public IEnumerator LoadPlaces(string url) //Request the API { Debug.Log("GO4Square URL: " + url); var www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); ParseJob job = new ParseJob(); job.InData = www.text; job.Start(); yield return(StartCoroutine(job.WaitFor())); IDictionary response = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)job.OutData)["response"]; IList results = (IList)response ["venues"]; foreach (Transform child in transform) { GameObject.Destroy(child.gameObject); } foreach (IDictionary result in results) //This example only takes GPS location and the name of the object. There's lot more, take a look at the Foursquare API documentation { IDictionary location = ((IDictionary)result ["location"]); double lat = (double)location ["lat"]; double lng = (double)location ["lng"]; Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(lat, lng, 0); GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab); Vector3 pos = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector(0); if (goMap.useElevation) { pos = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(pos); } go.transform.localPosition = pos; go.transform.parent = transform; = (string)result["name"]; } }
//Draws a line given a list of latitudes/longitudes public GameObject dropLine(List <Coordinates> polyline, float width, float height, Material material, GOUVMappingStyle uvMappingStyle) { List <Vector3> converted = new List <Vector3> (); foreach (Coordinates coordinates in polyline) { Vector3 v = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector(); if (useElevation) { v = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(v); } converted.Add(v); } return(dropLine(converted, width, height, material, uvMappingStyle)); }
//Draws a polygon given a list of latitudes/longitudes that is a closed shape public GameObject dropPolygon(List <Coordinates> shape, float height, Material material, GOUVMappingStyle uvMappingStyle) { List <Vector3> converted = new List <Vector3> (); foreach (Coordinates coordinates in shape) { Vector3 v = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector(); if (useElevation) { v = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(v); } converted.Add(v); } if (!GOFeature.IsClockwise(converted)) { converted.Reverse(); } return(dropPolygon(converted, height, material, uvMappingStyle)); }
IEnumerator NearbySearch(GOTile tile) { //Center of the map tile Coordinates tileCenter = tile.goTile.tileCenter; //radius of the request, equals the tile diagonal /2 float radius = tile.goTile.diagonalLenght / 2; //The complete nearby search url, api key is added at the end string url = nearbySearchUrl + "location=" + tile.goTile.tileCenter.latitude + "," + tile.goTile.tileCenter.longitude + "&radius=" + radius + "&type=" + type + "&key=" + googleAPIkey; //Perform the request var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); //Check for errors if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { string response = www.downloadHandler.text; //Deserialize the json response IDictionary deserializedResponse = (IDictionary)Json.Deserialize(response); Debug.Log(string.Format("[GO Places] Tile center: {0} - Request Url {1} - response {2}", tileCenter.toLatLongString(), url, response)); //That's our list of Places IList results = (IList)deserializedResponse ["results"]; //Create a container for the places and set it as a tile child. In this way when the tile is destroyed it will take also the places with it. GameObject placesContainer = new GameObject("Places"); placesContainer.transform.SetParent(tile.transform); foreach (IDictionary result in results) { string placeID = (string)result["place_id"]; string name = (string)result["name"]; IDictionary location = (IDictionary)((IDictionary)result ["geometry"])["location"]; double lat = (double)location ["lat"]; double lng = (double)location ["lng"]; //Create a new coordinate object, with the desired lat lon Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(lat, lng, 0); if (!TileFilter(tile, coordinates)) { continue; } //Instantiate your game object GameObject place = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab); place.SetActive(true); //Convert coordinates to position Vector3 position = coordinates.convertCoordinateToVector(place.transform.position.y); if (goMap.useElevation) { position = GOMap.AltitudeToPoint(position); } //Set the position to object place.transform.localPosition = position; //the parent place.transform.SetParent(placesContainer.transform); //and the name = (name != null && name.Length > 0)? name:placeID; if (addGOPlaceComponent) { GOPlacesPrefab component = place.AddComponent <GOPlacesPrefab> (); component.placeInfo = result; component.goPlaces = this; } } } }