Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否相等
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is RinexSatFrequency))
            RinexSatFrequency o = (RinexSatFrequency)obj;

            return(SatelliteType == o.SatelliteType && RinexCarrierNumber == o.RinexCarrierNumber);
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据太阳计算卫星偏差
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prn"></param>
        /// <param name="eph"></param>
        /// <param name="emissionTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private XYZ GetSatAntOff(SatelliteNumber prn, IEphemeris eph, Time emissionTime)
            ErpItem erpv = null;

            if (DataSouceProvider.ErpDataService != null)
                erpv = DataSouceProvider.ErpDataService.Get(emissionTime);
            if (erpv == null)
                erpv = ErpItem.Zero;
            XYZ rsun = new XYZ();

            //sun position in ecef
            //  rsun = EpochSat.EpochInfo.DataSouceProvider.UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(emissionTime);
            this.DataSouceProvider.UniverseObjectProvider.GetSunPosition(emissionTime, erpv, ref rsun);

            //unit vetcors of satellite fixed coordinates

            XYZ ez = -1 * eph.XYZ.UnitVector();

            XYZ es = (rsun - eph.XYZ).UnitVector();
            //outer product of 3D vectors
            XYZ r = new XYZ();

            r.X = ez.Y * es.Z - ez.Z * es.Y;
            r.Y = ez.Z * es.X - ez.X * es.Z;
            r.Z = ez.X * es.Y - ez.Y * es.X;

            XYZ r0 = new XYZ();

            r0.X = r.Y * ez.Z - r.Z * ez.Y;
            r0.Y = r.Z * ez.X - r.X * ez.Z;
            r0.Z = r.X * ez.Y - r.Y * ez.X;

            XYZ ex = r0.UnitVector();

            XYZ ey = r.UnitVector();

            //XYZ ex = new XYZ();

            //ex.X = ey.Y * ez.Z - ey.Z * ez.Y;
            //ex.Y = ey.Z * ez.X - ey.X * ez.Z;
            //ex.Z = ey.X * ez.Y - ey.Y * ez.X;

            //use L1 value
            if (DataSouceProvider.AntennaDataSource == null)
                return(new XYZ());

            IAntenna antenna = DataSouceProvider.AntennaDataSource.Get(prn.ToString(), emissionTime);

            //如果为空,则返回 0 坐标
            if (antenna == null)
                return(new XYZ());

            // Get antenna eccentricity for frequency "G01" (L1), in
            // satellite reference system.
            // NOTE: It is NOT in ECEF, it is in UEN!!!
            RinexSatFrequency freq = new RinexSatFrequency(prn, 1);
            // NEU satAnt = antenna.GetAntennaEccentricity(AntennaFrequency.G01);
            NEU satAnt = antenna.GetPcoValue(freq);

            XYZ dant = new XYZ();

            dant.X = satAnt.E * ex.X + satAnt.N * ey.X + satAnt.U * ez.X;
            dant.Y = satAnt.E * ex.Y + satAnt.N * ey.Y + satAnt.U * ez.Y;
            dant.Z = satAnt.E * ex.Z + satAnt.N * ey.Z + satAnt.U * ez.Z;

            // Unitary vector from satellite to Earth mass center (ECEF)
            XYZ satToEarthUnit = (-1.0) * eph.XYZ.UnitVector();

            // Unitary vector from Earth mass center to Sun (ECEF)
            XYZ earthToSunUnit = rsun.UnitVector();
            // rj = rk x ri: Rotation axis of solar panels (ECEF)
            XYZ rj = satToEarthUnit.Cross(earthToSunUnit);

            // Redefine ri: ri = rj x rk (ECEF)
            earthToSunUnit = rj.Cross(satToEarthUnit);
            // Let's funcKeyToDouble ri to an unitary vector. (ECEF)
            earthToSunUnit = earthToSunUnit.UnitVector();

            XYZ dant1 = new XYZ();

            dant1.X = satAnt.E * rj.X + satAnt.N * earthToSunUnit.X + satAnt.U * satToEarthUnit.X;
            dant1.Y = satAnt.E * rj.Y + satAnt.N * earthToSunUnit.Y + satAnt.U * satToEarthUnit.Y;
            dant1.Z = satAnt.E * rj.Z + satAnt.N * earthToSunUnit.Z + satAnt.U * satToEarthUnit.Z;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  根据对应关系获取频率编号,RINEX转换为GNSSer编号。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rinexSatFrequency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public FrequenceType GetFrequenceType(RinexSatFrequency rinexSatFrequency)
            Dictionary <FrequenceType, List <int> > dic = GetRinexFreqIndexDic(rinexSatFrequency.SatelliteType);

            return(GetFrequenceType(dic, rinexSatFrequency.RinexCarrierNumber));