Exemple #1
        private static int CountLivingNeighbours(Grid grid, CoOrdinates cellXY)
            var count = 0;

            if (cellXY.X > 0 & cellXY.Y > 0)
                CoOrdinates[,] neighbours = new CoOrdinates[, ]
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X - 1, cellXY.Y - 1) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X, cellXY.Y - 1) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X + 1, cellXY.Y - 1) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X + 1, cellXY.Y) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X - 1, cellXY.Y + 1) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X - 1, cellXY.Y) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X, cellXY.Y + 1) },
                    { new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X + 1, cellXY.Y + 1) }

                foreach (CoOrdinates c in neighbours)
                    count = grid.GridObj[c.X].Cells[c.Y].IsAlive ? count += 1 : count;
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the co-ordinates with respect to grid and return the Cell type enum
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grid"></param>
 /// <param name="coOrdinates"></param>
 /// <returns>returns CellTypeEnum</returns>
 public static CellTypeEnum GetCellType(Grid grid, CoOrdinates coOrdinates)
     if ((coOrdinates.X < -1 || coOrdinates.X > grid.RowCount) || (coOrdinates.Y < -1 || coOrdinates.Y > grid.ColumnCount))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid Index value: must be greater than or equal to minus one and less than or equal to Row count");
     CellTypeEnum enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.None;
     if (coOrdinates.X == 0 && coOrdinates.Y == 0)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.TopLeftCorner;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == 0 && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount - 1)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.TopRightCorner;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount - 1 && coOrdinates.Y == 0)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.BottomLeftCorner;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount - 1 && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount - 1)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.BottomRightCorner;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == 0 && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.TopSide;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount - 1 && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.BottomSide;
     else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == 0)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.LeftSide;
     else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount - 1)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.RightSide;
     else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.Center;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == -1 && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterTopSide;
     else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterRightSide;
     else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterBottomSide;
     else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == -1)
         enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterLeftSide;
     return enumCellType;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Change Cell state of specified co-ordinate using Rules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="outputGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="coOrdinates"></param>
        public static void ChangeCellsState(Grid inputGrid, Grid outputGrid, CoOrdinates coOrdinates)
            int liveNeighbourCount = CountAliveNeighbours(inputGrid, coOrdinates);

            // int l = CountLivingNeighbours(inputGrid, coOrdinates);
            lock (outputGrid)
                if (IsAliveInNextState(inputGrid[coOrdinates.X, coOrdinates.Y], liveNeighbourCount))
                    //set output grid's cell to live only if it is in alive status in next generation
                    outputGrid[coOrdinates.X, coOrdinates.Y].IsAlive = true;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the adjacent cell is alive or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>
        /// <param name="baseCoOrdinates"></param>
        /// <param name="offSetCoOrdinates"></param>
        /// <returns>returns 1 if live otherwise 0</returns>
        private static int IsAliveNeighbour(Grid grid, CoOrdinates baseCoOrdinates, CoOrdinates offSetCoOrdinates)
            int live = 0;                                       // set default as 0
            int x    = baseCoOrdinates.X + offSetCoOrdinates.X; // get x axis of neighbour
            int y    = baseCoOrdinates.Y + offSetCoOrdinates.Y; // get y axis of neighbour

            // check the computed bound is within range of grid, if it is not within bounds live is 0 as default
            if ((x >= 0 && x < grid.RowCount) && y >= 0 && y < grid.ColumnCount)
                // if reachable neighbour cell is alive then set live to 1 otherwise 0
                live = grid[x, y].IsAlive ? 1 : 0;

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Change Cell state of specified co-ordinate using Rules
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="outputGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="coOrdinates"></param>
        public static void ChangeCellsState(Grid inputGrid, Grid outputGrid, CoOrdinates coOrdinates)
            int liveNeighbourCount = CountAliveNeighbours(inputGrid, coOrdinates);
               // int l = CountLivingNeighbours(inputGrid, coOrdinates);
            lock (outputGrid)
                if (IsAliveInNextState(inputGrid[coOrdinates.X, coOrdinates.Y], liveNeighbourCount))

                    //set output grid's cell to live only if it is in alive status in next generation
                    outputGrid[coOrdinates.X, coOrdinates.Y].IsAlive = true;

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Count live adjacent cells for specified cell co-ordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>
        /// <param name="coOrdinates"></param>
        /// <returns>returns number of live neighbours</returns>
        private static int CountAliveNeighbours(Grid grid, CoOrdinates coOrdinates)
            int liveNeighbours = 0;
            // Get the Cell type of current cell
            CellTypeEnum       enumInnerCell  = ReachableCell.GetCellType(grid, coOrdinates);
            List <CoOrdinates> reachableCells = new List <CoOrdinates>();

            // populate reachable cells from current cell for easier traversing
            ReachableCell.ReachableCells.TryGetValue(enumInnerCell, out reachableCells);
            if (reachableCells.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot find reachable co-ordinates");
            foreach (CoOrdinates coOrds in reachableCells)
                liveNeighbours += IsAliveNeighbour(grid, coOrdinates, coOrds);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the co-ordinates with respect to grid and return the Cell type enum
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>
        /// <param name="coOrdinates"></param>
        /// <returns>returns CellTypeEnum</returns>
        public static CellTypeEnum GetCellType(Grid grid, CoOrdinates coOrdinates)
            if ((coOrdinates.X < -1 || coOrdinates.X > grid.RowCount) || (coOrdinates.Y < -1 || coOrdinates.Y > grid.ColumnCount))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid Index value: must be greater than or equal to minus one and less than or equal to Row count");
            CellTypeEnum enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.None;

            if (coOrdinates.X == 0 && coOrdinates.Y == 0)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.TopLeftCorner;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == 0 && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount - 1)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.TopRightCorner;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount - 1 && coOrdinates.Y == 0)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.BottomLeftCorner;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount - 1 && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount - 1)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.BottomRightCorner;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == 0 && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.TopSide;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount - 1 && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.BottomSide;
            else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == 0)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.LeftSide;
            else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount - 1)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.RightSide;
            else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.Center;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == -1 && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterTopSide;
            else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == grid.ColumnCount)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterRightSide;
            else if (coOrdinates.X == grid.RowCount && (coOrdinates.Y > 0 && coOrdinates.Y < grid.ColumnCount - 1))
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterBottomSide;
            else if ((coOrdinates.X > 0 && coOrdinates.X < grid.RowCount - 1) && coOrdinates.Y == -1)
                enumCellType = CellTypeEnum.OuterLeftSide;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the adjacent cell is alive or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>
        /// <param name="baseCoOrdinates"></param>
        /// <param name="offSetCoOrdinates"></param>
        /// <returns>returns 1 if live otherwise 0</returns>
        private static int IsAliveNeighbour(Grid grid, CoOrdinates baseCoOrdinates, CoOrdinates offSetCoOrdinates)
            int live = 0; // set default as 0
            int x = baseCoOrdinates.X + offSetCoOrdinates.X; // get x axis of neighbour
            int y = baseCoOrdinates.Y + offSetCoOrdinates.Y; // get y axis of neighbour
            // check the computed bound is within range of grid, if it is not within bounds live is 0 as default
            if ((x >= 0 && x < grid.RowCount) && y >= 0 && y < grid.ColumnCount)
                // if reachable neighbour cell is alive then set live to 1 otherwise 0
                live = grid[x, y].IsAlive ? 1 : 0;

            return live;
Exemple #9
        private static int CountLivingNeighbours(Grid grid, CoOrdinates cellXY)
            var count = 0;
            if (cellXY.X > 0 & cellXY.Y > 0)
                CoOrdinates[,] neighbours = new CoOrdinates[,]
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X - 1, cellXY.Y - 1)},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X , cellXY.Y - 1)},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X + 1, cellXY.Y-1)},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X + 1, cellXY.Y )},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X - 1, cellXY.Y + 1)},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X - 1, cellXY.Y)},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X , cellXY.Y +1)},
                {new CoOrdinates(cellXY.X + 1, cellXY.Y+1)}

                foreach (CoOrdinates c in neighbours)
                    count = grid.GridObj[c.X].Cells[c.Y].IsAlive ? count += 1 : count;
            return count;
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Count live adjacent cells for specified cell co-ordinates
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grid"></param>
 /// <param name="coOrdinates"></param>
 /// <returns>returns number of live neighbours</returns>
 private static int CountAliveNeighbours(Grid grid, CoOrdinates coOrdinates)
     int liveNeighbours = 0;
     // Get the Cell type of current cell
     CellTypeEnum enumInnerCell = ReachableCell.GetCellType(grid, coOrdinates);
     List<CoOrdinates> reachableCells = new List<CoOrdinates>();
     // populate reachable cells from current cell for easier traversing
     ReachableCell.ReachableCells.TryGetValue(enumInnerCell, out reachableCells);
     if (reachableCells.Count == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot find reachable co-ordinates");
     foreach (CoOrdinates coOrds in reachableCells)
         liveNeighbours += IsAliveNeighbour(grid, coOrdinates, coOrds);
     return liveNeighbours;