public void Plane_ContainsPoint()
            Plane testPlane = new Plane(Point.MakePointWithInches(0,1,0), Point.MakePointWithInches(2,1,-3), Point.MakePointWithInches(-4,1,-1));
            Point testPoint1 = Point.MakePointWithInches(0, 1, 5);
            Point testPoint2 = Point.MakePointWithInches(2, 2, 2);

            bool result1 = testPlane.Contains(testPoint1);
            bool result2 = testPlane.Contains(testPoint2);

        public void Plane_ContainsLine()
            Plane testPlane = new Plane(Point.Origin, Point.MakePointWithInches(1, 3, 0), Point.MakePointWithInches(4, -2, 0));
            Line testLine = new Line(Point.MakePointWithInches(2, 0, 0), Point.MakePointWithInches(0, -1, 0));
            Line testFalseLine = new Line(Point.MakePointWithInches(1, 2, -2), Point.MakePointWithInches(2, 4, 3));

            bool result = testPlane.Contains(testLine);
            bool result2 = testPlane.Contains(testFalseLine);

        public void Plane_ContainsLineOnOrigin()
            Plane testPlane = new Plane(Point.Origin, Point.MakePointWithInches(1, 3, 0), Point.MakePointWithInches(-3, -1, 0));
            Line testLine = new Line(Point.Origin, Point.MakePointWithInches(1, 1, 0));

            bool result = testPlane.Contains(testLine);

        public void Plane_ContainsPolygon()
            Plane testPlane = new Plane(Point.MakePointWithInches(1, 0, 0), Point.MakePointWithInches(1, -3, 4), Point.MakePointWithInches(1, 2, 2));
            Polygon testRegion = new Polygon(new List<Point>

            bool result = testPlane.Contains(testRegion);

        /// <summary>
        /// determines if the points in the list, all lie on the same side of the dividing plane.
        /// Points on the plane are disregarded
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plane"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool AllPointsAreOnTheSameSideOf(this List<Point> pointList, Plane plane)
            int index = 0;
            //find a reference point
            for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++)
			    if (!plane.Contains(pointList[i]))
                    index = i;
            Point referencePoint = pointList[index];   
            //Now check the remaining points
            for (int i = index + 1; i < pointList.Count; i++)
                if (!plane.Contains(pointList[i]) && !plane.PointIsOnSameSideAs(pointList[i], referencePoint))
                    return false;
            return true;
        public void Plane_IntersectionWithPlane_IdenticalPlane()
            Plane testPlane = new Plane(new Direction(2, -1, 1), Point.MakePointWithInches(2, 1, 2));

            Line found = (testPlane.IntersectWithPlane(testPlane));
            Line expected = new Line(new Direction(-1, 0, 2), Point.MakePointWithInches(2, 1, 2));

            (found == expected).Should().BeTrue();
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all the polygons in this list that touch the plane passed in. If the includeContained flag is false, it will not return any 
        /// polygons contained by the the plane
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygonList">The list of polygons to to see if they touch the planes</param>
        /// <param name="toSeeIfTouches">The plane to see if the polygons touch</param>
        /// <param name="includeContained">If true it will include any polygons in the list that are contained in the plane, false it will not</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the polygons that are touching this plane</returns>
        public static List<Polygon> FindPolygonsTouchingPlane(this List<Polygon> polygonList, Plane toSeeIfTouches, bool includeContained = false)
            List<Polygon> touchingPolygons = new List<Polygon>();
            foreach (Polygon polygon in polygonList)
                //see if they intersect
                if (toSeeIfTouches.Intersects(polygon))
                //they will not intersect if the are coplanar so we check here if we want to include contained ones
                else if (includeContained && toSeeIfTouches.Contains(polygon))

            return touchingPolygons;