private Task OnRevoke(string revokeKey)
            if (revokeKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            RecentRevokesCache.RegisterRevokeKey(revokeKey, DateTime.UtcNow);

            var revokeApplied = false;

            if (RevokeKeyToCacheItemsIndex.TryGetValue(revokeKey, out var _))
                lock (RevokeKeyToCacheItemsIndex)
                    if (RevokeKeyToCacheItemsIndex.TryGetValue(revokeKey, out var hash))
                        foreach (var item in hash)
                            item.IsRevoked = true;

                        revokeApplied = true;

            if (revokeApplied)
                Revokes.Meter("Succeeded", Unit.Events).Mark();
                Log.Debug(x => x("Revoke applied", unencryptedTags: new { revokeKey }));
                Revokes.Meter("Discarded", Unit.Events).Mark();

        private void CacheResponse(string cacheKey, DateTime requestSendTime, Task <object> responseTask, IMethodCachingSettings settings)
            var cacheItem = new AsyncCacheItem
                NextRefreshTime = DateTime.UtcNow + settings.RefreshTime.Value,
                Value           = responseTask,

            // Register each revoke key in the response with the reverse index, if the response is not an exception and is a Revocable<>.
            // Starting from now, the IsRevoked property in cacheItem might be set to true by another thread in OnRevoked().
            var revokeKeys = ExtarctRevokeKeys(responseTask);

            if (revokeKeys.Any())
                lock (RevokeKeyToCacheItemsIndex)
                    foreach (var revokeKey in revokeKeys)
                        RevokeKeyToCacheItemsIndex.GetOrAdd(revokeKey, _ => new HashSet <AsyncCacheItem>()).Add(cacheItem);

            // Check if we got a revoke message from one of the revoke keys in the response while the request was in progress.
            // Do this AFTER the above, so there's no point in time that we don't monitor cache revokes
            var recentlyRevokedKey = revokeKeys.FirstOrDefault(rk => RecentRevokesCache.TryGetRecentlyRevokedTime(rk, requestSendTime) != null);

            if (recentlyRevokedKey != null)
                Items.Meter("RevokeRaceCondition", Unit.Items).Mark();
                Log.Warn(x => x("Got revoke during request, marking as stale", unencryptedTags: new
                    revokeKey = recentlyRevokedKey,
                    revokeTime = RecentRevokesCache.TryGetRecentlyRevokedTime(recentlyRevokedKey, requestSendTime)
                cacheItem.IsRevoked = true;

            // Set the MemoryCache policy based on our caching settings. If the response has no revoke keys, no need to receive a callback
            // event when it's removed from the cache since we don't need to remove it from the reverse index.
            var cacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy {

            if (settings.ExpirationBehavior == ExpirationBehavior.ExtendExpirationWhenReadFromCache)
                cacheItemPolicy.SlidingExpiration = settings.ExpirationTime.Value;
                cacheItemPolicy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.UtcNow + settings.ExpirationTime.Value;

            if (revokeKeys.Any())
                cacheItemPolicy.RemovedCallback += ItemRemovedCallback;

            // Store the response in the main cache. Note that this will trigger a removal of a currently-cached value, if any,
            // i.e. call ItemRemovedCallback() with Reason=Removed.
            MemoryCache.Set(new CacheItem(cacheKey, cacheItem), cacheItemPolicy);
        // This method has one of 5 possible outcomes:
        // 1. We got a response from the service (null, not null or an exception) and the caching settings dictate that we should cache it:
        //    We cache it with the default RefreshTime. This extends the ExpirationTime as well.
        // 2. The caching settings dictate that the response shouldn't be cached, and should be ignored, and currentValue != null :
        //    We return the currentValue and set its next refresh time to be now + FailedRefreshDelay so we don't "attack" the target service
        // 3. The caching settings dictate that the response should not be cached, and should be ignored, and currentValue == null :
        //    We return the response anyway, since we don't have a previously-good value
        // 4. The caching settings dictate that the response shouldn't be cached, nor ignored and removed from cache:
        //    We return the response and remove the previously-cached response from the cache
        // 5. The caching settings dictate that the response shouldn't be cached, nor ignored and remain in cache:
        //    We return the response
        private async Task <object> TryFetchNewValue(string cacheKey, Func <Task <object> > serviceMethod,
                                                     IMethodCachingSettings settings, string[] metricsKeys, CallReason callReason, AsyncCacheItem currentValue = null)
            // We use the RecentRevokesCache to keep track of recent revoke messages that arrived, to detect if the response we're about
            // to receive was revoked while in transit. It will track revoke messages as long as the task is not completed.
            var requestSendTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var tcs             = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            RecentRevokesCache.RegisterOutgoingRequest(tcs.Task, requestSendTime);

            // We capture the response from the service here, including if it was an exception
            var(response, responseKind) = await CallService(serviceMethod, metricsKeys);

            string outcome = null;

            // Outcome #1: Cache the response
            if (settings.ResponseKindsToCache.HasFlag(responseKind))
                outcome = "cached";
                CacheResponse(cacheKey, requestSendTime, response, settings);
            else if (settings.ResponseKindsToIgnore.HasFlag(responseKind))
                // Outcome #2: Leave old response cached and return it, and set its refresh time to the (short) FailedRefreshDelay
                if (currentValue != null)
                    outcome = "ignored_cachedValueExist";
                    currentValue.NextRefreshTime = DateTime.UtcNow + settings.FailedRefreshDelay.Value;
                    response = currentValue.Value;

                // Outcome #3: We don't have currentValue, so we cant ignore response and we return it
                    outcome = "ignored_cachedValueDoesNotExist";

            else //Dont cache and dont ignore (i.e. return it)
                outcome = "notCachedNotIgnored";

                // Outcome #4: Do not cache response and return it; remove previously-cached value (if exist)
                if (settings.NotIgnoredResponseBehavior == NotIgnoredResponseBehavior.RemoveCachedResponse)
                    if (MemoryCache.Remove(cacheKey) != null)
                        outcome = "notCachedNotIgnored_cachedValueRemoved";

                // Outcome #5: Do not cache response and return it; leave old response cached
                // If old response is not null, set its refresh time to the (short) FailedRefreshDelay
                else if (currentValue != null)
                    currentValue.NextRefreshTime = DateTime.UtcNow + settings.FailedRefreshDelay.Value;

            Log.Debug(x => x("Service call", unencryptedTags: new { cacheKey, callReason, responseKind, outcome }));

            tcs.SetResult(true);    // RecentRevokesCache can stop tracking revoke keys
            return(await response); // Might throw stored exception