C:/Users/Лаврентий Гусев/Олег/Goose.bin";

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filepath))
                Console.WriteLine("File didn't exist. It is created now.");
            Magazine.Load(filepath, someMag);
            Magazine.Save(filepath, someMag);