public AICharacter(string name, int currentPf, int maximumPf, int hunger, AI intelligence, int perceptionDistance, AI.SensingMethod sensingMethod = null, Stats?stats = null, Armor wornArmor = null, Shield embracedShield = null, Weapon handledWeapon = null, Backpack backpack = null, God god = null, bool unblockable = false, string symbol = "C", Color?color = null, string description = "A creature of the world", Coord position = new Coord(), Allied hostile = Allied.Enemy) : base(name, currentPf, maximumPf, hunger, stats == null ? new Stats(StatsBuilder.RandomStats()) : (Stats)stats, wornArmor, embracedShield, handledWeapon, backpack == null ? new Backpack() : backpack, god, unblockable, symbol, color == null ? (hostile == Allied.Enemy ? Color.Red : Color.Green) : (Color)color, description, position) { this.intelligence = intelligence; this.SensePg = sensingMethod == null ? AI.SensingAlgorythms.AllAround : sensingMethod; this.intelligence.ControlledCharacter = this; this.PerceptionDistance = perceptionDistance; this.AlliedTo = hostile; }
public PgCreator() { Name = RandomName(); Stats = new Stats(StatsBuilder.RandomStats()); var toughMod = Stats[StatsType.Toughness].ModifierOfStat(); Level = Pg.Level.Novice; CurrentXp = Pg.XpForLevel(Level); NextXp = Pg.XpForLevel(Level.Next()); CurrentPf = Pg.healthDice.Max + toughMod; MaxPf = Pg.healthDice.Max + toughMod; Hunger = Pg.hungerDice.Max * Math.Max(1, toughMod); Armor = null; Shield = null; Weapon = null; Backpack = new Backpack(); Spellbook = new Spellbook(); Symbol = "@"; Color = Color.White; God = null; Unblockable = false; PerceptionRange = 10; }