public RotationIN(RotationIN arqIN)
     this.DtDEPstdLOC = arqIN.DtDEPstdLOC;
     this.DtDEPstdBSB = arqIN.DtDEPstdBSB;
     this.DtARRstaLOC = arqIN.DtARRstaLOC;
     this.DtARRstaBSB = arqIN.DtARRstaBSB;
     this.Gt          = arqIN.Gt;
     this.Thilho      = arqIN.Thilho;
     this.Mgt         = arqIN.Mgt;
        public List <RotationIN> _carregaROT(DateTime dtInicio = default(DateTime), DateTime dtFim = default(DateTime))
            ///fazer validação de parâmetro
            dtInicio = _dtHoje;
            dtFim    = dtInicio.AddDays(31);

            ///selecionar tipo de carregamento, se vis CSV ou BD
            List <RotationIN> _retRotation = new List <RotationIN>();
            ///carregamento pelo BD
            List <RotationIN> ddsCarregados = ddsRotation(dtInicio, dtFim);

            ///carregamento pelo CSV
            // List<RotationIN> ddsCarregados = csvRotation();
            {                   /////granularizar mais
                int      _anoMIN      = ddsCarregados.Select(x => x.DtVoo.Year).Min();
                Horarios _cnvHorarios = new Horarios(_anoMIN);
                foreach (var _LSTtpROT in ddsCarregados.OrderBy(x => x.DtVoo).ThenBy(d => d.Rot).GroupBy(g => new { g.DtVoo, g.Rot, g.Subfleet })) /// ver possibilidade de blocar por grupo
                    int ttREG = _LSTtpROT.Count();
                    for (int x = 1; x < ttREG; x++)

                    foreach (RotationIN _tpROT in _LSTtpROT) /// ver possibilidade de colcoar for next
                        DateTime dtBSBdep = _cnvHorarios.dtTObsb(_tpROT.Std);
                        DateTime dtBSBarr = _cnvHorarios.dtTObsb(_tpROT.Sta);
                        DateTime dtLOCdep = _cnvHorarios.dtTOloc(_tpROT.Std, _tpROT.Origem);
                        DateTime dtLOCarr = _cnvHorarios.dtTOloc(_tpROT.Sta, _tpROT.Destino);

                        RotationIN _nvRot = new RotationIN().montaRotation(_tpROT.DtVoo, _tpROT.Subfleet, _tpROT.Rot, _tpROT.NVoo, _tpROT.Origem, _tpROT.Std, _tpROT.Sta,
                                                                           dtBSBdep, dtBSBarr, dtLOCdep, dtLOCarr, _tpROT.Destino, _tpROT.Blkt, _tpROT.SrvcTP, _anoMIN);

                ///total de trilhos por dia
                var _ttTrilhosDiaLOC = _retRotation.OrderBy(x => x.DtDEPstdLOC).GroupBy(d => d.DtDEPstdLOC).Select(s => new { DtVoo = s.Key, Cont = s.Select(r => new { r.Rot, r.Subfleet }).Distinct().Count() });
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Erro ao processar Rotation " + ex.Message);
        public RotationIN montaRotation(DateTime dtVoo, string subflt, int rot, int nVoo, string origem, DateTime std, DateTime sta,
                                        DateTime _dtStdBSB, DateTime _dtStaBSB, DateTime _dtStdLOC, DateTime _dtStaLOC,
                                        string destino, DateTime blkt, string srvc, int _anoMinVER)
            RotationIN _rotRet = new RotationIN();

            _rotRet.DtVoo       = dtVoo;
            _rotRet.Subfleet    = subflt;
            _rotRet.Rot         = rot;
            _rotRet.NVoo        = nVoo;
            _rotRet.Origem      = origem;
            _rotRet.Std         = std;
            _rotRet.Sta         = sta;
            _rotRet.Destino     = destino;
            _rotRet.Blkt        = blkt;
            _rotRet.SrvcTP      = srvc;
            _rotRet.DtDEPstdBSB = _dtStdBSB;
            _rotRet.DtARRstaBSB = _dtStaBSB;
            _rotRet.DtDEPstdLOC = _dtStdLOC;
            _rotRet.DtARRstaLOC = _dtStaLOC;
            _rotRet.Mgt         = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("BASES_40MIN").IndexOf(_rotRet.Destino, 0) > 0) ? DateTime.Parse("00:40:00") : DateTime.Parse("00:30:00");
        private List <RotationIN> csvRotation()
            string _arqCSV = "";
            string pstIN   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("IN");

                Console.WriteLine("Lendo Pasta de Entrada !");
                DirectoryInfo diretorio = new DirectoryInfo(pstIN);
                String[]      Arquivos  = Directory.GetFiles(pstIN);
                foreach (FileInfo arq in diretorio.GetFiles())
                    if (arq.Extension.ToString().ToLower() == ".csv")
                        _arqCSV = arq.FullName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("\nErro ao Ler Arquivo CSV de Entrada ! \n Erro -> {0}", ex.ToString());
            List <RotationIN> lstRET = new List <RotationIN>();
            List <RotationIN> _tmpIN = new List <RotationIN>();

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(_arqCSV))
                    string line;
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            RotationIN tmpDados    = new RotationIN();
                            String[]   lstRotation = line.Split(';');
                            tmpDados.DtVoo    = DateTime.Parse(lstRotation[0]);
                            tmpDados.Subfleet = lstRotation[1].Trim().Substring(3, 3);
                            tmpDados.Rot      = int.Parse(lstRotation[2]);
                            tmpDados.NVoo     = (lstRotation[3].Trim() != "") ? int.Parse(lstRotation[3].Trim()) : 0;
                            tmpDados.Origem   = lstRotation[4];
                            DateTime stdHR = (lstRotation[5].Trim() == "24:00") ? DateTime.Parse("00:00") : DateTime.Parse(lstRotation[5]);
                            DateTime staHR = (lstRotation[6].Trim() == "24:00") ? DateTime.Parse("00:00") : DateTime.Parse(lstRotation[6]);
                            tmpDados.Std     = tmpDados.DtVoo.Date + stdHR.TimeOfDay;
                            tmpDados.Sta     = tmpDados.DtVoo.Date + staHR.TimeOfDay;
                            tmpDados.Destino = lstRotation[7];
                            tmpDados.Blkt    = DateTime.Parse(lstRotation[8]);
                            tmpDados.SrvcTP  = lstRotation[9];
                        catch (Exception)
                            Console.WriteLine("Erro ao ler o registro : " + line);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read:");
        private List <RotationIN> ddsRotation(DateTime dtInicio, DateTime dtFim) /// colocar parâmetros para limitar consulta por período.
            List <RotationIN> lstRET   = new List <RotationIN>();
            List <string>     DadosNET = new List <string>();

                string           oraCONN = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SchedOPS"].ConnectionString;
                OracleConnection schCONN = new OracleConnection(oraCONN);
                    string _sqlCMD = "SELECT SCHEDOPS.LEG.Day_Of_Origin, SCHEDOPS.LEG.Ac_owner, SCHEDOPS.LEG.Ac_SubType, SCHEDOPS.LEG.AC_LOGICAL_NO, SCHEDOPS.LEG.Fn_Number, SCHEDOPS.LEG.Dep_AP_Sched, "
                                     + "to_char(SCHEDOPS.LEG.Dep_Sched_DT, 'HH24:MI:SS') STD, to_char(SCHEDOPS.LEG.Arr_Sched_DT, 'HH24:MI:SS') STA, SCHEDOPS.LEG.Arr_AP_sched, "
                                     + "SCHEDOPS.LEG.Flight_TM, SCHEDOPS.LEG.Leg_Type "
                                     + "FROM SCHEDOPS.LEG WHERE ((SCHEDOPS.LEG.leg_state <> 'CNL' AND SCHEDOPS.LEG.leg_type <> 'Z') AND (SCHEDOPS.LEG.Day_Of_Origin >= '" + dtInicio.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "' and SCHEDOPS.LEG.Day_Of_Origin <= '" + dtFim.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "')) "
                                     + "ORDER BY SCHEDOPS.LEG.Ac_SubType, SCHEDOPS.LEG.ac_logical_no, SCHEDOPS.LEG.day_of_origin ASC";

                    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(_sqlCMD, schCONN);
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    OracleDataReader dr     = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    Int32            cntReg = 0;
                    while (dr.Read())
                            RotationIN tmpDados = new RotationIN();
                            tmpDados.DtVoo    = DateTime.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                            tmpDados.Subfleet = dr[2].ToString();
                            tmpDados.Rot      = int.Parse(dr[3].ToString());
                            tmpDados.NVoo     = (dr[4].ToString().Trim() != "") ? int.Parse(dr[4].ToString().Trim()) : 0;
                            tmpDados.Origem   = dr[5].ToString().Trim();
                            DateTime stdHR = (dr[6].ToString().Trim() == "24:00") ? DateTime.Parse("00:00") : DateTime.Parse(dr[6].ToString().Trim());
                            DateTime staHR = (dr[7].ToString().Trim() == "24:00") ? DateTime.Parse("00:00") : DateTime.Parse(dr[7].ToString().Trim());
                            tmpDados.Std     = tmpDados.DtVoo.Date + stdHR.TimeOfDay;
                            tmpDados.Sta     = tmpDados.DtVoo.Date + staHR.TimeOfDay;
                            tmpDados.Destino = dr[8].ToString().Trim();
                            tmpDados.Blkt    = new DateTime(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(int.Parse(dr[9].ToString().Trim())).Ticks);
                            tmpDados.SrvcTP  = dr[10].ToString().Trim();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Erro ao Ler Registro");
                            new GravaLog().GravaACT(string.Format("Erro ao ler o registro : {0} - Erro : {1}", cntReg.ToString(), ex.Message));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    new GravaLog().GravaACT(string.Format("Erro ao consultar o banco SCHEDops - Erro : {0}", ex.Message));
            catch (Exception ex)
                new GravaLog().GravaACT(string.Format("Erro ao Abrir acesso ao banco SCHEDops - Erro : {0}", ex.Message));