ReadInt32() public méthode

Read an int32 field from the stream.
public ReadInt32 ( ) : int
Résultat int
Exemple #1
        public ClientPacket(CodedInputStream stream)
            m_stream = stream;

            // Read header
            m_service = m_stream.ReadRawByte();
            m_method = m_stream.ReadInt32();
            m_requestId = m_stream.ReadInt16();
            m_listenerId = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("IN: service {0}, method {1:X}, requestId {2}, listenerId {3}", m_service, m_method, m_requestId, m_listenerId);

            if (m_service != 0xFE)
                m_listenerId = m_stream.ReadRawVarint64();
Exemple #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Called by MergeFieldFrom to parse a MessageSet extension.
            /// </summary>
            private void MergeMessageSetExtensionFromCodedStream(CodedInputStream input,
                                                                 ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry, IBuilder builder)
                MessageDescriptor type = builder.DescriptorForType;

                // The wire format for MessageSet is:
                //   message MessageSet {
                //     repeated group Item = 1 {
                //       required int32 typeId = 2;
                //       required bytes message = 3;
                //     }
                //   }
                // "typeId" is the extension's field number.  The extension can only be
                // a message type, where "message" contains the encoded bytes of that
                // message.
                // In practice, we will probably never see a MessageSet item in which
                // the message appears before the type ID, or where either field does not
                // appear exactly once.  However, in theory such cases are valid, so we
                // should be prepared to accept them.

                int             typeId     = 0;
                ByteString      rawBytes   = null; // If we encounter "message" before "typeId"
                IBuilder        subBuilder = null;
                FieldDescriptor field      = null;

                while (true)
                    uint tag = input.ReadTag();
                    if (tag == 0)

                    if (tag == WireFormat.MessageSetTag.TypeID)
                        typeId = input.ReadInt32();
                        // Zero is not a valid type ID.
                        if (typeId != 0)
                            ExtensionInfo extension = extensionRegistry[type, typeId];
                            if (extension != null)
                                field      = extension.Descriptor;
                                subBuilder = extension.DefaultInstance.WeakCreateBuilderForType();
                                IMessage originalMessage = (IMessage)builder[field];
                                if (originalMessage != null)
                                if (rawBytes != null)
                                    // We already encountered the message.  Parse it now.
                                    // TODO(jonskeet): Check this is okay. It's subtly different from the Java, as it doesn't create an input stream from rawBytes.
                                    // In fact, why don't we just call MergeFrom(rawBytes)? And what about the extension registry?
                                    rawBytes = null;
                                // Unknown extension number.  If we already saw data, put it
                                // in rawBytes.
                                if (rawBytes != null)
                                    MergeField(typeId, UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddLengthDelimited(rawBytes).Build());
                                    rawBytes = null;
                    else if (tag == WireFormat.MessageSetTag.Message)
                        if (typeId == 0)
                            // We haven't seen a type ID yet, so we have to store the raw bytes for now.
                            rawBytes = input.ReadBytes();
                        else if (subBuilder == null)
                            // We don't know how to parse this.  Ignore it.
                            MergeField(typeId, UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddLengthDelimited(input.ReadBytes()).Build());
                            // We already know the type, so we can parse directly from the input
                            // with no copying.  Hooray!
                            input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
                        // Unknown tag.  Skip it.
                        if (!input.SkipField(tag))
                            break; // end of group


                if (subBuilder != null)
                    builder[field] = subBuilder.WeakBuild();
            /// <summary>
            /// Called by MergeFieldFrom to parse a MessageSet extension.
            /// </summary>
            private void MergeMessageSetExtensionFromCodedStream(CodedInputStream input,
          ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry, IBuilder builder)
                MessageDescriptor type = builder.DescriptorForType;

                // The wire format for MessageSet is:
                //   message MessageSet {
                //     repeated group Item = 1 {
                //       required int32 typeId = 2;
                //       required bytes message = 3;
                //     }
                //   }
                // "typeId" is the extension's field number.  The extension can only be
                // a message type, where "message" contains the encoded bytes of that
                // message.
                // In practice, we will probably never see a MessageSet item in which
                // the message appears before the type ID, or where either field does not
                // appear exactly once.  However, in theory such cases are valid, so we
                // should be prepared to accept them.

                int typeId = 0;
                ByteString rawBytes = null;  // If we encounter "message" before "typeId"
                IBuilder subBuilder = null;
                FieldDescriptor field = null;

                while (true) {
                  uint tag = input.ReadTag();
                  if (tag == 0) {

                  if (tag == WireFormat.MessageSetTag.TypeID) {
                typeId = input.ReadInt32();
                // Zero is not a valid type ID.
                if (typeId != 0) {
                  ExtensionInfo extension = extensionRegistry[type, typeId];
                  if (extension != null) {
                field = extension.Descriptor;
                subBuilder = extension.DefaultInstance.WeakCreateBuilderForType();
                IMessage originalMessage = (IMessage)builder[field];
                if (originalMessage != null) {
                if (rawBytes != null) {
                  // We already encountered the message.  Parse it now.
                  // TODO(jonskeet): Check this is okay. It's subtly different from the Java, as it doesn't create an input stream from rawBytes.
                  // In fact, why don't we just call MergeFrom(rawBytes)? And what about the extension registry?
                  rawBytes = null;
                  } else {
                // Unknown extension number.  If we already saw data, put it
                // in rawBytes.
                if (rawBytes != null) {
                  MergeField(typeId, UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddLengthDelimited(rawBytes).Build());
                  rawBytes = null;
                  } else if (tag == WireFormat.MessageSetTag.Message) {
                if (typeId == 0) {
                  // We haven't seen a type ID yet, so we have to store the raw bytes for now.
                  rawBytes = input.ReadBytes();
                } else if (subBuilder == null) {
                  // We don't know how to parse this.  Ignore it.
                  MergeField(typeId, UnknownField.CreateBuilder().AddLengthDelimited(input.ReadBytes()).Build());
                } else {
                  // We already know the type, so we can parse directly from the input
                  // with no copying.  Hooray!
                  input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
                  } else {
                // Unknown tag.  Skip it.
                if (!input.SkipField(tag)) {
                  break;  // end of group


                if (subBuilder != null) {
                  builder[field] = subBuilder.WeakBuild();
        public void TestCodedInputOutputPosition()
            byte[] content = new byte[110];
            for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
                content[i] = (byte)i;

            byte[] child = new byte[120];
                MemoryStream      ms   = new MemoryStream(child);
                CodedOutputStream cout = CodedOutputStream.CreateInstance(ms, 20);
                // Field 11: numeric value: 500
                cout.WriteTag(11, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, cout.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, cout.Position);
                //Field 12: length delimited 120 bytes
                cout.WriteTag(12, WireFormat.WireType.LengthDelimited);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, cout.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(115, cout.Position);
                // Field 13: fixed numeric value: 501
                cout.WriteTag(13, WireFormat.WireType.Fixed32);
                Assert.AreEqual(116, cout.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(120, cout.Position);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[130];
                CodedOutputStream cout = CodedOutputStream.CreateInstance(bytes);
                // Field 1: numeric value: 500
                cout.WriteTag(1, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, cout.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, cout.Position);
                //Field 2: length delimited 120 bytes
                cout.WriteTag(2, WireFormat.WireType.LengthDelimited);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, cout.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(125, cout.Position);
                // Field 3: fixed numeric value: 500
                cout.WriteTag(3, WireFormat.WireType.Fixed32);
                Assert.AreEqual(126, cout.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(130, cout.Position);
            //Now test Input stream:
                CodedInputStream cin = CodedInputStream.CreateInstance(new MemoryStream(bytes), new byte[50]);
                uint             tag;
                int    intValue = 0;
                string ignore;
                Assert.AreEqual(0, cin.Position);
                // Field 1:
                Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadTag(out tag, out ignore) && tag >> 3 == 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, cin.Position);
                Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadInt32(ref intValue) && intValue == 500);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, cin.Position);
                //Field 2:
                Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadTag(out tag, out ignore) && tag >> 3 == 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, cin.Position);
                uint childlen = cin.ReadRawVarint32();
                Assert.AreEqual(120u, childlen);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, cin.Position);
                int oldlimit = cin.PushLimit((int)childlen);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, cin.Position);
                // Now we are reading child message
                    // Field 11: numeric value: 500
                    Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadTag(out tag, out ignore) && tag >> 3 == 11);
                    Assert.AreEqual(6, cin.Position);
                    Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadInt32(ref intValue) && intValue == 500);
                    Assert.AreEqual(8, cin.Position);
                    //Field 12: length delimited 120 bytes
                    Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadTag(out tag, out ignore) && tag >> 3 == 12);
                    Assert.AreEqual(9, cin.Position);
                    ByteString bstr = null;
                    Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadBytes(ref bstr) && bstr.Length == 110 && bstr.ToByteArray()[109] == 109);
                    Assert.AreEqual(120, cin.Position);
                    // Field 13: fixed numeric value: 501
                    Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadTag(out tag, out ignore) && tag >> 3 == 13);
                    // ROK - Previously broken here, this returned 126 failing to account for bufferSizeAfterLimit
                    Assert.AreEqual(121, cin.Position);
                    Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadSFixed32(ref intValue) && intValue == 501);
                    Assert.AreEqual(125, cin.Position);
                Assert.AreEqual(125, cin.Position);
                // Field 3: fixed numeric value: 501
                Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadTag(out tag, out ignore) && tag >> 3 == 3);
                Assert.AreEqual(126, cin.Position);
                Assert.IsTrue(cin.ReadSFixed32(ref intValue) && intValue == 501);
                Assert.AreEqual(130, cin.Position);