Exemple #1
        public override bool StructurallyEquals(Object obj)
            Strengthened s = obj as Strengthened;

            if (s == null)
            return(this.original.StructurallyEquals(s.original) && this.strengthened.StructurallyEquals(s.strengthened));
Exemple #2
        public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            Strengthened thatS = obj as Strengthened;

            if (thatS == null)
            return(this.original.Equals(thatS.original) && this.strengthened.GetType() == thatS.strengthened.GetType());
        private static void InstantiateRightTriangle(Strengthened right, Strengthened iso)
            Triangle rightTri = right.strengthened as Triangle;
            Triangle isoTri = iso.strengthened as Triangle;

            if (!rightTri.StructurallyEquals(isoTri)) return;

        public static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateFromPerpendicularBisector(GroundedClause original, PerpendicularBisector pb)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            Strengthened streng1 = new Strengthened(pb.originalInter, new Perpendicular(pb.originalInter));
            Strengthened streng2 = new Strengthened(pb.originalInter, new SegmentBisector(pb.originalInter, pb.bisector));

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, streng1, annotation));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, streng2, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToTheorem(Rhombus rhombus, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Instantiate this rhombus diagonals ONLY if the original figure has the diagonals drawn.
            if (rhombus.diagonalIntersection == null) return newGrounded;

            // Determine the CongruentSegments opposing sides and output that.
            Strengthened newPerpendicular = new Strengthened(rhombus.diagonalIntersection, new Perpendicular(rhombus.diagonalIntersection));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newPerpendicular, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        // Modify the given information to account for redundancy in stated nodes
        // That is, does given information strengthen a figure node?
        private List <ConcreteAST.GroundedClause> DoGivensStrengthenFigure()
            List <ConcreteAST.GroundedClause> modifiedGivens = new List <ConcreteAST.GroundedClause>();

            ConcreteAST.GroundedClause currentGiven = null;

            foreach (ConcreteAST.GroundedClause given in givens)
                currentGiven = given;
                foreach (ConcreteAST.GroundedClause component in figure)
                    if (component.CanBeStrengthenedTo(given))
                        currentGiven = new ConcreteAST.Strengthened(component, given);

        public static List<GenericInstantiator.EdgeAggregator> GeneratePerpendicularBisector(GroundedClause tri, AngleBisector ab, Intersection inter)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            IsoscelesTriangle isoTri = (tri is Strengthened ? (tri as Strengthened).strengthened : tri) as IsoscelesTriangle;

            if (tri is EquilateralTriangle)


            // Does the Angle Bisector occur at the vertex angle (non-base angles) of the Isosceles triangle?
                if (!ab.angle.GetVertex().Equals(isoTri.GetVertexAngle().GetVertex())) return newGrounded;
            catch (Exception e)

            // Is the intersection point between the endpoints of the base of the triangle?
            if (!Segment.Between(inter.intersect, isoTri.baseSegment.Point1, isoTri.baseSegment.Point2)) return newGrounded;

            // Does this intersection define this angle bisector situation? That is, the bisector and base must align with the intersection
            if (!inter.ImpliesRay(ab.bisector)) return newGrounded;
            if (!inter.HasSegment(isoTri.baseSegment)) return newGrounded;

            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            // PerpendicularBisector(M, Segment(M, C), Segment(A, B))
            Strengthened newPerpB = new Strengthened(inter, new PerpendicularBisector(inter, ab.bisector));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newPerpB, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
Exemple #8
        // Acquire the index of the clause in the hypergraph based only on structure
        public static int StructuralIndex(Hypergraph.Hypergraph <ConcreteAST.GroundedClause, Hypergraph.EdgeAnnotation> graph, ConcreteAST.GroundedClause g)
            // Handle general case
            List <Hypergraph.HyperNode <ConcreteAST.GroundedClause, Hypergraph.EdgeAnnotation> > vertices = graph.vertices;

            for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Count; v++)
                if (vertices[v].data.StructurallyEquals(g))

                if (vertices[v].data is ConcreteAST.Strengthened)
                    if ((vertices[v].data as ConcreteAST.Strengthened).strengthened.StructurallyEquals(g))

            // Handle strengthening by seeing if the clause is found without a 'strengthening' component
            ConcreteAST.Strengthened streng = g as ConcreteAST.Strengthened;
            if (streng != null)
                int index = StructuralIndex(graph, streng.strengthened);
                if (index != -1)

        public static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateFromSegmentBisector(InMiddle im, SegmentBisector sb, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Does this bisector apply to this InMiddle? Check point of intersection
            if (!im.point.StructurallyEquals(sb.bisected.intersect)) return newGrounded;

            // Segments must equate
            if (!im.segment.StructurallyEquals(sb.bisected.OtherSegment(sb.bisector))) return newGrounded;

            // Create the midpoint
            Strengthened newMidpoint = new Strengthened(im, new Midpoint(im));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(original);

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newMidpoint, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        //     A _________________ B
        //      /                /
        //     /     \/         /
        //    /      /\        /
        // D /________________/ C
        // Quadrilateral(A, B, C, D), SegmentBisector(Segment(A, C), Segment(B, D)),
        //                            SegmentBisector(Segment(B, D), Segment(A, C)) -> Parallelogram(A, B, C, D)
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToTheorem(Quadrilateral quad, SegmentBisector sb1, SegmentBisector sb2, GroundedClause originalSB1, GroundedClause originalSB2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The two segment bisectors must intersect at the same point
            if (!sb1.bisected.intersect.StructurallyEquals(sb2.bisected.intersect)) return newGrounded;

            // The bisectors must be part of the other segment bisector.
            if (!sb1.bisected.HasSegment(sb2.bisector)) return newGrounded;
            if (!sb2.bisected.HasSegment(sb1.bisector)) return newGrounded;

            // Do these segment bisectors define the diagonals of the quadrilateral?
            if (!sb1.bisector.HasSubSegment(quad.topLeftBottomRightDiagonal) && !sb2.bisector.HasSubSegment(quad.topLeftBottomRightDiagonal)) return newGrounded;
            if (!sb1.bisector.HasSubSegment(quad.bottomLeftTopRightDiagonal) && !sb2.bisector.HasSubSegment(quad.bottomLeftTopRightDiagonal)) return newGrounded;

            // Determine the CongruentSegments opposing sides and output that.
            Strengthened newParallelogram = new Strengthened(quad, new Parallelogram(quad));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newParallelogram, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateFromAltitude(Intersection inter, Altitude altitude)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The intersection should contain the altitude segment
            if (!inter.HasSegment(altitude.segment)) return newGrounded;

            // The triangle should contain the other segment in the intersection
            Segment triangleSide = altitude.triangle.CoincidesWithASide(inter.OtherSegment(altitude.segment));
            if (triangleSide == null) return newGrounded;
            if (!inter.OtherSegment(altitude.segment).HasSubSegment(triangleSide)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the Perpendicular relationship
            Strengthened streng = new Strengthened(inter, new Perpendicular(inter));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, streng, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> CheckAndGeneratePerpendicular(Perpendicular perp, Parallel parallel, Intersection inter, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The perpendicular intersection must refer to one of the parallel segments
            Segment shared = perp.CommonSegment(parallel);
            if (shared == null) return newGrounded;

            // The other intersection must refer to a segment in the parallel pair
            Segment otherShared = inter.CommonSegment(parallel);
            if (otherShared == null) return newGrounded;

            // The two shared segments must be distinct
            if (shared.Equals(otherShared)) return newGrounded;

            // Transversals must align
            if (!inter.OtherSegment(otherShared).Equals(perp.OtherSegment(shared))) return newGrounded;

            // Strengthen the old intersection to be perpendicular
            Strengthened strengthenedPerp = new Strengthened(inter, new Perpendicular(inter));

            // Construct hyperedge
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, strengthenedPerp, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        // Implements 'transitivity' with right angles; that is, we may know two angles are congruent and if one is a right angle, the other is well
        // Congruent(Angle(A, B, C), Angle(D, E, F), RightAngle(A, B, C) -> RightAngle(D, E, F)
        public static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToRightAngle(RightAngle ra, CongruentAngles cas, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The congruent must have the given angle in order to generate
            if (!cas.HasAngle(ra)) return newGrounded;

            Angle toBeRight = cas.OtherAngle(ra);
            Strengthened newRightAngle = new Strengthened(toBeRight, new RightAngle(toBeRight));

            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(original);

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newRightAngle, transAnnotation));

            return newGrounded;
Exemple #14
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToKite(Quadrilateral quad, CongruentSegments cs1, CongruentSegments cs2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The congruences should not share a side.
            if (cs1.SharedSegment(cs2) != null) return newGrounded;

            // The congruent pairs should not also be congruent to each other
            if (cs1.cs1.CoordinateCongruent(cs2.cs1)) return newGrounded;

            // Does both set of congruent segments apply to the quadrilateral?
            if (!quad.HasAdjacentCongruentSides(cs1)) return newGrounded;
            if (!quad.HasAdjacentCongruentSides(cs2)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the new Kite object
            Strengthened newKite = new Strengthened(quad, new Kite(quad));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newKite, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> CheckAndGenerateSupplementaryCongruentImplyRightAngles(Supplementary supplementary, CongruentAngles conAngles)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            //The given pairs must contain the same angles (i.e., the angles must be both supplementary AND congruent)
            if (!((supplementary.angle1.Equals(conAngles.ca1) && supplementary.angle2.Equals(conAngles.ca2)) ||
               (supplementary.angle2.Equals(conAngles.ca1) && supplementary.angle1.Equals(conAngles.ca2)))) return newGrounded;
            //if (!(supplementary.StructurallyEquals(conAngles))) return newGrounded;

            // Now we have two supplementary and congruent angles, which must be right angles
            Strengthened streng = new Strengthened(supplementary.angle1, new RightAngle(supplementary.angle1));
            Strengthened streng2 = new Strengthened(supplementary.angle2, new RightAngle(supplementary.angle2));

            // Construct hyperedges
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, streng, annotation));
            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, streng2, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> CheckAndGenerateCongruentAdjacentImplyPerpendicular(Intersection intersection, CongruentAngles conAngles)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The given angles must belong to the intersection. That is, the vertex must align and all rays must overlay the intersection.
            if (!intersection.InducesBothAngles(conAngles)) return newGrounded;

            // Now we have perpendicular scenario
            Strengthened streng = new Strengthened(intersection, new Perpendicular(intersection));

            // Construct hyperedge
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, streng, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        //     C
        //     |\
        //     | \
        //     |  \
        //     |   O
        //     |    \
        //     |_    \
        //   A |_|____\ B
        // SemiCircle(O, BC), Angle(BAC) -> RightAngle(BAC)
        public static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTheorem(Semicircle semi, Angle angle, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The angle needs to be inscribed in the given semicircle

            // Note: Previously this was checked indirectly by verifying that the angle intercepts a semicircle, but since semicircles now
            // require 3 points to be defined, it is safer to directly verify that the angle is inscribed in the semicircle.
            // (There may not have been any points defined on the other side of the diameter,
            // meaning there would not actually be any defined semicircles which the angle intercepts).

            if (!semi.AngleIsInscribed(angle)) return newGrounded;

            Strengthened newRight = new Strengthened(angle, new RightAngle(angle));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newRight, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        //        )  | B
        //         ) |
        // O        )| S
        //         ) |
        //        )  |
        //       )   | A
        // Tangent(Circle(O, R), Segment(A, B)), Intersection(OS, AB) -> Perpendicular(Segment(A,B), Segment(O, S))
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTheorem(CircleSegmentIntersection inter, Perpendicular perp, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The intersection points must be the same.
            if (!inter.intersect.StructurallyEquals(perp.intersect)) return newGrounded;

            // Get the radius - if it exists
            Segment radius = null;
            Segment garbage = null;
            inter.GetRadii(out radius, out garbage);

            if (radius == null) return newGrounded;

            // Two intersections, not a tangent situation.
            if (garbage != null) return newGrounded;

            // The radius can't be the same as the Circ-Inter segment.
            if (inter.segment.HasSubSegment(radius)) return newGrounded;

            // Does this perpendicular apply to this Arc intersection?
            if (!perp.HasSegment(radius) || !perp.HasSegment(inter.segment)) return newGrounded;

            Strengthened newTangent = new Strengthened(inter, new Tangent(inter));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newTangent, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> MakeTrapezoid(Quadrilateral quad, Parallel parallel)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Create the new Trapezoid object
            Strengthened newTrapezoid = new Strengthened(quad, new Trapezoid(quad));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newTrapezoid, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToDefinition(Triangle tri, CongruentSegments cs1, CongruentSegments cs2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Do these congruences relate one common segment?
            Segment shared = cs1.SharedSegment(cs2);

            if (shared == null) return newGrounded;

            // Do these congruences apply to this triangle?
            if (!tri.HasSegment(cs1.cs1) || !tri.HasSegment(cs1.cs2)) return newGrounded;
            if (!tri.HasSegment(cs2.cs1) || !tri.HasSegment(cs2.cs2)) return newGrounded;

            // These cannot be reflexive congruences.
            if (cs1.IsReflexive() || cs2.IsReflexive()) return newGrounded;

            // Are the non-shared segments unique?
            Segment other1 = cs1.OtherSegment(shared);
            Segment other2 = cs2.OtherSegment(shared);

            if (other1.StructurallyEquals(other2)) return newGrounded;

            // Generate the new equialteral clause
            Strengthened newStrengthened = new Strengthened(tri, new EquilateralTriangle(tri));

            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newStrengthened, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        //               A
        //              |)
        //              | )
        //              |  )
        // Q------- O---X---) D
        //              |  )
        //              | )
        //              |)
        //               C
        // Perpendicular(Segment(Q, D), Segment(A, C)) -> Congruent(Arc(A, D), Arc(D, C)) -> Congruent(Segment(AX), Segment(XC))
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTheorem(Intersection inter, CircleSegmentIntersection arcInter, Perpendicular perp, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Does this intersection apply to this perpendicular?
            if (!inter.intersect.StructurallyEquals(perp.intersect)) return newGrounded;

            // Is this too restrictive?
            if (!((inter.HasSegment(perp.lhs) && inter.HasSegment(perp.rhs)) && (perp.HasSegment(inter.lhs) && perp.HasSegment(inter.rhs)))) return newGrounded;

            // Does this perpendicular intersection apply to a given circle?
            // Acquire the circles for which the segments are secants.
            List<Circle> secantCircles1 = Circle.GetSecantCircles(perp.lhs);
            List<Circle> secantCircles2 = Circle.GetSecantCircles(perp.rhs);

            List<Circle> intersection = Utilities.Intersection<Circle>(secantCircles1, secantCircles2);

            if (!intersection.Any()) return newGrounded;

            // Find the single, unique circle that has as chords the components of the perpendicular intersection
            Circle theCircle = null;
            Segment chord1 = null;
            Segment chord2 = null;
            foreach (Circle circle in intersection)
                chord1 = circle.GetChord(perp.lhs);
                chord2 = circle.GetChord(perp.rhs);
                if (chord1 != null && chord2 != null)
                    theCircle = circle;

            Segment diameter = chord1.Length > chord2.Length ? chord1 : chord2;
            Segment chord = chord1.Length < chord2.Length ? chord1 : chord2;

            // Does the arc intersection apply?
            if (!arcInter.HasSegment(diameter)) return newGrounded;
            if (!theCircle.StructurallyEquals(arcInter.theCircle)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the bisector
            Strengthened sb = new Strengthened(inter, new SegmentBisector(inter, diameter));
            Strengthened ab = new Strengthened(arcInter, new ArcSegmentBisector(arcInter));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedentArc = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedentArc, ab, annotation));

            List<GroundedClause> antecedentSegment = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedentSegment, sb, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToRhombus(Quadrilateral quad, CongruentSegments cs1, CongruentSegments cs2, CongruentSegments cs3)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // The 3 congruent segments pairs must relate; one pair must link the two others.
            // Determine the link segments as well as the opposite sides.
            CongruentSegments link = null;
            CongruentSegments opp1 = null;
            CongruentSegments opp2 = null;
            if (cs1.SharedSegment(cs2) != null && cs1.SharedSegment(cs3) != null)
                link = cs1;
                opp1 = cs2;
                opp2 = cs3;
            else if (cs2.SharedSegment(cs1) != null && cs2.SharedSegment(cs3) != null)
                link = cs2;
                opp1 = cs1;
                opp2 = cs3;
            else if (cs3.SharedSegment(cs1) != null && cs3.SharedSegment(cs2) != null)
                link = cs3;
                opp1 = cs1;
                opp2 = cs2;
            else return newGrounded;

            // Are the pairs on the opposite side of this quadrilateral?
            if (!quad.HasOppositeCongruentSides(opp1)) return newGrounded;
            if (!quad.HasOppositeCongruentSides(opp2)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the new Rhombus object
            Strengthened newRhombus = new Strengthened(quad, new Rhombus(quad));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newRhombus, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        public static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToRightAngle(GroundedClause clause)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            if (clause is AngleEquation)
                AngleEquation eq = clause as AngleEquation;
                //Filter for acceptable equations - both sides atomic
                int atomicity = eq.GetAtomicity();
                if (atomicity != Equation.BOTH_ATOMIC) return newGrounded;

                //Check that the terms equate an angle to a measure
                List<GroundedClause> lhs = eq.lhs.CollectTerms();
                List<GroundedClause> rhs = eq.rhs.CollectTerms();

                Angle angle = null;
                NumericValue value = null;
                if (lhs[0] is Angle && rhs[0] is NumericValue)
                    angle = lhs[0] as Angle;
                    value = rhs[0] as NumericValue;
                else if (rhs[0] is Angle && lhs[0] is NumericValue)
                    angle = rhs[0] as Angle;
                    value = lhs[0] as NumericValue;
                    return newGrounded;

                //Verify that the angle is a right angle
                if (!Utilities.CompareValues(value.DoubleValue, 90.0)) return newGrounded;

                Strengthened newRightAngle = new Strengthened(angle, new RightAngle(angle));

                List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(clause);

                newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newRightAngle, defAnnotation));

                return newGrounded;

            else if (clause is CongruentAngles)
                CongruentAngles cas = clause as CongruentAngles;

                // Not interested in reflexive relationships in this case
                if (cas.IsReflexive()) return newGrounded;

                foreach (RightAngle ra in candidateRightAngles)
                    newGrounded.AddRange(InstantiateToRightAngle(ra, cas, ra));

                foreach (Strengthened streng in candidateStrengthened)
                    newGrounded.AddRange(InstantiateToRightAngle(streng.strengthened as RightAngle, cas, streng));

                candidateCongruentAngles.Add(clause as CongruentAngles);
            else if (clause is RightAngle)
                RightAngle ra = clause as RightAngle;

                foreach (CongruentAngles oldCas in candidateCongruentAngles)
                    newGrounded.AddRange(InstantiateToRightAngle(ra, oldCas, ra));

            else if (clause is Strengthened)
                Strengthened streng = clause as Strengthened;

                // Only intrerested in right angles
                if (!(streng.strengthened is RightAngle)) return newGrounded;

                foreach (CongruentAngles oldCas in candidateCongruentAngles)
                    newGrounded.AddRange(InstantiateToRightAngle(streng.strengthened as RightAngle, oldCas, streng));


            return newGrounded;
        // Modify the given information to account for redundancy in stated nodes
        // That is, does given information strengthen a figure node?
        private List<ConcreteAST.GroundedClause> DoGivensStrengthenFigure()
            List<ConcreteAST.GroundedClause> modifiedGivens = new List<ConcreteAST.GroundedClause>();
            ConcreteAST.GroundedClause currentGiven = null;

            foreach (ConcreteAST.GroundedClause given in givens)
                currentGiven = given;
                foreach (ConcreteAST.GroundedClause component in figure)
                    if (component.CanBeStrengthenedTo(given))
                        currentGiven = new ConcreteAST.Strengthened(component, given);

            return modifiedGivens;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateFromMedian(InMiddle im, Median median)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Which point is on the side of the triangle?
            Point vertexOnTriangle = median.theTriangle.GetVertexOn(median.medianSegment);
            Segment segmentCutByMedian = median.theTriangle.GetOppositeSide(vertexOnTriangle);
            Point midpt = segmentCutByMedian.FindIntersection(median.medianSegment);

            // This is to acquire the name of the midpoint, nothing more.
            if (midpt.Equals(median.medianSegment.Point1)) midpt = median.medianSegment.Point1;
            else if (midpt.Equals(median.medianSegment.Point2)) midpt = median.medianSegment.Point2;

            // Does this median apply to this InMiddle? Point check ...
            if (!im.point.StructurallyEquals(midpt)) return newGrounded;

            // Segment check
            if (!im.segment.StructurallyEquals(segmentCutByMedian)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the midpoint
            Strengthened newMidpoint = new Strengthened(im, new Midpoint(im));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = Utilities.MakeList<GroundedClause>(median);

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newMidpoint, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateFromRightTriangle(RightTriangle rightTri, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Strengthen the old triangle to a right triangle
            Strengthened newStrengthened = new Strengthened(rightTri.rightAngle, new RightAngle(rightTri.rightAngle));

            // Hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newStrengthened, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToRectangle(Parallelogram parallelogram, RightAngle ra, GroundedClause originalPara, GroundedClause originalRightAngle)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Does this right angle apply to this quadrilateral?
            if (!parallelogram.HasAngle(ra)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the new Rectangle object
            Strengthened newRectangle = new Strengthened(parallelogram, new Rectangle(parallelogram));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newRectangle, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        // Congruent(Segment(A, M), Segment(M, B)) -> Midpoint(M, Segment(A, B))
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToMidpoint(InMiddle im, CongruentSegments css)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            Point midpoint = css.cs1.SharedVertex(css.cs2);

            // Does this InMiddle relate to the congruent segments?
            if (!im.point.StructurallyEquals(midpoint)) return newGrounded;

            // Do the congruent segments combine into a single segment equating to the InMiddle?
            Segment overallSegment = new Segment(css.cs1.OtherPoint(midpoint), css.cs2.OtherPoint(midpoint));
            if (!im.segment.StructurallyEquals(overallSegment)) return newGrounded;

            Strengthened newMidpoint = new Strengthened(im, new Midpoint(im));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newMidpoint, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
Exemple #29
 private static List<EdgeAggregator> ReconfigureAndCheck(Strengthened streng1,  Strengthened streng2, CongruentSegments css1, CongruentSegments css2)
     return CollectAndCheckHL(streng1.strengthened as RightTriangle, streng2.strengthened as RightTriangle, css1, css2, streng1, streng2);
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToParallelogram(Quadrilateral quad, Parallel parallel1, Parallel parallel2)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Does this paralle set apply to this triangle?
            if (!quad.HasOppositeParallelSides(parallel1)) return newGrounded;
            if (!quad.HasOppositeParallelSides(parallel2)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the new Parallelogram object
            Strengthened newParallelogram = new Strengthened(quad, new Parallelogram(quad));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newParallelogram, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        // DO NOT generate a new clause, instead, report the result and generate all applicable
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> StrengthenToRightTriangle(Triangle tri, RightAngle ra, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // This angle must belong to this triangle.
            if (!tri.HasAngle(ra)) return newGrounded;

            // Strengthen the old triangle to a right triangle
            Strengthened newStrengthened = new Strengthened(tri, new RightTriangle(tri));

            // Hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newStrengthened, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        //        )  | B
        //         ) |
        // O        )| S
        //         ) |
        //        )  |
        //       )   | A
        // Tangent(Circle(O, R), Segment(A, B)), Intersection(OS, AB) -> Perpendicular(Segment(A,B), Segment(O, S))
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateTheorem(Tangent tangent, Intersection inter, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            CircleSegmentIntersection tanInter = tangent.intersection as CircleSegmentIntersection;

            // Does this tangent segment apply to this intersection?
            if (!inter.HasSegment(tanInter.segment)) return newGrounded;

            // Get the radius--if it exists
            Segment radius = null;
            Segment garbage = null;
            tanInter.GetRadii(out radius, out garbage);

            if (radius == null) return newGrounded;

            // Does this radius apply to this intersection?
            if (!inter.HasSubSegment(radius)) return newGrounded;

            Strengthened newPerp = new Strengthened(inter, new Perpendicular(inter));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newPerp, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        private static List<EdgeAggregator> InstantiateToIsoscelesTrapezoid(Trapezoid trapezoid, CongruentSegments css, GroundedClause original)
            List<EdgeAggregator> newGrounded = new List<EdgeAggregator>();

            // Does this paralle set apply to this triangle?
            if (!trapezoid.CreatesCongruentLegs(css)) return newGrounded;

            // Create the new IsoscelesTrapezoid object
            Strengthened newIsoscelesTrapezoid = new Strengthened(trapezoid, new IsoscelesTrapezoid(trapezoid));

            // For hypergraph
            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            newGrounded.Add(new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newIsoscelesTrapezoid, annotation));

            return newGrounded;
        // DO NOT generate a new clause, instead, report the result and generate all applicable
        // clauses attributed to this strengthening of a triangle from scalene to isosceles
        private static EdgeAggregator StrengthenToIsosceles(Triangle tri, CongruentSegments ccss)
            Strengthened newStrengthened = new Strengthened(tri, new IsoscelesTriangle(tri));

            List<GroundedClause> antecedent = new List<GroundedClause>();

            return new EdgeAggregator(antecedent, newStrengthened, annotation);