Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the configuration
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadConfiguration()
            // --- Check to see if this is in the cache ---

            string      strConfigurationFile = Path.Combine(m_strCacheDir, CONFIGURATION_FILE);
            XmlDocument oDoc;
            XmlNodeList oList;
            double      dMaxX, dMaxY, dMinX, dMinY;
            string      strMethod     = string.Empty;
            string      strDatum      = string.Empty;
            string      strProjection = string.Empty;
            string      strLocalDatum = string.Empty;
            string      strUnits      = string.Empty;

            if (File.Exists(strConfigurationFile))
                oDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    oDoc = m_oCommand.GetConfiguration(null);
                catch (Exception)
                    // --- this server against a 6.2 server ---

                        oDoc = m_oCommand.GetConfiguration(null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // --- verify this server is on-line, because if it is then it is an unsupported version ---

                        m_eStatus = ServerStatus.OffLine;
                        GetDapError.Instance.Write("Configure Server, Get Configuration (" + m_strUrl + ") - " + ex.Message);

            oList = oDoc.SelectNodes("/" + Geosoft.Dap.Xml.Common.Constant.Tag.GEO_XML_TAG + "/" + Geosoft.Dap.Xml.Common.Constant.Tag.RESPONSE_TAG + "/" + Geosoft.Dap.Xml.Common.Constant.Tag.CONFIGURATION_TAG + "/" + Geosoft.Dap.Xml.Common.Constant.Tag.META_TAG);
            if (oList.Count == 0)
                m_iMajorVersion = 6;
                m_iMinorVersion = 1;
                m_eStatus       = ServerStatus.Unsupported;

                GetDapError.Instance.Write("Configure Server, Default AOI (" + m_strUrl + ")");

            m_oServerConfiguration = new Configuration(oList[0]);

            // --- get the server configuration edition ---

            m_oServerConfiguration.GetEdition(out m_strCacheVersion);

            // --- get the default aoi ---

            if (m_oServerConfiguration.GetDefaultAOI(out dMaxX, out dMaxY, out dMinX, out dMinY, out strProjection, out strDatum, out strMethod, out strUnits, out strLocalDatum))
                m_oServerBoundingBox.MaxX = dMaxX;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.MaxY = dMaxY;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.MinX = dMinX;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.MinY = dMinY;

                m_oServerBoundingBox.CoordinateSystem.Projection = strProjection;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.CoordinateSystem.Datum      = strDatum;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.CoordinateSystem.Method     = strMethod;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.CoordinateSystem.LocalDatum = strLocalDatum;
                m_oServerBoundingBox.CoordinateSystem.Units      = strUnits;
            m_strName = m_oServerConfiguration.GetServerName();

            m_oServerConfiguration.GetVersion(out m_iMajorVersion, out m_iMinorVersion);

            // --- this is a 6.3 server, get increased configuration parameters ---

            if (m_iMajorVersion <= 6 && m_iMinorVersion <= 2)
            else if (m_iMajorVersion > 6 || (m_iMajorVersion == 6 && m_iMinorVersion >= 3))
                // --- Is this server Secure ? ---

                if (m_oServerConfiguration.bLogin())
                    // --- Mark the server secure ---

                    m_bLogin = true;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     <para>Initializes an instance of the <see cref="Server"/> class.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oServerNode">
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        ///     <para>The argument <paramref name="oServerNode"/> is <langword name="null"/>.</para>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        ///     <para>The argument <paramref name="oServerNode"/> is out of range.</para>
        /// </exception>
        internal Server(XmlNode oServerNode, string strSecureToken)
            string  strEdition, strConfigEdition;
            XmlNode oAttr;

            m_strSecureToken = strSecureToken;

            m_strCacheRoot = string.Empty;
            GXNet.CSYS.IGetDirectory(GXNet.Constant.SYS_DIR_USER, ref m_strCacheRoot);

            if (oServerNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("oServerNode");
            if (oServerNode.Name != Constant.Xml.Tag.Server)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("oServerNode");

            oAttr = oServerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Constant.Xml.Attr.Name);
            if (oAttr == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Missing name attribute in server node");
            m_strName = oAttr.Value;

            oAttr = oServerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Constant.Xml.Attr.Url);
            if (oAttr == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Missing url attribute in server node");
            m_strUrl = oAttr.Value;

            oAttr = oServerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Constant.Xml.Attr.Status);
            if (oAttr == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Missing status attribute in server node");
            m_eStatus = ParseStatus(oAttr.Value);

            oAttr = oServerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Constant.Xml.Attr.Major_Version);
            if (oAttr == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Missing major version attribute in server node");
            m_iMajorVersion = Int32.Parse(oAttr.Value);

            oAttr = oServerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Constant.Xml.Attr.Minor_Version);
            if (oAttr == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Missing minor version attribute in server node");
            m_iMinorVersion = Int32.Parse(oAttr.Value);

            oAttr = oServerNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Constant.Xml.Attr.CacheVersion);
            if (oAttr == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Missing cache version attribute in server node");
            m_strCacheVersion = oAttr.Value;

            if (m_eStatus != ServerStatus.Disabled)
                m_oCommand = new Geosoft.Dap.Command(m_strUrl, true, Geosoft.Dap.Command.Version.GEOSOFT_XML_1_1);

                // --- this is a 6.2 server, get decreased configuration parameters ---

                if (m_iMajorVersion < 6 || (m_iMajorVersion == 6 && m_iMinorVersion < 3))

                // --- ensure this server is trusted ---

                GXNet.CDAP.SetAuthorization(m_strUrl, Geosoft.GXNet.Constant.GUI_AUTH_TRUST);

                    m_oCatalogs = new CatalogCollection(this);


                    // --- If the edition change we need to reload the configuration ---
                    m_oCommand.GetCatalogEdition(out strConfigEdition, out strEdition);
                    if (m_strCacheVersion != strConfigEdition)
                    // we want to support showing servers as offline in the tree (otherwise we may loose them with offline mode)
                    m_eStatus = ServerStatus.OffLine;