private void recordPaymentToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmRecordPayment newPayment = new frmRecordPayment(); this.Hide(); newPayment.Show(); }
private void btnRecordPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtRecPayRenewalID.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please fill out the other fields before recording payment.", "Invalid Information"); } else if (cboRecPayMemberID.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a Member ID", "Invalid Information"); cboRecPayMemberID.Focus(); } else if (cboRecPayAmount.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Amount to Pay.", "Invalid Information"); cboRecPayAmount.Focus(); } else { //Convert selected combobox items to string. Renewals newRenewal = new Renewals(); newRenewal.setRenewalID(Convert.ToInt32(txtRecPayRenewalID.Text)); newRenewal.setMemberID(Convert.ToInt32(cboRecPayMemberID.SelectedItem.ToString())); newRenewal.setAmountPaid(Convert.ToDecimal(cboRecPayAmount.SelectedItem.ToString())); newRenewal.recordNewPayment(); //Update the member's paid status to y Members updatePaid = new Members(); updatePaid.setMemberID(Convert.ToInt32(cboRecPayMemberID.SelectedItem.ToString())); updatePaid.updatePaidStatus(); MessageBox.Show("Payment has been recorded!"); frmRecordPayment refresh = new frmRecordPayment(); this.Close(); refresh.Show(); } }
private void btnAddMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtFirstName.Text == "" || !Members.validateTextBox(txtFirstName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid First name.", "Invalid Infomation"); txtFirstName.Focus(); } else if (txtLastName.Text == "" || !Members.validateTextBox(txtLastName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid Last name.", "Invalid Infomation"); txtLastName.Focus(); } else if (txtStreet.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a street name.", "Invalid Infomation"); txtStreet.Focus(); } else if (txtTown.Text == "" || !Members.validateTextBox(txtTown.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid town name.", "Invalid Infomation"); txtTown.Focus(); } else if (cboCounty.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a county.", "Invalid Infomation"); cboCounty.Focus(); } else if (txtMobile.Text == "" || txtMobile.Text[0] != '0') { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid phone number. Phone numbers begin with 0.", "Invalid Infomation"); txtMobile.Focus(); } else if (txtEmail.Text == "" || !Members.validateEmail(txtEmail.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid email address.", "Invalid Infomation"); txtEmail.Focus(); } else if (cboMemberType.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a Member Type.", "Invalid Infomation"); cboMemberType.Focus(); } else { //Set Data Members addMember = new Members(); addMember.setMemberID(Convert.ToInt32(txtMemId.Text)); addMember.setMemberFirstName(txtFirstName.Text); addMember.setMemberLastName(txtLastName.Text); addMember.setStreet(txtStreet.Text); addMember.setTown(txtTown.Text); addMember.setCounty(cboCounty.SelectedItem.ToString()); addMember.setMobile(txtMobile.Text); addMember.setEmail(txtEmail.Text); addMember.setMemberStatus("Active"); addMember.setTypeID(cboMemberType.SelectedItem.ToString()); //SAVE DATA addMember.addMember(); MessageBox.Show("Newly added members given unpaid status by default. If the member has already paid for this year's membership then confirm their payment in the Record Payment section.", "Information"); //ASK USER IF THEY WANT TO RECORD NEW MEMBER'S PAYMENT AFTER ADDING A MEMBER if (MessageBox.Show("Member Added! Would you like to record their payment?", "Record Payment?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { frmAddMember refresh = new frmAddMember(); this.Close(); refresh.Show(); } else { frmRecordPayment recPay = new frmRecordPayment(); this.Close(); recPay.Show(); } } }