private static void RunSample(GoogleMailSettingsService service)
                // Create a new Label for the user testUserName
                service.CreateLabel(testUserName, "Test-Label");

                // Create a filter for emails from [email protected] 
                // for the user testUserName and applies the new label "Test-Label"
                service.CreateFilter(testUserName, "test@"+domain, "", "", "", "", "", "Test-Label", "true", "");

                // Create a new Send As for the user testUserName
                service.CreateSendAs(testUserName, "Test email", testUserName+"@"+domain, "", "");

                // Updates the forwarding rule to forward emails to 
                // [email protected] for the user testUserName amd keeps the email.
                service.UpdateForwarding(testUserName, "true", "test@"+domain, "KEEP");

                // Deactivate POP for the user testUserName
                service.UpdatePop(testUserName,"false", null, null);

                // Activate IMAP for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateImap(testUserName, "true");

                // Activate vacation autoresponse for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateVacation(testUserName, "true", "vacation", "vacation text...", "true");

                // Update the signature for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateSignature(testUserName, "Signature text...");

                // Update the language settings to French (fr) for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateLanguage(testUserName, "fr");

                // Update general settings for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateGeneralSettings(testUserName, "50", "false", "false", "false", "false");
            catch (AppsException a)
                Console.WriteLine("A Google Apps error occurred.");
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", a.ErrorCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input: {0}", a.InvalidInput);
                Console.WriteLine("Reason: {0}", a.Reason);
        private static void RunSample(GoogleMailSettingsService service)
                // Create a new Label for the user testUserName
                service.CreateLabel(testUserName, "Test-Label");

				// Retrieve all labels for the user testUserName
				AppsExtendedFeed labels = service.RetrieveLabels(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("First label: {0}",

                // Create a filter for emails from [email protected]
                // for the user testUserName and applies the new label "Test-Label"
                service.CreateFilter(testUserName, "test@"+domain, "", "", "", "", "", "Test-Label", "true", "");

                // Create a filter for emails having "important" in the subject
                // for the user testUserName to never send them to Spam and star them
                service.CreateFilter(testUserName, "", "", "important", "", "", "", "", "", "", "true", "true", "", "");

                // Create a new Send As for the user testUserName
                service.CreateSendAs(testUserName, "Test email", testUserName+"@"+domain, "", "");

				// Retrieve all send-as for user testUserName
				AppsExtendedFeed sendas = service.RetrieveSendAs(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("First send-as: {0}",

                // Updates the forwarding rule to forward emails to 
                // test@domain for the user testUserName and keeps the email.
                service.UpdateForwarding(testUserName, "true", "test@"+domain, "KEEP");

                // Disable web clip for the user testUserName.
                service.UpdateWebclip(testUserName, "false");

				// Retrieve forwarding settings for user testUserName
				AppsExtendedEntry forwarding = service.RetrieveForwarding(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Forwarding to: {0}",

                // Deactivate POP for the user testUserName
                service.UpdatePop(testUserName, "false", null, null);

				// Retrieve POP settings for user testUserName
				AppsExtendedEntry pop = service.RetrievePop(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("POP enabled: {0}",

                // Activate IMAP for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateImap(testUserName, "true");

				// Retrieve IMAP settings for user testUserName
				AppsExtendedEntry imap = service.RetrieveImap(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("IMAP enabled: {0}",

                // Activate vacation autoresponse for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateVacation(testUserName, "true", "vacation", "vacation text...", "false", "true", "2012-01-15", "2012-01-22");

				// Retrieve vacation responder settings for user testUserName
				AppsExtendedEntry vacation = service.RetrieveVacation(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Vacation responder message: {0}",

                // Update the signature for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateSignature(testUserName, "Signature text...");

				// Retrieve signature for user testUserName
				AppsExtendedEntry signature = service.RetrieveSignature(testUserName);
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Signature: {0}",

                // Update the language settings to French (fr) for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateLanguage(testUserName, "fr");

                // Update general settings for the user testUserName
                service.UpdateGeneralSettings(testUserName, "50", "false", "false", "false", "false");

                // Create a new Delegate for the user testUserName
                service.CreateDelegate(testUserName, adminEmail);

                // Retrieve all delegates for the user testUserName
                AppsExtendedFeed delegates = service.RetrieveDelegates(testUserName);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("First delegate: {0}",

                // Delete the Delegate for the user testUserName
                service.DeleteDelegate(testUserName, adminEmail);
            catch (AppsException a)
                Console.WriteLine("A Google Apps error occurred.");
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", a.ErrorCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input: {0}", a.InvalidInput);
                Console.WriteLine("Reason: {0}", a.Reason);
Exemple #3
 private static void SendToGoogle(User user, string signature, GoogleMailSettingsService service)
         Console.Write("Updating user: "******"...");
         service.UpdateSignature(user.AccountName, signature);
     catch (GDataRequestException gdre)
         Console.WriteLine("Could not update user: "******" - Reason: " + gdre.ResponseString);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool show_help = false;
            string domain = "";
            string pathRazorTemplate = "";
            string pathSecretFile = "client_secret.json";
            string user = "";

            var p = new OptionSet() {
            { "d|domain=", "the domain where you'll change the signatures.",
              v => domain = v },
            { "t|template=",
                "the file path of the razor template that will used.",
              v => pathRazorTemplate = v },
            { "s|secret=", "the file with the secret from Google console.",
              v => pathSecretFile = v },
            { "u|user="******"an specific user to apply the signature.",
              v => user = v },
            { "a|all", "apply the signature to every user form the domain.",
              v => { if (v != null) user=""; } },
            { "h|help",  "show this message and exit",
              v => show_help = v != null },

            List<string> extra;
                extra = p.Parse(args);
            catch (OptionException e)
                Console.Write("Error: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Try --help for more information.");

            if (show_help)

            UserCredential credential = GetCredentials(pathSecretFile);

            var service = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                HttpClientInitializer = credential,
                ApplicationName = ApplicationName,

            IList<User> users = new List<User>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user))
                UsersResource.ListRequest request = service.Users.List();
                request.Domain = domain;
                request.Projection = UsersResource.ListRequest.ProjectionEnum.Full;
                users = request.Execute().UsersValue;

            OAuth2Parameters parameter = new OAuth2Parameters()
                AccessToken = credential.Token.AccessToken

            var requestFactory = new GOAuth2RequestFactory("apps", ApplicationName, parameter);
            var serviceGmail = new GoogleMailSettingsService("", ApplicationName);
            serviceGmail.RequestFactory = requestFactory;

            if (users != null)
                foreach (var userItem in users)
                    if (userItem.IsMailboxSetup.HasValue && userItem.IsMailboxSetup.Value)
                        var signature = Render.Execute(pathRazorTemplate, userItem);
                        var userName = GetUser(userItem.PrimaryEmail);
                        dynamic obj = userItem.Organizations;

                        serviceGmail.UpdateSignature(userName, signature);
                        Console.WriteLine("New signature for {0}", userName);
                Console.WriteLine("No users found.");

            Console.WriteLine("Signatures updated");