Exemple #1
        // Given known values, can the third side be determined: isosceles right triangle (with base known)
        public List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>> IsoscelesRightApplies(Area_Based_Analyses.KnownMeasurementsAggregator known)
            List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>> pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>>();

            if (!this.provenIsosceles || !this.provenRight) return pairs;

            // Make an isosceles triangle to acquire segments.
            IsoscelesTriangle isoTri = new IsoscelesTriangle(this);
            Segment baseSeg = isoTri.baseSegment;

            double baseVal = known.GetSegmentLength(baseSeg);

            if (baseVal < 0) return pairs;

            // Compute the value of the other sides.
            double otherSideVal = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(baseVal, 2) / 2.0);

            // Get the other sides.
            Segment otherSide1, otherSide2;
            isoTri.GetOtherSides(baseSeg, out otherSide1, out otherSide2);

            if (!Utilities.CompareValues(otherSide1.Length, otherSideVal))
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error in known measurements.");
            if (!Utilities.CompareValues(otherSide2.Length, otherSideVal))
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error in known measurements.");

            pairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<Segment,double>(otherSide1, otherSideVal));
            pairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<Segment, double>(otherSide2, otherSideVal));

            return pairs;
Exemple #2
        // Given known values, can the third side be determined: isosceles right triangle (with base known)
        public List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>> CalculateBaseOfIsosceles(Area_Based_Analyses.KnownMeasurementsAggregator known)
            List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>> pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<Segment, double>>();

            if (!this.provenIsosceles || !(this is IsoscelesTriangle)) return pairs;

            // Make an isosceles triangle to acquire segments.
            IsoscelesTriangle isoTri = new IsoscelesTriangle(this);
            Segment baseSeg = isoTri.baseSegment;

            double baseVal = known.GetSegmentLength(baseSeg);
            if (baseVal > 0) return pairs;

            // Get the other sides.
            Segment otherSide1, otherSide2;
            isoTri.GetOtherSides(baseSeg, out otherSide1, out otherSide2);

            // If we know 1 we should know the other, check anyway
            double otherVal1 = known.GetSegmentLength(otherSide1);
            double otherVal2 = known.GetSegmentLength(otherSide2);

            if (otherVal1 < 0 && otherVal2 < 0) return pairs;

            // Get the base angle.
            double baseAngleVal = known.GetAngleMeasure(isoTri.baseAngleOppositeLeg1);
            if (baseAngleVal < 0) baseAngleVal = known.GetAngleMeasure(isoTri.baseAngleOppositeLeg2);

            if (baseAngleVal < 0) return pairs;

            // Compute the value of the base
            double baseSideVal = 2.0 * otherVal1 * Math.Cos(Angle.toRadians(baseAngleVal));

            pairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<Segment, double>(baseSeg, baseSideVal));

            return pairs;