public Pose2dWithCurvature(Translation2d translation, Rotation2d rotation, double curvature, double dcurvature_ds) { pose_ = new Pose2d(translation, rotation); curvature_ = curvature; dcurvature_ds_ = dcurvature_ds; }
public Rotation2d interpolate(Rotation2d other, double x) { if (x <= 0) { return(new Rotation2d(this)); } else if (x >= 1) { return(new Rotation2d(other)); } double angle_diff = inverse().rotateBy(other).getRadians(); return(this.rotateBy(Rotation2d.fromRadians(angle_diff * x))); }
private static Translation2d intersectionInternal(Pose2d a, Pose2d b) { Rotation2d a_r = a.getRotation(); Rotation2d b_r = b.getRotation(); Translation2d a_t = a.getTranslation(); Translation2d b_t = b.getTranslation(); double tan_b = b_r.tan(); double t = ((a_t.x() - b_t.x()) * tan_b + b_t.y() - a_t.y()) / (a_r.sin() - a_r.cos() * tan_b); if (Double.IsNaN(t)) { return(new Translation2d(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity)); } return(a_t.translateBy(a_r.toTranslation().scale(t))); }
public Rotation2d(Rotation2d other) { cos_angle_ = other.cos_angle_; sin_angle_ = other.sin_angle_; theta_degrees = Math.Atan2(sin_angle_, cos_angle_) * (180 / Math.PI); }
public double distance(Rotation2d other) { return(inverse().rotateBy(other).getRadians()); }
public bool isParallel(Rotation2d other) { return(epsilonEquals(Translation2d.cross(toTranslation(), other.toTranslation()), 0.0)); }
/** * We can rotate this Rotation2d by adding together the effects of it and * another rotation. * * @param other The other rotation. See: * * @return This rotation rotated by other. */ public Rotation2d rotateBy(Rotation2d other) { return(new Rotation2d(cos_angle_ * other.cos_angle_ - sin_angle_ * other.sin_angle_, cos_angle_ * other.sin_angle_ + sin_angle_ * other.cos_angle_, true)); }
public static Pose2d fromRotation(Rotation2d rotation) { return(new Pose2d(new Translation2d(), rotation)); }
public Pose2d(Pose2d other) { translation_ = new Translation2d(other.translation_); rotation_ = new Rotation2d(other.rotation_); }
public Pose2d(Translation2d translation, Rotation2d rotation) { translation_ = translation; rotation_ = rotation; }
public Pose2d(double x, double y, Rotation2d rotation) { translation_ = new Translation2d(x, y); rotation_ = rotation; }
public Pose2d() { translation_ = new Translation2d(); rotation_ = new Rotation2d(); }
/** * The inverse of this transform "undoes" the effect of translating by this * transform. * * @return The opposite of this transform. */ public Pose2d inverse() { Rotation2d rotation_inverted = rotation_.inverse(); return(new Pose2d(translation_.inverse().rotateBy(rotation_inverted), rotation_inverted)); }
public static Translation2d fromPolar(Rotation2d direction, double magnitude) { return(new Translation2d(direction.cos() * magnitude, direction.sin() * magnitude)); }
/** * We can also rotate Translation2d's. See: * * * @param rotation The rotation to apply. * @return This translation rotated by rotation. */ public Translation2d rotateBy(Rotation2d rotation) { return(new Translation2d(x_ * rotation.cos() - y_ * rotation.sin(), x_ * rotation.sin() + y_ * rotation.cos())); }