Exemple #1
        // Check out all the missing data inside a single already filtered line based on the name property
        // Summary:
        //      In the single line visualized on dataGridView, check first if the first element of line
        //      is equal to 1 (the side on the right of dot in the name property),
        //      if it's not it asks to user if wants to add the first element. Then asks to the user
        //      if the last element is the correct one. And the finally adds all missing elements
        //      inside the line based on succesive numbers from first element to the last.
        // Parameters:
        //      dataGridView that represents the current visualization on the application
        //      boolean variable that allows to switch the operation whether the line is in ascending order
        //      or in descending order
        // Returns:
        //      None
        public static void CheckMissingDataInSingleLine(DataGridView dgv, int indexOfLine)
            DialogResult  result;
            BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();

            bs.DataSource  = dgv.DataSource;
            dgv.DataSource = bs;
            List <DataImport> viewLine = LinesCollection[indexOfLine];

            bs.DataSource = viewLine;

            int firstElement       = int.Parse(viewLine.First().EditNameProperty()[1]);
            int lastElement        = int.Parse(viewLine.Last().EditNameProperty()[1]);
            int countMissingPoints = 0;

            if (firstElement != 1)
                result = CustomMessageForm.CustomMessageBox.Show("Data Check", "Missing the first data point of line. Would you like to add it?", "Yes", "No");
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    for (int i = 1; i < firstElement; i++)
                        bs.Insert(i - 1, new DataImport(viewLine.First().EditNameProperty()[0] + "." + i.ToString(), 0, 0, 0, null, null, null));

                        dgv.Rows[i - 1].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine;
            result = CustomMessageForm.CustomMessageBox.Show("Data Check",
                                                             string.Format("The last data point is {0}. Would you like to add more data points?",
                                                                           (viewLine.Last().EditNameProperty()[0] + "." +
                                                                            lastElement.ToString())), "Yes", "No");

            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                DialogResult resText;
                int          lastPoint;
                bool         checkLastPoint;
                    InsertTextForm insForm = new InsertTextForm("Insert Data", "Insert the actual last point of line");
                    resText        = insForm.Show();
                    checkLastPoint = int.TryParse(insForm.InputData, out lastPoint);
                }while (checkLastPoint == false);

                if (resText == DialogResult.OK)
                    for (int i = lastElement + 1; i <= lastPoint; i++)
                        DataImport tempData = new DataImport((viewLine.First().EditNameProperty()[0] + "." + i.ToString()), 0, 0, 0, null, null, null);

                        dgv.Rows[viewLine.Count - 1].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine;

            for (int i = 0; i < viewLine.Count - 1; i++)
                if ((int.Parse(viewLine[i + 1].EditNameProperty()[1]) -
                     int.Parse(viewLine[i].EditNameProperty()[1])) != 1)
                    bs.Insert(i + 1, new DataImport((viewLine[i].EditNameProperty()[0] +
                                                     "." + (int.Parse(viewLine[i].EditNameProperty()[1]) + 1).ToString()),
                                                    0, 0, 0, null, null, null));

                    dgv.Rows[i + 1].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Aquamarine;

            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Added {0} data points", countMissingPoints), "Data Check",
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            bs.DataSource  = null;
            dgv.DataSource = viewLine;
            LinesCollection[indexOfLine] = viewLine;
Exemple #2
        // Import Csv file using Csv helpers library
        // Summary:
        //      create a stream reader variable to instantiate a csv reader
        //      while the csv reader is reading the file it extracts the fields
        //      and validating the fields and adding the good records to the list to export
        // Parameters:
        //      string of path of file to import in the application
        // Returns:
        //      collection of records of data import type
        public static List <DataImport> ImportCSVFile(string filePath)
            List <DataImport> output  = new List <DataImport>();
            string            message = "Cannot open file. File doesn't seem to be in the correct format.";

            if (filePath != null)
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                    using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader))
                            csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = false;

                            while (csv.Read())
                                csv.Configuration.SkipEmptyRecords = true;
                                double easting;
                                double northing;
                                double elevation;
                                string code         = string.Empty;
                                string description1 = string.Empty;
                                string description2 = string.Empty;

                                //if the file doesn't not contain easting, northing and elevation
                                // throw an exception
                                if (csv.CurrentRecord.Length < 4)
                                    message = "Cannot Open File. Important Data is missing.";
                                    throw new FormatException();
                                string name           = csv.GetField(0);
                                bool   checkEasting   = csv.TryGetField(1, out easting);
                                bool   checkNorthing  = csv.TryGetField(2, out northing);
                                bool   checkElevation = csv.TryGetField(3, out elevation);

                                if (csv.CurrentRecord.Length >= 7)
                                    code         = csv.GetField(4);
                                    description1 = csv.GetField(5);
                                    description2 = csv.GetField(6);
                                else if (csv.CurrentRecord.Length >= 6)
                                    code         = csv.GetField(4);
                                    description1 = csv.GetField(5);

                                else if (csv.CurrentRecord.Length >= 5)
                                    code = csv.GetField(4);

                                // Check if there is header and do not add it to the list
                                if (csv.Row == 1)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && checkEasting == false &&
                                        checkElevation == false && checkNorthing == false &&
                                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description1) &&
                                        name = null;

                                // if the conversion of easting, northing and elevation fails throw an exception
                                // It means something wrong in the origin file or not the proper file
                                else if (checkEasting == false || checkElevation == false || checkNorthing == false)
                                    message = "Cannot Open File. File not formatted correctly or corrupted.";
                                    throw new FormatException();

                                // Skip eventually record that contains PRS. It's not data
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !name.Contains("PRS") && name.Length <= 10 && checkEasting && checkNorthing && checkElevation)
                                    DataImport data = new DataImport(name, easting, northing, elevation, code, description1, description2);

                        catch (FormatException)
                            MessageBox.Show(message, "Error",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        catch (Exception)
                            MessageBox.Show("Cannot Open file. Something went wrong!", "Error",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Exemple #3
 // Save File Event
 private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Methods.ExportToCsv(WholeDataFile, filePath);